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Episode 3 Teaser Trailer
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Originally posted by Lady Armageddona
and Haiden, who is an even worse actor than Orlando Bloom.

Wow, someone you hate more than Orlando Bloom. I didn't think that was possible.
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Post Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:02 pm
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RPG Frog
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I thought the trailer rocked!

I will be roadtripping to see this in the craziest SW-party setting I can find!
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Post Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:22 pm
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Mysterious Lady
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Actually, I hate many people more than Orlando Bloom. Or at least, as equally.
Post Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:40 am
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Head Merchant
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Originally posted by Darrius Cole
Originally by EverythingXen
(We will never see another villain as memorable as Darth Vader ... ever.).
Darth Vader is not the most feared or most memorable villian ever, but he is very good. I do agree with the spirit of this statement. It will be a long time before we see a villian of that calibur.

Fair enough, but then who, as a matter of opinion, is the most feared villian ever...And just to clarify, are we meaning feared by the denizens of the movie itself, or by us the viewer

Cause Vader commanded fear throughout a Galaxy and an Empire...
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Post Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:07 am
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Darrius Cole
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By Pepto
Fair enough, but then who, as a matter of opinion, is the most feared villian ever...And just to clarify, are we meaning feared by the denizens of the movie itself, or by us the viewer

Cause Vader commanded fear throughout a Galaxy and an Empire...
I am glad you asked! I thought no one ever would. By feared and memorable, I mean by the viewers. I mean the viewers left the screen, whether they saw it on television or at the movies, afraid, and that they will never forget the villian or what he did in that movie.

Although I would submit that within their respective movies this villian generated more fear among the people who were in his presence than did Darth Vader. I know that is a tall order but this is the most feared character in all of American cinema, nay, in all of fiction; for this character generates more fear than the Boogie Man. I would go so far as to say that if this charcter were in Star Wars, that Darth Vader himself would be uneasy in his presence. Even the Great Vader would feel the need to attack him and eliminate the threat that he posed; or at least have him removed and lock his doors and use the force to verify that this person is not in close proximity any more. I do not intend to imply that Vader is weak; any one else would as well.

Who is this the most feared and memorable of villians? Well, I a few more words, I shall state their name.

Are you ready?

His name is...

Norman Bates, Psycho.........Have you ever been in the shower.........
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Post Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:11 pm
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Village Dweller
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Originally posted by Darrius Cole
His name is...

Norman Bates, Psycho.........Have you ever been in the shower.........

Hmmm...Norman was rather....strange then scary. Actually, the movie wasn't really scary. It was breakthrough , I know, but nowadays humas fears are much more complex that they were 50 years ago.
Post Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:59 pm
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Head Merchant
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For scaring the viewers??

I would cross the road For Norman Bates, but if its not his hotel, he is just very strange. Vader in public would be a celeb...like "Mr Vader, Do you have a pen to sign my napkin." "I find your lack of a pen disturbing."

Freddy gave me a few restless nights when I was pre-adolescent, now he's just hilarious. Its been a long time since we've had a truly chilling villian, or else weve just seen it all.

Does Bates still get to you Darrius??
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Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:15 am
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Mysterious Lady
Mysterious Lady

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Psycho is a titanic movie. I watched it several years ago on a the late late late etc Friday Night movie feature on TV and was pretty scary. But I don't think that Norman Bates was or was intended as a villain. He was a rather tragic figure, the way I would not call Bill (from Kill Bill) a villain.

Speaking of modern day villains, Elle Driver (Daryl Hanna, she did a very nice job) from Kill Bill does a good impression on the villany part, I must say.

From a sertain point of view (sadly, greatly reinforced by the SW prequell movies and Hayden Christensen's bad acting so far) Darth Vader is not a villain either. In ep2, Dart what-was-his-name, Christopher Lee was playing him, was doing a far better job at being villany than Vader ever was. I hope this part is continued in the next movie. Anyway, Christopher Lee is brilliant, his Saruman was pretty cool as well. Palpatine/Dart what-was his name too/the Emperor should do a fine job, too, as well at General Grievious, sadly a CGI voiced by Gary Oldman, rather than being played by him, due to his decision.

Actually, in the end it turns out that ep3 may be that bad after all. And i mean BAD - we have at one place Darth Vader, Dart what were they names, Grivious, and the good guys are going to have their asses majorly kicked. Combined with the thraditionally good CGI of the series ....
Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:26 am
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Darth Sidius - Chancellor Palpatine
Darth Tyranus - Count Dooku
Darth Vader - Anakin Skywalker

Since the laws of the Sith state there can only ever be one apprentice and one master I'm assuming that Anakin kills Dooku before/after his fall from the light side. It might be someone like Windu or Kenobi but probably not.

I'm pretty sure Vader will appear only at the very end of the movie and won't get any screentime. Sort of an 'arise Lord Vader' "What is your bidding, my Master?" and roll credits.
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Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:31 pm
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Darrius Cole
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By Pepto
Does Bates still get to you Darrius??
Not since I was a child, but I don't know a person who has never peaked out from around a shower curtain to see who was there. Why do they peek around the shower curtain? Norman Bates is why they peek. I know several women, my own mother included, who will not take a shower when they are at home alone. A few months ago, I was telling my cousin (50 yrs old) and her friend my opinion of Norman Bates, thus reminding them of the tale, and they were a afraid to go to sleep.

