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things that could be better in WOW
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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things that could be better in WOW

ok I admit this game is amazing totally addicting, and can make you play it for months at a time.
however some things just ire me about it.
1. there should be a warning when creating a charcter on a RP server , that you are suppose to RP on it, some do , but the pouplation of 10 year old kids is gigantic, after awhile your tired of hearing, char running around saying "this is gay", and "that is sweet",and so on and so forth,and some ppl just make a char to be a pain in the behind and laugh at RPing players.

2. the econmic side of the game is screwed up horribly, raw matireals cost more then the product???, where's the incentive to make and sell stuff if you have to invest so much time with so little return

3.the lack of complete history regarding items, I mean ok so blue items are rare and purple are epic, so can't there be a small window that says this item was crafted for baron what's his name by this craftsman in the year of the """"", anyway that's nothing wrong with that I just think it will add to the immersion to have it. if the items are so rare and all.

4. the lack of actully moving the war this way or that , there are contested terrtories but all that means is that you can get killed there, there's no exchange of land what so ever, players have ranks that depends on kills of other players and nothing else, for example in FFXI terrtories actully changed hands, you felt like the game was moving somewhere, that you and your guild can change the world, in WOW the world stays the same no matter what you do.

ok that's it for now, I'm only lvl 30 so I might pick up on other things,
that's it for my rant let me know what you other WPW players think
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Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:36 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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1. RP servers even has an own set of rules, and the first message you get every time you log in is "Please respect the additional rules of the Roleplay Servers, look them up at http:blablabla". I just don't think people care, and Blizzard aren't good enough at keeping the order there imo.

2. Well, it wouldn't be very balancing if you could buy Copper for 50s, spend 10 seconds smacking an item together, and then sell it again for 60s.. that would mean that you could make 10s per 10 second for as long as you want. You are supposed to grind the materials yourself, make the item, and keep 100% of the profit. That way you will make quite a lot if you make good items, and actually bother grinding for them.

Still, I agree that some items are way too expensive, especially epics. Whenever it's an epic, it goes on the AH for 100g, even if it's for lvl 35 people. Who at lvl 35 will cough up 100g for an epic? It's nuts, and not worth it.

3. I agree. Especially when you can find items like "Sapphirons' Mighty Boots" and "Uther the Lightbringers' Girdle". Items such as that should have a background story, as they come from respected Warcraft 3 people.

4. My cousin said it very well, "I hate the Battlegrounds as they do not fit into the Warcraft lore at all". This is completely true - a neverending battle that doesn't actually affect the war at all, and is contained within a small valley is just not realistic at all. I don't like the concept at all really.
Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:11 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Originally posted by Maylander

2. Well, it wouldn't be very balancing if you could buy Copper for 50s, spend 10 seconds smacking an item together, and then sell it again for 60s.. that would mean that you could make 10s per 10 second for as long as you want. You are supposed to grind the materials yourself, make the item, and keep 100% of the profit. That way you will make quite a lot if you make good items, and actually bother grinding for them.

Still, I agree that some items are way too expensive, especially epics. Whenever it's an epic, it goes on the AH for 100g, even if it's for lvl 35 people. Who at lvl 35 will cough up 100g for an epic? It's nuts, and not worth it.

why should I bother making the items if I can buy them at a very low cost expence at the AH, for instance a small silk pack which I made earlier this week, cost me 3 bolts of silk 2 heavy leather 2 fine thread, I have to buy the leather cause I can't get it myself (tailor/enchanter) and my char was too low to get silk so I had to buy that as well, as silk goes it's about 50s-65s to a stack of 20 at the AH(less then wool btw !!!), and the heavy leather cost me about 30-40s, If I chose to sell the bag at the AH it would sell for a maximum of 30s ,which is plain unrealistic, the player based economy should have been planned better to allow for some profit maragin , I could have just bought that bag for 30s in the auction house without all the trouble of making it.
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Post Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:26 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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But that's the point. You're not supposed to make items before you can grind the ingredients for it. Otherwise a lvl 1 could make Black Dragonscale armors just by buying raw ingredients at AH, increase his skill, and sell it for profit.. why would you ever leave Orgrimmar/Ironforge if you could make money by just buying the ingredients at the AH and then sell a product that takes 5 seconds to assemble?

In real life there is an actual cost to make an item, other than ingredients. It takes time, it takes effort.. in WoW it takes 5 seconds of load screen going "making dragonscale armor".... tic tic tic, done. If all you had to do to make a 20g armor was to buy 10g of ingredients, you could make 10g per 5 seconds of ticking.

Hence, you are supposed to make silk bags of silk you grind yourself. You are NOT supposed to be able to lvl up to 300 in Tailoring simply by buying the ingredients at AH, and then sell the items for as much as the ingredients cost. If so, noone would ever actually grind for items - that's why you have support proffesions such as skinning for leatherworking, mining for blacksmithing etc.

The economy would be ruined if people could actually just sit in Orgrimmar/Ironforge and make money by buying the ingredients and selling a product 5 seconds later. They could make 1000g a day just sitting around buying hard-grinded items from the AH.

