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Tying up loose ends
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 30 Nov 2002
Posts: 14
Tying up loose ends

Ok, I am having some trouble tying up some loose ends in the game. I'm pretty far level wise (19-21), but I have avoided certain things because I can't figure out what to do. First of all, where do I use the hook line and the plank in the Sea Caves, everywhere I've tried, it hasn't worked. Second, I cannot locate the Savant ship Coordinates that I have been told to obtain in my journal. Third, what about the crashed ship at Bayjin, is there anything I need to do with that? Lastly, after I get the Destinae Dominus from Marten, do I go see Bela? I have the Astral Dominae and the Chaos Moliri, but I have not visited Rapax Castle, should I visit there first then see Bela or what? I would greatly appreciate the answers to my questions, because I can't find anything to do in the game till this stuff is done, thanks a lot!
Post Sat Nov 30, 2002 11:20 pm
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Joined: 21 Mar 2002
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Location: Third Hero of Erathia

You should fine a part of the sea caves where you see a hole above you with a board across it. That fishing line is high-test, because it will support the weight of an entire party...

Once you access those new caves, you'll find a good use for the plank.

Black boxes record all kinds of useful information. Now if you can just find a reader for it... Of course, that will only tell you where things were when the ship was shot down. That might help a tracker know where to begin, though.

There's nowhere you can go that isn't worth the trip. One area even changes depending on where you are in the story. You cannot screw up the story by exploring. Of course, Bela or others might give you additional guidance.

I tried to keep things vague for you. If you want a straight-out spoiler, just ask.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Sun Dec 01, 2002 12:26 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 30 Nov 2002
Posts: 14

I seriously am having trouble finding this spot where I use the hook line. I actually found the spot to use the plank on the ground, so I know I'm supposed to go up top, but I can't find the exact spot to do it! I need specific directions or something. Anyways, about the other stuff, I know that to track ships I go to Arnika, but whenever I put in track name Savant, it says coordinates are blocked. How do I unblock them, or is it even worth the time? About the Bayjin ship, I really just need the info, so I guess you can spoil it for me, it would save me time. I just got back into the game after three months just when I posted this, so some stuff is a little rusty to me. Thank you very much for the responses, but I could use a little more detail. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it!
Post Sun Dec 01, 2002 2:07 am
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Joined: 21 Mar 2002
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Location: Third Hero of Erathia

OK. I'll assume you can find the big door you can't get thru (where you get messages about how it was bricked up from the inside). Standing in front of there, head to your left. Before you get too far, save your game (because my memory ain't what it used to be ). That path has two branches, and I think they both end in "slippery zones" that dump you down a hole. IIRC, the one to the left will dump you into a tunnel that will lead to a cavern. In that cavern is a slab of rock. When you approach it, you'll get a message saying something along the lines of "wouldn't it be nice if you had a rope?" Congrats, you're golden!

The crashsite in Bayjin has a black box. Take that box to Arnika and put it in the reader. It will give you coords (old location) for the "black ship". Put those coords into a tracking computer (available elsewhere in the Arnika airport after a quick repair, or at the Trang, or at the Umpani). That will spit out the targetting coords (current location) you need.

If that doesn't get it done, I'll take another swat at it, or perhaps otter (our resident 20 time winner) will stop by and clarify.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Sun Dec 01, 2002 3:19 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 30 Nov 2002
Posts: 14

Thank you very much dteowner, I have found marten and received the destinae dominus. As for the other stuff, I will look into it another day (tomorrow probably! ) As far as a black box goes, I have one, but I don't think it belongs to the one from Bayjin. I assume the one from Bayjin is from the Helazoids, so I will look into that tomorrow or in the coming week, so I will keep you posted on my progress, and if I have any questions, I would appreciate your help! The black box I do have needs to be repaired though, and I have had it as long as I can remember, so.....a little info on how to fix it or what it does would be great. I seriously don't remember where I got it from, so it very well could be from the Bayjin ship, so clarification would be nice. Anyways, thank you very much for your help in this game, I really appreciate you taking your time to answer my questions. Thanks a lot, and I will DEFINITELY keep in touch until I beat this game, so look on occasionally to see if I've posted anything new Thanks!
Post Sun Dec 01, 2002 7:09 am
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Location: Third Hero of Erathia

I usually check this forum several times a day and otter swings thru most days, so worry not...

The damaged black box you have is from the crash right there in Arnika. It cannot be repaired. It's purpose is simply to get you to play with the 2 computers in the Arnika airport and put ideas in your head for when you pick up the Bayjin crash box (which is the Helazoid's ship, BTW).

