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Why Gothic is Better than Morrowind
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Why Gothic is Better than Morrowind

Gothic- vary interesting all they way until the end(sort of lame)
Morrowind- so non-linear that it is vary boaring for some one looking for any hint of a plot.

Gothic- took some getting used to but turned out to be really fun.
Morrowind- just plane sucks. Tell me how the hell can a rat (roughly the same thing as a meat bug) take down a fully armord warrior to 3 quarters life. thats just plane stupid.

Gothic- felt real. NPCs were actualy doing stuff, eating drinking, sleepng, talking with each other, etc.
Morrowind- NPCs are retarded robots walking around in circles doing absoulutly nothing. plus I rater have a few hunded NPCs that can talk than a few thousand NPCs(which you will never talk to) that you have to read the whole discusion with.

By the way all of you people who say that morrowind is a work of art or a Masterpiece, Graphics don't make a FUN game.

Morrrowind is and alright game, I like it. but it pisses me off when people say it is better than Gothic in every way when it is not.
Post Wed May 08, 2002 6:56 pm


It is better than Gothic. Sounds like you need to have your hand held in an rpg and that's fine, so it makes sense that you'd like Gothic better. For those of us who like more freedom, Morrowind is definately it.

Btw, the combat controls in Gothic were moronic and definately NOT fun.
Post Wed May 08, 2002 8:27 pm


No, the combat controls were not moronic, they were really quite elegant if you took the time to figure them out. Actually Morrowind should be a much better game that Gothic considering how much time has elapsed since Gothic was introduced. I think people may have different opinions about which game is superior, but nonetheless Gothic was a ground breaking, and marvelous game.
From what I have read so far Morrowind seems to be a bit of a dissapointment.
Post Thu May 09, 2002 6:06 pm


LOL. Groundbreaking?? How do you figure? There was nothing really groundbreaking about Gothic. However, I guess I shouldn't be surprised to read a response like that in the Gothic forums. Anyone who would call the combat controls of Gothic 'elegant' loses all credibility right there.

I don't know where you are reading that Morrowind is a disappointment though. Something tells me you're pulling stuff out the air to support a weak argument.
Post Thu May 09, 2002 7:32 pm
Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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There was a thread about Morrowind being disappointing on the MW forums, so that's where he read it I guess.
Post Thu May 09, 2002 7:37 pm
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Ahh, I see. That makes sense. I was assuming he/she was referring to gaming publications, not other threads.
Post Thu May 09, 2002 7:38 pm


Simply because you can't figure out how to use the controls in Gothic does not make them moronic. There were problems with the documentation and the manual was a joke. I found the controls to be quite easy to use once you took
some effort to figure out how to work them. The fact that Gothic gave you a seamless world, great interaction with npc's, an interesting story plus many other nice features made it groundbreaking in my book. You offer no evidence
why Morrowing is better, just your opinion. It should be better, a lot better, and apparently it isn't from what I've read, on forums and elsewhere.
Post Thu May 09, 2002 9:24 pm


I have played morrowind for a few more hours since i started this topic. Morrowind is slowly growing on me although I still strongly stand my my origional opinion. for those who think that the Controls in Gothic are moronic, talk about someone holding your hand through the game. THE CONTROLS ARE VARY EASY TO GET USED TO. plus I never said that I wanted a game that tells me what to do every second and "Hold My hand through out the Game" I said I wanted a game with a GOOD STORY and some sort of PLOT. for a game that took four years to develope and costs $50(which is a lot if you work for a living and have bills to pay) the lack of PLOT in Morrowind is a HUGE dissapointment. I'm not the only one with these views.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 12:23 am


I havent played morrowind, but Gothic is definatley one of the best rpgs ive played in a while. The controls REALLY ARE very eligant once you get used to them, it really shouldnt even take that long.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 3:21 am
Southern Spirit
Southern Spirit

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Gothic is my favorite game ever. You can have whatever opinion you want, but you don't need to flame people who don't think that Morrowind delivers, for me Gothic was just way more fun.