Remember, it takes a lot of effort to grind silk, skins etc, but absoluttely NO effort for a tailorer to slap it together. What do you actually do, if you don't even have to get the ingredients yourself? Should we pay you to simply click a button and slap together 2 heavy leather and 3 bolts of silk? Should you actually make money THAT easy?

Get the ingredients yourself, and you'll see that money isn't hard to get in the game. I don't have any epic 900g mounts yet, but all my three characters at 40-60 have mounts and excellent gear, and I don't really make an effort to make money either.

My proffesions are as follows:
Blacksmithing(Armorsmith), 280 or so.
Leatherworking(Dragonscale), 266
Alchemy, 282
Enchanting, 180 or something.

And a bunch of mining/skinning to support it. I have no problems making money, as I get most of the ingredients myself, and buy whatever I simply can't get. I stick to making things of my lvl, and nothing way above. I have the pattern to make Black Dragonscale Chest on my lvl 45 Shaman, yet do I expect to walk into the AH, buy tons of dragonscales, and then sell the armor for profit afterwords? Of course not, the dragonscales take forever to grind, and someone put a lot of effort into grinding them - a lot more than for me to simply slap together an armor. That's why I won't make such armors till I actually reach the lvl where I can grind the stuff myself.

All in all, making money is easy if you just stick to making stuff your own level where you can get the stuff you need yourself.
Post Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:19 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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making stuff your own lvl is excatly the problem, if I make stuff my own lvl I will be at least 5-10 lvls behind, for instance to make a lesser wizards robe I need silk, now to get silk I need to kill late twenties, but the robe lvl restriction is 22, so why do all this work if I can buy it , it just doesn't make sense I have no problem making money, I just want the proffession to have a bigger role in equiping my char.
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Post Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:55 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Hmm, I never actually had that problem with Leatherworking or Blacksmithing. I just go on Thottbot to check who the lowest lvl mobs that drop what I need(for instance dragonscales, who drop from some lvl 42-43, but mostly 50+), and then I grind the few mobs that are within my reach. You should try it - works very well to keep you up-to-date in gear.
Post Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:40 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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4. the lack of actully moving the war this way or that , there are contested terrtories but all that means is that you can get killed there, there's no exchange of land what so ever, players have ranks that depends on kills of other players and nothing else, for example in FFXI terrtories actully changed hands, you felt like the game was moving somewhere, that you and your guild can change the world, in WOW the world stays the same no matter what you do.

I think Blizzard was invaded by carebears before the game came out, I have no idea why people find it so addicting the light hearted candy coded cartoony graphics so fit the warcraft name , then there is the simplicy, I mean really you cut and copy a charecter really insert class here all the same accept for a few faces & races. I being a player of all the warcraft 1 & 2 games am very disappointed, & the community sucks, full off people that just want to quest. Plus on Dethecus the server I played on had people that would just leave your group with no mention of anything on thier part. You need a guild to feel like part of something, & the guild I was in sucked at that also.
Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:22 am
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High Emperor
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The too-hardcore people are the ones that annoy me the most. Of course some players are not serious enough, such as the ones who leave a party for no good reason, or even worse - people who ninja, but right now I'm in a guild with over 130 lvl 60s(Circle of Light on Shadow Moon), and it's so big you don't even know people, and all they talk about day in and day out is MC(Molten Core) this and MC that.

Other than that, I think the community is great. A lot better than most MMORPGs, probably because so many know the old WC games and the WC history.
Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:45 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Hmm...a few comments.

The issue of items being worth less then the sum of their raw materials is a common one in MMORPGs. The reason is that people want to raise their craft skills, and are willing to take a monetary loss to do so. It is very difficult to get around this. The only recipes you can make a serious profit on are the ones with a cooldown, ones that are very rare, or ones with materials not easily obtainable in the AH. The WoW economy is actually much less screwy then most.

More item histories and quotes would be really cool. A few items already have that, but I'd like to see alot more.

Contested realms changing hands would not work. The only reason it works in FF is because there is no open warfare, and a realm changing hands barely has any effect on gameplay (most don't even notice it). But losing complete access to a zone and all of it's quests would be almost impossible to balance. Plus the Alliance and the Horde are really only supposed to be skirmishing at the moment, so it makes more sense for them to be fighting over a few key spots, rather then conquering each others cities.. Fighting over the same valley or gulch over and over is really no more wierd then killing the same baron or general over and over.
Post Sun Sep 04, 2005 12:43 am
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High Emperor
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I completely agree with you. Also, Alliance outnumber Horde 2 to 1 on most servers, so the war would be over fairly fast. The Battlegrounds have a number restriction for a very good reason - the "war" would not be balanced. I don't think it would work out well at all in WoW.

So far, most things Blizzard do are for balancing reasons, and right now WoW is one of the most balanced MMORPGs I've ever played(classes, races, areas, factions, dungeons etc). There will always be flaws, but most of the "flaws" people see in WoW are there for a purpose, and are not flaws at all.
Post Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:12 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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Originally posted by Maylander
1. RP servers even has an own set of rules, and the first message you get every time you log in is "Please respect the additional rules of the Roleplay Servers, look them up at http:blablabla". I just don't think people care, and Blizzard aren't good enough at keeping the order there imo.

