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Introducing Age of Decadence
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Alright then, tell us what you know about this game? Oh, that's right, absolutely nothing.

Me and my comrades over at the RPGcodex are not giving VD bj's or free rides just because he's a staff member or because it's an indie game. No, we're doing it because the game geniunely looks good and it's really the only thing on the market right now.

I mean come on, what's a big name RPG on or coming to the market anytime soon? Dungeon Lords? Grimoire?
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:33 pm
Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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No more free rides for Vault Dweller! LAWL!
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:46 pm
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I love it that all the staff members from RPGCodex had to come in a hurry to defend each other.
Nice guys...

Well, let's wait for your masterpiece. I'm sure you will give us a better game than Troika could ever had, since you surely know the genre...
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:57 pm
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 03 Jul 2005
Posts: 41

So you're saying this game will be the next masterpiece, that will join all those old classics in the gaming Olimpo???

Where did he say that? How's your reading comprehension?

You're right, a lot of crap is released to the market, and people buy it. This doesn't mean that every Indie game, just because it wasn't made by Bioware, it's going to be good.

Well, there are a lot of very decent if not great indie games out there: Geneforge, Avernum, Prelude to Darkness, Escape Velocity, Gearhead, Omega, Mount & Blade, etc. Not EVERY indie game is good, obviously, but many of them are.

RPGCodex has been one of the most vocal and idiotic "forces" on the RPG community for some time

Idiotic, huh? Care to elaborate?

and curiously enough for someone who complains that most RPG's are linear they only seem to like things like Diablo and Fate.

Riiight. So, you couldn't think of a single good argument and decided to make shit up. Cool.

You're right, the genre is in a sad state. When people get excited with a game like this, you know the genre is in trouble...

What's wrong with this game? Purely out of curiosity.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:58 pm
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What i was trying to point out in my previous post is that if developers are less inclined to make complex games, turn based games, isometric games. games with loads of choices, games with loads of dialogue, any combination of the above.. it's because they are very expensive to make and often risk not to sell well enough to cover the expenses and considering we're not in the 80s anymore and planet Earth has moved on (aka: a single human being can't make a great game on hiw own anymore) i think i can understand why you see more and more watered down games or games with more massmarketing appeal.
There are exceptions to the rule, look what happened at Troika. In theory, Vampires should have sold well enough to let Troika stay in bussines.. but it didn't.

And btw. i appreciate a well planned game such as any of the Spiderweb products and i couldn't care less about fancy graphics or real time combat. Actually, i don't care what features a game offers if it's a good game.

And my humor wasn't directed at Rpg Codex game itself but rather at the people behind it. The same people who were ready to start the revolution because Fallout 3 it's not gonna be turn based and isometric. If AoD turns out to be a great game i'll be the first to applaud them.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:59 pm
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 03 Jul 2005
Posts: 41

I love it that all the staff members from RPGCodex had to come in a hurry to defend each other. Nice guys...

Huh? Who? Where?

Well, let's wait for your masterpiece. I'm sure you will give us a better game than Troika could ever had, since you surely know the genre...

I do know the genre, as for the rest, I have never claimed that this game is a masterpiece or will be better than any other game, so no need to spread that nonsense.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:08 pm
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Originally posted by Anonymous

So you're saying this game will be the next masterpiece

No, you are saying that. Trying sticking to what people said rather than putting words in their mouths when your poor arguements fall in on themselves like a poorly made house of cards.

they only seem to like things like Diablo and Fate. I'm sure they will use this game to show everyone how it's done...

Cute, so, you take a couple games some folks at the like in addition to other titles then you SUPER DUPER generalize by saying that all anyone at the Codex like is those games. Wow, how old are you, 3? 4?

You're right, the genre is in a sad state. When people get excited with a game like this, you know the genre is in trouble...

What do you know about the game? Its graphics and thats it. I think the genre is in trouble when dipshits like you are allowed to speak and pollute the internet with your verbal diahrea.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:16 pm
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 03 Jul 2005
Posts: 41

Originally posted by Talador
And my humor wasn't directed at Rpg Codex game itself but rather at the people behind it. The same people who were ready to start the revolution because Fallout 3 it's not gonna be turn based and isometric.

Well, forgive me for caring about games I like. XCOM and MOO clearly show that fucking with an established franchise is a bad idea. First person real-time FO3 is as stupid as isometric, turn-based Oblivion.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:17 pm
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Originally posted by Anonymous
I think the genre is in trouble when dipshits like you are allowed to speak and pollute the internet with your verbal diahrea.

