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Everquest II, The Thumbs Down.
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Everquest II, The Thumbs Down.

After two days of playing I have concluded that Everquest 2 barely meets its sibling's depth.

If you are yet to purchase the game or are interested then beware, the engine of the game is vastly lacking. EQ2 seriously can’t claim to be the a fourth generation mmoRPG, it’s a backwards step.

Be warned, Everquest 2 is bearly go the distance of Everquest 1. I seriously can't see uber RPG'er taking this game seriously. The burn out will be quick. A pitty on a game many have waited for and had high hopes. Sony have lost the ability to make good mmoRPG's.

Here is a list of issues.

* Items are not unique entities, they need to be associated with a player account, therefore items can’t be placed on the ground or on vendors. This distracts from the realism. I guess they took this stance to due trading skills being major part of game, similar to Horizons with sheer numbers of created items slowing down databases.

* Vendors have become Quest Monkeys. Due to vendors not storing items sold to them, they are very bland and stock similar items from the next vendor. They are more or less useless in the game except for selling trash and buying basics. Sony are using vendors to sprout quests.

* The game is severely railed in starting levels. At the time of picking my first sub-class, all my fellow class looked identical. All had done near the same tasks to get to the same point.

* EQ2 has gone quest crazy. The game is mainly based on you being a grinding Quest Monkey, going here and there and returning for rewards.

* EQ2's character statistics core is severely lacking. Races start with slightly different base stats, but you can’t add points other than by equipment. You get no distribution points at start nor between level gain.

* EQ2's spell abilities core is also bland. There are a small range of spells per class. Each spell type has a scale in power, which is advanced by buying scrolls or crafting from world resources. The game is lacking vibrance in spells.

* Due to lack of crowd control spells, the game promotes grouping due to mobs being near impossible to fight in solo battle. The sophistication of spells is very basic.

* Mobs are predefined group or solo battles. When clicking on a mob the monster will report if it is a solo battle or a mob group attack. Mobs don’t wander past and join in on attacks. So the battle system core is very basic. Obviously agro mobs will attack anyone they walk past.

* KiddieQuest. No faction system, other than good versus evil, verus environment.

* KiddieQuest. You can’t assist anyone during battle. You can’t duel anyone. No PVP. Btw, I rarely take on PVP tests, but a game with more variety is only a bonus.

* Zones feel very small and congested in design. Zone loading is very slow.

* Game Instancing to the extreme. Instancing distracts from the mmoRPG theme by removing players from their friends in same zones.

Post Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:13 pm
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High Emperor
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Wow you really hate this game!!
not that it matters to me, i was going for WoW anyways
If you can't debate without namecalling then don't bother visiting us. -Myrthos
Post Sat Nov 13, 2004 7:41 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Why do you even bother with the MMO genre then? Go back to Baldurs Gate.

Everquest2 is better than most MMORPGs have EVER been. Most of the "bad points" you make out to be bad features are actually good things that solve a host of problems of EQ in the past.

Im not going to comment further because i cant post here what i really think of your "review" without getting kicked out of RPGdot.

Post Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:07 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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If Everquest 2, is seen as a whole different game then it's a fun title, but it is no where as advanced as EQ1 nor is it similar. Maybe they should have called it a different name, like 'Traders of Everquest'.

Think the problem with the game is that the PASSIVE-CAMP seems to have got into the design of the game and debated, 'we can't have this and can't have that', and 'this is impossible to do', type of convo. As seen, EQ1 proves that a technicial game is possible, but some developers aim for the wrong level.

EQ2 is like paying for a giant version of Never Winter Nights, online. Serious RPG'er will not take this game seriously for long and casual players will hate the grind of making new characters up to see they have to go through the tourture of getting past the railed quest stage, if that ever ends.

Post Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:04 am
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High Emperor
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The game is not EQ1 by a long shot, but so far I still like it. Here are a few comments from the short time I have been playing, about 3 days.

Items not unique: I haven’t noticed this yet. Seems kind of silly, but it hasn’t effected me so far. In EQ1 I liked giving items out in player run quests, what am I going to do in EQ2? Have to find something out.

Vendor as quest monkeys: I like quests. EQ 2 is a lot like AC2, but in EQ2's case there is actually something to do: quests. It makes sense to have vendors giving quests, because they are active members of the world, trying to get ahead of each other. Player run vendors will take the place of buying from NPC vendors, just as it did in UO.

