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RPGDot Forums > Neverwinter Nights - General

Author Thread

Joined: 12 Mar 2002
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What is your character stats in this game?

What do you think would be the ultimate character in this game?
There once was a youngster, DzD
Whose avatars numbered infinity
But I must admit
His latest, a hit
Cuz the Little One's a mystery to me

Written by - dteowner
Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:57 pm
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Elf Friend
Elf Friend

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I am playing an elf ranger - of course - currently at L5 soon to be 6. At first money was tight, so things were a little slow .... but since then he has been very powerful when combined with the cleric. I feel I am missing some stuff due to low charisma ( ... and can not get into a number of chests. Of course I have no idea what I am missing in those! For a little while I had the thief type as a henchman, but did not enjoy his company as much as the elven cleric, and the contents of the chests he was able to open that I could not did not seem to justify him as a companion. I know I can do the teleport shuffle with the thief ... but that would break up the flavor of the game.

I am looking forward to playing multiplayer - IF the new video card I got today speeds things up so that I would not drag the game down.

Oops almost forgot ST 14 IQ 12 WS 14 DX 18 Con 12 Char 8

As to ultimate char, I don't know yet ... I've only had time to try this one!
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Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:10 pm
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Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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I wish I had taken the time to actually read D&D 3E instead of tons of FR related material. I still have a little trouble figuring out which feats and skills to pick.

The 3E rules seem pretty flexible compared to 2E. You actually get to choose something after levelling up.

For once I’m a good guy (half-elf ranger) I figured I’ve be doing a lot of good stuff anyway so no Necromancer or Assassin for me this time.

I don’t really know which characters can be the most powerful since I don’t know some of the classes to well (e.g. Monks)

I haven’t tried the clumsy Cleric yet but I like thief (and that is incredibly since he’s a Halfling )
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Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:55 pm
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Yog Sothoth
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Human wizard (generic):
st 9
co 11 (amulet +1)
dx 12
wi 13
in 20
ch 10
(not 100% sure...)
I have a sprite as my familiar (very good as thief! and good kicking some butt) and the big bad half-orc as hanchman... and now that i'm level 8 he rocks!!
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Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:11 pm
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Mighty Warrior
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can't remember it all but i think this is it:
human fighter,

15 str
14 dex, con, char
10/11 intelligence
10/11 wisdom

sumthin like that. got me a big fat sweihander too! henchman is sharwyn. bards are surprisingly useful!

über char would prolly be a barb of some kind, since you can be all like "YEEEAAAAHHHAAARRRHHHAAAAGGGAAAA!!!" and then whoop some @$$!!
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Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:27 pm
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Spoiler of All Fun
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My character is a cleric:

STR: 14
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 16
CHA: 12

I just like to heal and turn undead Could do the same being a pally of course, but I don't want to be so righteous

I don't know what the 'best' character is, but it's probably the monk again. Getting him balanced is apparently not so easy.
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Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:47 pm
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Head Merchant
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Can't remember my exactly stats, but I'm playing a Monk...Nicest thing about the monk is there is tons of money because I go weaponless.

Tomi is my Henchman of choice and we make a damn formidable team.
We need a new bard. All this one does is sing and drink.
Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 1:07 am
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If you want a self-sufficient character then play a Fighter/Barbarian/Rogue. You get skills, a way to increase your strength and hit points, and a few extra feats to toss around. As a perk when someone attacks your henchman for casting a spell or using a bow (and they WILL... oh yes, they WILL. The monsters HATE your henchman) you can hit them for sneak attack extra damage. Which, when combined with a high strength and a two handed weapon, hurts. A lot.

Other than that... I think the henchmen are better as fighters than spellcasters. Sharwyn is great... I use her to pick most of the locks, heal me between fights (provided she doesn't blow all her charm spells on undead who are immune and get herself killed with attacks of opportunity... henchmen AI needs a line 'Use your spells only when you're not within melee distance of an enemy'!)

So it's better to play a spellcaster if you don't want to go self-sufficient fighter. With a sorcerer you can get some good spells to spontaneously cast if you're impatient like me and can't be bothered to sit and rest when you come across a locked chest and want to cast knock. With a wizard you have flexibility.

My cleric didn't do very well. Healing someone in this game is a good way to get yourself killed (attacks of opportunity. In pen and paper you can 'careful cast' to avoid attacks of opportunity with a concentration check. Without that option... well... you start to cast a spell and six guys stab you and you die.) The NPC cleric died a lot that way as well until I told her to only heal me when I was at a quarter HP (in other words I'd be dead before she could get to me to cast a spell).

As for ultimate power character? Well gee... it's D&D. 20th level wizard if you can stick to it. They can shatter worlds and destroy continents and cities and such, you know.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 5:04 am
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Head Merchant
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I have a rogue, Mance Syn, whom i use mostly like an assassin-type character. I walk around in stealth mode and let the monsters attack my henchman, then sneak attack them... considering my henchman doesnt kill it in one hit. I have Grimgnaw the Monk of Long Death as my henchman. I like him more than the Barbarian mainly for 2 reasons. I think he is stronger, or can dodge more, something. He doesnt get hurt as much, and seems to kill quicker. And for role playing. Im playing a more evil mercenary role, and his views on death fit right in. Anyways....

