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herb map, where :P?
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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herb map, where :P?

sorry for "spam" but cant find the herb map (english/deutch, doesnt matter)
Im Danish
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:02 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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look here


kräuterkarte von Khorinis = herb map from Khorinis
kräuterkarte vom minental = her map from valley of mines

i think you will recognice the herbs i dont know the expression in the english version[/url]
(if my english is bad sorry im german)

"In darkness we are born, in darkness we will die."

"Piranhas are watching you. Piranhas are crunching your boots. Well, swim home to mommy!"
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 5:54 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

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there are more people who can speak in english than fucking german
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 12:05 am
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Captain of the Guard
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Originally posted by mythicdude
there are more people who can speak in english than fucking german

Yep, but this game was made by people that, as you put it, speak fucking German and not some other Indo-Germanic language (to which, incidentially English also belongs to). Maybe you should learn German, then you would be able to read the maps and get games by PB as soon as they appear here in Germany (no more waiting for that English translation). It would also increase the number of persons speaking this fucking language.

And one more thing there are even more people out there speaking Chinese instead of some obscure tounge that originated from Europe.

I would ask of you to think before you speak and not vice versa.
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:05 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Please wait sometimes!

I will complete the mission of the translation!

I'm from china!
I'm a University student!
Gothic make me infatuating!!
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:25 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Originally posted by mythicdude
there are more people who can speak in english than fucking german

I'd like to apologize on behalf of the monoglots
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:43 am
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Captain of the Guard
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@ mythicdude thanks a******

but he wrote he wants the map english or german if you cant read then learn it
(if my english is bad sorry im german)

"In darkness we are born, in darkness we will die."

"Piranhas are watching you. Piranhas are crunching your boots. Well, swim home to mommy!"
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 2:07 am
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Mostly Harmless
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Originally posted by mythicdude
there are more people who can speak in english than fucking german

First think then post.
You received your first warning.
Webmaster GothicDot
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 3:21 am
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City Guard
City Guard

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what warning??? fucking germans
english is the base! is an international language , but not german, this language is so fucked up! i bet that a few french know german, but a lot of french know english!!

by the way, germans are so fucked up that they are afraid not to pay 30$ on the game because they will be cauth and make jail. well, romanians , for 30$ can get 30 cd's with games not one game...

now, i don't care if u are not responding to my posts cause u, germans, lick your mother's vagina
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:41 pm
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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Originally posted by mythicdude
what warning??? fucking germans
english is the base! is an international language , but not german, this language is so fucked up! i bet that a few french know german, but a lot of french know english!!

by the way, germans are so fucked up that they are afraid not to pay 30$ on the game because they will be cauth and make jail. well, romanians , for 30$ can get 30 cd's with games not one game...

now, i don't care if u are not responding to my posts cause u, germans, lick your mother's vagina

Okay dude, English is not an international language and I think the french loathe english even more than most other folks on this planet. But if you want an international language you should rather look at Indian or Chinese (1 billion speaking Indian/1.5 speaking Chinese/about 500 at most which are able to speak English well enough), because chances are there are a few more people speaking those languages than those that speak english. In South America you will find a lot of people speaking Spanish or Portugese and not many people in South America do know or have the chance to learn English. Same with Africa, there are just not many that have the chance to learn that language or to speak it. India, China, Arabia, Russia, mostly the same in regards to English, most people there don't speak it/can learn it.

And if Germans do suck so much as you say, then why are you playing a game made by Germans. This game permeats with German ideology and thought, should this not be a factor for you to abhor it, to never even touch it. And if Germans are so stupid to pay for a game they do like and to keep through it the creator of that game in business then I think it is a stupidity I can live with and to buy a game is the honorable way to go about things. Actually most people who do copy software illegally here in Germany are not caught either, and if they are at most they will loose their PC and have to pay a fine, albeit a hefty one. Only those selling copies at large will be put into prison.

I just think you are a sad example of a human, one that could be used as a fine example of how not to conduct oneself. And for your information, that grey matter that is in your skull, it is used for thinking and not for brainfarting, that is if there is any grey matter in your skull at all.
Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

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shall i remind it to you that here, in my country, a man get, in medium, a salary of 50$ ?, the why should we pay 30$ on a game(or how much is it)?
i must remind to you that i don't really care that this game is made by germans, BUT as long as the game is not translated in an international language(suck as english, in EUROPE)(by the way, how comes that YOU do know this language?) that annoys me and some other , let's say 1 billion people?, is that enough? only in my country there are 22 billion human heads, and they sacrifice to buy their children a decant computer if they pass an exam, then why should not have something to play?? just 2 days ago i asked my parents to buy me a CD-WR so i can spread some games into the city, and also make some money, even if it's illegal, at least i can buy something to my computer, but gladly, in my case, that isn't necesary cause they can aford to buy me what i want (with a limit ,of course) but now i can play all new games, but why should i play them in german? in my town there is no way you can learn german
Post Thu Jul 10, 2003 11:43 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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Things are not as rosy in Germany as you would, apparently, like to make it out. Granted the payment is usually larger here than in Romania (that is where you come from what I have gathered form one of your previous posts?), but the prices here are for basic things like food and clothing, for rent and other things are also much higher, so can we say that we would need therefore a higher payment? As things are developing right now here in Germany, many families (parents) won't be able to buy many Computergames or even the Computer to play it on either. Sometimes people like me, who have to go to work every day, abhore some parts of the social system we have here, were some (many?) people who are umemployed sometimes lead a better life than those like me who have to work for their upkeep. Right now we are in what looks like a downward spiral, many benefits of the health system are cut, but you have to pay even more to keep it up. Prices are on the rise, whereas salaries stay almost the same.