Game is severely railed in starting levels: I agree 100% with you, and the lowbie sub classes are too blain. By next year I bet they have a system were high level players can make a new toon and skip this by starting at a higher level and in new locations. I'm not fond of this idea atm, have to wait and see what happens.

Quest Crazy: Yes, so far it is, but I love to explore, and quest running gives me a meaningful reason to do so. And entering a new zone and having NPCs who interact with me and give me reasons to explore and do things is great.

Statistics core is lacking: Agree, I like putting points in things at the beginning of making a character. For me, the character customization of appearance has more than made up for this missing part though. Statistics, in the long run, won’t bother me as much as my character's appearance will. At level 8, I was promoted to pick between being a Dex focused person or choosing from a list of other focuses, did my selection here raise my dex? I didn’t care what it meant at the time, past what I was doing for role playing, so I don’t know.

EQ2 spell abilities core is bland: Agree, but I thought the same thing about EQ. Just alterations/ upgrades of existing spells mostly. This may cause a problem long term, cant tell after only a few days. I think spell power should be focused more around level, but it is too soon to judge.

Lack of crowd control spells: Haven’t gotten this deep yet. You maybe right.

Grouping or solo mobs: I thought this was silly at first, but it hasn’t bothered me since I got further into the game. Mobs not adding, or adding, I don’t follow what you mean--might not have done enough grouping yet. In EQ 1 there were mobs that would add and mobs that wouldn’t. EQ2 has the addition of mobs that are linked together, pull one and you get them all (EQ1 had this for a few isolated mobs).

No fraction system, good vs evil: Running around Freeport as a iksar proves that racial fractions are in the game in some form. Folks make fun of me, threaten me, and say they hate iksars. I think neutral fraction should have remained somehow, maybe they wouldn’t have a large city, but there should be someplace for them.

Cant assist anyone during battle, no duel, no PvP: Folks can be assisted in battle if they ask for it. I'm tired of KS in other games, about time some solution has been tried. No dueling or PvP isn’t a big deal to me, not much I can do with these on a dial up anyway.

Zones feel very small and congested: This describes the newbie island very well, but I loved the size layout of the commons. And flying around on the griffins was loads of fun, if not really useful at the time.

Game instancing to the extreme: The idea seems counter-productive to a mmorpg. Seems more of a server management feature rather than a feel of the game thing. Does reduce crowding in zones that are not very big though. Nice not having everyone crowded into one small area trying to exp/explore.

All good and bad aside, there is no way to know when I'll burn out or not till I do. I didnt care for AC2 from day one, there just wasnt anything to do, empty cities, boring dungeons. When my wife got EQ2 it sounded too much like AC2, and it has some very similiar things, but EQ 2 has a fleshed-out world, things to explore, and do. It looks nice, runs ok on a dailup, but it does have some steep system requirements.

WoW I havnt planed on trying yet. Diablo 1 and 2 are ok games, but not realy compleing games, and I expect WoW to be designed to appeal the same way they did. Maybe when it has been out for some time and the price is cheaper I'll give it a shot.
Post Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:47 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by RPGPorkster
If Everquest 2, is seen as a whole different game then it's a fun title, but it is no where as advanced as EQ1 nor is it similar.


As someone who has played EQ1 since Kunark and still has an active EQ1 account, could you please point out the features where EQ1 is more advanced than EQ2? And yeah, EQ2 is quite different from EQ1. That's what the devs have been stating all the time. You find this surprising?

And I find it rather funny that you complain that EQ2 has too much quests, since the name of the game is after all EverQUEST. In my opinion the developers put the quest part back into Everquest and good for them. If you would rather grind by killing the same mobs in the same camp, then go ahead. EQ1 is still there for you.

By the way, what is so bad a bout the NPC vendors not selling the stuff that the players have sold to them? From my experience in EQ1, the only stuff that the players usually sell to NPC vendors are the junk items that no players really need anyway. Maybe you need those rat whiskers or snake scales that the players have sold, but I sure don't. Or are you one of those who like to run around the NPC vendors checking to see if some other poor player had accidentally sold some valuable item to a vendor?
Post Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:37 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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sorry, what I wrote was extremely rude.

Basically, I couldn't disagree with you more rpgporkster.

