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Asheron's Call 2: Love it or hate it?
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What do you think of Asheron's Call 2?
Best MMORPG there is!
 33%  [ 1 ]
A great experience so far, but still only second to (fill in blank).
 0%  [ 0 ]
Lotsa potential, but got to get past the bugs to see what it's really worth.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Liked it pretty well.
 33%  [ 1 ]
Er, uhm, it was ... okay.
 0%  [ 0 ]
graphix good, other stuff sux
 33%  [ 1 ]
It was all abhorrent!
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 3

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Asheron's Call 2: Love it or hate it?

For all of you who have been fortunate enough to partake in the new Asheron's Call II beta, what do you think of it so far? Please elaborate a bit too, if you have the time. What exactly makes the game what it is, whether it be great or not-so-great? A little bit beyond "graphix good, other stuff sux" would be nice.

Personally, I subscribed to Fileplanet in a desperate need to try the beta. (how weak of me to acquiesce). I've been looking forward to it for some time. Unfortunately, my experience has been extremely limited so far. All I got to was a couple lifestones into the training hall when the server was put down due to. Graphics were aweful perty though (even on the Low texture setting I had to put it at, or otherwise experience chugginess), and the character creation was lotsa fun. Certainly improved over AC1. Wasn't a big fan of using "A" and "D" keys to turn left and right (would rather use mouse), but will likely get used to it. The left and right turn seemed a little unresponse too, not very crisp. Your turns seemed slow, and you seemed to keep on turning a moment even when you let up on the key. But interface was great, and I was familiar with it in a jiffy. Much better done than in any other MMORPG so far, for sure.

Anyway, your turn.
Post Tue Sep 03, 2002 3:49 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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EDIT just freakin forget what i said yesterday, i was having a bad day again, just like today.

Last edited by Ammon777 on Wed Sep 04, 2002 2:10 am; edited 3 times in total
Post Tue Sep 03, 2002 4:21 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by Ammon777
SWGs: that game will own. Not merely because of its graphical quality (which is superb), but also due to its diversity, huge avatar customization, and the amount of roles you can take, among other things. It will be the first game in which you can be an actual farmer, miner, ect, the list goes on until the 25th profession. If AC2 had those new ideas, if they implemented something MORE than kill, cash-in, kill, level-up, kill, kill, kill; i would not be complaining.

You know, some people said pretty much the same things about AC2 before the BETA started.... Don't be too quick to praise a game before it's released, and don't be too eager to judge it either. Now as far as I know AC2 is still only in BETA 1. They just announced that BETA 2 will be delayed because there were a lot of things that were reported they need to work on. Isn't that a good sign? We can't just judge this game based on what short experience you or anyone else has with it. As it stands now, from what you guys are saying, I will wait on the game because it sounds a bit disapointing. But the wind could turn, they might change a lot of things before it's released. Same goes with SW:G.
You say, and I quote "They *could* have made the game really great." when speaking about Turbine and AC2. Well, the game isn't "made" yet, is it? I can't go out and buy it yet, so why judge it so fast?How can you say that the "best MMORPGs" to come out will be "Star Wars Galaxies, Dragon Empires, and EVE", have you played them? As far as I know Dragon Empires' BETA isn't even sheduled yet! I know, I'm on the newsletter and they postponed the BETA last month.

My point is, let's just not get into the hype and try to get an unbiased look at the game. Let's be constructive for those who want an idea of what to expect. I don'T want to know which game will be better, I want to know how AC2 stacks up on its own. I understand you didn't like it, that doesn't mean that the game is bad From what you say it won't appeal much to me either, at least not in the state it is in right now. But things might change. Don't bail on a game that isn't released yet.

EDIT: You know, I just went back and re-read the first part of your post again and realized something. You say you couldn't even get much farther in the game then halfway through the training Hall. That's what, a few minutes of play time? A couple of hours at best? It sounds to me like you base your judgement mostly on what other people are saying on the boards. That doesn't tell me very much
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Post Tue Sep 03, 2002 6:42 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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EDIT just forget it. like anyone cares about my opinions anyway. if you dont like to read other people's opinions of a beta than dont ask for it. are YOU in the beta? if so, then tell me i am wrong. have YOU read the AC2 beta boards? (its a private board by the way). if so, then tell me i am wrong. you are clueless. You dont know what you are talking about, and i did. but you tried to rip my simple opinion apart, and that makes you more wrong than i was. so i am taking my opinion of the beta off these boards, because it WAS NOT APPRECIATED.
Post Wed Sep 04, 2002 12:24 am
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Eagle's Shadow
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I'm sorry if I came off as being rude. I just want you to realize that you can't really say that SW:G is the best MMORPG because it's not out yet. And it's ok for you to say that you don't like AC2, that's fine. You just compared it to other games that aren't even out, or don't even have BETAs yet... Anyway, I hope you wouldn't just completely delet your previous posts as you did up there either. You still had some good points.