A fascist, eh?
So I can't speak my mind, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

From your vocabulary, it's not hard to guess who you are. Go back to RPGCodex, where you belong.
Seriously, I don't visit your idiotic website because I couldn't care less about your juvenile and ignorant remarks, why do you insist in coming to other websites in full force, so everyone has to put up with you even if they don't want to?
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:28 pm



Of what exactly? I have the full spectacle of your idiocy right in front of me and I commented on it.

"Everyone has to put up with"?

Listen buddy, dont go around hurling insults at people then turn around and cry foul when they hurl some back. Dont put words in people's mouths. Above all, dont be an ass. If all you want is some corner of the internet where you can be free to be a jackass and not fear the slightest reproach, might I suggest some AOL chatrooms or perhaps the IGN forums? There you can delight in endless hours of idiotic bliss with like minded gamers who enjoy bumping into things and moaning from time to time.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:43 pm


eh, typical Rpg Codex O.G. reaction brotha. Free to moan and blab about this or that game but when a comment they don't like is made or when someone express a different opinion, they start crusading other sites to enforce their holy word. Thus making rpgdot.com the only reliable source for serious rpg news.

Lol, i still remember the Morrowind board invasion from the Codex hood back when Bethesda announced acquisition of Fallout rights.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:50 pm


Originally posted by Anonymous

Of what exactly? I have the full spectacle of your idiocy right in front of me and I commented on it.

"Everyone has to put up with"?

Listen buddy, dont go around hurling insults at people then turn around and cry foul when they hurl some back. Dont put words in people's mouths. Above all, dont be an ass. If all you want is some corner of the internet where you can be free to be a jackass and not fear the slightest reproach, might I suggest some AOL chatrooms or perhaps the IGN forums? There you can delight in endless hours of idiotic bliss with like minded gamers who enjoy bumping into things and moaning from time to time.

So it's fun when you insult people (reviewers, developers, ...) on your website, and then you don't like it when they give you a taste of your own medicine?

Sure, I'm a jackass.
«I'm terribly sorry for my comments, the game is going to be a classic, and RPGCodex is the best website evahhhhh!» Is this good enough for you?

Insult me all you want, and defend your game to everyone who doesn't agree that it will "rock", I'll be here to judge it on the same light you judge other's games. If it's a decent game, I'll eat my words. If it's a pile of crap, you can be sure I'll take my time to replay some of your comments about other people's games.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:57 pm


What the hell are you babbling about? Can you actually stand by anything you have written or do you have to persist in backing away from it by hurling out pointless vitriol and wanton idiocy?
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:06 pm


Originally posted by Anonymous
What the hell are you babbling about? Can you actually stand by anything you have written or do you have to persist in backing away from it by hurling out pointless vitriol and wanton idiocy?

What I'm babbling about? Simple, you guys spend your time bitching and complaining about everyone (from developers, to reviewers; how many times you labeled reviewers from other websites as "retards" in your newsposts?) and every RPG in the market, besides hack & slash games like Diablo and Fate.
It's only fair that when one of your members makes a game, I expect it to be everything other games in the market aren't. You wouldn't complain about other people's games, and then make the same mistakes, right?

Oh, and by the way: the comments above my previous post weren't made by me. Isn't it funny that more people are posting similar comments regarding your typical behavior, could it be that not everyone shares your "intelectual" point of view? Could it be?

Go back to your basement, er, website...
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:18 pm
Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 08 Dec 2001
Posts: 61
Location: Shady Sands

Originally posted by Anonywuss
Lol, i still remember the Morrowind board invasion from the Codex hood back when Bethesda announced acquisition of Fallout rights.

You do know that RPGCodex's forum was invaded by Morrowind board people first, right? The backlash of that is what you're talking about.

We've been invaded by BioWare fans, Bethesda fans, Silver Style fans, MiSTLand fans, and the list goes on and on. Doesn't bother me. Doesn't really bother anyone else that runs the site. People disagree about things and that's cool with me.

Free to moan and blab about this or that game but when a comment they don't like is made or when someone express a different opinion, they start crusading other sites to enforce their holy word.

Well, unlike your point of view where we're not supposed to get a word in elsewhere, people are free to post on RPGCodex why they think someone is wrong about something. If someone criticises something and someone else doesn't like it, they can say so with relative freedom. However, it seems to me that you're the one who's wanting to say whatever he wants without a response - not us. Bitch about RPGCodex all you want, here or there or whereever, but it's rather silly to bitch about someone calling you out for bitching about it.
Post Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:22 pm
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