I never heard of anybody who was afraid to shower or afraid to sleep because of Darth Vader.
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Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:48 pm
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... my fiance won't shower when she's home alone either. She's never seen pscyho (hates movies with a passion) ... it's simply that you can't see or hear anything while you're in the shower.

Well, when you say 'villain' I think Darth Vader... not Norman Bates. Psycho didn't scare or scar me ... Aliens scared and scarred me more. I think in 20 years you'll be able to say Norman Bates and people will go 'who'? but if you say "Darth Vader" they'll go 'oh yeah... from some old science fiction film. I remember him.'

For that matter... I think you could do that now. Go ask anyone 10-30 who Norman Bates is and then ask who Darth Vader is. I'm guessing most won't get the Bates reference without you going "wreee wreee wreee wreee" while making a downward stabbing motion. Even then I'm guessing most will just think you're psycho without thinking Psycho
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Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:16 pm
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Darrius Cole
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So, your fiance has never heard of Psycho or the infamous shower scene?
Always with you what can not be done. Hear you nothing that I say? - Master Yoda
Only the powerful are free. - Darrius Cole
Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:04 pm
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Originally posted by Darrius Cole
So, your fiance has never heard of Psycho or the infamous shower scene?

Based on the blank stare I received when I kept trying to spell it out for her ... correct.

However, she has heard of lightsabers, the Force, and Darth Vader. She's 23 years old and dislikes movies... why would she know of a Hitchcock movie? She hadn't heard of the Birds, had no idea what Lost In Space was (though she recognized the words "danger, danger Will Robinson" as having to do with a robot), and misses out on 99% of all 'in' jokes in satires like the Simpsons or Futurama or Family Guy (and intensely dislikes them in no small part because of the missed references. That, and they're juvenile.).

When it comes to movies she loves hearing me discuss them and gets interested in my interpretation of what is going on, any inferred subtext, higher meaning, and allusions to other sources ... but will rarely sit through one regardless of how interesting I made it sound. The exception is anime.

Norman isn't all that infamous it seems. Of course *I'd* forgotten his first name until you mentioned it.
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Post Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:27 pm
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Darrius Cole
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Your comparison is uneven because Darth Vader is a part of something larger than he is. Whereas, Norman Bates is Psycho. True, you could ask someone if they have heard of Norman Bates, then ask if have they heard of Vader, more people now have heard of Vader. What if you ask them if they have heard of Bates, Vader, and Luke Skywalker? How many would have heard of Vader but not Luke Skywalker? None. I will admit that many people, especially younger people, will not know Bates by name.

But, he is feared by those that know of him and his tactics. So much so that he has become the icon of killers. Darth Vader isn't feared at all. He isn't even hated. In fact, people want to be his friend. He is their hero.
Originally by Pepto
I would cross the road For Norman Bates, but if its not his hotel, he is just very strange. Vader in public would be a celeb...like "Mr Vader, Do you have a pen to sign my napkin." "I find your lack of a pen disturbing."
Go on a Star Wars site and say "Person X could beat Darth Vader" you will get a lot of flames. People love the guy. Furthermore in the current series of movies based on his life, Vader is not even the villain at all, he the protagonist at best, a pawn of the real villain (Palpatine) at worst.

Bates made people afraid. The marks left by Bates in 'Psycho' have thoroughly permeated society. He is the template on which killers are designed. The tactics he used to create that fear have been copied a hundred times and are still being copied. How many shower scenes are there in horror/suspense movies? How many times does the villain have a mental problem? Bates is the very definition of killer.

If you want to use your fiance as evidence to prove your point, don't ask her who Norman Bates is, ask her what does it mean if a person "Goes Psycho."
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Only the powerful are free. - Darrius Cole
Post Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:13 pm
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I never said feared, influencial, or even greatest. I said memorable. You added the feared tag when you quoted me.

Originally posted by Darrius Cole

Originally by EverythingXen
(We will never see another villain as memorable as Darth Vader ... ever.).

Darth Vader is not the most feared or most memorable villian ever, but he is very good. I do agree with the spirit of this statement. It will be a long time before we see a villian of that calibur.

Nobody fears Darth Vader ... he couldn't have been the villain in a bunch of movies aimed to be family friendly if he was Hannibal Lechter.

The fact that Vader is part of something bigger doesn't detract from that ... it is enhanced by it. Naturally the most recognizable character from the most popular series of movies ever will be the most memorable.

As for going psycho as a saying ... fair enough. I asked her (since she's doing Calculus in my living room) and she blinked at me and said she assumed it meant 'becoming psychotic' and has no idea how it became popular.

To clarify: I equate memorable with recognizable. I believe Vader to be recognized by a wider range of people and cannot imagine a villain who will ever be as popular. Many, many more people have seen Star Wars than Psycho.
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Post Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:40 pm
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