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Help Me Build Mana for my fire mage
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Help Me Build Mana for my fire mage

I messed up my fire mage character but I'll stick with him.

I'm in chp 3

Level 27 (I like to fight)
str 55
Dex 52
Mana 148
Life 715
I have 134 LP saved up

I think I used up all the stone Mana tablets (both Vatras and old builders) and I've done the mushroom thing about 4 times. I currently have 29 mushrooms. When I pray at the shire the only boost I get is 3 life points. If I could do it all over again I would have:

1) used learning points for mana when it only cost 5 or 10 LPs
2) prayed at shrines every day
3) not entered monastery until I was through with Daron

But that is not the case. The past is the past. My only options now are:

1) Mana perm potions (making them)
2) finding perm mana potions (loot and stores)
2) lucking up on some mana tablets

I have 11 King Sorrels that will eventually give me 33 more mana (11 X 3)
Maybe 2 more mushroom exploits for 10 more mana
finding a mana tablet somewhere 5 mana
maybe a man belt for 10
a mana ring for 10

for a grand total of 68 additional mana - without spending any LP. And at 25 LP per 5 gain in mana that just doens't seem worth it. Can you fine folks give me any more ideas on how to get more magic power for my pitiful fire mage.

NOTE: on the upside, my mage is okay in melee. But just okay.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:10 pm
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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Just curious and to have a comparison point, how many Mana points you have already learn through LP?

Mana potions you do yourself rise 5 mana not 3 so you have potentially 55 more mana.

11 King Sorrels and you haven't used any for anything? You should be able do much better than that BUT you'll get more during next chapters, don't forget merchants. For chapter 3 and I suppose NOTR part done, I don't remember if it's good or if you can get much more. I found 19 and 22 during my previous play. Second number was with whisp help in many area, no idea of the maximum.

If you want go through some cheat, there is a list of all mana powerup available, I saw one in this forum.

If you agree use 2 rings and 1 amulet to get more mana, you can get 40 more mana by using the priest set you can find in NOTR part.

If you aren't sure you get all mana tablets and most king herbs and don't want cheat a bit through a walkthrough or a database, you could try use the whisp to find more but that will require a lot of time.

The bad thing is that it seems you also used powerup for all your other skills, so the bad news is that it's also too late to build a decent fighter or archer.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:57 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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Hay my previous post is a little dark.

Ok see good points:
- You are level 27 and like fighting, so you could have 23 more level up to come for 230 more LP.
- Mana potions you do yourself rise mana 5, with your 11 king herbs it's already 55 more mana.
- If you haven't used any King herbs you could find at least 9 more for 45 more mana.
- I think one or two potions will come later to give you 10 more mana.

If you get all that, you will already get 148+100+10=258 Mana.

With that much mana and some fighting skills you can easily win the game. I did it with 180 Mana during chapter 3 or 4, and 250 during chapter 5 and 6. I had fighting skills but I also lost many LP there and there. Also I didn't push the game at the max. I finished level 44 but did 2 level up during last chapter, you can easily get more levels before and get more LP.

My advice would be to:
- Try find more potions and tablets before to desperate.
- Find all king herbs you can find and any other herbs, don't forget shops.
- If you didn't found the priest set (2 rings and an amulet) you probably didn't search that well and you could give a try to the whisp and if that doesn't work get back to the previous savegame.
- Keep herbs for later decision or only for just an intermediate goal, because you could find them helpfull later to increase your dex or str instead of mana.
- I heard of 3 different strategies to complete a descent mana level not that high (180 then 250 in last chapters) and still build a powerfull char. Summon and sword fihgting, Summon and bow, Freeze spell and bow.
- Summon strategies can support using mana restore potions for example prepare some summon drink a potion start fight cast more sommon. So not that high mana level can work.
- Even with only 250 mana you can cast a devastating high end spell once, so you should not worry too much for later chapters.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:26 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I've used no learning points in building up my mana

That's the problem, I could have almost 180 in mana now and over 100 LP left if I spent some LPs early on. My (148) mana build up was soley from Mushrooms, tablets, shrines, Daron, and Vatras (tablets)