Last edited by Slachkey on Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:58 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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ohhh man you really should have played the game a bit more before making all these bold statements. Crowdcontrol, for example, did you even see an enchanter? i guess not since you simply cant have leveled above 10, i dont even think you left the starterisle, but that whole profession is based on crowdcontrol.

Mobs dont wander? get off the starterisle, if i team we regulary get adds but it doesnt bother us so much since we always invite a enchanter... well you probably get it. Faction? again try to get off the starterisle and hunt outside the city, there's faction lost/won with practicly every kill. Zone's to small? again get of the starterisle, the zones outside the cities are frikkin huge. Spells? again get of the startisle, they changed it from eq1 indeed that you dont get a bunch of useless spells at once anymore every other couple of levels but by the time you reach 20 you have at least the same number of spells which are very diverse and all usefull. Try counting the usefull and diverse spells on a lvl 20 toon in eq1.

All your other remarks are nothing more then a point of view and by looking at the responses to your post there arent exactly alot of people sharing them.

I completly understand if a game doesnt feel right or puts you off in the first couple of days of playing. Just leave then and go play another game. If you want to write a review then at least play it till level 20 or 30 or so that you can at least see for yourself if what you think is actually the truth. I suggest that you go play WoW, ive seen the game in beta and it has fast and simple gameplay much like diablo. Loads of nice lewts and insane fast leveling. Its clearly aimed at the same targetgroup Diablo was for and im sure you have a blast.
Post Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:01 am
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Head Merchant
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Ok the game does need some credit. I have been enjoying playing it but I must continue to say that it is not as serious as Everquest 1. I tend to go for serious fantasy rather than cartoon’ish and basic concepts.

The game's dungeons are well set out, even though a little on the small side. The spells each class get are very useful compared to numbers given in EQ1, just at lower levels it's very difficult to manage a pre-battle as in crowds vs solo.

After player non stop since release I have to review my opinion score of 4/10 to about 7.5/10. The real difference will be the size of the initial purchase-box play area. If the world is diverse and has many dungeons etc then the game will be a very fun title.

The area that is lacking is the depth of character base differences and item variety. Like mentioned in the early parts of the game, most characters are identical in items and appearances.

Currently the dev's for the game are adding and clening up the game. Yes, there are factions more than GvsEvsE, but these are implemented at a lessor degree than EQ1. The game has problems with memory freeing tasks too as after zoning a few times your machine can start to become a hard drive daemon.

RPG'er will still be looking for that 4th generation mmoRPG, though. Maybe DarknLight or Vanguard can deliver that.

Post Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:41 pm
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Head Merchant
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I really think Sony took the approach of creating a game that could attract a style of player from other mmoRPG's like DAoC. It's like they want brand scope.

EQ2 is very much a mixture of DAoC meets EQ1, without the RvR engine in place. Maybe they will put in Good vs Evil battles later. The bonus is, DAoC was so void of game world and dungeons at release.

Post Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:51 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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It's unfortunate that there is so much competition betweenWOW and EQII.

Coming from AC2 i didn't really get into the EQI world and have no biases regarding what the EQ universe used to look like. I was thinking not to buy this because of all the negative comments I heard. IMO much of what I read regarding EQII was from greefers coming from EQI or noobs rehashing what they heard from other peeps.

This is my take:

Instanced zones -> In EQII when player populations get high enough a 2nd 'Instanced' version of the zone is created. This really is completely unnoticable to players. The only difference is that you don't see overcrowed areas in the games at all because peeps are split up into diff 'instances'. HOWEVER, this is a prob for groups because of the fact that it's hard to get a whole group into the same instance at times. (Hopefully SOE will fix this in a future patch).

Zone loading -> This was a real drawback for me - I hate it. The speed of the load depends on your connection though. It takes me about 3 seconds to switch zones and is hardly noticable. Freeport is split into like 10 zones and the outlands are very large in 1 large zone. (Prob same in antonica and queynos) . Zone loading is nice to escape persistant mobs On the whole it's distracting in town but no a prob outside of the city.

Combat locking -> Frankly this is nice. I think this is a greefer complaint IMO. There is no kill steals, no stealth looting. If some stupid peep draws aggro it's his own ass and cant draw them onto your group cause he's pissed. The locked combat system enforces grouping in areas and dissuaded camping to an extent because the first hit locks the encounter. It also prevents peeps healing a guildy so he can get solo xp.

