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Gothic 2 (PC, Single-Player RPG)
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Gothic 2 Exp. and Gothic 3

You'll all love this post , Jowood anounced that the English version of Gothic 2 exp.: The night of the raven will be released Q4 2004 , also the release date of Gothic 3 is Q3/Q4 2005 , at least, for now . hopes this 'll keep you busy guy's , Laterzzzz.
Post Wed May 26, 2004 11:04 pm


umm yeah... i dont see how that comment could be interpreted as anything but a joke...it was so inanely rediculous...of course that could be my eternal optimism but hey it rose a chuckle in me:P

Post Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:41 am
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I would like to say this game succeeds where many fail.

Immersion is possible, due to the first person perspective... this is in contrast to Neverwinter Nights.

You get a feeling for the people in the world, because the scope was limited (but still vast, as far as I can tell)... this is in contrast to Morrowind.

I usually HATE games that don't let you choose your character looks and voice set, as well as race and things like that... I love before-game customization. However, this game just feels 'right.'

I give this game (I am only level 6) a 9.5 out of 10 so far...

Thanks to the developers.
Post Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:02 pm
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souls will cry
souls will cry

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gothic is the best RPG ever make (and many people agree with me too)
Post Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:03 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 21 Dec 2004
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Good, Good, Good, Gothic 2

After playing Morrorwind, which was so overhyped, let me say, Gothic 2 was the game i originally expected! Now Americans, this is german software!! And i knew that german software is not always what you can call amazing. But, in this case, it is the opposite case!! It seems that all kisses and cherios which Morrorwind has earned, were meant to be for Gothic 2. And here is why:
The FX is even superb, the music is even superb ( the difference is neglectable, but in Gothic 2 everything melts almost perfectly together without the exigent need for hardware), the gameplay is so good that you will catch fire if just playing it a little bit. Gothic 2 pulls you into its deep throat without you being aware of it. While Morrorwind had vast landscapes to travel, it was merely boring like hell instead of amazing like beside just looking at the fx. This is were most players fell for! All totally different in Gothic 2, the design lets you wander from dungeons to landscape to houses WITHOUT pausing or stoping and reloading like in Morrorwind, especially when entering a location. The resulting effect is truly amazing, you will fall into this world, if no one knocks at your door and asks were you have been for the last 12 hours! Addictive. Another reason is the fighting mode, in Morrorwind almost to dull, because ....just test it, and youll see ( I still shiver when I remember how i tried to hit a little worm with my sword in the egoperspective, the only perspective! Just absolutely dull, neither rpg nor action). In Gothic 2 youll fight while seing your character in front of you( but it is possible to go to egoperspective or to zoom in and far out from your character while in exterior view!), and you see e.g. how the sword moves through the air. You can balance your fight at least and try tactics on different enemies and block their hits. This is a big point for Gothic 2, fighting is not perfect, but much better than MW. The music score is even. But next point goes to Gothic 2 when it comes to story telling, in Morrorwind only the first sentences is talked, rest is written, in Gothic 2 everything is talked and written. The NPCs are NPCs, they walk around and do something, they have a life and react in a different way, in Morrorwind I have the impression that everything is poor scripted and NPCs behave dull as they would be in a sanatorium, it makes no sense how the walk around, its a random generator, thats all. MW was overloaded with items, which werent much influencing the gameplay at all, you had much possibilities and much options, but did it affect anything? Who knows... Gothic2 has still much items, but the influence to the surrounding world is noticeable, the rpg options you have are somehow small compared to MW, but they work! Youll notice them while playing, not only in numbers!! Allover Gothic 2 has the much far advanced gameplay, a truely KI for the NPCs, even a huge and fascinating world to explore, a very good implementation of this world in a solid and steady 3D engine, a very very good atmosphere through avoiding reloading while playing, good proportions and incredible world design, exploring, motivating fights with somehow good monsters and else, fun and ongoing gameplay. I could continue, but let me say, test both, and take your time, because both wont accept each other beside, because they dont share their worlds and youll need all your attention for getting into one of it.
At last, Gothic 2 was the expected smash hit with a dopamin burst right inside the brain. This game is as some of us had wished back in the 80´s. But as i started with Morrorwind first, I fell into a deep black hole, cause this is a totall worthless FX demo! I was so shocked and thought, how could this be. Are there only young kids today playing rpgs? Are the programmers such a bunch of rats trying to steal their money with such a nonsense? What has the world become? Is RPG dead? But all this nightmare and all dark clouds passed away as i played Gothic 2, officially not being as well as Morrorwind, i never thought it could bring back a smile on my face, and it brought back the glance in my eyes when im dreaming about the next rpgs coming up in the next 20 years....but for now I´ll stick with Gothic 2 and never look back!
Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:17 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Gothic 2 after a while....

