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RPGDot Forums > Morrowind - Spoilers

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The MasterCopy
The MasterCopy

Joined: 13 Dec 2001
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Just restarted
Race: Wood elf
Specialism: Stealth
Prime attributes: Agility and Strenght
Sign: The lady

Major Skills: Marksman, Sneak, Light Armor, Long Blade, Security
Minor Skills: Heavy Armor, Block, Short Balde, Speechcraft, Illusion

The security is the first skill i use, i can open the ware hous right away and can get some decent steel armor and a imperial long blade.
Now i just hope to find a shadowmask ring (camleon 40 -7-% for 10 sec)
The original RED poster (retired now)
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Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:51 pm
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Tremere Vampire

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
Posts: 651

Just started new character...
Race: Imperial
Class: Knight
LVL: 3
Factions: Imperial Spearman
Currently going through the country side and clearing out rogue camps and bandits...much fun
We are what mortals fear and wish to be...
The Darkness will consume you, and so shall we..
(^) Novice of the RPGdot Shadows(^)
Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:31 pm
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Tremere Vampire

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
Posts: 651

srry..forgot my birth sign...the warrior........currently has all steel armor....armor rating of 18....still needs work though.....
We are what mortals fear and wish to be...
The Darkness will consume you, and so shall we..
(^) Novice of the RPGdot Shadows(^)
Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:33 pm
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

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Since any skill in the game (except disarm trap) can be approximated using magic, it makes sense to focus on magic if you are looking for power. The best magic user (IMHO) is a female breton specialized in magic, intelligence, and willpower, with the sign of the apprentice (racial bonus offsets starsign weakness). Then put all the schools of magic in as major or minor skills (except maybe Enchant).

However, by running and jumping a lot even this character will eventually get really high strength and endurance. So it's good to also choose heavy armor, block, and one or two weapon skills. But you can't use these skills for a long time because you aren't capable of carrying everything around.

I found this character quite challenging for the first few levels, but it was fun using magic creatively to win tough battles. After that, she became too powerful. By the end of the game she was like a god, capable of killing (SPOILER) Vivec or Dagoth Ur without much trouble.

If I play though again, I'll try a weaker but more fun character with less magic and worse armor.
Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:44 am
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Tremere Vampire

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
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Jimmy the Wood Elf Sniper of the Morang Tong(i think)

not sure if i got the guild name right....oh well
Name: Jimmy
Race: Woodelf
Sign:The Steed(snipers need to be fast)
Major skills:
Short Blade
Light Armor
Minor Skills:
Other skills that i don't remember

I am also currently working on 3 magic skils as well even though they are misc:
We are what mortals fear and wish to be...
The Darkness will consume you, and so shall we..
(^) Novice of the RPGdot Shadows(^)
Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:06 pm
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Tremere Vampire

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
Posts: 651
Ahhh...yet another created character......

Class:Martial Artist(custom)
Major Skills:
Secondary Skills:
ummm..sry..forgot the others...haven't played in a little while....
Currently furnishing the house in Seyda Neen i just bought(Furniture Plug-in)
We are what mortals fear and wish to be...
The Darkness will consume you, and so shall we..
(^) Novice of the RPGdot Shadows(^)
Post Wed May 14, 2003 4:57 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

Joined: 21 Apr 2003
Posts: 110

I just started playing Morrowind about a week ago. This is my first character.

Name: Ulu Mulu (yes, it's a Gothic reference)
Class: Knight (standard class)
B-sign: Warrior
Race: Orc

Major Skills:
Long Blade,
Heavy Armor

Minor Skills:
Medium Armor

Misc Skill of note:
Mysticism (I was originally thinking of using this for making enchanted stuff, but it appears that may be a bit too difficult. So I might just use it as a money maker)

Guilds of note:
Blades (duh)
Fighter's Guild (duh, again)
Imperial Legion
Imperial Cult
House of Redoran (TBD)

Currently, he's lvl 10, and pretty much kicking butt with a Viper Axe and Dwemer Shield that he's picked up along the way. Also got some special Bone Pauldron's at the Balomar Armor. When I see the third person view of Ulu Mulu in action, I think, "God, I'd hate to have that thing running at me!"

