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Console or PC?
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RPGDot Forums > CRPGs General

Which do you prefer for gaming?
 76%  [ 16 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
Play both equally
 23%  [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 21

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Sly Boots
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Console or PC?

Okay, so it's a question as old and cliched as the hills, but it seems like it's been a little while since there was a decent little poll and some opinions on it. I'm not looking for definitive answers (ain't gonna happen, and that's only flame bait!) but just curious what you all think.

Personally, I have to go with PC. I recently tried to make the transition to Playstation 2, mostly because it's a lot cheaper than maintaining a decent PC gaming system - but I just couldn't get into it. With the exception of Zelda and Grandia II (which I happened to play on PC), I guess I just prefer Western, computer RPGs. Every Japanese RPG I've tried since Grandia II has felt like the exact same experience. PC games, RPG and otherwise, feel more diverse and immersive.

That's just me. What about you?
"We'll go back in time to that mystic land
Where the dew drops cry and the cats meow
I will take you there"
- Spinal Tap's Stonehenge
Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:11 am
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Unknown Destiny
Unknown Destiny

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PC, just a very better performance, can be used for a lot of things and has the best games. And really, I have my PC for 2 years now and only needed to upgrade RAM to 512MB. Of course consoles has some nice 'catch' games.. Few jewels on the rough road.. And I think that depends on the person, if he's ready to pay xxx of money to get to play a couple of nice games.

Edit: And I doubt any people would see a console better than a PC.
Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:04 pm
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Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

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... and I'm sure that we'll get replies representative of the real world here
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Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:25 pm
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Sly Boots
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by X-dANGEr
And I doubt any people would see a console better than a PC.

At the same time, I can see why someone WOULD prefer a console. I mean, consoles are so easy to use and stable, their games are generally more mainstream, and you can rent the games from a local video store .... It's really a different experience, in a way.

Another interesting thing I've noticed is the age of console vs PC gamers: generally, PC gamers seem to be older, usually adults. There seems to be a greater proportion of children and teens playing consoles. This is just a general trend, and there are many exceptions in both camps. And I have NO statistical evidence to back this up, but merely an observation through friends, family, and work (at a video store that rents out video games).

BTW, good blog, txa. I like your writing and topics of choice.
"We'll go back in time to that mystic land
Where the dew drops cry and the cats meow
I will take you there"
- Spinal Tap's Stonehenge
Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:29 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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For me, it's pretty simple. I mainly play western-RPG (surprise!), with a sprinking of the better shooters and the occasional fantasy TB-strategy. I don't like the style or gameplay of J-RPGs.

So, I would happily buy a console as soon as any one of them produces some games of interest to me. I'm not going to hold my breath.
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Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:17 pm
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High Emperor
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I play all kinds of games and I'm not really bothered what platform they appear on - it's great having diverse tastes, but the downside is there'll always, eventually, be a game I want that is exclusive to one console or requires a beefy PC. And you know what that means: £££££££!!!!!!!

I agree with most folks that the RPG scenes of the console and PC worlds are too very different things. And while I generally prefer the western style associated with the PC, I have found both console and PC RPGs to be largely derivative and uninteresting for quite some time now.

The vast majority of console JRPGs do nothing for me (I've played ChronoTrigger and FFVII, and they were great, but the endless regurgitation of the same conventions is cynical and tiresome) - however, the Zelda games are always fantastic (Ocarina Of Time being one of the most impeccably-designed games ever made, of any genre or platform). Also, I find I get RPG-like feelings from games that aren't RPGs in the traditional sense (certainly not the Japanese tradition) - Shenmue 1 & 2 were unforgettable experiences, among the best and most memorable in all my gaming years, and satisfied me in the manner I would expect from a good western-style free-roaming RPG.

On PC, I find the vast majority of RPGs to be just as formulaic and bogged-down by blind convention as JRPGs. I am sick to death of seeing the same Tolkeinesque fantasy with the same save-the-world-from-Ultimate-Evil story and the same uninvolving hidden-dice-roll mechanics again and again. And let's face it folks, that's what we get nearly every time. I know some of you are happy with that, but I'm not, so I'm always glad to see something a bit different. Arx Fatalis and Gothic brought some welcome diversions recently, and I'm looking forward to Dark Messiah and the (hopefully) improved gameplay of the next Elder Scrolls game to do the same. Again, games that aren't necessarily considered RPGs often sate my role-player cravings most effectively: Deus Ex, System Shock, even Thief (it may not be a role-playing game, but no role-playing game lets me role-play a thief better than Thief! See? ).

Aside from RPGs, I would consider my gaming landscape desolate and far from complete without fascinating and wonderful games like Ico, Magic Pengel, Katamari Damacy, Shadow Of The Colossus, and the director's cut first-person version of Fatal Frame II (I never thought an Xbox game would scare me even more than System Shock 2 - I was wrong - amazing game). They're every bit as essential to me as my most-loved PC games (Ultima Underworld, Planescape:Torment, etc.) so I'm afraid I have to be greedy and have ALL the platforms!!!
Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:49 am
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Mysterious Lady
Mysterious Lady

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A correct answer would be that both have their strenghts and their failures. While I have mostly considered myself a PC gamer type, being interested in good (western) CRPGs and the occasional strategy title, mainly fantasy and preferably turn-based by a well known series (you know what I mean) these day most games in both cathegories are either one of these : 1) crap 2)with way too high sys requirements for me to play. Most often they are both with the occasional exception of a good indie RPG or it being too buggy to play in addition to any of the previos 2.

