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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - Spoilers, Tips & Tricks

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Milan Kovacs
Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

Joined: 23 Aug 2005
Posts: 268

thx Riodian, your mod now works.
i do it slowly, to enjoy it. When i went to the castle gate to deliver the weeds for gomez i saw sth. on the stage... It was in extermo.
now they're playing day and night. I like them, but i have never seen them before... Thx your mod is now good, just Cor kalom don't teach me the alchemy.... (oh, and if i have 0 points, and i learn sth, it change and 'll be very-very much....)
Post Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:59 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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@Milan Kovacs > neither I could learn alchemy . Do not try to learn/increase any stats if you have no LP. It will make the Lp take astronomical values and will mess the game - you will not be able to learn some fighting skills. Someone posted before, I checked to see if it is true. IT IS . I was unable after that to learn higher magic circles (was at circle 2). Just reload an earlier save and remember not to do it again
@Nefarius > Dude, where are you ? Almost finished Ch. 3 (could not stay away form Gothic until you repliy on how exactly to learn alchemy)

Think something could be slightly wrong, due to the mod -
1. sneaking doesn`t work as it should be. Trust me, I know how to sneak and use sneak . . . but the NPC`s just wake up the minute I sneak in their houses/huts (no, there is no one around awake that saw me - even Cavalorn wakes up, and there is no one within 200 m )

2. Spells take twice as much mana then before and therefor have a slight delay in casting. That is not a problem when you try to use a low level rune like firebolt (firearrow?!!) that takes 1 mana. It will eat 2 mana/casting and you wil have a longer casting time (seems to charge for a while and then release - must keep buttons pressed for ~3 seconds, instead of near instant casting). But for the higher circles or scrolls, you have a BIG problem. So far I lost 3 times the only shrink scroll I found (to use on the troll near the focus) because the hero just seemed to charge it and it never casted. Found out I had to keep pressed for ~10 seconds before it casted (took some 15 mana, instead of 5 as the scroll specifies). If I depressed, the scroll still appeared in the inventory, but the hero acted as it was used up - just shruged his shoulders.
There is a HUGE problem with investment spells (the ones you have to charge) - it is very difficult to cast, because if you charge it for a while and then release the buttns, nothing happens (in some 80% of cases; in 20% he casts). The only way I found those spells to work 100% is to keep charging untill all mana is depleted (I have some 90+mana) . . .after all mana is depleted, there is a delay of some 3 seconds before he casts - but he casts. Thing is, as a mage you are the vulnerable as you must quickly replenish the mana spent.

3. Also, seems that the NPC scripts act up a bit - first time in a Gothic game I saw NPC just standing there, doing nothing (a la Morrowind). If you talk to them, the script seems to reinitialise and they run to perfom their action and only after that will the "dialogue" appear (diggers just standing - try to talk, start running toward an ore nugget, bash it 2 times, turn around and talk; rugues doing nothing - talk to them - they run a few paces and light a swampweed stalk, turn around etc; shadows - talk, runs to wash, etc). Think is related to the sneak thingie.

4. The NPC do not forget/exit aggresive state as they used to. Example - I kick Grim`s butt outside the Old Camp (quest with the "amulet" if you didn`t pay 10 ore to Bloodwin). In G1 no guard would have said anything, but with the mod the Gate Guards attack me on sight, kick my butt, leave me alone. I get up, enter Outer Ring and then Bloodwin and the other Shadows kick my butt. If after 2 beatings I approach the Inner Court Gate (where Thorus is) the 2 guard behind him attack me (they have crossbows and usually kill me - I cannot fight back, because if I strike them the whole Camp is attacking me).
Kinda the same thing with the New Camp - I did the Beat the Rice Lord quest, and every time I talk with a rogue /mercenary - they first all say (yes, all, including those guarding the Free Mine, who NEVER SAW IT . . . actually NO ONE BESIDES THE PEASANTS saw me beating Lefty, Rice Lord and those 2 thugs) "you should have never beat up my pal". They do not attack (in G1 they never attacked anyway) but this line gets annoying after 2 Chapters ( - Hi Wolf, wanna trade? - "You should have never . . ." . . . (Trade) ; Hi again Wolf, 2 days passed, long time no see, wanna trade ? "You should have never . . ." . . .(Trade) and so on.

5. No one takes your ore anymore, nor they kill you with a sword. Just beat you and go away. The crossbows/arrows will. Intentional change or bug ?

6. Check the triggers for "alchemy" - so far, none of the teachers offered me an option to learn this skill. I even used cheats to change my guild and tried with the other 2 teachers but to no result (as a novice/templar I could not make Cor Kalom teach me).