I'm disappointed enough in MW to practically cry. To me, the game is dreadfully boring--it takes forever for something to happen and when it finally does it's so difficult that it isn't any fun. The animations are terrible (in these days of MoCap none the less!) and the dialog is inconsistant to the point of ruining the immersion for me whenever I have to talk to people.

All in all the most fun I've had in Morrowind since I started was standing in the smuggler's cave and casting Fireball at the water over and over to raise my rating in Destruction magic.

Morrowind is losing me fast, which is really disappointing . I was so excited about it that it felt like Christmas as the release date got close. Oh well... at least there'll be Gothic 2 this winter.
''Perhaps I'm old and tired but I always think that the chances of finding out what really is going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and just keep yourself occupied. Look at me: I design coastlines. I got an award for Norway.''--Slartibartfast
Post Fri May 10, 2002 4:01 am
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the things that turned me off morrowwind was the constant screen goes black, loading level ever time you entered or exited an interior location. it ruins the illusion of being in the game world.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 4:45 am


The more I read over these threads, the clearer it becomes to me that there are two camps here. Those who need direction in an rpg (hence being bored at the scope of MW) and those who don't.

For me, the biggest selling point of MW is I get to create MY character. I'm not given a archtype and a few basic options, and that's it. I actually have a say in the kind of character I want to play. All the skills in MW have actual bearing on the game itself. They're not just filler, or a statistical way for me to gauge my character's progress and I find that very satisfying. I need more from my rpgs than one character and couple of basic options to choose from along the way. (Also I found the lead actor's voice in Gothic VERY annoying. He was a terrible actor) Gothic is a linear game and that bores me. I don't need my hand held in order to enjoy myself. True, Gothic was fun and I'm not saying it wasn't, but it definately isn't as good of an rpg as Morrowind. It almost leans more towards the adventure genre than an rpg. Granted, I have a monster of a machine so MW plays like a drream for me and swimming in the water is absolutely marvelous. I've heard people moan about the NPCs in Morrowind being robotic. I guess I wasn't as impresed in the day to day activities of NPCs in Gothic, listening to same canned conversations as I'd walk by NPCs that would tell me absolutely nothing really didn't matter to me. Perhaps some people need that illusion, but I don't.

Now, I'm sure I'm going to get yelled at for flaming. But just remember this: when someone says something that offends you or you take personally, remember that it is YOU who allows them to affect you like that.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 5:51 pm
High Emperor
High Emperor

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I agree completely with the thread starter, Guards that don't do squit, combat is IMHO very very lame...very boring it's just hackin and slashing till the victim falls on the ground..but you don't even see IF you hit ....

Graphics are great in MW, but it must be said...the visuals in Seyda neen and other towns are just near Gothic, the water is beatiful but graphics don't make this game....it's great that the world is so huge...but that doesn't make up for it at all either...i agree...i expected alot more from MW...

i never heard about gothic when i saw there was a demo, i downloaded the demo from a belgium site, lilttle getting used to controls..right away when i came into the old camp and saw people working, eating..sitting around campfire....etc...i was amazed....there's nothing wrong with the combat in Gothic compared to MW...really not...it's ALOT better...like said..gothic had the great story line...it never bored me ....and then in morrowind...you have the smallest creatures but still you have to slash it like a 10 times to beat it or more..that's just plain bullshit.....when i saw movies and shots of morrowind plus previews...i was like to everyone..MAN this is gonna be THE gothic killer....it just isn't at all...for me imho it's a big dissapointment..in my opinion..the battlesystem really ruins this game and the AI....guards just standing there...npcs just walking around....i can't help it..but when you see those great things in Gothic{people working..already said that} it's just sad to see this in MW....this is a Thread about why gothic is better than MW, so i've spoken....it's just my opinion don't attack me on that....
one last thing, i saw on the forum of morrowind that alot of people voted this game best rpg ever....sorry but that's just ridiculous....
Post Fri May 10, 2002 6:17 pm
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This debate shows that when you want something done right with quality get a German to do it.....ie. Gothic's creaters and ideas compared to Morrowind's
Post Fri May 10, 2002 6:51 pm


This debate really shows nothing.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 6:54 pm

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