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RPGDot Forums > Absolutely Off Topic

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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
Posts: 14724
Location: Utah, USA

Nazi am I? Now who is throwing insults about?
I have looked at the REAL truth thank you. You are the one whose arguement is found wanting.
I'm not licking anyone's boots and no one is ripping me off. Unlike you, I wait for the game to drop in price. I shop the bargin bins. I don't steal someone else's property.

Originally posted by Darkfall14
if i couldn't pirate those games, i just wouldn't play them...that's why i dont see the harm....either way no sale for the devloper...

You have no right to play those games unless you pay for them. The question of whether you would have bought it or not is moot.

You are not buying the movie when you buy a ticket. If you buy the movie then you are looking at paying $20 to $30 dollars for the VHS tape or DVD.
The only equivilent to buying a movie ticket in the gaming industry are internet cafes and places that rent out consoles and software.

Originally posted by Gerad
I offer a truce and yet more insults once again I refer EVERYONE to writings of plato learn how to civilly argue.

You have offered no truce. All you have offered is more of same swill that you first stated.

Originally posted by Gerad
whats the point of arguing??? The only reason you argue with a person is to change their mind or learn something. IT seems to me many here simply want to show their own superiority.

The only thing I want to show is that you are a thief.

Originally posted by Gerad
A question for those of you here, why are you insulting us simply because our ideas are different??? It seems to me that your trying to make us angry fortunately I could never get angry over something said in an internet forum

I'm meerly stating the truth and I'm getting tired of repeating myself.

Originally posted by Gerad
Some of you here remind of my friend (don`t worry this relevant) my friend believes that no matter what the law is. IF IT IS a law it must be obeyed no matter how unjust or wrong that law is.

You have no moral high ground from which to civily disobey the law. The law is correct and will stand.

Originally posted by Gerad
Just because something is a law doesn`t make correct. Though I would make a bet that most here CONSIDER anything said by the game companies gospel.

I don't take anything as gospel unless it was influenced by God. However, I do believe that employees of these companies have a right to reap what they sow. It's called pursuit of happiness.

Originally posted by Gerad
Once again another question If I borrow a game from a friend would those of you here consider that piracy???

And once again I refer to the link I provided.

Originally posted by Gerad
another question what would you make the penalty for copying a game??? I get the feeling here anyone caught copying a game would be executed

In this case, I'm all in favor of Hammurabi's Code.

Originally posted by Gerad
also the word ignorant is overused here just because someone has an idea different from your own does not make that person ignorant.

You are displaying a blantant lack of knowledge concerning copyright law. Therefore the ignorant comment applies. I suppose we could use less flattering words if you prefer.

Originally posted by Gerad
I`m starting to get the feeling some of you here are lawyers or at least think you are!

Malmsey is a lawyer. Although I am no lawyer, I have studied copyright laws concerning software because that is my chosen profession. However, it's people like you who make me want to rethink why I'd like to be a programmer.

Originally posted by Gerad
I doubt there is anyone here who truly understands the labyrinth that is copyright law.

I wouldn't suggest making such an assumption.

Originally posted by Gerad
Finally if I am to understand correctly making a copy of a game is EXACTLY the same as stealing something from a store???

In the context that you are robbing someone of their profit and did not pay for the fair use of the product, yes, that is what you are doing.

Originally posted by Gerad
OK lets ALL say that is 100% correct so if the above statement is true which many of you seem to agree with then the following statements would also be true.

No, the following examples are pathetic.

Originally posted by Gerad
Jumping from a ladder is the same as jumping out of an airplane. Running a mile is the same as running 10 miles. 1 dollar is the same as 100 dollars!!!!

Originally posted by Gerad
Lets all be serious for a second you cannot seriously compare copying a VIEDO game to stealing something out of a store!!!

Yes, I can.

Originally posted by Gerad
The videogame is already bought and paid for! The object stolen from the store is not!

Did you pay for the fair use of that product? If the answer is no, then you have stolen it.

Originally posted by Gerad
OR am just some asinine moron who doesn’t even know what fundamental means??!!?


Originally posted by Gerad
AND YES I AM IGNORANT STUID FOOL WHO KNOWS NOTHING AND SHOULD BE FLOGGED there I’ve saved all of you trouble of more insults

Actually, under Hammurabi's code the penatly for stealing is to have your hand cut off.

Originally posted by Gerad
I get the feeling many of you here LOVE games and want the companies to have as much money as possible to create more games, and that is why game copying is hated here so much.


Originally posted by Gerad
Believe it or not I want the same thing!!! The funniest part of this whole thing I buy about 95% of my games! I`m always the first to buy a game when it comes out I like getting the box the manual and all that good stuff. The only time I have copied a game is if the game is a mediocre title, entertaining but not really necessary.

If you truely wanted that, then you wouldn't even pirate games.

