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The best espisode in Star Wars movies.
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The best espisode in Star Wars movies.
Episode 1
 4%  [ 2 ]
Episode 2
 14%  [ 6 ]
Episode 4
 14%  [ 6 ]
Episode 5
 53%  [ 22 ]
Episode 6
 12%  [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 41

Author Thread

Joined: 01 Feb 2002
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: If there is a greater power looking out for the Star Wars franchise Episode 3's very last shot of the movie right before credits will be the low oboe theme as "Ben" Kenobi walks into the desert highlighted against the twin suns. Optionally as the theme continues it will shift to Leia on Alderaan for a few seconds followed by a quick shot of Luke (perhaps making eye contact) as the music hits crescendo and then shifts to the end credit music.

But I know I hope for too much.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:50 pm
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Overgrown Cat
Overgrown Cat

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Episode 5 wins.
Post Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:27 pm
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RPG Frog
Blade Runner
Blade Runner

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Episode 5 without a doubt. Boba Fett, Zuckuss, and 4-Lom are cool as hell. Also my favorite vehichles the AT-AT & Snowspeeder appear in this movie. And YODA is a complete Jedi Pimp!

I absolutely HATE Episode 1. I mean comon...3CPO was created by Anakin? That freaking ruins your belief that Artoo and 3CPO are ancient and have had many masters.

I really like Episode 2. I may even have to put Episode 2 behind Episode 5. I love all killer new vehicles in Attack of the Clones. The scene with Jango Fett & son chasing Obi One is off the hook! And I love it when Anakin goes psycho and beheads the sandcreature!

EMPIRE STRIKES BACK is the greatest sequel ever though!!!
Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities…there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars…Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand…to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet. - Robert E. Howard
Post Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:27 am
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A Dark Prince
A Dark Prince

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Re: The best espisode in Star Wars movies.

Well i can't choose, but i like 4,5,6 the most.
Post Thu Apr 29, 2004 6:18 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

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I like Episode V because it's the only one that doesn't have Tatooine in it.

Seriously though, Ep V is the best by far. Character evolution, story progression, the revelation of Darth Vader's true identity...you can't beat that.
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Post Thu Apr 29, 2004 8:07 pm
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But I desperately hope they at least TRY to beat the majesty that is Empire in part 3.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Fri Apr 30, 2004 4:07 pm
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High Emperor
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What a great film! Brilliant fast-paced direction in the early scenes, no unnecessary flab whatsoever. We see more than one side to most characters. A fairly complex story, delivered in an easily-palettable way. Great battles, great lightsabre fight. Philosophy . Shocking revelations! And there's a real feeling of foreboding and darkness here (even now) that most family-friendly films would shy away from. Plus, lots of things to gawp and go "oooh" and "aaah" at - AT-ATs falling over, snowspeeders, Cloud City, Lando's moustache, Boba Fett and his cool armour & groovy ship... I love it. It's also the one least screwed up by Lucas's (Piln spits) "special edition" tampering (spits again, twice).

I like 4 & 6 too. 5 was actually the first SW film I saw, and no doubt that colours my judgement. 4 is simple but great, and features the unforgettable "unfeasibly tall stormtrooper hits head on door" scene. 6 was slightly spoiled by the ewok stuff - I actually thought the battle scenes were OK (a bit like a mini 7 Samurai with muppets) but the "3PO the god" sequence that came before went on too long and was a bit like a lame Carry On film. And Boba Fett's end was rubbish, frankly. But 6 more than makes up for its faults with Speeder bikes, an amazing final space battle and some excellent sabre-ing. And of course, Vader making the right choice.

I was bored by 1. Jar-jar stinks, the pod racing was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over-rated IMO and the only genuinely good bits - the sabre fights with Darth Maul - were totally underused and wasted. Shame, because they really were excellent. My mate has it on DVD and they are the only parts I want to watch again.

2 was a mess. That same friend of mine has explained the story to me, and it is actually a really good, intelligent one - but that idiot Lucas couldn't tell a good story to save his beard. This film was one of the most boring and forgettable things that's ever happened to me, up until the moment the beasts are unleashed in the gladiator-style arena - and from there it's brilliant. The monster & jedi battle is great, the following battle scene rekindles the "war film" feel of the first Death Star attack, and the final sabre fights are pretty good too (but not a patch on Maul). It baffles me how they can get it right for just this one small part, but screw up the rest so consistently. Oh, and that scene at the tuscans' camp was supposed to show us Anakin being pushed over the edge and letting his rage and anger take over? Oh, pleeeaaase! Taxi Driver it ain't The actors were mostly pretty bad (worst of all Ewan and Haydn), but I doubt even Olivier could have done anything for the repugnant script (except burn it).