Due to the above things, some quest are really a pain in the behind. Killing Bullit is near suicide, as the whole Old Camp will attack you no matter where and at what time you fought with Bullit, no matter what Camp you belong to. They stayed aggresive for 2 days, after which I gave up and reloaded. Think I`ll do the quest in Ch. 4 when you will not be wellcome anyway (think is in Ch.4, I am not sure . . .maybe 5 ?!?). The quest with Grimm - same thing. Beat the Rice Lord; Empty Hut (kick Shrike out of the hut in New Camp) sometimes will trigger that annoying dialogue line; on 1 occasion, fighting with . . .what`s his name ? EDIT: KIRGO . . . the Old Camp fighter . . . in order to impress Scatty the ArenaMaster will trigger the wrath of the O.C. (I did fought inside the Arena, waited for him to say his "are you ready?" line and draw his shord, he even hit me firts before I could draw my sword).

THE MOD is overall still AWESOME . . .I love it and regret that I could not play as I used to (i.e. when I wanted and for as long as I wanted ).
Getting rid of the bugs and fixing the translation will make it a true gem, a must have for all G1 fans. I do not ave problems with the sometimes weird english dialogue (though I am not a native English speaker) because I always understand what you meant (so far ). May not be as easy for other who have lower english skills or might discourage those for whom english is their native language.
If you need help, I can help you with the translation . . .that is, I can correct the grammar and the words from the dialogues you put in. Problem is, I have no programming knowledge what so ever and I am not quite sure how I will be able to. If I had a document with all the text, I could do it and then you will make the necessary adjustments . . . Just a thought . . . As I said I love the mod and I am willing to help if I can.
. . . File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N) . . .
Post Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:02 am
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Milan Kovacs
Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

Joined: 23 Aug 2005
Posts: 268

Someone posted before, --> i think i did it, when i installed it. but it din't work too good.... wow Zekspir you're really careful. BTW, there is one more bug with the game, what u didn't tell. It is may only with my game, but i could challenge Gor Hanis second time. We go to the arena, but we didn't start the fight. First time he said start (he said I'm too weak for him, but i finished him easily, he couldn't make a cratch ) but second time nothing happened. U see there are some bugs with the game but otherwise it is still a good mod and it made me play gothic again.
Post Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:16 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Zekspir, I make Gothic: Prehistory and try to find a new hosting for our team`s site. So I haven`t got any time to correct errors now.
If you need help, I can help you with the translation

Maybe later.
Official RGMT spokesperson.
Post Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:26 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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@Nefarius >
Originally posted by Nefarius
Zekspir, I make Gothic: Prehistory and try to find a new hosting for our team`s site. So I haven`t got any time to correct errors now.
If you need help, I can help you with the translation

Maybe later.

Yep, i know you are busy . . .you said before that perhaps after you finish the current project might get back to iron the bugs. I wasn`t asking to do it now . Just point the bugs in order to make it easier for you and your team to correct them when you have the time. If you find my bug reports "annoying" or these were already submitted by the russian gamer who played Golden Mod before tell me so and I will stop posting about them.

Still need help with that alchemy thingie . . . awayting reply . . .

