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NotR: joining water mages, how?
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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NotR: joining water mages, how?

First of all, donīt get all crazy with me now

Ok, here we go, to enter the "addon-world", I have to go through Saturas and the others at the water mages. ok. Well I gotten so far with them, so they did the "ceremony" and now i'm supposed to get the "key"(?) from saturas, to enter the addon-world. But he wonīt give it to me, since Vatras doesnīt trust me enough.
How do I get Vatras to trust me enough?
From what I have understood, reading posts here and there, is that I have to solve the "lost citizens"-mission.
First of all, beside that mission, what else is there for me to do to get Vatras "approval"?

The big problem now is though, that I canīt find anything else to do in that mission, I've been up at Dexter, talked to him, killed him, read the note, talked to Greg (who joined me in the fight). I returned to Vatras, but my character doesnīt say anything about the missing people.
Is it a darn bug now again? Or am I missing something here?

Maybe I have to do something else/more with Vatras? I havenīt solved the weapons dealer-mission yet, although I can if I want to, I know who it is and all. (but i'm waiting until i've finished "the weapondealers"(canīt remember that dudeīs name, but that one in the upper quarter)) quest first(that takes place in CH2), to get me some more xp)
I've even tried before I reloaded an earlier save, to tell Martin and Vatras about the dealer, but that didnīt do anything for the sake of getting into the water ring..circle..ring...whatever ..

Sensation, if anyone understand what i'm trying to say here *LOL*

oh and one last thing, I'm on my way BACK from VoM now, which will end CH2 and start CH3. 'cause I thought that the addon-world wouldnt be avail. until later in the game. I joined the Fire Mages, I hope THAT wonīt be a problem?

I sorta want to check out that addon-world, but itīs impossible since I canīt finish that "missing people"-mission

anyone, help?
Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:50 pm
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King of the Realms
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I think the problem is that you are not a member of the ring of water.

You need to join the ring of water to gain mages' trust.To become accepted you must solve the missing citizen quest. So If you have read the letter dexter had, you should tell about it to vatras who then says something like you can join the ring now. After that he should send you to the the tavern where the joining-ceremony is going to take place. Have you tried talking lares about this matter? And have you visited the tavern?

I'm not 100% sure of this but if there is nothing happening in the tavern.I can only think of following. Have you talked to Cavalorn about the ring of water? Because if you haven't your character doesn't actually "know" about this secret organisation and therefore he can't ask the admission to join them from the begining.

The weapons dealer quest should not affect to this matter. Also it doesn't matter which main guild you belong to.

btw did the vatras give you a letter which you should hand over to saturas?
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Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:10 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Vatras mentioned something about giving me a letter to Saturas, but the next phrase coming out of his mouth is something like "but you would have to be water mage" or something like that.
Kinda annoying, I need to be in the ring of water, but noone will let me join.
I talked to that Cavalorn pretty early in the game, and if I remember correct, heīs the one that sent me to Vatras in the first place. After that I've been talking my a$$ off with both Vatras and that guy at the harbor, Lares.
Also I got that Ring from Lares pretty early too, it has something to do with the Circle of water I guess, it says so at least
But that ring havenīt done anything particular for me.

Just tried now, after returning from VoM, chapter 3 now, went to talk to Vatras again, but nothing new. I start by saying "about the missing people..", Vatras asks me what I found out, and my reply is the same as it always been "havent found anything important yet" (or something like that)

So, I've been talking to Vatras, Lares, Cavalorn, and Saturas and those other guys around him. And nada
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:29 am
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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I had to wait till chapter 3 before entering the addon world. It fits in the place before you get/charge the eye of innos if I recall correctly. Been a long time though.

Sounds like maybe you haven't done everything for the missing person quest. Have you rescued the person after you follow the trail of weapons using the imp? Have you talked to the pirate who is hiding in the harbour next to the khornis harbour?
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:24 am
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High Emperor
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You have to do the missing people quest. All you have to do is be in chapter 2, talk to Cord about finding a friend of his in the bandit camp on top of a mountain nearby(no need really, but it's a "free quest", as you have to kill the bandits anyway), and head up to the bandits on the mountain near the farm. Here you have to kill Dexter, take a note from him, and then talk to Greg who will kill the rest of the bandits. Return the note to Vatras, and voila - you're going to become a member of the Ring of Water.
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:04 am
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Eager Tradesman
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I can't tell from your post but did you get the key segments from the stone sentinels? I'm doing that right now and I thought that was the quest that would earn me their trust to enter the Water Mages.
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:29 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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You have to do the missing people quest. All you have to do is be in chapter 2, talk to Cord about finding a friend of his in the bandit camp on top of a mountain nearby(no need really, but it's a "free quest", as you have to kill the bandits anyway), and head up to the bandits on the mountain near the farm. Here you have to kill Dexter, take a note from him, and then talk to Greg who will kill the rest of the bandits. Return the note to Vatras, and voila - you're going to become a member of the Ring of Water.

Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:28 am
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Solid as a Rock
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Maybe it's something completely different.
Did you talk to Vatras to make the carpenter Thorben give him his blessing? For this quest you tell him that you need to go to the paladins because of the dragons, blablabla. That makes Vatras trust you as well. You might need that too.

You don't need to solve the weapons dealer quest to go to the addon world.

