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Notable Morrowind Moments
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Critical Error
Critical Error

Joined: 06 Jul 2001
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Location: Austria
Notable Morrowind Moments

Let's try to share some notable moments in Morrowind (without spoiling, please) . Here's one I really enjoyed:

On my way from Peliagad to Balmura I discovered a cave I wanted to inspect. I entered and found a guy rushing at me. It was a hard fight, but I was able to kill him. I decided to journey deeper into the cave, and soon I spotted another guy from a distance. I slwly closed in, always ready to run away if he would chase me. But to my astonishement, he stood just there, looking at me as I came closer. So I tried to initiate a conversation, but all I got as a reply was: I would talk to you if I would like you better. So, seeing that this was useless and that he was well equipped and armored, I turned my back and walked away.
Being about 20 meters away from him, I heard a sound in my back I wasn't able to identify at first. It was something metallic, reminding me of... of... - as I realized that it was the sound of a weapon drawn, I quickly turned around, just to see the guy running the last meters owards me, preparing for a mighty blow. Apparenty, he had changed his mind and thought he disliked me enough to go after me and kill me. It took only three blows of his hammer to leave me dead, because I was so astonished and stunned that I was completely unable to react.

My latest savegame was two hours old, but I really didn't mind - this damned computer AI was able to scare the s**** out of me and I really enjoyed it
former Senior Editor RPGDot
now at http://www.theastronomers.com
Post Mon May 06, 2002 11:07 am
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Leader of the Senate
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Location: Morrowind


Clever..that hasn't happened to me yet, but sounds funny. I can't think of any of my experiences at the moment (probably because its 6am) but I will get back and post some later..
Post Mon May 06, 2002 11:26 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I had just gotten done thieving a ruin to the north of Caldera (including a green glass dagger worth 4000). I was wandering about looking for the thieves' cave (where is that anyway?), when I saw a shimmering off to the east, up high. I started climbing, and had my first view of the inner walls. At exactly this moment, a huge red sandstorm started, and I was attacked by those cliff birds, which I killed quickly. Following the walls around to the right, I discovered a back path into the valley leading to the Ghostgate, and came out in full view of the gate and the walls above it, with the knowledge that it held worse things inside.

Sturggling towards the gate in the howling dust storm, knowing that hard fights were ahead, just to get to the Shrine of Pride . . . one of my best fantasy experiences. And when I was done, and had battled south through the demon-infested valley towards the Moonmoth fort and greener landscape beyond, I felt . . . tougher, and readier for the next quest.

A great achievement in fantasy writing and creativity, this game.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 12:47 pm
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Flying guy

Hope this isn't too much a spoiler as you can't predict when it will happen. I was exploring not too far away from beggining city. I heard this scream and immediatley drew my weapon, but no one was there. So I looked around for a few moments and found this dead small white bearded guy on the ground. He had a book near him and I read it which stated he had created a flying type spell which enabled you to jump to another city. I mean literally jump not instant transport. So I grabbed the spell off him and you certainly did jump far but always died just like him. Not sure if the spell would ever work right but was a very fun experience.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 1:58 pm
Aven Dawnbringer


Favroite experiences are the ocean side sunrise and sunsets. These are great - especially at dawn. Makes me feel like I just got up and should get some breakfast.

Also, the first thunderstorm was fantastic. The rain, the thunder and lightning, and the ripples on the water from the drops. My first one was at night and I really started to feel cold and wet. With the subwoofer booming out the thunder I have never played a game that made me feel part of the scene like this.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:29 pm
Leader of the Senate
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Krogon: Try a slowfall spell together with the jump:D
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:29 pm
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Cool. Mephisto I am assuming you have gotten this jump spell too? Or are you just thinking the two spells might work well together?
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:33 pm
Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

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Location: Holland

Nope, havent got that spell. Havent got the game actually (*cough* ubisoft *cough*). But this are exactly the kind of things I excpect from the devs. Try some stuff, it wont be useless.

Think of it, maybe you can find a magic armor with the ''slowfall self' ability! It would make travelling quite a bit faster eh?
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:35 pm
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Okay, itīs full of cool moments, but I especially like this little one.

