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Fallout: BoS - Interview @ Gamespy
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

Joined: 20 May 2002
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Fallout: BoS - Interview @ Gamespy

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel's producer, Chuck Cuevas and lead designer Chris Pasetto have been <a href="http://www.gamespy.com/interviews/october03/falloutbos/" target="_blank">interviewed</a> at Gamespy. Here's a snip:<blockquote><em>GameSpy: Are there any members of the original Fallout or Fallout 2 teams working on this project? <br> <br>Chuck Cuevas: No. Brian was one of our designers who worked a little bit on it, but he was not a big part of the team. But now he's a big part of our team. More than that, because we're the action division, the action group, and Fallout was done by Tim Cain and the people from Black Isle. They wanted to stay on RPG titles, because they're RPGers. And we're action guys. There were a lot of conversations back and forth, but nobody directly had a big part in the other games because of that reason. When we told them we were making an action game, some people cringed. But you don't want them to make an action game because they're not interested.</em></blockquote>
Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:02 pm
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Chuck forgot to mention

Chuck forgot to mention that when fans started telling him that they did not like the game he banned them and when all the fans started to complain he closed the forums.

Also he forgot to mention that he advertises his game as better than sex in his new trailers.
Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:05 pm

An action game... oh great...

This bodes ill... the Fallout series capitalized on being very good RPGs with action thrown in... when you build games the other way round, you get Fallout Tactics or *shudder* Lionheart.

We'll see, of course - hate judging things this early, but Fallout series + the words "action game" are potentially a marriage made in Kansas (or whatever your idea of Hell is).

Let's see...
Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:22 pm


So it is a console game not a PC game so the developers are allowed to mess up the clothes, buildings, timeline, setting, story, characters, locations, creatures, people, fractions, combat, weapons, items, armor, style of technology, level of technology, music, ghouls, mutants, deathclaws, robots, the Brotherhood of Steel.

And they can add things like:

thong bondage gear women who say "I'll make you my bitch"
black gangsta thug 'tribals' that say "Let's go kill some punk-ass motherf***ers"
cliche southern ascent prositutes who say "people know how to party, weee!"
cliche fast-agility girl that say "Girl does what it takes to survive".
And advertise it as better then sex.

The developers say that console games are supposed to be like this, wonder what console fans would have to say?
Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:40 pm


Originally posted by Chucky Cheese
We took our licks early on in the forums, but then we just stopped dealing with them.

Yeah, too bad you neglected to mention that you deleted all negative posts, and locked the forums, right Chuck?
Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:42 pm

Crapping out...

If you don't yet understand that forums on the net WILL get a game idea flamed by everyone and their grandmas', you should probably not be out unsupervised...

Increadibly unprofessional as a dev to stop using forums because they "took licks"... one thing only will come from that - you alienate and lose touch with your fan-base (believe it or not - people out there like the Fallout franchise...).

Ah well. Funny feeling in my bones that this is going to go hiney-up. But fingers crossed, as I'm a great fan of the Fallout series (not Tactics, though) and not least the general world/setting.
Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:19 pm


It disgusts me how they dismiss the fans the way they do.

They're either clueless or delusional -- take your pick.

Uh, Fallout fans are mean guys by nature, and there's, uh, no dealing with them. So, like, we didn't.

Nice failed attempt at spin doctoring too -- trying to pass off the angered fans off as a minority. If they're the minority, why then did they cut off all outside input by closing down the forums?
Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:59 am
Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Originally posted by Chucky Cuevas
Yeah, you know. The PC sites, we basically don't talk to them anymore because they were so negative, and looking for things to jump on that we just stopped talking to them, stopped providing them things because all they did was turn it around and use it against us.

This is the part I find funny. They've never talked to any of the Fallout fan sites, ever. They've never offered anything from day one. The whole idea that they "stopped" talking to Fallout fan sites and providing Fallout fan sites with things is absolutely ludicrious because they never started doing this in the first place. What a load of crap.

Odin of NMA(http://www.nma-fallout.com), the oldest Fallout fan site on the internet, offered them the chance at an interview shortly after the announcement of the game, and they basically told him they wouldn't deal with Fallout fans from the beginning!

It's dubious at best to claim that they were ever even remotely interested in a dialogue with the fan sites that have been around since 1997 and that they broke off communications because we were mean to them or picking on them. They were never interested in the first place. Odin went to them expressing interest, they told him to take a flying leap.

It's also utter BS that the forums have calmed down because of the Fallout 3 thing. They calmed down because of wide spread bannings and censorship, including the deletion and locking of the entire Fallout Enforcer forum! Not to mention the threat of banning the person if they start mentioning this game on any of the other forums and threatenning to shut down the entire Interplay forum pool.

This whole interview is a load of happy horsecrap.
Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:23 am
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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I was bemused that about a third of the article was about negative Fallout fans. Doesn't it say a lot that they wasted an opportunity to market their product and instead complained about fans? Or was it a sad attempt to undermine the criticisms?
Editor @ RPGDot
Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:37 am
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I'm thinking they don't actually know what a good story is since Tim and his guys left and created Trokia. I'm kind of scared of a new fallout for the PC, Considering FOT and this "better than sex" consloe game. It is just going to be a follow the leader NWN in the wastelands. Look at the pretty graphics however isn't it.

"it is what the mass market wants, we don't care about you guys livinng in 90s when games relied on story and not graphics"

Hold me chris for i am scared
Post Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:27 am


I want Fallout 3 and i want it now! NOT SOME console junk! :<
Post Wed Oct 22, 2003 1:42 pm
Counselor of the King
Counselor of the King

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*cries* its killing the games name!
"There are many questions which fools can ask that wise men cannot answer."
--George Polya (1887-1985)
Post Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:14 pm
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No sense

The part that makes the least sense (as if any of it made any) is that fact that they're saying they want the fallout liscense but don't want it refered to as fallout. And the fact that they are estranging all the people who made fallout a huge succes (the fans) by carefully slicing the pieces out that make the fallout series what it is (or should have been in the case of FT). It seems to me that chuck "up the butt" cuevas had an idea to monopolize on the action "rpg" craze and needed the money so he begged to make a fallout liscened game for interplay. This game does for Fallout what the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie did for the original comic, it removes the backbone (it's now spineless, and apperantly better than sex ).
Post Thu Oct 23, 2003 10:47 pm


Carlstar, I'd be more convinced if I saw a deacent game out of Troika. Arcanum was slow and has VERY poorly balance, and ToEE is plain bad (hint: NWN did it right).

Maybe Obsidian or InXile can do something
Post Sun Oct 26, 2003 8:55 pm

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