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RPGDot Forums > Knights of the Old Republic

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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 29 Oct 2003
Posts: 23

What a DISSAPOINTMENT! It’s a shame such a game is Best RPG of the Year! What do we have here is very good marketing and advertisements combined with limitless exploit of the SW license. Poor graphic, absolute lack of freedom, “User-enemy” interface, old fashion quests “go, find, kill, bring”, unfortunately my English is not good enough to express the bitter taste after playing the game. (just 3 planets, couldn’t anymore) Qvo Vadis, BioWare?
Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:22 am
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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I can't believe we're talking about the same game!! I loved it. Tell me, what do you usually play? This is one of the best RPG's I've played in a long time, and there are VERY few I haven't played.
If God said it, then that settles it!

I don't use Smileys, I use Emoticons!!

Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:02 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Recently playing X2. Actually I’m RPGs fan and somebody might consider it RPG with all those ships and upgrades.. My favorite games are BG 2 and Fallout Tactics:BoS. I didn’t mean any offense but have to repeat my statement. Started KOTOR 2-nd time with the hope I’ve missed something. Nope!! The same game, the same boring taste. I like freedom in games. It is one of the biggest advantages of Morrowind and I didn’t like that game. What about the GOD-like status you have in KOTOR. I’ve played on Difficult and my last hope was the Beast, mentioned by the Jedi in front of the gates on Dantoine planet. (The name was Tarantek or something like that). And this Beast which had been hunted by 3 powerful Jedi is just 7-9 hit away from Death. And I was lvl 13 or 14.
I can understand Lucas Art, they have customers to take care of, and most of them are children, but with “Diff” on I expected more challenging gameplay. Carth is running with fully upgraded Republic uniform all the time on the first planet (Taris?) and the Sits just didn’t notice him?? The Wookeys planet (third and last visited) there is a GREAT (???) Walkway where you can’t walk even a step aside from the path. In the description of the feat where you can control mind of another is written “just a few beings can resist”-and a simple shopkeeper or swoop coordinator is amongst them?? No comments about the graphic, you can expect it from the creator of NWN. Finally (I can continue the list) the entire gamefeeling isn’t OK.
KOTOR was in the top of my list for the last year. Lionheart too.
Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 4:18 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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I rather liked the graphics. But then again, I cranked them up all the way and turned on all the extras. Those fish people on Mannan actually looked well, fishy.
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=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 5:56 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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While I felt the limit in scope the game world has in KOTR, I realy enjoyed the game. Graphics where wonderfull on my PC, there was decent about of combat options that had different degrees of usefullness against different oponents, and the stories that went along with each party NPC where good. It poked fun at some SW conventions and explored new areas in for me in the SW cosmos (like the evil droid, HK-47).

*******Spoiler Below*********
The two weak points in the game are the small zone sizes, and repeat of the 'Lady Aribeth' plot ploy. It is sad that the out door zones are only slightly larger than a Morrowind dungeon. I dont know if both NWN and KOTR had the same writers, but they should have dont something abit different with Baistla(sp?). While Baistla was more fleshed out by far than Aribeth, from the moment they introduced her as a character, I knew what was going to happen with her near the end of the game. I must confess though, I didnt see the major plot twist coming though, guess I'm slacking off.
Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 6:16 pm
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Rara Avis
Rara Avis

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Unknown Planet

Well... I'm not a mathematicist, but that's about 233% more than only 3 planets.

Sure, you could go and kill the Wookie leader, but such an open and easy path surely leads to the Dark Side? The road less travelled, perhaps?

The Force Power Affect Mind is useless, it's Dominate Mind that I used with complete confidence that it would work, with two exceptions in the game.

You cannot simply climb down the kilometre high trees to the forest floor in wookie land; you're not a "climber." Being able to do so would destroy any hint of pesudo-realism on that planet.

What can I say? The Jedi who hunted the beast were fervent servants of the light. If you read the datapads that you find on all three of their corpses, you will see that two of them violated the Jedi Code by falling in love and the other went insane when his friends were killed. They lost their source of power when they fell from their high standards of Jedi.

Last I noticed, it was a type of honour in the game to kill and opponent and take one of their effects. That's why Carth could have his Republic Mod Armour on. Just like how the bounty hunters on Dantooine collected lightsabers, when they had no use for them or how Calo Nord kept a log of his hunts.

Spoiler @ LB


You didn't have to execute Bastila. I actually got a couple good persuade rolls and managed to get the Battle Meditation for the Republic.
Make good choices.
Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:58 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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While I'm generally enjoying it I do have some reservations. I'm only part way through Dantooine so I'll reserve comment on some things and stick mostly to mechanics:

* Combat is a bit disappointing. It's a spectacular show of swordplay but this choreography is just masking a fairly simplistic system. It's not balanced (see blasters vs swords thread) and there's little or no strategic movement. I'm still bothered by the swords.