Item mechanics -> You can't drop items in EQ2. At first this is a drag really but once you get into the game a little it's not bad. You can freely trade items with other peeps except attuned stuff which is yours permenantly. What you CAN'T do is stash a horde of stuff in your room like SWG. You can buy strong boxes from crafters that gives like a dozen slots for stashed items in your room (you can buy a couple boxes) and you get a bank account with another dozen storage slots. Plus there are 4 or 6 slots in the bank for all players on your account so you can transfer items and money between peeps.

Vendors->Peeps are just starting to realize the vendor system in most areas. But the vendor system is nice. Peeps buy a board to put in their room and when you go AFK in your house you can sell merchandise in your possesion on your board. Peeps at a broker anywhere in town will sell the items to anyone wanting to buy and you get funds immediately transferred. If you go out to adventure/craft though you cant sell though.

Identitical looking characters -> This is a noob myth. Characters on noob isle look the same. Almost no one does at higher lvls. (unless you all wearing the same clothes)

Quests -> One of my bigget fears is that the quests are all 'kill 10 wolves' ect. I was really turned off by this. So far my fears have been realized :/ Many quest are kill 10 wolves, collect 10 carrots etc. However, thankfully this doesnt constitute the whole game There are lots of other things to do. I would like to say though that kill 10 x is better than mindlessly grinding for hours on end without any rewards. At least when you kill 10 x you get some money for it Also some of these quest are short money makers you can repeat to get cash.

Spells-> There are a HUGE amount. It's a noob myth they're bland and lacking. I have 5 bars filled with diff spells and skills now. It's nice that they are give out at lvl up time and also while your gaining xp - so spell gain is spread out. Spells become specialized as you subclass. As a cleric i use reactive heals (heals that take effect when the tank is hit), defilers use wards (for dmg) and other class have specialized spells and skills which make each class very unique. All the spells are the same at the noob lvl when peeps aren't subclased yet.

Factions pvp -> frankly im not a pvp so idon't care really. :/

Crafting -> This really shines in EQ2. Ive played so many games where crafting is TORTURE!!! Mining ore in Eve or Mining wood in AC2 is like having a lobotomy. Harvesting and crafting is really neat. There are a ton of recipies you have - everything from wiskey and cake to beds, bookcases, spells, armor etc. LOVE IT really. Crafters need each other for high lvl stuff so make some friends.

Other issues not addressed:

Monster AI -> mobs WILL chase you for miles. This sux. It's especially annoying when your group and a pop drawn aggro on you. You can run for 10 miles still being chased (this is where zone loading comes in handy ) and lose you group.

Waypoints -> love them. You can waypoint any member of your group and get an in game line visual to tell you where the are and the path on how to reach them. Also waypoints to objects quests etc. nice feataure for the cartographically challenged.

Grouping -> Ive heard horror stories about how hard it is to find a group. BS noob myth. It doesn't take long. Also guilds will always have someone on to go out with. Yea on noob isle grouping is tough but for major camp sites in the outlands grouping is normal.

Death penalty -> It is not bad but can be. You loose a shard in a place you can't get and your SCREWED for 72 hours. You get wacked with losses to attributes ,ac, xp, and health until you get it back. You CAN lose up to like 10+ shards. Ive personally lost 4 once and I couldn't even function. If you lose 1 shard and get it back you end up with like 5% xp loss and no attribute nerf. You lose it and can't get it back you get attribute nerfs for 72 hrs and like 20% xp penalty. You lose 4 and well..... like 120% xp and major nerf -0-rama. The moral of this is: "Dont go on a raid with overconfident peeps that insist on going further down"

Bugs -> I've seen 'um. EQ2 has def bugs. Never had any playablity issues though. Example -> a skeleton with it's bones wacked out running around, fish running on the land LOL. Theyre funny not really an issue.

Graphics -> Do I even have to say? They're truely outstanding. In freeport you constantly have to look up to see the floating mage tower which is visible from miles away into the outlands. The mage academy has greeen fire surronding it with a dark sky background. Beautiful.

Housing -> I love this. You get your guildies and friend to have access to your house and you can all meet and oogle at each others furniture and loot . You can buy upscale housing if you can afford the upkeep

Community -> So far most of the peeps I've met are pretty friendly.

LVLing and the Grind -> well up till now (high teens) lvling has been pretty constant. I really haven't run into the grind where it takes weeks to lvl. You get with a group you can lvl in a day if you want to. Haven't run into any week long grind killing the same mob over/over to lvl yet.