And for an Orc, he's become quite a sweet talker.
Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:55 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 25 Apr 2003
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My 2 Cents

I've been using a Wood Elf Assassin with some succsess, any rate here's the list;
Name: Rayn
Race: Female Wood Elf
Class: Assassin
Sign: The Lady
Faction: Morag Tong
I've also been training speechcraft up, it's a 21 now and I'm only at level 2 on the other hand it cost me about 750-800gp to train 10 levels with Caius. I'm planing to train to 30 before I hit level 3. When I Hit level two I was getting a +5 bouns to Strength, Personality and Speed. it also cost me about 1500 to train the apropreate skills up that far. I've also been useing the armor from the dark brootherhood assassin that attacked me.
There was a version of this character that had hit level 7, but the save file had been corrupted. (That version used the lover as her birthsign)
Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:52 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Rath the Invoker

For no apparent reason I decided to start a new character for Bloodmoon. I decided to go a little off the beaten path this time and make a much more colourful character than I've made before.

The way I play means I almost never sleep. My characters operate 24/7, taking an hour's nap every now and then to level up. Sleeping in Morrowind has three effects: (a) time passes, (b) health regenerates, and (c) magicka regenerates. I can get by without the health-giving properties of sleep by using the Engraved Ring of Healing, Velothi armour, a Blessed Shield, Restore Health potions, Restore Health spells and Restore Health CE items. Regenerating magicka is a different matter - there are no good stocks of Restore Magicka potions, no spells with that effect and (therefore) no way of creating a RM CE item.

However, another way of regenerating magicka is using an Absorb Magicka spell or effect. If you take the sign of The Atronach you get this as a permanent ability (50%). The inability to regerate magicka by sleeping doesn't affect me, as I rarely sleep anyway. It also gives you 2xINT to your maximum magicka. Nice! Two very good effects and no drawback!

If I'm getting a bonus to my maximum magicka, why not go all the way on that aspect? The Breton and the High Elf races both have a bonus to maximum magicka, the High Elf has the higher at 1.5xINT. It also has a number of weaknesses (Magicka, Fire, Frost and Shock) which make the race harder to play, but a good (75%) resistance to Common Disease - very handy on a plague-ridden island like Solstheim.

Naturally, I created a custom class. Long Blade, Heavy Armour and Block are my combat skills (all major). I took Security and Marksman as utility skills (minors). The rest I filled up with magical skills, as I use magic so infrequently I need to get an initial bonus to them so I've got some chance of casting a spell when I need to!

I went with a Combat focus to give myself a better fighting chance at low levels, but with hindsight I think I should have chosen a Magic focus, to help out a little more on my very minimal magic skills.

Prime attributes are Endurance (to give a boost to health levels) and Luck (as it takes a long time to increase at level up).

The most important artifacts for the character so far have been Mentor's Ring (+10 INT gives me +45 maximum magicka!), Blessed Shield (fast-regenerating health-giving heavy armour), Amulet of Recall (save wasting non-regenerating magicka on mundane tasks) and Boots of Blinding Speed (started with 30 SPE, so the +200 bonus can get me out of trouble much faster than normal).

Next acquisition has to be the Amulet of Shadows. I've been surprised too many times in Solstheim, and with the snow billowing and the frame rate dropping I need all the help escaping trouble I can get!
Charlie Dobbie
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=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 7:54 pm
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Higher Emperor
Higher Emperor

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i am very new to morrowind (played it in 2 days). and i need some help in doing my character. i want to be great with melee weapons like axes. maby magic (if itīs worth it...). i want to have much health, and good at barter.
how are im going to do my character?

i can do with some other tips too...
Were are we going? Or is it supposed to be a suprise? I like suprises!