* Some aspects of the interface are awful. The main screen layout is excellent but you can't remap all the keys (arrow keys, for example), no drag and drop paper doll means *far* too many clicks, universally small interface screens mean scrolling for almost everything.

An example. Since blasters are underpowered I thought I'd try to utilise my blaster feats to cut through shields with an ion blaster and then switch to melee (dual wielding). Open inventory, click first weapon, select None, clickOK, click weapon slot, scroll, choose sword, click OK - repeat for the 2nd weapon.

* Pathfinding

The angsty PCs tend to annoy me but I'll wait to play some more. Comments are welcome.
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Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:29 pm
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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Swapping weapons: Click on gun icon, click on hand, scroll to desired weapon, dbl click done!! Don't forget you can pause, go into inventory and heal without losing a turn during combat!! Very useful at times!! I love the humour in the game. The assassin droid is a hoot.
If God said it, then that settles it!

I don't use Smileys, I use Emoticons!!

Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 11:24 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Nope. Can't change weapons (at least the one's I want) without first clearing the existing item. I'll give it another go tonight just in case I'm going mad.
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Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:16 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Originally posted by sauron38

Spoiler @ LB

You didn't have to execute Bastila. I actually got a couple good persuade rolls and managed to get the Battle Meditation for the Republic.

Thats what I did, too. It just seemed very close to convencing Aribeth to away from the bad side at the end of NWN:OC which was an option for my paladin the first time I played it. I still loved the game though, and as soon as my wife lets me, I'll steal the cds and play it again.
Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:42 am
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Try the Dark Side and Bastila's story will play out differently. You're going to need an apprentice.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:52 am
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Rara Avis
Rara Avis

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Wait a sec... how many attacks per round does a blaster get without enhancements? 3? 4?

And I think that you can make the interface screens seem bigger if you turn off "large fonts." But then you're going to need some pretty strong glasses.
Make good choices.
Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:39 am
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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I half take back the point about weapon changing. It only only occurs when the weapon in the other hand is "incompatible" - but that happens to be the combo I want to move between at the moment. I still say the interface is heavily console-oriented.
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Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:26 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 29 Oct 2003
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Not only interface is console-oriented. The whole game has flavor, not taste of console game. The graphic. Those 3-rd person “rear” view. Inventory interface, battle “pseudo-choreography”…I think we have to vote for “Best console to PC game transaction” at the end of the year. See what they did with Deus Ex: IW. We can discuss a lot here, but the main problem is hidden in marketing policy of game industry today. They want to make more money with actually same products. It is OK, but the results are not satisfying. The same are efforts with Console to PC-see Metal Gear Solid 2. I’m not sure how it is done, with automated programs or manually or both, but I’m afraid we will suffer from this in future. When I started the topic, my idea was to emphasize the final disappointment, the “gamefeeling” (from “gameplay”) at the end of my meeting with KOTOR. There are many fans of Fallout 1&2 and growing community of developers and modders of that already 5-6 years old game. The graphic is terrible (from present point of view), but the “gamefeeling” is OK, even nowadays. The first part of Gothic had the same problem, compared to Morrowind for example, but the “gamefeeling” was OK. There are many games with more or less “perfect” graphics (Enclave, Morrowind, Freelancer to name just few) but their “gamefeeling” is not enough for me. You can be a painter, with solid experience, virtuous technique, expensive materials, but it won’t be enough to make a masterpiece. And “game of the Year” must be masterpiece.
Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:27 am
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I liked it. It's not on par with, say, a Baldur's Gate, but it's a decent "Action RPG/Adventure" game. To me it seems a very simplified Gothic. Of course, it takes place in the Star Wars universe and the graphics (especially the lightsaber fights) are a sight to behold, and I admit this helped me like this game a bit more. I think they actually used bump mapping in the graphics engine; some effects look really good. I agree with Dhruin regarding the interface, Bioware folks could have taken a lesson or two in interface design; scrolling through all the items in the inventory is a chore, especially later in the game when you're carrying a lot of stuff around. A click & drag interface similar to the one in NWN would have worked much better in my opinion.

I really liked the NPCs, and their conversations. This was one of the few RPGs where I actually kept clicking on them to check for new conversation options... especially when I turned to the dark side and some of them started to complain . Some of the quests were interesting too, such as the "murder investigation" ones. Despite what some have said, the story itself is very linear. I was annoyed when I actually had to take time and help Zaalbar; personally I couldn't care less about that ball of fur and would rather leave him stranded on the planet.

Originally posted by sauron38
he Force Power Affect Mind is useless, it's Dominate Mind that I used with complete confidence that it would work, with two exceptions in the game.

I actually find Dominate Mind pretty useless. So far, all it has done is save me a few credits.... Those two feats are a waste, in my opinion.
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Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:05 pm
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