In answer to your question: No, I am not in the AC2 BETA. That's why I didn't say anything about AC2 either. I don't know about it, but to have a good idea of what it's like I would love to hear constructive comments... Things that you find relatively boring and stupid might appeal to me.

For the record, I don't consider myself "clueless". Thanks for pointing that out though Again, I'm sorry if my post insulted you.
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Post Wed Sep 04, 2002 3:44 pm
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One note from someone completely outside this beta:

Beta forums are not a good place to judge how much everyone likes a game. Usually the only people moved to post on them are angry about something. When you are really happy with a game, and having no problems, you don't usually need to check the boards and see if solutions are posted. What happens is you get a very vocal group (often a minority of the total game playing population) who gets the spotlight. This happened with games like EQ and UO as well. It seems like everyone is screaming out for something to get fixed or complaining when it is actually just a few loud people who are voicing their opinion. I am sure there are many people very happy with the beta, when they can log on. I work with one, as a matter of fact.

Anyway; just a suggestion from an experienced eye: don't use beta boards to get an opinion of the game. The best way is to play and see if you like it. (If you can log on)

Post Wed Sep 04, 2002 4:36 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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I apologize for exploding on you yesterday. I am having some mental problems with a brain disease, and i tend to overreact sometimes. Now that I have a fresh look at it, I can see that Ekim didnt really intend to offend me. It was just that I was *very* easy to be offended yesterday. I was having a bad day, but today is much better
Post Wed Sep 04, 2002 6:38 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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It's all right, it happens.

Also, please don't be offended by my "new" signature. I thought it was pretty funny
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Post Wed Sep 04, 2002 8:09 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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LOL that is funny! can i be in the clueless club too? since i am really clueless most of the time. For instance, the other day i made a deal with my parents that i would quit smoking if they let me get a room cat. I got the cat that day (he is a nice cat btw, his name is Nipper Snapper because he feigns to bite me all the time). The next day i completely forgot about it and went and bought more cigarettes. Good thing i was born blonde, or i would be "really really clueless." But i think it is fair to say that i am merely "really clueless," without the additional connotation derived from the extra "really," which always makes me mad when someone uses the "really really clueless" bit. I can accept "really clueless," but not "really really clueless." Now how clueless is that? HAHA! i am wierd. i think i am the only person in the world who thinks i am funny.
Post Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:51 am
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Ghost of Asheron
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Guys, this is interesting to read but stay in topic please
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Post Thu Sep 05, 2002 8:43 am
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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I have played 5+ hours of Asherons Call 2 now. I think the game is actually pretty cool, and I judged it far too harshly. The graphics are superb. Battles are quite fun, it has special moves you can do to inflict more damage, effect defense variables, ect. The character models are just awesome. The quests are good, though a tad too simple (but i am sure there will be better ones, i have only tried one of them). The graphics -- awe, the graphics! -- are just incredible. This is truelly a second-generation MMORPG, and its only in Beta2! There are a few gripes, however. The lag currently is horrendous, insomuch that today the game is NOT playable at all. But that will get better i am pretty sure. The gameplay itself is as addictive as the original AC1. The landscape is pretty big -- lots of areas. For me what makes or breaks a game is the combat; AC2 combat is OK. It could be lots better, but then it could have been lots worse. I plan on buying AC2 at retail. It will tide me over until SWG.

Post Sun Sep 08, 2002 1:42 am
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Rocket Scientist
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Well I've been in AC2 for a couple of months now and have made a few characters up to lev 20 and I can say this:
I dont think people from AC1 are going to like this game at all. The general feeling is that this is AC1 with a lobotamy. There is no learning curve whatsoever. No need to design a template, no need to worry about burden, NPCs, magic components, potions, heal kits, or weapon-damage types...nothing. You just log in and play. Period.
Many people complained that AC1 had a steep learning curve and an unforgiving character build system, making it almost necessary to have a before-hand knowledge of the game or be penalized with a 'gimped' character much later down the road of your characters life.
So to correct that, AC2 starts *everyone* out with the *same* exact stats so that all are on the same even plane from the beginning. Not very realistic. If you want to be an archer you'd want to add extra Dex to your start up template , or extra Str for a warrior, or Int for a mage...but then again, there are no stats (Str, Dex, Int, Con, Wis) in AC2.
There are no NPCs to interact with. You just 'smelt' your own excess items into gold.
There is no burden so you can run around with every single inventory slot filled and your run or swim wont be affected.
Many people call the sequel "AC for Dummies" while still others considered the watered down version of AC Turbines hunt for big money by making the game so simple to play that every/anyone could play it.

On the plus side, the graphics are amazing. But this is a classic example of a company trying to make up lack of worthwhile content by adding lots and lots of eye-candy.

AC2 is the ideal game for the "Casual Gamer' but for those looking for quality gameplay, quests and something with a little more meat to their online gaming...well, we still have SWG, WoW, ShadowBane and CoH to look forward too.

This is a deep disappointment to me cause I was a hardcore AC1 player
Post Tue Oct 01, 2002 8:17 pm
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