Hello to all,

after playing Gothic2 now for a while, I have to admit that my first overwhelming opinion was wrong. For all those who like to settle up a competition between Gothic2 and MW, this is not my intention. I wanted to know if both fulfill what they promised. MW was clearly out of the way after 6 hours, Gothic2 wasnt that easy. Here is my explanation:
First, Gothic2 IS overwhelming as you travel down the road to the city, have your first fights, the first dungeons, okay, that was the intention of the programers as it seems. But as you travel further into the land of Gothic2, you realize some strange things....the horrible controls, all time you have to readjust the fx detail, because after saving, it is lowered automatically! The fights, although improved compared to MW, have a lack of "realness". You fight an worm the same way you fight a 3 men tall Troll. This is definitly not a good way of rpg fighting!! Then you realize, that some monsters just stand around, and do nothing, just for you to come by and fight them. This isnt either much of intelligence, let me say. And finally, after a while, tho there was sometimes a moment of light, you realize that all you have to do, i move from a to b, do x and y, and improved, get more money, get better equipment...and thats all. So, all the world design and the atmosphere is totally gone, the KI, as the first impression was, isnt that good, to be honest, i realized that the place you come first in the game are designed good, as you go further it isnt this anymore...e.g. why are two trolls standing in a very little valley, only big enough for them two, do nothing, and just ...just wait that you strong hero come by and attack them like everything you had to attack!!
So, this point, for a good rpg, does not go to germany. Another time the programmers have fooled us and made us realize that the idea for making a rpg is not really interest, its the need of money!
My score for Gothic2 is 4 out of 10. Good for kids, I mean young kids!
Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:29 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Gothic was the first RPG i played. I liked it. Theni played other RPGs and MMORPGs. hmmm.....GOTHIC RULES!!!! i was waiting for Gothic 2 to come out. And when it did i bought it immediatly and comleted it in 3.5 days. then i completed it again and again discovering all the futures of the world of Gothic
I played WoW...hmmm....GOTHIC RULES!!!!! even WoW cant change my mind about Gothic. I never played an RPG that gives me feeling that im in a real world, not in virtual one. Cant wait till Gothic 3 comes out. I will get for any money as soon as can.
Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:53 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Good RPG?

Hello RPG Lovers!

@grasfresser: I read your review about Gothic 2. After reading the first post i thought, yeah thats what i also think about Gothic 2 and also Morrowind and here is someone who writes it as it is.
Then the second and i had to think about it. I still think its just right what you write, but i havent come to the same solution. Because i think it is not that bad. Well i think the first one, Gothic was much better(story, athmosphere), but the second is not that bad. And the greatest problem of mine is, are there better rpgs out there? I havent played any better ones. I am searching for years. Always looking for something good, but most of the games have something interessting, but when you play it, it soon became booring and you regonize that the most of the game is devolped for younger people. In gothic i felt that it is much more a game for adults, but well, not in gothic 2.

I really would like to know if you know better rpg games. I do not. And after playing Gothic 1 everything got worse. This was a good one i think, a light in the dark. And today everything is dark, no rpg games makes fun. So i dont play them anymore, im just looking around for light.

PS: I hope anybody could understand my english, because i do not speak/write it good. Please, apologise my for that.

PSS: I read about the RPGDot feature, the look up to the futere rpg in 2005. Well i think there could be something good between the bad games. Maybe gothic 3, or dungeon lords? Well i hope something good will be released soon
Post Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:30 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I wasn't in rpg 2 years ago. I palyed Gothic a little. But when SW:Kotor got out
I started playing rpg-s a lot. Now I am playing Gothic 2!
Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:33 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I cant remember when, or how, Gothic 2 came into my hands but I am grateful it did.

It blew me away, compared to stuff I was playing at the time....
And I still haven't played 1, and I want to....but the Gothic series did not take off very well in South Africa so it is difficult to find
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Post Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:39 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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G2 Item List

Can anybody please please please please please please please tell me how to get the full gothic2 item list (codes). I once came across it about a year ago but can't find it and it is killing me that I can't find it again.
please please please please please please pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
There once was a man from Nentucket..........
Post Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:43 pm
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Unknown Destiny
Unknown Destiny

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Try WoG!
Post Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:38 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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* before you ask, that is World of Gothic
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Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:04 pm
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where can I get this game in Canada?!?

Cant find anywhere to order this game... EB doesnt carry it... its like it never existed. Where can I order it from!?!? I live in Canada
Post Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:55 pm
RPG Frog
Blade Runner
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I picked up a copy of Gothi2 last year for $10.00 because of all the praise here at RPGdot. I must say that I really enjoy the game. I still like Morrowind more, but this game really surprised me and I am eagerly awaiting Gothic3!

I know it's not a popular idea here, but I really think this series should be ported to consoles as 3rd-person games work really well on game-pads.
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Post Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:13 pm
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