Try this great game now!
Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 5:22 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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To get lots of health, maximise your Endurance. Success at bartering depends on your Personality and the skill of Mercantile. Axes are fine weapons, and should serve you well, but will improve with increased Strength. I'm not the best person to talk about magic, as I tend to avoid it myself!

Your choice of which race to choose is very much your own. You need to balance interesting skill bonuses with starting attributes and special abilities and drawbacks. The Orc may be a good choice for you, as it starts with good Endurance and bonuses to Axe and Heavy and Medium Armour, and a 25% Magicka resistance. The main drawback is a low starting Personality.

Your choice of birthsign is obvious - The Lady. This sign gives you +25 to your Endurance and Personality. It will improve your Heavy and Medium Armour abilities, starting hit points, bartering skill etc., and offset the main drawback of the Orc - you'll still start with 50-55 Personality, depending on gender!

I would go with Strength and Endurance as my primary attributes - the Endurance to boost your hit points even more, and the Strength to improve damage dealt with your Axe. A combat focus would be my choice, but that's because I tend to avoid magic and never bother being sneaky!

That should give you a good start. There are usually only three skills that you really can't live without (one weapon and one armour skill, and one other depending on character). Above all, read through the descriptions of the different skills and after you've decided the ones you *need*, pick the ones that you think would be *fun*. There's little need to take Athletics, Acrobatics, Hand to Hand or multiple armour or weapon skills, and you should try to keep one skill controlled by each of the attributes as Misc to enable you to train it up easily, but apart from that there really isn't a "wrong" way to make a character.

Have fun!
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 11:17 pm
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Higher Emperor
Higher Emperor

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i donīt relly understand. why is it a "little need" to take multiple armour or weapon skills?
and wath do you mean with "you should try to keep one skill controlled by each of the attributes as Misc to enable you to train it up easily"?... and wath do you mean with "you'll still start with 50-55 Personality, depending on gender!" is it different if you are a man or a woman?.
Were are we going? Or is it supposed to be a suprise? I like suprises!

Try this great game now!
Post Mon Aug 18, 2003 7:44 pm
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The Old One
The Old One

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Originally posted by Taxen0
i donīt relly understand. why is it a "little need" to take multiple armour or weapon skills?
and wath do you mean with "you should try to keep one skill controlled by each of the attributes as Misc to enable you to train it up easily"?... and wath do you mean with "you'll still start with 50-55 Personality, depending on gender!" is it different if you are a man or a woman?.

You do not need to follow this rules, but it will lead you to stronger character (I do not know about this men/women thing).
Post Mon Aug 18, 2003 8:42 pm
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Originally posted by Taxen0
i donīt relly understand. why is it a "little need" to take multiple armour or weapon skills?
Since your character can only use one weapon at a time, and only wear one set of armor at a time, you don't get much benefit from building up multiple skills. Pick the type of weapon you want to use (sword, axe, spear, etc.) and go with it. Your character will develop much better concentrating on that single weapon type than trying to get good at all of them. Although you could mix armor types, there's little advantage to doing it. Pick an armor weight (light, medium, heavy, unarmored) and go with it.
Originally posted by Taxen0
and wath do you mean with "you should try to keep one skill controlled by each of the attributes as Misc to enable you to train it up easily"?...
Check the parts of your manual about attributes and about levelling up. That should give you a better idea of what he's talking about.
Originally posted by Taxen0
and wath do you mean with "you'll still start with 50-55 Personality, depending on gender!" is it different if you are a man or a woman?.
Yes, gender makes a difference in your starting scores for all the races except Wood Elves.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:03 pm
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Higher Emperor
Higher Emperor

Joined: 18 Feb 2003
Posts: 1407
Location: Sweden

ok, thanks for clearing things out. but i lost my manual so can you or someone else explain it for me?
Were are we going? Or is it supposed to be a suprise? I like suprises!

Try this great game now!
Post Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:02 pm
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