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Aha! Finished! My Take on the game...
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - General

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I'm too lazy to register, so guess I'll be Anonymous again. Anyway, I must say that the entire story, detailed and complex game world, in fact just about everything was utterly enchanting. I went through the game working on str/dex, bow/1h sword until they were maxxed, then went into 2h/xbow until I'd mastered them. From mana potions I ended up with more than enough mana to do the transporting I needed, and even cast a few scrolls for fun! Archery for the naked novice is the way to go in the beginning, I learned. I perched in trees, killed things I had no business being able to kill, and flat had a ball (even if I *did* have to play a guy... again... and I'm a female!).

The nuances of the game were a joy. I loved how "friends" showed up when you really needed them. I loved how maps became available when you really needed them, too. I loved the challenge of sneaking into unguarded chests because I didn't have enough ore to buy arrows. I loved exploring, exploring, exploring... and boy-howdy did the designers give us plenty to explore!

The bad stuff? Well... bugs. If not for cheat codes I wouldn't have been able to finish the game. There was at least one absolute game-stopper early in the game (y'all know where I mean; a certain mine with a jammed winch). I suspect there was a second area as well, but I just walked through the danged gate with the precious K key instead of spending an hour trying to unjam things. Also, game instability was annoying. My game crashed about twice an hour, and less frequently I was treated to major Assention errors and the like. Really, really buggy. And a shame, because it's one of the most joyful, innovative games I've seen yet... and trust me, I've seen a lot of games!

In a nutshell, terrific work. I pray for a sequel, and I pray that when it arrives someone, anyone, will have debugged that sucker so that you don't need cheat codes just to get through it!

Congrats to all who developed and designed this wonderful game.

~Di, Ms. Anonymous

Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 12:42 am
Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

Joined: 23 Dec 2001
Posts: 252

I work in a very large office. It seems there are maybe 3 out of 500 that have a computer and play games(other than solitaire)
None are women. So I guess it is kinda rare to have a woman play this game.
There should have been a female character. There are very few females in the game and they won't even talk to you. To add insult to injury(to females ), all the female characters in this story were all mistresses.

But a female character would have made for a far more interesting story. I can just imagine walking by Muds hut and having him pinch me. Or all the sterotypical female cliches by the guards and whatnot. I can hear Diego say " Slide on over here b****. I'll take good care of you"
Or having to fight off thoses horny Guru's.
It would show us males out there what you go thru everyday. I can just see Kirgo saying, "you want to fight me? Come to my hut instead, etc.."
As for the crashes, I don't know what versions you all have, but I have never had a jammed winch. I have only had a few crashes but they were partially my fault.

The game was and still is great. I keep finding my self finishing the game one night and starting again the next.
Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 1:30 am
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There are more female gamers than you can imagine! Me, I'm a real fanatic, a veteran of all the Baldurs Gates, Icewind Dale, Torment games, Final Fantasy games, Anachronx, as well as FPS jewels like Deus Ex, No One Lives Forever, and duds like Arcanum. I've been gaming since the first Doom. I love it.

Frankly, Gothic wasn't a female-friendly game. It clearly wasn't meant to be. I've long ago learned not to be insulted by the degrading way females are portrayed in most games (or I'd never play any of them, I fear), but when I do find that jewel that treats females as real humans, I cherish it. If the Gothic lead character had been female, and if I'd had to put up with the kind of crud in the game that you describe (and that I've too often had to put up with in person), I suspect I wouldn't have finished it. Gothic was a great role-playing game; I played the role of our hero, and while playing it I became our hero just as y'all did.

Anyway, it was an innovative, creative, and thoroughly enjoyable romp! I'm going to play it again and spend much more leisure time hunting, exploring and seeing the wonderful world the designers created for us. I'm sure I must have missed something the first go 'round. So many scavengers, so little time...

Oh, and I was playing the English version 1.08j


Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 2:31 am
Capt Killer
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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well im only on chapter 5 and im getting very frustrated! not being able to get somewhere because of some switchs so my question is HOW DO U CHEAT IN THE GAME?? i couldnt find the file that needed to be edited
Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 2:40 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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i dont want to play a damn female character
that would suck so much...
even in nolf i had to pretend i was male because the thot of a female jumping out of an airplane and shooting guys on the down just didnt give me a since of joy and accomplishment. it made me feel gay
Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 4:08 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Hm, I'm, in fact, female, too. Been computer gaming since Wolfenstein3D - the first one - , RPGing (the pen and paper side of things) since '82. Ms Anonymous is correct, you got to get used to women being treated like that in games, but hey, so what. I play male or female characters if I have the choice just depending on how I feel that day . In RPGs my husband - for instance - prefers to play a certain sort of grrl - fresh and kind of nasty - while I usually play the silent, but quite good-natured male fighter or thief (depending on th kind of game).

As for Gothic with a female character, why not? Yeah, of course you had to put up with a lot of crap from the guys, and worse*. So one of the most interesting parts in the game might be to stay undetected, i.e. try to pass as a guy... might get really hairy at times... perhaps not impossible, though. In fact, I'm just in the process of writing up a Gothic story from exactly such a viewpoint (a female thrown in by adverse circumstances and now forced to try and pass for a guy if she wants to survive...).

*but I wondered about that 'worse' stuff in the game as it is as well. After all, it's an all-male prison, and things are supposed to happen if there's just one guy who's getting all the girls.


[ This Message was edited by: Jaz on 2002-01-23 00:14 ]
Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 6:12 am
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Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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A female hero in Gothic... Hmm...
I know! We can call her.... XENA!!

Ahh, Doom! and Wolfenstien. Those were the days. Doom! use to scare the living C*** outa me. I had my large stereo speakers hooked up to my computer.
Going into a nice quiet room, then suddenly every wall opens up and you are surronded by howling monsters! You cranked up that chainsaw and started cutting! At the time it seemed so far advanced than any other game.

Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 7:08 am
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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Not that I mind RP'ing a female in a SP game...but to be a female in Gothic would've been wrong...
I mean,you don't find many o them in a real male prison,why should one be sent in to this prison.(the mistresses are sent in due to the blackmail of the ore barons,so...)
In Fallout I've played female...but the women I RP could easily make a living on the streets of New Reno...you may call them "cheap"...better description would be "free" though.
Maybe Gothic 2 will allow a female PC since we're no longer in prison...(I doubt it'll have one though)
I at least hope there are some female peasants,store keepers and quest givers and so on in Gothic 2.
Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 8:08 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Well, getting thrown in as a female street kid who thieved some food or some such might work... those ragged urchins all look the same, anyway , and I doubt anybody might be tempted to look too closely under all the dirt...

...at least something quite similar happened to my story character .

My female RPG characters are complete psychos most of the time, though. Thinking of one character in Merc:2000 here... shudder...

My guy characters generally are much nicer !

Post Wed Jan 23, 2002 8:34 am
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