@Milan Kovaks > I think you are not supposed to be able to challange Gor Hanis 2 times . . . I did not try to figt him for Scatty quest (to impress him). I was at a low level fought Kirgo (defeated him) and Karim (got kicked big time ).
I did fought Gor Hanis, yet only once, as a part of Fletcher`s quest (if you keep talking to Fletcher after you give him the info about Nek, he tells you he owes Scatty money. Keep talking, give him 100 gold to bet on you. After you join a camp, go to Scatty, tell him you wanna fight in the Arena, challange Gor Hanis and bet 150 on yourself to win . I got some 1500 - bet - + my 100 back form Fletcher . . .and some nice XP). I seem to remember that in G1 - no mod - Gor Hanis would not fight me no matter what. I may be wrong, as I said I last played G some 2-3 years ago. BUT I AM pretty sure that you could only fight Kirgo and Karim. So , fighting with Hanis must be new, due to the mod in order to solve the new quest. BUG ? Yep . . . but this one is avoidable - as you can see, I avoided it "by accident" as I remembered I couldn` t fight him.
I know there are bugs . . .sure there are more . I save often and if it smells like a bug, acts like a bug and quacks erm, screwes the game like a bug . . .then it must be a bug. Just reload and avoid, whare possible. I was unable to learn alchemy and I really wanted to. But I sorta got over it and played forward. I think I will play it again as an Old Camp (want to raid the new Mine ) so perhaps I will get lucky next time . . . or not ?!?.
Anyway, these bugs do not change the fact that this is one awesome mod. I will try to post some tricks/new descoveries to help those who play it and to make those reading this to want to play it .
Most of them are obvious, but some I discovered only by chance. So . . .MILAN, post`em if you gott`em . me first . . .
- on the way to the Swamp Camp (from the Old Camp) you will find a strange plant/mushroom on a rock - forgot the name . . . damn my memory . .. "beach sand something -something ?" . . . anyway, it is one of a kind . . .at least it was so in G1. The plant/mushroom is located on the side of the rock that faces toward the Old Camp. The rock is a few meters lower form the place where the dirt path splits in 2 - 1 direction continues towards S.C. and the other goes to the left, towards the first focus you will retrieve in the game. Check your inventory, you might already have it . . .looks like 2-3 white beans and I think it replinishes some mana. Anyway, give this to Baal Netbek (the Guru of the Swamp ) for a permanent +1 Mana
. . . File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N) . . .
Post Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:18 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Anyone finished the quest involving Bullit ? Need some help/info if someone has it.
It is given to you by Quentin - kill Bullit and take some documents from him; Quentin will give you instead 50k ore and an Ore Baron Armour (or Royal Guard Armour ?). I killed Bullit, but didn`t find any kind of documents on his body . . looted all. Also, there is an unpickable chest near him yet so far I was unable to find the key. WHERE ARE THE DOCUMENTS ?
Quest can be taken in Ch.3 from Quentin, but MUST BE FINISHED in Ch. 3 also. I couldn`t find anything, I advanced in the story and when I returned to him in Ch. 4 he said he is no longer interested in the Ore Baron`s documents - quest failed. Perhaps the quest should be taken in Ch. 4 ?!? - dunno

@Milan Kovacs - were you able to learn alchemy ? Or not ? Got a q. though . . .and a hunch. Did you, by any chance, bought form any trader or found in the wild some new plants that were never before in G1, BEFORE Ch.2 ?
I think some triggers might not work as they should in the mod, cause if you, by accident or not, choose to use an option, the trigger that should pop for a quest/option will not when it will be supposed to. Confusing, huh ? Lemme explain - You said you challenged Gor Hanis twice. Were you able to challenge and fight him again to complete Fletcher`s quest ? I don`t think you could . . . or would . . .
I bought some strange plants from Fortuno in Ch. 1 since I knew one could learn alchemy and I was sure they would be used as ingredients (they were listed in Cor Kalom`s receipe - the one you steal for Dexter). Also, I asked Kalom in Ch. 1 about his experiments and from that moment on (untill he fled after the Orc Cemetary mission) his only answer was "My research takes place on a level . . .". Seems logic to me that this dialogue should open the one about learning alchemy from Kalom (only Nefarius knows for sure )

- tricks : not quite a trick but I lost some 30 minutes RL searching for a stupid item in order to finish a quest - Blade`s Axe . Searched high and low but i always overlooked it . So, to spare one from the same experience(errr, maybe they will get it form the first time and I was the only one . . .but anyway) remember - the axe is located on the dirt path from the lake where you started the game to the O.C. At some point, some 20m below the Abandoned Mine, the path will change direction to the left (start form the lake). You will see 2 trees with a skeleton hanging from the leftmost tree. At the left of that tree lies Blade`s Axe .
Oh and . . beware of the Abandoned mine . . .Tough place, even in Ch. 4. Had to postpone the quest untill I get some better armour.
. . . File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N) . . .
Post Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:28 am
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Milan Kovacs
Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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Posts: 268

hi again. it was some time ago, when i last played with this mod, but it is because a big problem... Or 2 problems... Well the first is: When the fire mages die, and i can tell the magicians, to ask for the gurus help. When i talk to Y'berrion he say he'll take every guru with him. Now that don't works correctly, because the screen stay in Y'berrion's focus /i'm not too good in english, i meant the sreen continue to follow Y'Berrion, and it never stop./
The second problem is: In the abandoned mine. I'm in chapter 4 /as u can guess/ and there is the quest to kill the daemon... I can't hurt it. I tried everything. I've taken posession of him, to see how many armor does it have, i tried to kill it with the uriziel /the recharged one/ i tried kill button.... But nothing worked...this creature seems to be immortal. Well these are my problems, but anyway it was a nice thing that u made a gothic mod, because it gave me some time to spend on it...and i like gothic more than everyone do!!!!!!
Post Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:21 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Milan Kovacs,
I'm in chapter 4 /as u can guess/ and there is the quest to kill the daemon... I can't hurt it. I tried everything. I've taken posession of him, to see how many armor does it have, i tried to kill it with the uriziel /the recharged one/ i tried kill button.... But nothing worked...this creature seems to be immortal.
Yes, he is immortal. You should talk to Saturas.