Mounts -> Griffin towers give you a nice ride from place to place in the countryside and you can buy horses to ride around on. (Im too poor )

IMO EQ2 has been a blast so far. Iv'e heard alot of greefing about EQ2 and didn't want to get it (cause it real money for me) but i really have enjoyed myself so far. Don't believe all the negative things you hear. It's not all that bad. (at least for me). In my case the transition was easy from AC2 really but some pvp gamers may not find it to their liking, but for me at least I'm having fun.
Post Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:46 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Originally posted by xenon
This is my take:..

Instanced zones -> In EQII when player populations get high enough a 2nd 'Instanced' version of the zone is created. This really is completely unnoticable to players. The only difference is that you don't see overcrowed areas in the games at all because peeps are split up into diff 'instances'. HOWEVER, this is a prob for groups because of the fact that it's hard to get a whole group into the same instance at times. (Hopefully SOE will fix this in a future patch).

One desktop computer should be able to dish up 200+ people per zone. It is known that a well written server should be able to cater for 700 to 1000 connections. I guess that mmoRPGs demand constant transfers though. It seems Sony are minimising costs again.

Zone loading -> This was a real drawback for me - I hate it.

Can't agree more. For me the zone loading was based on chip memory and in my case of having 512meg it was at a cruel speed.

Combat locking -> Frankly this is nice.

The point isn't about kill stealing it's about co-operation. EQ2 has headed more towards a single player game.

In all the time I played EQ1 since it was released I rarely had mobs KS on me, except in Crushbone in the initial days of release.

Item mechanics -> You can't drop items in EQ2. At first this is a drag really but once you get into the game a little it's not bad.

Blah.. boring. I am sick of looting maple shields for my Warlock or worthless trade resources that you can't sell to vendors.

Vendors->Peeps are just starting to realize the vendor system in most areas. But the vendor system is nice.

The game's items are really bland, Ala DAoC. The item profiles are near identical to DAoC too.

I think you need to search a broker or browse your sales board as the items for sale are mainly trash from quest rewards given out below level 20. Btw, most items in the game make little difference in battle.

The most important items in the game are high/speed damage weapons, if you can meet the criteria to use them due to the game being so restricted and passive. Other important stats are AC, eg: especially casters, players are the punching bags in this game so be decked out.

Identitical looking characters ->

Open your eyes, every mage type is the same, robe, staff and head cap and also colours. The only difference is when they use a dagger or remove the head item to reveal hair.

Quests -> One of my bigget fears is that the quests are all 'kill 10 wolves' ect. I was really turned off by this. So far my fears have been realized :/

I didn't mind the quests before level 20 but now that I have hit the end of the main content availability, the game is really bland. Also after level 20 the mobs are so non-solo that you need a group to survive. Grey solo mobs with upper arrows give no experience or loot but are near death battles.

Most players wont group with you if you are not apart of their quest needs. Example once you have done the quests in the dungeon, 'why return', is the mind set of players. You can't solo in this game so being able to get groups to do exp or loot is near impossible.

Spells-> There are a HUGE amount.

Boring... In each battle you use the same combination, time and time again.

Crowd control is near non existant as it upsets the game engine for mob management. There is no means to break up a party of monsters, your only action is maybe to delay one from being at melee range. For casters this is a major problem as you can't handle the monsters in your face. Casters are left with a game that they can't kill greys, even though they give no rewards.

Another poor example of the spell/battle system is if you get two separate groups onto you, Area-Effect spells only hurt the mobs associated with the group, the one you have selected, not all groups. The battle/spell engine is so poor and basic.

I ventured into the enermy zones, yesterday. The game is so passive that the guards and enermy couldnt' kill me as I couldnt' attack them neither. They nicely escorted me out of the city into the newbie hunting area. Blah.. This game sucks.

Having spells isn't about collecting them like football cards, it's about giving a player the variety to tackle difference situations, which EQ2 doesn't have.

Factions pvp -> frankly im not a pvp so idon't care really. :/

Yes this game has no depth. Too passive.

Crafting -> This really shines in EQ2.

Yes the crafting system is good but it dominates the games loot and rewards. I don't care about crafting but more content the better, be it pvp or crafting.