From playing the original G2, two years ago I seem to remember the merchants having a number of perm mana potions at the start of each chapter. I'm hoping that condition also exists for NOTR. I also expect to find more kings sorrel (both in the field and in the stores) as my game moves forward.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:26 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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You don't need LP in mana, although it helps. My current mage has 221 mana in ch4 with no LP. The key is the priest set and the magic staff (that's 60 pts right there) and make all the elixirs you can. Unfortunately, the magic staff isn't a very good weapon but by ch4 you should be using mostly magic anyway.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:44 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Thanx Gotit

Sounds like I'll be okay, just a little more sweat than a mage is used to. I'm thinking that there will be at least 2 perm stat potions per chapter. I noticed your build did not include spending any LPs on mana. HeHe. It makes me wanna cheat but I'm way to lazy to do Marvin.

And yes I take my time searching all areas hoping for that elusive old builders tablet or perm magic potion is out there for the picking.

I too read some of the stratagies for "not high" mana level characters, and it looks like I fit in that catergory. I would like to go the bow, route because I would love to get the 90 dex for athletics. But that's not likely to happen in this game with my mana hungry mage. Still it would be cool to jump from a cliff and cast spell and then jump upto another cliff and cast away.

I guess I'm a battle mage at heart.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:48 pm
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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Omg, no Mana learn through LP? Hey you are playing a mage or a Barbarian?

Not good at all, you'll need to be particularely good in searching. Kill everything as soon as you can and search every corners, holes and upper things. Again, try the whisp in area already cleared to see if you can find more herbs tablets or potions with its help.

Potentially it's available but finding all the available stuff is another story. If you go for some cheating, I suggest you use the character helper to erase few past errors instead of reading a check list of items available and where or how find them.

I don't remember that much mana potions available in shops at each chapter. Let's hope my eyes was obstructed or that I never found few critical merchants.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:49 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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Fragonar is right, why not just use the mage staff +20 mana, and find this priest set in NOTR area for 40 more mana?

Dex 90? You already used the des tablets and few dex potions you had? If you still have some or can put use some self made potions to do dex potions you could go higher than that. Don't forget mana is prority but also it's not that usefull to raise it that high. For example 240 plus the items suggested by fragonard raise you at 300 mana, you should be fine with that.

You are lucky that mage is the most powerfull char in the game. I think you still have many options quite doable but from now you need a lot of care and planning.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:58 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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Originally posted by Dajjer
...Still it would be cool to jump from a cliff and cast spell and then jump upto another cliff and cast away.

I guess I'm a battle mage at heart.

You should try Morrowind with a set of user made addon changing quite a lot the magic. You'll do sort of thing like that but also fly during battles with quite complicate fights to do. Even more cool in my point of view, is bow and many magic for many things from fly to jump summonning, invisibility and sneak tactics. Morrowind doesn't match Gothic 2 but once you get in it, it can be a quite good game and some user made addon made it even better.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:04 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Gotit
Omg, no Mana learn through LP? Hey you are playing a mage or a Barbarian?

I did it this way because I read there was a high cost for the runes, spells and each circle book. Clearly I either read it wrong or the info was mistaken. So I am what I am.

Wiith the self made potions still available, some luck finding additional tablets and more perm potions plus bonus stat gear, I think I can come close to 300 mana. I just hope I get real lucky with the tablets and potions becasue I would like to invest in some Dex potions.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:16 pm
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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Runes? Yes they cost LP, but be savy learn the minimum, yes don't forget keep LP to learn the more usefull runes for you.
Circles? Each circle cost 5LP.

Be cautious in your use of self made potions, keep them as late than possible. For a dex path if still possible, I think you should better go for 250 mana for last 2 chapters, eventually 180 for chapter 4.

With that you'll still has the option to have 300 Mana by using the priest set and the mage staff.

When I played a mage I learn about 14 or 15 mana points by LP, not very wise, I didn't knew. I never got the possibilities to reach 300 but I felt fine to stop at 250. No I hadn' found all stuff but will you?
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:36 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Yes, I certainly hope to find a lot more goodies. Typically I scout an area, take out the baddies and then search like crazy. I think its time to get the will o whisp out for some searching assistance..