While on the Console scene 1) I don't have to worry about sys requirements 2)developers for console try to get their games bug free since right now making patches for them is way too hard 3) they are something I haven't played yet so most of the stuff someone who's been playing them for years would find boring and crap would be like playing Baldur's Gate 2 again when I did't think it was crap 4) there is a whole lot greater variety of other games I might accidentaly be inclined to play given that a console has a way easier controls for them like action adventures for one thing, which may come out with a PC version but are 1) crap 2) buggy 3) for normal play with keyboard and/or mouse I would have to A) an octopus or B) have 8 hands anyway anyhow or something like that.

Example - I recently tried out a few GBA games on by pure chance and I found them among some of the best things I have ever played. In case someone is wondering, I am speaking about Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Fire Emblem/FE: The Sacred Stones. I know someone may say that they indeed are crap, and they may for a given fact really be crap, that GBA is a kiddy console, underpowered, etc. But it's a fact - they were something new to me, and therefore, I found them among the best things I have ever played.
Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:18 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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I'm with piln here (as so often )... I'm trying to get the best out of both worlds. For me, the platform doesn't matter - it's the game that counts, and luckily I like games from all genres and all types.
Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:55 am
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City Guard
City Guard

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Ultimately I prefer PC because of the game selectiion and the control, but I've been playing lots of traditional turn based RPGs on console for some time now.
The real secret of magick is that the world is made of words. And that if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish. -Terence Mckenna
Post Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:45 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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PC frankly I think mainstream games are well for kids, I like the more mature games, and those usually are only aviable on pc, furthermore a pc is usefull for more then gaming, so pc wins every time
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Post Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:09 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

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I agree with Piln and Jaz. For the record, I would describe myself as 75% console and 25% PC. Why do I prefer consoles? My wife and I are both working at home, so we tend to need the PCs for work. Also, I really enjoy the kinds of games I see on consoles. I guess the most important factor for me is ease of use. I detest tinkering with the settings on my PC or cracking it open to upgrade RAM, videocards, etc. I like plug and play. I like the PC because I can play certain types of games either not available on consoles or not suitable for console gamepads (RTS games, some turn-based strategy games, Western-style RPGs and certain FPS games

On the console side, I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus and can think of no other word to describe it as accurately as breath-taking. The controls and the camera are a tad flawed, but they do nothing to diminish the beauty of this game. Fatal Frame II is another good example offered up by Piln. It's the first game I've ever played that I could not play alone at night because it's so damned scary. I've also just put 50-plus hours into Zelda: The Minish cap on the GBA, and it's one of the best games I've played this year. It nails the fun-factor.

On the PC-side, I've been playing Ultima 9, because I finally got it to run on a PC I own. I've also been fostering a love-hate relationship with RHEM 2, a sort of puzzle/adventure game. And, I just picked up Gothic 2 Gold and Spellforce Platinum. Now all I need is 300 free hours to complete both.

I think the whole, "Which is better, PC or Console?" question is ridiculous. Neither is better. The right question, and I believe the one asked here is, "Which do you prefer?" Saying a console is inferior to a PC because a PC can do more says nothing about whether one is "better" than the other. They're two different things. A console purports only to be a living room-centric gaming device with some additional functionality for entertainment (music, movies, etc.). Console manufacturers may blather about how a new console will redefine the gaming world (remember the PS2's "Emotion Engine" marketing blitz?), but that's a load of marketing crap transparent to anyone with minimal brain functionality. A PC purports to be a multi-functional tool for use in gaming, business, finance, writing, and on and on. That doesn't make it "better" than a console. It makes it different. Is a car better than a bicycle? It depends on your needs and desires and preferences. I understand that a Mercedes Benz is a better car than a Hyundai, but that's a valid comparison because they're both cars. Consoles only play games (and maybe movies and music). PCs do much more, and are therefore very different than consoles.

Now I shall get down off my soapbox and be quiet.
Apologize, v.i. To lay the foundation for a future offense.
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Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:28 pm
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RPG Frog
Blade Runner
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I play 70% Consoles and 30% PC.

For PC I am interested in these upcoming games...

Dragon Age
Dark Messiah
Hellgate London

For Consoles...
Mass Effect Trilogy
Too Human Trilogy
Ninja Gaiden 2
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Kingdom Under Fire:Circle of Doom
Ninety Nine Nights
Armored Core 4
Enchant Arm

I've always thought consoles suck at RTS. But EA is attempting to port their newest Lord of the Rings RTS to 360. We shall see, we shall see!!!

Davo, Shadow of Collossus is a cool game. It has really grown on me. I rented it....and now I just want to play it some more. It's has a very unique focus and atmosphere.
Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities…there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars…Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand…to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet. - Robert E. Howard
Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:55 pm
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The Old One
The Old One

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We have pretty much PC audience here, so the temp vote results are not surprise.

I also prefer PC.
Post Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:02 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Although my first gaming platfom ever was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, I mainly grew up with consoles and for some time they were my prefered platform. I went from a trusty old NES to a Super NES and a Genesis (both complete with a Super Gameboy and 32x accessories, respectively). Eventually I wound up moving on to a Playstation, but at some point in time most of the games then just started boring me to tears, especially japanese console RPGs. At the same time we got a computer, and that was when my PC gaming kicked in. I sold the PSX and have been since then a PC gamer. Only recently did I return to consoles, trough a Gamecube, but I still play more on my PC than on consoles.

But PC games and their control method, plus console emulation, really turn the PC into my prefered gaming platform; although obviously each one has their flaws and merits (too many and too obvious to mention them), I just enjoy videogames regardless of platform and the PC allows me to play a whole lot of them. The reason consoles are still somewhat appealing for me, and something to invest, is due to the existence of console exclusives.
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Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:01 pm
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