Best Character would most likely be a lvl 20 wizard, because of the high level spells that are so great. I don't feel like using a wizard first time through tho. I want to get a hang of the game and play it an easier way the first time. Then once i know what im doing, i'll play a wizard.
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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 5:25 am
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High Emperor
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I have a half-elven ranger, originating from the Great Dale. Currently I'm at level 10, almost 11 (can't wait to try out my new fancy armor, lvl 11 limit)
I'm a pretty straight-forward melee guy, but I use the bow occasionally. Bow would be much more efficient if the entangle spell would work. Usually the monsters just walk straight through my skillfully placed entangle. It would be nice to stop them and pound away with my bow. My trusty sidekick Tomi is also good with the bow, so we could do some serious damage before having to resort to melee. Stats I can't remember, but they are something like this (with eq buffs, mind you)

STR: 14
Con: 12
Dex: 20
Int: 11
Wis: 15
Cha: 10

Now if I could find some str-buffing equipment and boots of speed, I would be an unstoppable force of one man (halfling rogue included in the package).

BTW, has anyone used parry much? I've got the skill up quite high, but haven't yet tried it in combat that much, not since the beginning levels. Could be nice against single tough monsters, I think..
And the entangle spell. Anyone find it useful?
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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 10:53 am
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Parry is great if you wear light armor and keep it maxed. Against a single tough opponent it will block hits nicely, and even allow you to counter-attack (riposte) if you roll really high to parry and they row low to attack.

While the enemy is tied up with you, your henchman is free to take pock shots at it.

The skill works best with another human player on your team... who is smart enough to capitalize on the diversion and possesses the NI (natural intelligence ) needed to defend themselves if the creature decides it's had enough of trying to kill you and goes for them.

My friend plays a fighter and I play a rogue. With my parry skill I was able to hold off an orc champion while screaming for help (as he had gone off chasing a band of orcs, thinking I could handle one orc champion. Yeah, right! I have a 10 strength and con...) for the better part of two minutes until he came running back to see what all the screaming was about and cut the thing in half. Not bad considering I have a 14 AC and 42 hit points.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 12:46 pm
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Elf Friend
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@MDrop - I too have parry up very high and have not used it since the early levels. I have a gut feeling that it gets less effective - though I can think of a few cases (early on) where it was a life saver (literally).


@EverythingXen - I had not thought of multi player applications! Good story. I had been using parry before henchmen/women - you are right, the bad guys *do* target hench people more than the char (or at least it seems so).
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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 12:49 pm
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High Emperor
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@Xen, cool stuff Still seems that it's better for rogues, like you, than melee chars, since my AC is high and I hit hard anyway. Would probably only prolong the fights. My ranger tends to slice and dice medium opponents in 2-3 turns if I get even decent hits in.

@Lintra, about the henchmen, they do seem to get more attention than my char (sniff, nobody likes my char ) God knows how many times I've had to turn my back on my attacker to fend off monsters having a feast with Tomi. Not to say that Tomi isn't a good fighter, his AC is high and he can do some serious damage with his bow, his just low on hitpoints. It adds to the fight, though. It looks cool when we're Fighting a group of monsters and my char spins around, dealing attacks of opportunity to monsters behind him. The two-weapon slash and turning around look really cool together

BTW, does every henchman use healing potions automaticly, ie. even when I'm not giving them any? It seems that good ol' Tomi is carrying along an infinite amount of arrows and potions Haven't really tried other henchmen, since rogue is a must-have for traps and locks. Maybe when I get my disarming traps-skill a bit higher I'll get someone else to assist me. Could it be the difficulty level? I'm playing mostly on normal/hard-core, depending on the situation I'm in..
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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 1:21 pm
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Think of it this way. At level 20 you can have a parry skill of +23 (plus dexterity and magic items and a skill focus). Let's say... 18 dex by level 20 and a greater gloves of swordplay (not unreasonable at all) and a skill focus.

That would be a parry rating of 23 + 4 (dex) + 6 (gloves) + 3 (skill focus). +36

When defending yourself, then, your effective armor class is 36 + 1d20 since they have to beat your parry to hit you. So 37 to 57. You can block up to 5 attack a round at that point, and if your +36 roll is 10 higher than their attack you get to hit them back without penalty (so you get to make your OWN roll at +20 to +30 to hit).

That's not too bad.

Mind you, armor class is useless after about 12th level. At that point whatever want to hit you will. A dragon, for example... a CR 13 dragon (which is mature adult) has a +28 to hit if it's a wimpy dragon (Black dragon).

Your armor class is probably in the low 30s at best. So it hits you. But at level 20 with a good parry score (my demo is lower than it probably would actually be, but it's decent) that +28 to hit dragon, if you roll well, needs a 19 or a 20 to hit you.

(of course, at that point a CR 21 Great Wyrm dragon has a +50 to hit so... forget it. )
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 1:58 pm
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I saw one of my friends playing around with a sorcerer and it seemed quite good.

He was allmost invicble to all enemies when he got the stop time spell.

This is what he used:
1.Stop time
2.Chain lightning (at least 100 damage)
3.Chain lightning (at least 100 damage)
4.Chain lightning (at least 100 damage)
5.Fire ball
6.Meteor swarm

That was about it, when the time started to go again he killed everything close to him.
There once was a youngster, DzD
Whose avatars numbered infinity
But I must admit
His latest, a hit
Cuz the Little One's a mystery to me

Written by - dteowner
Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 4:31 pm
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