Monster AI -> mobs WILL chase you for miles. This sux. It's especially annoying when your group and a pop drawn aggro on you. You can run for 10 miles still being chased

If you break the battle by calling pressing 'help' then after a small period the mob will lose contact, that's if you're sprinting.

No one will assist you as the game has no need for interaction, besides guilds and groups.

Waypoints ->

I love them too. Great setup.

Grouping -> Ive heard horror stories about how hard it is to find a group. BS noob myth.

Sorry, obviously you are below level 20. Once you hsve done most of the quests in the game, the grouping dies. Everyone is mainly in groups to do quests and when done they bolt.

Death penalty -> It is not bad but can be. You loose a shard in a place you can't get and your SCREWED for 72 hours.

It's better than EQ1 but still a hinderance as once you are in a group that has died a few times then it's not worth playing. The debt is so slow to repay that it's better to log off and let time repair the pain unless you're doing quests.

Bugs -> I've seen 'um. EQ2 has def bugs.

I rarely crashed.

Graphics -> Do I even have to say? They're truely outstanding.

The only problems are the characters bodies. They look like they have been on a long horse ride. Hips and legs are way out of proportion. Hands look like wooden puppets. Items weapons are minimal and are badly placed on the characters. Facial graphics are excellent, though.

The evil section is really badly layed out, like as if it was a rush job. Other city zones feel congested.

LVLing and the Grind -> well up till now (high teens) lvling has been pretty constant.

Wait till you hit level 21. I think Sony had to put on the skids as the exp rewards are now so small that it may take a week to get a level. From level 1 to 20, quests give alot of exp. You also get exp from exploring sites.

Overall EQ2 is just based on a poor concept. The creators don't seem to have to mojo to make an EQ1 sequel. It's not about the game not being complete, it's about the whole base engine. The game is just poorly constructed at the heart. The game is mainly a show pony in graphics and a big let down for mmoRPGs. EQ2 is the closest thing to a single player game, online.

Post Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:11 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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This is a great read and better explains what I mention about EQ2 and before I posted my assesment.


Post Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:20 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Originally posted by Ammon777
Why do you even bother with the MMO genre then? Go back to Baldurs Gate.

Everquest2 is better than most MMORPGs have EVER been. Most of the "bad points" you make out to be bad features are actually good things that solve a host of problems of EQ in the past.

Im not going to comment further because i cant post here what i really think of your "review" without getting kicked out of RPGdot.

F**K yeh! It is the best MMORPG ever! And RPGPorkster you are an IDIOT when you say "quest monkey". I believe RPG's are meant to have alot of quests, or all you'd have is a freakin fantasy action game! If you don't want quests, go play Warcraft 3 or something and stop wasting our time with your disses on EQ2. Its simple rpgporkster, if you don't like the game unsubscribe, shutup and stop making it look bad.
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Post Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:06 pm
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City Guard
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Originally posted by ShadowAssas1n
Originally posted by Ammon777
Why do you even bother with the MMO genre then? Go back to Baldurs Gate.

Everquest2 is better than most MMORPGs have EVER been. Most of the "bad points" you make out to be bad features are actually good things that solve a host of problems of EQ in the past.

Im not going to comment further because i cant post here what i really think of your "review" without getting kicked out of RPGdot.

F**K yeh! It is the best MMORPG ever! And RPGPorkster you are an IDIOT when you say "quest monkey". I believe RPG's are meant to have alot of quests, or all you'd have is a freakin fantasy action game! If you don't want quests, go play Warcraft 3 or something and stop wasting our time with your disses on EQ2. Its simple rpgporkster, if you don't like the game unsubscribe, shutup and stop making it look bad.

Why don't you relax? There's nothing like a bunch of EQ groupies to get angry when you decide that their favorite masturbation ritual isn't as orgasmic as they claim (unh unh level fifty...must be leet..leeeet.. *slober* unf unf unf ). Personally I'm glad RPGPorkster prompted a little discussion on how EQ2 might not be the end all for MMORPGs. It's a fresh perspective among most players and I was only a little disappointed when Ammon777 (and yourself) quickly closed communication by telling him, in so few words, to get lost.

Some of us haven't decided which MMO to pick up this year and it's nice to see some actual discussion on both sides. (These are forums by the way..) Thank you to those who wrote back coherent rebuttles.
The real secret of magick is that the world is made of words. And that if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish. -Terence Mckenna
Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:11 pm
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