Man, it really makes me angry to think about what Lucas is doing. He needs a punch - from a barbed-wire glove with a horseshoe in it. And he needs it soon, before Ep.3 is released, so if any of you kind folks live near him, you know what to do . I mean, what the hell was that business with the special editions (ugh, spit on floor three times) - Greedo shoots first?? HOW COULD HE MISS??? Oh, and don't mind the fact that Solo is now a totally different character to the one portrayed in the original un-messed-with version, that's not important. And I really, honestly, wanted to leave the cinema when I saw the song & dance routine in the remixed Jabba's palace scene. Now he's churning out these prequels without a thought spent on quality writing/direction, or talent, god forbid - it's all about showcasing his special effects company and wringing every last penny out of fans. He deserves to die. I'm no SW expert, but I heard that he wrote the scripts for the original trilogy himself, he was told they were awful and they got other writers in to sort them out. Back then, he wasn't big enough to complain about it. Now he's so big nobody dares tell him that he has the storytelling skills of a steam-rollered toilet. Grrr... he's just a greedy, despicable, money-clutching slug of the lowest order - not just because of the Star Wars films, but because he used to be a good film-maker - he made THX1138 and American Grafitti before his pupils morphed into dollar signs. Makes me sick - I will only consider reforming my opinion of the tasteless man if he lets me cleave him in two with a sharpened oar.
Post Sat May 01, 2004 1:47 am
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Bitter, bitter, bitter.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
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=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Mon May 03, 2004 6:30 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Heh. I guess you're right. I just hate it when genuinely talented people decide to be rubbish in exchange for cash. Did I mention he deserves to die? Ridley Scott's going the same way. I went to the same college as him, you know. He used to be great. Now he's just hairy and average - not as bad as Lucas, but getting there.

I'm just wondering - if Mr.Lucas knocked on your door with said oar in hand and said "Please, help me atone for my misdeeds - take this lethally-modified rowing tool and with it, bisect me!" - and if said oar made cool lightsabre noises when swung - and if, when chopped, Lucas spills out goodies like some kind of hirsute humanoid piñata (eg, all the movies' master reels and an Avid editing suite) - would you / could you resist?
Post Tue May 04, 2004 7:30 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Wed May 05, 2004 7:14 pm
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High Emperor
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You'd let him go?
Post Wed May 05, 2004 11:42 pm
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Of course! This is the man who brought us not only Star Wars (and a bad Star Wars movie is better than most sci-fi that makes it to theatre) but so much more!

Without Lucas there would have been no Lucasarts, no Skywalker Sound, and ... most noticible and important... no ILM - Industrial Light and Magic.

Where would special effects be without the innovations of ILM? Practically every movie lists ILM for special effects, from the best to the worst.

Let him rip Spartacus or Ben Hur off (It was one of those) practically frame by frame for the Pod Race (I saw it recently... right down to the horses nearly running over the hero before tripping and sending the rival flying) all he wants. Let the newer movies appear to be uninspired, half-ass hack jobs (and I will note I love episode 1 and 2. The trade federation battles, the Jedi, the anything not involving Anakin or Jar Jar.).

In the end it's not the movies that are the most important things he's contributed to the world. It's the innovations to the special effects and sound industry.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Thu May 06, 2004 4:16 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Originally posted by piln
You'd let him go?

Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Thu May 06, 2004 7:37 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Val & EX, I'm humbled by your forgiving natures. I'd still be tempted to get him in a headlock and tug his whiskers, though.

So... when's this Episode 3 coming out then? I really do hope the prequels end on a high note, but in all honesty I'm not expecting that to happen.

Oh yeah... on an off-topic note, I bought Kurosawa's "Hidden Fortress" recently, which was supposedly Lucas' inspiration for Star Wars (depending which source I listen to, I hear that the influences are (a) really obvious, or (b) undetectable to anyone except Lucas). Haven't got around to watching it yet, I'm quite looking forward to it.
Post Thu May 06, 2004 8:02 pm
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There were many, many inspirations for star wars.... a lot of westerns, some classic samurai films, star trek...
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Fri May 07, 2004 2:06 pm
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