On one thing I am with you, prices for certain things should be adjusted to fit the market of the country it is sold in, though this is most of the time not possible. Although, this might change over time, when I see how many things arrive here with the words 'Made in PRC' / 'Made in China' on them.....

Let me ask you one thing though, how would you like it to have the game in your mother tounge (Romanian), wouldn't that be great? Wouldn't that be more understandable? Or if you would make a game the size of a RPG, would you not first write it in your own language? I am sure you would, because it is just easier, you are used to talk in that language, to think in that language, to have a larger control over it. You would know wordplays (which are very often untranslateable), you would know things about that language that would make the game for other people speaking your language that much more enjoyable.

Now if I remember it rightly, we were arguing about a rather different corpus delicti, the maps which the person asked for to be in either English or German, since he was Danish and didn't mind the differences too much. Well, for one thing, those maps were made for the German version of the game, at a time were they hadn't even started the translation to English, by Germans, using German to make it understandable for the German crowd and posted on a German forum where most anybody speaks German because it is easier to use and understand. Now, I wonder if you would have posted maps in English (were some terms wouldn't have been know anyway, because they can be translated in different ways) if a game was made in Romanian and if you posted them on a Romania forum? Many games, nowadays are programmed in Eastern Europe, and many of them fail to use English right form the start, too, so I think you are not in a position to tell the Germans that they should develop their games in English right from the start. The Japanese are no different either, they first make their games in Japanese (and no, the Chinese will not be able to understand it, since there are a lot of differences between Chinese and Japanese) and if it is interesting to anybody outside Japan they will look for someone to translate it. This is just the way things go, if you do something you usually use what is most familiar to you, and if this is the language used, then you use the language the you've grown up with.

As for learning German, you do use the Internet right now, this would be a way to learn it, albeit a way that is not very easy to tread.

Ah, and why I am able to speak English that well? Hm, I did have to learn it in school, as many other Germans had to do so, too. But this is not the only reason why I am able to excert such a command over this language. In a time, when times were still good, I was able to stay in the USA for about 11 months for a student exchange. That is why I am able to speak English so well, most other Germans tend to forget the English learned in school, that is also why many here are happy that the companies translate games into German.

Oh well, you should try and start to think about the different perspectives that exist to any given matter, only then will you be able to see the whole (or most part of it) and only then should you think of formualting an opinion. Otherwise the dissent and unhappiness will grow, and anger will be on the rise, and that is something that we all would like to avoid, wouldn't we?
Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:40 am
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Late Night Spook
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Okay, mythicdude, second warning. If you don't understand the warning system , I'll explain it to you in short: you break the RPGDot forum rules (those you agreed to when you joined), you receive a warning.
The fifth warning will automatically ban you.
To be true, for your other offending post above
what warning??? fucking germans(...)mother's vagina

you might have been banned straight away, but you obviously don't understand the rules of polite conversation. So in the future, stick to the rules - or leave.
Besides, RPGDot doesn't allow promoting piracy - no matter under which circumstances. Talking about pirating games will get you banned as well.
Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 6:50 am
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Overgrown Cat
Overgrown Cat

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Heheh, now i start to understand why some people said they want to avoid the Gothic forums if necessary.

Originally posted by Der_Schnitter_t
..., English is not an international language ...international language you should rather look at Indian or Chinese...

Actually, English IS the International Language. It's International language because it's widely used in foreign countries when conducting business internationally, diplomatic relationship, in academical presentations or discussion, etc. Also, population in some countries can speak in English from fairly well to extremely well, such as Singapore because of the superiority in education system - although English isn't their national language or native language. Some countries that have been colonized by British also have population that speak English fairly well.

It's true that Chinese language (Mandarin) is biggest language on earth, simply because China has biggest population in the world. But the Chinese Language is NOT International Language, becuase not much people using it for international affairs. Also, many Chinese speak in different Chinese dialects. Southeastern Chinese for example can completely ignorance to dialects from Northern China. That's what happen when a country became so big. Unless of course the government keep spreading the standardized/official Chinese language (Mandarin), but China is not known for speriority in education system.
Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 10:48 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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[quote="mythicdude"]what warning??? fucking germans
english is the base! is an international language , but not german, this language is so fucked up! i bet that a few french know german, but a lot of french know english!!

by the way, germans are so fucked up that they are afraid not to pay 30$ on the game because they will be cauth and make jail. well, romanians , for 30$ can get 30 cd's with games not one game...

if you dont mind, may i ask you a question?
Which fucking country are you from?
Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:52 pm
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