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Chromanin Found
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

Joined: 24 Dec 2002
Posts: 453

"Exactly! That's what I tried to explain many months ago."

Me too

I clearly dont understand why a Mod hasnt done a quick generalised Ip check and prove this guy is NOT a Dev, maybe I should put in a formal request.

There is absouluty no precedent for this whole theory of hidden old man that clearly does not exist in the gamecode.
Did you notice that none one can state(at least I dont recall seeing it in a post) what this old man was wearing, even find that, much less actual the old man himself, the cave or even the freaking dialogue/text he suposedly speaks, OMG

Models do NOT spontanously write themselves into code from thin air.
All texture, model and dll's can be seen in any version/patch of Gothic, to the best of my knowledge, it is NOT humanly possible.

Well in saddness I must give wolverine_men his perverse credit for a hoax that has lasted longer than any I have ever seen on the Net.
Previously was the fake Death of a Rune forum member (after membership of 2 or 3 years) HumanHead's forums, for Rune.
Thou after the Mods on HumanHead ran IP checks were able to figure out it was the same person whom had perptrated the previous longest hoax on Draken forums about 2 years before, which I cant remember if it was a fake death or not.
This takes the prize thou, I just hope this doesnt cast dispersions on the rest of us Gothic fans and game, going off like this without a single piece of hard evidence.
Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:33 am
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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As this is the fullest and most comprehensive thread on this unsolved chromanin topic, in my opinion it is only fair to complete the last few details of which i can barely remember. I'm doing this for the sake of preservation of this thread because at some time in the future if and when this quest is solved, when all true fans of the gothic game become aware that they can enact the quest, they may turn back to read with amazement of the details that are given in this thread by wolverine_men, and myself be it however faded over the years, they will see that they are near as possible correct.
This next screenshot is a outline of the location/happening at the chest on the plinth/stage of the old monastery on the cliff by the sea. It is drawn from memory, there were pillars and a decorative type of lintel, there was a great magical altercation at the chest area, and in the chest - are the spell scrolls. Obviously the ability to transform into a demon will then secure some distinctly different situations towards the final ending of the game, please excuse any inaccuracies.


I sincerely hope for the sake of preserving the good name of gothic, that this thread will be saved in the annals of rpgdot history, of how a few strong and steadfast gothic zealots could not be dissuaded by the hoardes of " hoax" bandwaggoneers, and that the chromanin riddle was proved to be correct and actual.
In my heart, i will always forgive any of the disbelievers - for they knew not of the truth.
Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:02 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 22 Jun 2004
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Another one of my somewhat brilliant ideas - Try reinstalling Gothic. Before playing the game, look at the the Gothic directory and note how large it is. After starting up the game, run to the Old Camp and exit. Disregard the size of the saved files, but look at the size of the directory. Its possible they added or removed triggers. As if you run your first game and do one of the Chromanin "sins", it deletes the trigger for the true Chromanin.

Try doing the same with the CD.
"... as soon as this buzz wears off, I'm going to give them a talk about responsibility! ..."
Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:59 pm
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Village Leader
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1)Thanks for the picture. Interesting, but I don't understand when you saw that and I'd also like to know how can you jump to that place, because I arrived there with acrobatics but it is possible to select the gray pillar. How does it work?
2) At the beginning of this thread you wrote that (perhaps) you had not read all the books when you found the old man, but WM said that he had read all the books. It is important because to me it seems strange that you see that both if you have read all the books and not. But I remember somebody saying that from the 4th book the player begins to think that he is being fooled by the stranger. Perhaps you mustn't read the books 4 and 5?
If it is true why did WM wrote 'After collecting all the books...' (I have written this by memory but I think it is written in the first post of the thread) ?

@Stryks: A good idea! May be worth a try.
But remember that if you want to store some data you don't necessarily have to write additional data. You can modify some data which already exists, so the size doesn't change.

@Everybody: Is there someone here that knows a bit of psicology?
I have thought about trying to interpret what is written on the left side of the Chromanin books. They may contain something appearently hidden.

However, still searching and playing around with the German patch 1.08h
Gothic, Simply the best RPG ever created!
Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:09 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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@ 999999999
the gray pillar doesnt help .. if you manage to push it over if falls the wrong way ...
but i think it might be a mistake that they didnt fix ..
so maybe knocking it over ativates something somewhere somehow ?
just an idea ..
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtsy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny imprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. the rset can be a
total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:16 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Answers to Gothic Puzzles, Riddles, and Tricky Bits


i dont know if anybody seen this but take as it is
Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:39 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

Joined: 06 Mar 2003
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i have to say that i dont think that this is worth anything .. might aswell be writen by someone who was playing gothic for the first time ..
sorry just my view
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtsy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny imprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. the rset can be a
total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:47 pm
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

Joined: 24 Dec 2002
Posts: 453

"@Everybody: Is there someone here that knows a bit of psicology?
I have thought about trying to interpret what is written on the left side of the Chromanin books. They may contain something appearently hidden. "

It is far more useful in RL to look at the Psychology and Reasoning (or lack of) in this thread.
The justifications and reasonings used in this thread considered delusional. (http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=delusional).
The reasoning being used is amazing really, it is as if any imagined thought/action/memory can be justified as reality.
SO using the reasoning in this thread I could threoically show/disprove anything never existed or that anything imagined is reality.

I can give you an example, I just finished NotR with the English Mod (WOW is all I can say to the creators, just fantastic job), where I hear German language and see English text.
Now I am playing 5 or 6 hours (or whatever) then go to bed and as I wake, I recall dreaming that I was speaking fluent German.
In my dream, my mind recalls bits of Phonics/Syllables/Phrases, yet it seems completly real I was speaking/understanding fluently.