I was in Seyda Neen, stood looking up at the cloudy nightsky right in the middle of town for a moment or two. I looked down, and this guy just walked up to me and said "Think it will rain?". I almost said out loud to myself "nah, just looking".
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:38 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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No shirt, no shoes, no service!

Yeah, I found the flying guy too. I figured since he was already dead, I'd just have all his stuff. Then I noticed he had pretty nice boots so I figured I'd wear them & sell the rest. So I took my shoes off since I was going to sell them, grabbed all his stuff & ran to the shop. The shopkeep seemed a little more unhappy to see me than usual (my bar had dropped 5 points) but I figured nothing of it and sold my stuff. That's when I realized I had never put on my new boots. I had walked into his store with no shoes on and apparently he didn't like that!

Later I sold off a magic robe (resist frost) to a different shopkeep & when the transaction was done, she was wearing it! (It looked pretty cool on her, too...all shimmery & stuff )

And every now and then when someone talks to me they actually "say" my name. Obviously they don't say it, it just appears on screen, but it still suprises me every time because it doesn't happen all that often.

Oh yeah, and then there was the time someone beat me to death with their bare hands because I picked up their book...

And then I put my sword on the ground & noticed how shiny it was. I spent a couple of minutes just walking around looking at it because it was so "pretty" *ahem*, I mean "striking".
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:50 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I think my favorite moment was when I was entering Ald'ruhn for the first time. Not only is it a cool looking city, but as soon as I walked in, 3 guards drew their swords and started running towards me. I am like, "Oh crap...what did I do?" They then ran past me and started attacking one of those worm-grub things. For that moment that I thought they were coming after me, it scared the daylights out of me...cuz I realized I hadn't saved in a while. Another thing I like is that I have been playing almost non-stop since Friday and while plenty of people like me, I still haven't actually built up a national reputation yet. I like that. It looks like this game took in to account that when one town likes you, other towns could care less. Other games seem to have your reputation preceed you. I am assuming that this will eventually change as your character sheet has a reputation entry, so I figure once I get high enough in a guild, I will become more than "Just a legend around here..."

Check out http://www.midiboy.com for info about Midiboy Music
Post Mon May 06, 2002 3:27 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I have been in several places with the wrong skills and my sidekick Mr Bonehead is at time useless...here he is just either giving me a salute or the sand is blowing in his eyes...which he doesn`t have.
The fun begins in exploring the caves and crypts

Post Mon May 06, 2002 3:39 pm
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As I was walking between two towns I happened upon a person who asked me to look for something the person lost.

After searching for awhile where I was told to I had not found the item so suspecting this was trickier than I initially thought I consulted the strat guide.

Now I only bought the strat guide because I was hoping it would contain valuable stuff that typically gets left out of instruction books but this particular guide is primarily quest walkthroughs so I have been avoiding reading it. However, in this case it was a simple quest taking up way too much time and had absolutely no bearing on factions or the main quest so I thought I would look it up to make sure I was in the right spot.


Turns out this is an ambush and as soon as I find the item the person who gave me the quest, along with an invisible companion, would attack me, kill me and loot my remains.

I thought about the whole invisible thing, because I had no way to detect invisible, so I went back to where I was given the quest to look around. Sure enough there is a transparent person there who you can see quite plainly, if you happen to be looking for the person, and they even cast a regular shadow on the ground.

They aren't hiding in a nook or anything either, they are right there in the open.

I was so focused on a signpost, the visible person with the quest and the area I needed to find the item that I just never noticed the invisible person.

Basically, I (being "me" the guy at the keyboard no my witchhunter) failed my saving throw for detecting the invisible character.

This is a great game!!!
Post Mon May 06, 2002 4:00 pm
Critical Error
Critical Error

Joined: 06 Jul 2001
Posts: 16
Location: Austria

I think I will move this to spoilers
former Senior Editor RPGDot
now at http://www.theastronomers.com
Post Mon May 06, 2002 4:14 pm
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One other thing..

I was walking through some canyon, can't even remember what area it was, as this place is soooo HUGE. I was attemting to sneak through it as there were so many of those freak birds hovering over. I noticed that every time one would fly overhead or a rat would walk by my characters head would turn to look at the mob. I just that it was soo realistic to see my character react this way. Just another example of how immersive this game is.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 4:39 pm

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