Originally posted by Gerad
Actually in some cases I`m really happy to pay for game if it’s something like baldur’s gate or gothic!!!! So in a way I do see why piracy is hated so much here. No I don`t want any of you to like me but I do want myself to be understood clearly

Good, because I don't like you.

Originally posted by Gerad
Anybody here ever hear of a concept called moral relativism???

Yes, I have.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 11:42 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 07 Apr 2002
Posts: 32
Location: the realm of the amish...

gerad, i wouldn't even bother...the concept of civil has been thrown out the window...she can insult me, badger me, and ridicule me, and i do nothing...i push back, i get a warning....how civil can she be! there's a reason old codes of law were abandoned...it's a little thing called FREEDOM! try to say it with me ...free...wait! no! not Facism, FREEDOM! then again, this simply reminds me of typical human nature rearing it's ugly head. Througout history, ppl are reiculed, yelled at, and insulted..why? to give those who embrace the old ways a sense of power, self worth...it helps those with a low self esteem...but worry not...with programs such as kazaa and pirates from south east asia working round the clock, we can pirate with impunity! Call me a fool! call me a thief! at least im enjoying the games you paid for and STILL have money to buy an additional one worth purchase price! who is the real fool?
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:16 pm
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Joined: 12 Mar 2002
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There once was a youngster, DzD
Whose avatars numbered infinity
But I must admit
His latest, a hit
Cuz the Little One's a mystery to me

Written by - dteowner
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:20 pm
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Oh boy, this is leading to nowhere.
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:28 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Location: the realm of the amish...

i know....it's kinda hard whenever you post something, not everyone, but ppl in paticular just want to say "fool!" "Theif" and the like....
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:30 pm
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Joined: 02 Nov 2002
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Piracy is illegal and you don't want to understand that so maybe people have to right to call you a fool or thief.
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:34 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 07 Apr 2002
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Location: the realm of the amish...

i fully understand that it's totally illegal and against the law...i dont care! our society hold laws as religious dogma anymore, too afraid to express freedom should the law be incorrect...so, no...i am no fool....if you wish to call me one fine...it means nothing me
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:37 pm
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There's almost no difference betwen not understanding that something is illegal and not caring about it.
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:42 pm
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Joined: 12 Mar 2002
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Location: Sweden

If you steal the game, we have all right in the world to call you a thief.
There once was a youngster, DzD
Whose avatars numbered infinity
But I must admit
His latest, a hit
Cuz the Little One's a mystery to me

Written by - dteowner
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:44 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
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Location: Utah, USA

I have money left over to buy games that I like. It's called playing demos, reading reviews and being an informed buyer.
I hardly find the truth insulting, however, since you apparently can't handle the truth you find it insulting. I state the truth and you call me a fasist nazi because I'm a law-abiding citizen. Go ahead, dig yourself into a deeper hole.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:44 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 07 Apr 2002
Posts: 32
Location: the realm of the amish...

could you please elaborate on this? becuase i understand the intent of the law, and the penalties for breaking it....and yet...it means nothing....my father was a police cheif...so i know quite a bit about the law...even he stated that the copyright laws are almost never enforced in the home, and mainly after corporations who used burned copies of os's and office.....
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:45 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 07 Apr 2002
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Location: the realm of the amish...

almost all the games i copy are ones that have no demo released....if i cannot test it, i shall not risk paying money for it....so leave your arrogant self pretentious notions of me being in a hole out of this dissusion....
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:49 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
Posts: 14724
Location: Utah, USA

Ever heard of reviews?
And if you're gunning to get banned, go ahead, push me kid. I'm getting sick of your arrogance.

As to the law, simply because your daddy doesn't enforce it doesn't make it okay for you to go and break it.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:53 pm
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Originally posted by Darkfall14
almost all the games i copy are ones that have no demo released....if i cannot test it, i shall not risk paying money for it....so leave your arrogant self pretentious notions of me being in a hole out of this dissusion....

There once was a youngster, DzD
Whose avatars numbered infinity
But I must admit
His latest, a hit
Cuz the Little One's a mystery to me

Written by - dteowner
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:54 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 07 Apr 2002
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Location: the realm of the amish...

my arrogance? i am not the one who has been threatening people constantly! ive seen you angrily attack other people on the piracy issue again and again! we all know your views...how dare anyone have a different opionion....i guess the queen will execute me for being a heritic! i guess this disscusion is pointless with the ice queen and mister a-lot. ive stated my case, and i shall leave this discussion with this....pirates have always been in industry, allways will be there...people will continue to pay for games and make software and hardware efforts to stop pirates...the pirates will circumvent those efforts....they will think of something even more complicated...it gets cracked...the cycle continues...so val, keep paying, keep yelling and screaming and keep your arrogance and ego...ill keep my free games....fare thee well.....
Post Sat Nov 23, 2002 3:59 pm
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