When the fire mages die, and i can tell the magicians, to ask for the gurus help. When i talk to Y'berrion he say he'll take every guru with him. Now that don't works correctly, because the screen stay in Y'berrion's focus /i'm not too good in english, i meant the sreen continue to follow Y'Berrion, and it never stop./

It has been already corrected.

PS. A problem with lp is corrected too in version 2.0.
Official RGMT spokesperson.
Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:44 pm
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Milan Kovacs
Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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Posts: 268

Thx for the info, i'll try it. BTW how can i get that 2.0 pacht to correct?
Post Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:31 pm
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Tempered Warlord
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Nefarius has updated the links for both the golden mod and the english translation on the first page of this topic.

I've downloaded and installed them, and they work very nicely. Thanks very much, Nefarius!

"OK, I've got the 'No Die' part."
Post Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:13 pm
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Milan Kovacs
Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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Posts: 268

OK I'll check it
Nefarius> Where did u get the stuff to make the mod? I would like to make one, but i just don't know where to get the stuff....
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:18 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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After reading this thread I decided to finally give golden mod a try, but I too have had many bugs.

First off, I don't get any text(russian or otherwise) with any of the added content. (i.e. Finding Kyle a new house....I only solved it by reading my journal. Kyle, Mud, and "me" stand there moving their mouths without sound or text)

Beating Shrike got most of the N.C pissed at me. Beating Grim got the O.C pissed at me. I would get attacked by various guards/rogues/mercenaries as I passed by them.....even days later. I finally got pissed, did some marvin editing , and killed almost everyone at the N.C, and the rest won't fock with me now.(diggers and weak characters just take off running)

I found an exploit with Darrion. I made a few swords after robbing his chest. When I spoke to him he offered "sell all swords"......you can continue to sell the swords until your fingers get tired. They never leave your inventory. BUT, this caused a problem that took a little thinking to get out of. Since his inventory now had several thousand crude swords, the game crawls with his inventory open. I had to possess him and put the crude swords into the chest I originally robbed. That left me with $$$$$$$$$$$$$ of ore, but the chest can't be opened unless you have 20 minutes to waste trying to close it....at least it got Darrions inventory back to normal.

Possessing someone is very very risky now. It will likely cause the game to freeze. I wanted to see the defensive stats of a Gurus robe so I possessed a Guru and opened inventory....game froze....rebooted and tried another Guru...game froze....rebooted and tried Thorus....game froze.....see a trend?

I'm still in chapter 1, ready to join a guild.......I hope it does'nt get worse
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Mon May 01, 2006 11:41 pm
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Tempered Warlord
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Are you using the 1.8k patch level of Gothic 1? I believe the Gothic starter and the Golden Mod need this level. Not that there is anything in that level for you (unless you have those particular video card probelms), but it may have something to do with getting the offsets correct into the data files when running. Just a thought.

"OK, I've got the 'No Die' part."
Post Tue May 02, 2006 6:09 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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yep I have 1.08k and the latest playerkit. I reinstalled the english mod, but still don't get any text while people speak new content.....which makes it rather hard to follow what is going on. I have to read the journal and try to figure out whats up, but often a convo happens and nothing goes into the journal.

I'm in chap 4 now as a Guru and have managed to talk to Quentins men and get them more of the loot, then cleaned out their warehouse cave I got Y'Berion's amulet back from the escaped novices and did all the things for his ritual, but don't know when or where it might occur.....or if it even does occur.....and got help for the water mages from the brotherhood. I've completed various quests in the new content but swome things ellude me so far.

Blade lost a weapon near the "new" mine, but I have'nt looked for it yet. The winch is still jammed also....dunno the trigger for that yet. I never got the chance to learn alchemy from Cadar, or anyone else. In my journal it says I need to talk to Thorus....about what I don't have a clue.....he was standing at the entrance to the free mine, but had no new dialog option. Gorn keeps beating him down now, so trying to talk to him again is not possible....at least right now. If he stands up Gorn attacks him. I wonder if that happens when I am away from them.......they'll be getting tired soon

I'm on the Ulu mulu quest now.....maybe I'll get more clues as I progress
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Wed May 03, 2006 1:57 am
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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Posts: 735

OK, I give.........where is Blade's axe? And what triggers the abandoned mine so I can enter and play? I'm still in chapter 4 and can't do anything else without a chapter change.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Fri May 05, 2006 7:11 pm
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