When you have the letter form Dexter you should be able to tell Vatras about it, he will ask for proof and you hand over the letter. Now you are able to say that you are ready to join the Ring of Water (even when you are a fire mage), but Vatras wants you to go to Lord Hagen first. When you have done that and talk to Vatras again he will send you to the tavern, where the secret meeting is. Here you'll become a member and they will send you back to Vatras. After run back and forth to Vatras he will give the letter for Saturas to you.
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Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:16 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Well, if I remember, I've done all above. The thing that I'm NOT 100% on, is that piece of paper u find on Dexter. I remember I read it, and Greg read it. But I donīt remember if I ever got the option to talk to Vatras about that paper I found on Dexter.
Donīt even remember if I have that note in my inventory either, maybe Greg kept the note? hehe
By checking the mission-log, under missing people, it says something about Raven, and now I only have to find proof. Proof about this Raven I guess?

but maybe itīs something like that going on here, I'm supposed to talk/show Vatras the letter found on Dexter, but I canīt remember if I ever had that option to do it. As I said, I remember getting the letter of Dexter, and reading it, talking to Greg. After that, I donīt exactly remember
So, either thereīs a bug or something, making it impossible to talk to Vatras about the letter, and Raven.
OR, I've been talking to Vatras about the above, and something else is missing in the quest?

I have talked to Skip on the beach, he pointed me to Dexters location. Killed Dexter and everyone else up on that camp.
I found Thorbens apprentice, dont remember his name, he who had something going with this Lucia-girl.
Havenīt found anyone else of those missing (what I can remember right now)
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:29 pm
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Solid as a Rock
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The rest of the missing people is in the addon world, so you won't find them yet. Something went wrong with the letter.

Originally posted by moonshadow
By checking the mission-log, under missing people, it says something about Raven, and now I only have to find proof. Proof about this Raven I guess?

The proof is the letter, so this quest should be finished. Do you still have the letter and are you sure you read it yourself too. You sure Vatras doesn't have the option in his dialog menu, after all he has a lot options.
"Who are we to call this planet Earth, when it's clearly Ocean."
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Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:36 pm
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

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Hmm i don't know if this helps at all but when you were talking to vatras did you have the dexter's letter in your inventory? Maybe vatras wants read it like greg did.

I'm not really 100% sure, but didn't Vatras want hero to show the letter to him?
And like Sem said, it is essential that you have read it.
The focused mind can pierce through stone
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:02 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Well guys (and gals?)
I checked my inventory, and I couldnīt find it. But I know for sure that I read it after killing Dexter. And I'm pretty sure I didnīt throw it away, so that only leaves me with the theory - itīs was a bug.
Now I donīt wanna blame the game and bugs and such, but thatīs the only solution I find, 'cause I KNOW I read the note. And somehow it disappeared from my Inventory.

The frustating thing is, that I went through the entire CH2 hoping this would be solved in CH3. And I didnīt wanna start from the very beginning.

BUT now the "good" news:
I found an earlier saveslot I made, just before joining the Fire Mages, I kinda saved that "save-slot" incase I change my mind.
So what I did was reload THAT save, and then I went to do some things, and then I went up to Dexters, which I fortunely havenīt killed before that "Save" phew...
I killed him, took the note, read it, Greg read it, I checked my inventory, it was still there, so I quickly ran to Vatras, who told me to speak to Lord Hagan.
Which throw me into Chapter 2. I talked to Vatras, he sent me to the Tavern, we had a little "party" there
AND... now I'm a member in that water ring..circle..w/e

So thats fine now, finally Im a member.
The bad part is that I have to do CH2 and VoM all over again, lots of hours of "replaying". On the other hand, I didnīt have to start from the very beginning.

So I dunno what happened with that note from Dexter in the first place, but it was that piece of paper that made it impossible earlier, but now itīs all solved. If it was a bug, or something else that screwed things up for me in the first place..well who knows.

Anyway, now things are as they should again, I just have to replay CH2, but so what

And, even more important, I wanna thank you guys for your help, it was darn nice of you to help me, so thanx a million times

Youīre the best
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:23 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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Just in case you didn't know, instead of reloading a very old save game, if the problem was only the dexter letter lost, instead you could have used the marvin mode to import/export an old character with the letter from an old save game. In your last game put letter on ground and import your current character and take the letter.

No shame to do so, you probably just drop or eventually sell the letter by a wrong click.
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:38 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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That I didnt know
never heard of marvin mode. To sound exactly like a newbie - whatīs that?
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:25 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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The best is to find a site that explains what is the marvin mode and what is possible. Search the internet "gothic 2 marvin mode" you should find good links.

In short :
You should not have the shortkey to open the character panel associated to any of theses keys m a r v i n
1 - You open the character panel
2 - Then type marvin
3 - You close the character panel

Then top left marvin mode should be writen for a few seconds. Congratulation you are in marvin mode!

At this point you can open a console with F2

And then see a good link for good possibilities.

For what I mentionned, few commands :
export hero filename1

will export your character included the inventory in a file.

import hero filename1

will import your character included the inventory from the file.

So you can get from an old game an object lost by this way. It's one of the best cheat I never saw, very pratical even to not really cheat.

I don't advise continue play with marvin mode enabled. There's a command to quit it I let you find it. Myself once the game is saved, I quit and restart the game!
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:27 pm
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