This is obviously not real as I could not possibly speak/understand fluently since even in the game I could not have been expsoed to the complete German language to be fluent, yet it seemed real.
Now once I believe its real, it becomes delusional and ESPECIALLY if I try to convience others of this as wolverine_men has.
Now since he can not provided a single piece of creditable evidence (ie verifable) and since he is manipulating by offering prizes it becomes malicious ( implies a deep-seated often unexplainable desire to see another suffer/ to be in control of others, ie empowerment over others, based on insecurities casuing a need to feel supeior) intent, since he doesnt provide any possible resolution.
Nothing in human (or Alien ) history of programming suggest that these can be created out of nothing, since they are NOT on any of the cds available for verifacation.

Anyway the only way it could work if PB imbeded some type of Virus/Trojan causing at some point, the game connect to the internet download a Virus/Trojan imbed and create the scripts, voices (if I recall, its presented as the Old man speaks UK/English), textures and any items associated (book, scroll or reward, whatever).

There are many other Psychological terms that could be applied here those are just a few.
Post Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:56 am
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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It is so easy when dealing with the unknown to get side-tracked from the original course. Forget psychology - lets be realistic.
This thread could go on forever, raising hypothetical questions with unknown answers, - - - so, to stay on track, it is time to find the way ahead instead of going over previous ideas - i have tried almost everything in the game, as well as with the hints and tips from you forum members, but to no avail.
Applying critical simplified logic (the most real) several things have emerged into a clearer light than at any time before, wolverine_men, because he has no further assistance to offer - has in fact already given us the answer. Even though there are some uncertain areas, the true path sticks out like a 'sore thumb' and because of this and to prove my words, *I am willing to go slowly through my current game with any other gothic player who wishes to get to the old man*
Follow me if you want to, i will wait up to a week from now, or thereabout, before continuing, let me know if you are behind, when i find him then so will you, this will ensure beyond doubt that the 'proof of the pudding is in the eating' - i will not tell you how to play the game - but just where i am up to in the game to enable the quest - be it yet unknown.
I have started a fresh game and at level 10, i have passed the test of faith, Thorus will let me see Gomez, i am at the the ore-barons house ready to go in. here is a screenshot with stats. I am playing a simple game, an underdog and not overpowered.


If any player "worth his salt" wants to tag along we me in their own game, to prove that the true chromanin does exist, then let him "do so now or forever hold his peace" . If there is no response, i will continue alone, as always.

From now on words of disbelief such as hoax, untrue, dreaming, fantasy, unreal, being played, or such similar, are of no consequence, either follow or watch.
Post Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:34 am
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Village Leader
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@Wulf: I am not sure if I have completely understood what you are meaning but I'm interested. Can you please specify better what are you planning to do?
Gothic, Simply the best RPG ever created!
Post Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:09 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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Sorry for not answering any previous questions,
It isn't through ignorance, i just don't want to get bogged down in the superficial or long winded answers or being side-tracked (which some clever people are capable of) because to the disbelievers - it looks as if we are going round in ever decreasing circles and finally disappearing up our own port-holes!

My idea is this, that i will play the current game as per the screenshot and briefly report at various stages of the path i am taking and the reasons why, enabling all of wolverine_mens suggestions, a kind of "live" playthrough this is so we can always look back and see where it went wrong or hopefully where we get to see the old man and the quest. Of course any important points can be raised at any particular point along the way. Although i will be playing my own game, others can follow in their own game if they wish or divert onto another path of the storyline, other persons may wish to but-in or comment as normal - we need not play at a fast speed.
This way problems or differences can be solved on an "as we go" basis. Get to a level 10 game and we will begin in about 1 week from now - say saturday 12-march or whenever? - The more that join in - the better the chance of someone triggering the quest. This also means that even a newbie following this "live" run-through will have an equal chance as a hardened gothic player.

To get to level 10, do not kill any npc's, do not read the magicians letter, do not enter the fire mages house, give Ian's list straight back to Diego, don't join any other camp, do not kill Mordrag, make a permanent save game after Thorus gives permission to see Gomez. We will then be joining the shadows (you need not be too critical of level 10) Choose your own attributes, ask for help if you are unsure.

Finally this will not be the normal game that each of us play but a specially diversed game to enable this quest, it will not be hard, in fact it will be quite easy.
Post Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:46 pm
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I think this thread should be renamed from "Chromanin Found" to "The Thread That Wouldn't Die."
Good luck to you Wulf, at any rate, and I hope somebody figures out this whole thing pretty soon! Unfortunately someone "borrowed" my copy of Gothic some time ago and I haven't seen it since; otherwise I'd love to go try and find the old man alive.
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." Isaiah 9:2
Post Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:07 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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We should definitely try to get the title changed… or maybe to “Chromanin Found – how to flush your life away”.

I heard there could be a quest in Gothic III called “Chromanout”. If you run around the game and give everyone a hug you’ll meet a guy in the gutter outside the city. He’ll tell you what he plants all the swampweed. If you complete his quest you’ll get a major XP bonus, a Bob Marley CD, and some hemp armor.

Post Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:56 am
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Grand Mage
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Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:53 am
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Ruslan Ismailov
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Wulf, are you realy try to insist that starting Wolwerine_man message is True? Don't you see that it contained OBVIOUS lie about a hidden location, that's newer to be ingame. I understand, that you see some bug in chromarin quest, that look 's like a standing man, but why do you continue to insists about miracle?
Post Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:00 pm
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