They should put extra moderators there from the ranks of players. If warnings dont help -> (permanent) ban from the RP server.
Post Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:50 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Yeah, I agree with that. It should be more strict, as it ruins the whole RP experience for the real RP players when people go nuts.

One thing I can think of that could definetly be better in WoW is the end-game soloing. Once you reach 60 there is absoluttely nothing you can do solo anymore. The quests that are left are either of no use to you, or must be done in parties(or raids). The instances all require 5-40 people, and not a single piece of good gear can be acquired without having to go with people.

This is annoying as you can't really log on for a few hours just to do a quest or two like you can while trying to reach 60. You need 5 hours whenever you log on, as it takes 1-2 hours to get a good party going to an instance, and then 3 to complete it.

Also, not all players are group players by nature. Some like to solo more than anything else, so the way things are now in WoW, Blizzard has completely screwed the solo players. There should be at least a few options at 60 for the solo players to obtain good gear and have fun.

One such option might be an Argent Dawn type of vendor(that is reputation based) which actually had epic loot like the Battlegrounds vendors. Of course, it should take insane amounts of work to be able to get up the reputation with a soloable epic vendor, but the option should at least be there for the solo players, so they could get access to the same quality loot as the PVP players(who gets access to MC quality loot a lot faster and a lot easier than actually going to MC.. Unstoppable Force anyone? That mace is better than any weapon in MC except Hand of Ragnaros, and can be gained by grinding AV for some time).

My point is this: Solo players should at least have some high end options. As it is right now, solo players quit the game after a few weeks at 60 because they simply don't have anything left to do.
Post Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:01 am
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The Hulk
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I agree with the game being non-solo friendly at higher levels. I can solo all I want at lvl 60 in the outdoor non-instance areas, but I'll never be able to get the best items that way. All the best items are in instances and it takes big groups and hours of time comittment to go through them.
However, another big problem with the game that few people ever mention is that for some classes, pvp is basically unavoidable even on non-pvp servers.
I started a character on a non-pvp server thinking that I would be able to completely avoid pvp if I chose to. How wrong I was. Eventually I realized that the class I chose to play(Mage)relied very heavily on an area effect spell called frost nova. Its pretty much required for any soloing mage to use. However, any area effect attack leaves you open to having your pvp flag activated and getting stabbed in the back by a player of opposing faction(Horde or Alliance as the case may be). How you may ask? Well, the biggest danger comes from rogues(which are quite popular in the game). They can sneak around without being seen and sneak up near a mage who is in combat with a mob and he can turn his pvp switch on just before the mage uses his frost nova spell, and when the frost nova hits him, the mages pvp flag is activated and the rogue can gleefully stab the mage in the back while he's already engaged in battle with a mob.
For a player who does not like pvp and wants to avoid it, this is very annoying, aggravating and stressful. It basically means if you want to fully avoid pvp, and you are a class which relies on an area effect attack(like mages), you have to go into instances only for exp/loot. If you go anywhere else for loot and exp, you leave yourself open to being stabbed in the back when you may least expect it. It was bad enough to cause me to want to quit the game. Mage was the only class that looked interesting to me there and by the time I found out I couldn't fully avoid pvp, I had already invested alot of time and effort into my character and didn't want to make a different class.
The easiest way to fix this problem(for mages at least)would be to give mages a single target frost nova spell(instead of an area effect one only), then they could avoid pvp and still solo in non-instanced areas if they wanted. But since the developers seem to be so big on pvp and put so much emphasis on it, and give special rewards to those who excel in it and participate in it often(and penalties for those who slack off on pvp), I doubt they care too much about the poor mages out there who don't like pvp and wish they could avoid it.
One other problem I thought I'd mention is poor policing of character names. I've seen lots of stupid/offensive names, a few examples are Plaguebutt, Toiletwater, nastyfart, buttnocker, turdman. I could go on and on, but do I need to?
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Post Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:36 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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The devs big on PvP, LoL. You are playing WoW right? Really I had no prob, with geting PKed when xping/looting & I played on a PvP server, although that isn't fair if that does happen, you just have childish players on your server, well more anyway. Most WoW players are not mature though on any server. Anyway I thought the PvP never fit the game, you can kill, but that is most of the PvP that can happen. I would have liked to see raiding have a purpose, like turning a towns side.
Post Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:07 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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I agree with the name policy. They have a very strict name policy, but noone to actually enforce it in any way. Some names are, such as kissmyass etc are just annoying.

Had a bit of a problem with ganking myself after the Honor System came(my main is on a PVP server), but that problem went away when the Battlegrounds showed up.

Regarding capturing towns. This would be a cool feature if Horde/Alliance had about the same number of players, but right now Alliance outnumber Horde 2 to 1, which means on most servers Alliance could capture towns and keep Horde players from questing etc.

I personally feel that it would interfere too much with the people who don't like PVP at all. Perhaps it could be a feature in certain areas like a permanent battleground or something similar(that didn't go away and reset).
Post Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:41 pm
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