And I played Morrowwind for almost 3 years. A fun game with gorgeous graphics and excellent atmospher. But it has no where near the immersion factor nor the playability of Gothic 1 or 2. Flying is fun in Morrowind but very costly. The Might and Magic series did the flying thing the best.

I think I'm going to play with some perm potions and see if I can discover any undocumented exploits. Hey, Gothic 3 is a long way out, so why not experiment.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:57 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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Playing NOTR as mage=never having enough mana....period.

Mage is my favorite character and I try to plan my game for certain milestones.....like saving up enough LP to get a good dex based sword early, or planning my mana level to the runes available each chapter that I wish to use that game. Let's say the rune I want to use in chapter 3 take X mana to use it, but that rune requires 3 shots to take out my toughest enemy....I try to attain the 3 times X mana. How you attain that mana is a matter of choice because you will ALWAYS be short of mana, but you "can" attain enough each chapter to use the rune you want to fight with. Maybe next chapter my new rune only requires a 5% bump in mana to be able to use it effectively, so plan for this.....maybe it will require a 15% bump, so ya gotta plan what runes you wish to use and what mana level is required.

Since you will always need more mana, use the approach of having sufficient mana for the task at hand. After all, what is the point of having 30 mana left after using your rune to defeat an enemy.....you still have to reload your mana, so 30 mana is kinda wasted....over and over with each fight. If ya need 150 mana for the task, try to have only 150 mana.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:48 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Interesting game play theory Uriziel.

That would never work for me though because I've never gleamed the depth of game play knowledge that you've acquired. I typically just go into an area either swinging or flinging with my sole thought of staying alive. But becasue NOTR is so tough I've started to notice some of the game dynamics of which you refer.

For example, my favorite spell is Ice Lance. At 148 I can take out worgs and orcs. I need to resupply mana for an Orc Shaman and Seeker battles. And I have yet to take out an Orc Elite with Ice Lance. And trolls eat Ice Lance like popcicles and demand I keep flinging it out to em. MORE they say.

Next up ICE block on seekers

Still, I think your right, I'm going to always hunger for more mana. That's why I check the shops when ever I'm around in the hopes they restocked something good.

And interesting bug in NOTR. Daron was accepting money for donations well after I gave him the 1000 gold. Unfortunately it was a one day only thing never to be repeated. But I still keep checking in the hopes it comes up again.
Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:22 am
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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Originally posted by Dajjer
And I played Morrowwind for almost 3 years. A fun game with gorgeous graphics and excellent atmospher. But it has no where near the immersion factor nor the playability of Gothic 1 or 2. Flying is fun in Morrowind but very costly. The Might and Magic series did the flying thing the best...

Might&Magic? I know only the first from 1 to 3 that was a bit like RPG but well not the best. I didn't knew they was more but they was doing only wargame series Heroes... I don't remember any flying in those series but well it's a long time ago.

Fly cost? Since very soon just make yourself a spell with minimum fly it cost nothing and you can fly forever. Sure you need not forget regenerate it. Later you can rise the fly time for same cost and even choose a bit more cost for a bit longuer time. I can assure you that you are doing a lot of thing with that and a bow, including flying on a top shoot flying to another top and it's not as easy than you can think. I used fly a lot but also sneaking/shadow, invisibility, paralyse, summon and other for fighting tools. The magic in Gothic 2 is just poor in comparison but I agree that Morrowind doesn't match Gothic 2 NOTR.

Additionaly the base magic system of morrowind has some boring point but there are a series of mods that totally change this part of the game despite that change aren"t that big. But this include rebalance of spell cost and a slow mana regeneration not enough to really restore mana during a fight but perfect to restore it before next fight.

Gorgeous graphics Morrowind? We aren't talking of the same game! I find Gothic 2 graphics gorgeous in comparison, additionaly even if world with popy colors aren't my cup of tea, they go too far in morrowind, and it makes me feel like a world with a lot of pollution that make everything a bit grey.
Post Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:38 am
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