Ask away as you require, but remember our "one non-vague spoiler per customer per day" limit.
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=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Sun Dec 01, 2002 8:10 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 30 Nov 2002
Posts: 14

OK, thanks a lot for your help dteowner, sorry I didn't respond sooner. Anyways, I had the other black box, which gave me the Dark Savants Coordinates and I gave them to Z'ant to get some exp points. I am now in Rapax Rift and in need of some other help. There is a door that requires a specific item for entrance that I can't seem to get into. I have the Sanctity Key, which I believe is used later. I have searched everywhere and i can't get into certain areas because of lava. I believe that if I gain entrance to that door, I can visit the rest of the rift and save the jailed guy (he won't come unless I remove his death mark). So, how do I gain entrance to that area and where is the needed item located? Also, is there a way to repair the rapax bridge (the very small one) to get across the lava into the new area, or will that door allow me access to the rest of the rift? Thanks for your time, and I would appreciate some direct answers! Thanks! I got to go now, but I will be back later tonight, so hopefully you'll have received this. Bye.
Post Tue Dec 03, 2002 1:44 am
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To the left of that stubborn door, there's a corridor that leads to a room filled with water. When you enter that corridor the first time, there's a small earthquake, and a tunnel filled with lava opens up in the right wall. You can't get thru that tunnel until you click on the wood support near it (which cuases a second quake). That allows you to bypass the door.

You cannot repair that bridge, but you won't need it once you accomplish the above.
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=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Tue Dec 03, 2002 2:46 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 30 Nov 2002
Posts: 14

ok, with the info you gave me, I got inside and did all that stuff in Rapax Rift accept save the dude and get that staff trapped in the flame thing. No worries though because now I am in Rapax Castle inside the altar of Al-Sedexus. Here's my problem, WHO DO I SACRIFICE???!?!??!? I don't want to sacrifice anyone. Maybe I should pick up some RPC?? Give me advice on what to do here, maybe not offer a sacrifice? I don't know, and I am way to far to kill off one of my characters. The only RPC's I care about are Vi and RFS-81, since I leveled them up and they usually travel with me. Tell me what I should do please! Thanks!
Post Wed Dec 04, 2002 12:47 am
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One of Us

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The sacrifice is not of life. Your character will continue to remain in the party.
Note: there's a bug in the cursor there; when it becomes a ? click on the EDGE of the char's button.
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?
Post Wed Dec 04, 2002 12:53 am
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It has to be a male party member (no RPCs of any gender). If your party is completely females, you can offer up a woman after to release any RPCs you have at the time (assuming you have the latest patch, 1.2.4).
=Proud Member of the Non-Flamers Guild=
=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Wed Dec 04, 2002 1:21 am
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One of Us

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The Al-Sed/Patch thing is a rumor. I played on Patch 1 right on up to AP MANY times, never had a male party member, and was a temporary Templar in every game.
EDIT: or did some interim patches break Al-S?
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?
Post Wed Dec 04, 2002 2:20 am
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High Emperor
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The "rumor" comes right off the official Wiz8 website. The bug was that if you had an all-female base party, you couldn't sacrifice anyone. The patch let you sacrifice a female character in an all-female party, if you have no male RPCs. You still have to dismiss any male RPCs first, though. Here's the link to the patch story, if you want it:
The world itself shifts and changes and fades to mist like the strings of a minstrel's harp, and mayhap the dreams we forge are more enduring than the works of kings and gods.-Robert E. Howard
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Post Sat Dec 14, 2002 8:50 pm
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One of Us

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In the patch file on the disks i bought is only "1b". In fact, if i don't patch higher, i can't get in to AP. I've run many parties to the point of going to AP, then applied the patch to finish, in order to pick pockets. They've all been all-female, and Al-S takes one every time. I guess i have the third version, i don't know if any later versions broke the Templar thing, but i get multiple Brekeks, too, if that helps place my version. I've never had a problem with Al-S once i finally found the right spot to click.
So, as official as the contrary may be, you can succeed with an all-female party without patch 1.2.4.
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?
Post Sun Dec 15, 2002 3:35 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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The all female problem was fixed in an earlier patch, not the 1.2.4 version. (There were at least 3 patches issued.) I no longer recall which one, and the Wiz8 website was pared down, so you can no longer see the full patch histories. The problem with male RPCs in an all female party is supposedly still a known bug per the link I posted earlier, which they were going to try and patch; but I doubt any more patches are coming at this time.

Multiple Brekeks? I don't know what you're talking about, so it doesn't help me figure out what patch came with your version originally. Never saw anything on this on the official site, and all it reminds me of is where someone posted here that Brekek will respawn eventually.

Yes, you can kill Al-S without turning the rest of the Rapax hostile. But I never managed that trick. If you can manage it, then it makes sense to do what you syggest (templar, back to kill Al-S, finish up the Castle & disarm the bomb in Arnika Tower). [Of course, if you know what you're doing and have enough portal spells, you can set one in Al-S's temple, one at the teleporter to AP, and one in the trophy room (presumably in that order). Then port to temple, kill Al-S, immediately port to trophy room, disarm the bomb, and immediately port back to the teleporter to AP. I think this is truly the fastest way.]
The world itself shifts and changes and fades to mist like the strings of a minstrel's harp, and mayhap the dreams we forge are more enduring than the works of kings and gods.-Robert E. Howard
=Member of the RPGDot Shadows, The Nonflamers' Guild, and The Alliance of Middle Earth=
Post Sun Dec 15, 2002 4:46 am
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