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Horizons preview
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Horizons preview

Since the NDA has been lifted by now (for the press at least), and since we (mmorpgdot) were never given authorization by Artifact to publish the little preview I did a few weeks back, I decided that I would copy it here for your benefit. Please keep in mind that this preview was written a few weeks ago already, before some major updates were done to the game while in beta.

I hope I don't go over Hyrrix's shoulder by putting this here (and I'm sorry if I am), but I guess it's a better place than lying on my hard drive and never be read by anyone

Originally posted by Ekim's Horizon preview
Doing respect to a game that is in the middle of a beta is hard indeed. Presented with an unfinished product, the previewer must keep in mind that what he is playing is probably not exactly what the game will end up like once it is released.

Inhabiting Istaria

That being said, MMORPGdot was given a chance to try Horizons and test a few of it’s features as they are now. Horizons plays much like other mmorpgs out there. By default it’s played with a third person perspective (although there is an option to switch to a first person view), and uses standard keys to move about. The nicest aspect of the controls is that all keys can be remapped according to the player’s liking, something that is an absolute must in this day and age of gaming.
The player begins his experience by choosing his race, of which there are an impressive number (9 to be exact). The choice of race does not hinder the player’s possible choice of class, which is only chosen once the player is within the game world by visiting one of the 4 basic class trainers (Scout, Warrior, Cleric or Mage). Each race has different basic attributes to start with that can influence whether one class is better suited for a particular race rather than others. Character customization is rather elegant, if only a bit familiar. The standard options and sliders are all here: different faces, adjustable height, muscularity and hair colours to name only a few. But, unfortunately, having been treated to SWG’s magnificent character customization interface, it’s quite hard to find anything outstanding about Horizons’, although it seems adequate enough.
It is to be noted that players can choose to play as Dragons in Horizons. That choice is very interesting, and most players seem to try it at least once before moving on to other, more conventional races. Trying to keep things under control, Artifact Entertainment (Horizons’ developer) decided to make Dragons everything that other races are, with not much more immediately distinguishable features other than a very high strength and unique abilities, which still have their equivalents within other races, at least at lower levels. This ends up being a little disappointing from the outset. Playing a Dragon should come with hefty penalties so that not everyone will want to be one, and rather serve a particular play style better than others. But somehow it’s difficult to accept that a new level 1 dragon does about the same damage as a human warrior, has the same amount of health points, and moves just as slowly as everyone else…

Content and the classes

Entering the world of Istaria, the player is treated to a colourful world. The graphics may seem a little crude at first, but they do the job quite well, and allow players with lower-end systems to enjoy the beautiful landscapes no matter what. In fact, the landscapes and various static contents are Horizons’ strongest feature so far. There is a lot of content already, from various ruins scattered around cities, to stingy graveyards haunted by the undead. It’s fun to look around and spot a singular looking landmark from afar, and running towards it to discover that it is an intricate structure that brings weight to Istaria’s world.
Players have a choice of many classes that they can concentrate in. Initially presented with a small array of options with the 4 basic classes, the player will be able to choose from more advanced classes later on as higher levels and better skills are reached. For instance, a Mage may choose to become a Summoner when he gets high enough Summoning skills within the Mage class. Those who are familiar with DAoC might see some similarities here.
Among Horizons’ strongest features are the trade skills. Artifact promises that players who wish to pursue trade skills may do so without ever having to fight anything at all. Although this still has to be proven true, the crafting skills already seem robust enough to allow this. Players may encounter trees, or stone outcroppings and such, from which they can harvest resources along their travels if they have the necessary tools. These help to fill the game world with more content so that it never feels empty. Although I haven’t dabbled very much in any of the trade skills, what I saw of them seemed to rank among the most complete set out there. From armour smithing to Spellcrafting, all essential crafts seem to have been covered, and should help the player community meld together as time goes by.
The world of Istaria seems pretty big from what was seen so far, although the character’s slow running speed might have something to do with that feeling. Still, there is almost always something interesting to be seen on your travels, and going off from the beaten path always has some reward to it.

The uncertainty of a beta

Artifact still has some technical problems to iron out with Horizons, and since the game is still in beta there are many things that will be changed and fixed before release. But I have a few lingering reservations about the game after investing a dozen hours of play or so. The combat system, for one, seems a bit lacking so far as it does not involve much more than pressing a button once in a while (although that can also be said of many mmorpgs that are on the market today). The different races are a nice cosmetic touch, but whether it affects much more than that is still a little unclear. Dragons, for instance, are quite disappointing at first. I understand there has to be some level of control over their population, but feeling as if it’s just like playing a human with scales and wings (useless wings, I might add) doesn’t add anything to the game. In fact, you could take dragons out of the game completely at this point and it doesn’t seem like it would have much of an impact.
Horizons also draws a lot from other games that preceded it, especially Dark Age of Camelot apparently. Although that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it can also be a crippling flaw unless something is done to make Horizons more into its own game, give it something to truly distinguish itself from others. As of right now it’s still questionable whether that is possible or not, but at least Horizons is worth a look if only to find out if they succeed in overcoming these interrogations.

EDIT: added a notice to say that the NDA has been lifted for press outlets only as of this moment...
=Proud Father of a new gamer GIRL!=
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Post Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:23 pm
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Aye, I was about to publish your article on the site in the meantime... has been done now.

Let me stress again however, that the NDA is only lifted for members of the press. Ekim is speaking as an MMORPGDot editor here, so he's free from the NDA, but anyone else should still refrain from making comments on it that would go into the rules of the NDA. I suspect that it won't be long before they lift the NDA for everyone though.
Vault Network Editor
Post Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:59 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I think for a game as big as Horizons you need to play more than 12 hours.

The person obviously didn't stay in touch with the game info.
I think everyone knows by now that you need to be an Adult Dragon to Fly, but the review was disappointed Dragons had useless wings.
Plus a couple other things, which might be under NDA for me.

This person didn't experience the game enough to write a preview at all. (didn't do any crafting or play a Dragon).
Post Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:50 pm
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True, but, it clearly states the amount of time spent in the game. Rest asured that we'll have a detailed review up when the time's ready for it. The fact is that this preview was written quite some time ago, but due to the severely lacking press relations at Artifact & Atari, we were only able to publish it right now.

No one here is claiming to know everything about the game yet, after this short a time; that's why it's called "impressions" and not "review".
Vault Network Editor
Post Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:45 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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I agree with Ekim's assessment.
Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:07 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I understand what you are trying to say Ekim.

but it is not even an accurate impression, it is a misleading impression.
The amount he played can't give a good impression of the game.
He only played a tiny part of it (some kind of fighter char).
Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:37 am
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by doxshund
I understand what you are trying to say Ekim.

but it is not even an accurate impression, it is a misleading impression.
The amount he played can't give a good impression of the game.
He only played a tiny part of it (some kind of fighter char).

For the record, I did play many character, although I also did play only a tiny part of the game. I played a wizard until level 5, then a fighter until level 5, then variations of the two with different races until levels 3 or 4 at most for each. I kept the dragon for last (and yes I did play it) until I got it to level 5 as well.

Now, I do agree that 12 hours or so is nowhere near enough time to do an accurate assesment of the game's worth (especially since it was still in beta). I do think that I had enough time to at least take a good look at a few features of the game. As far as tradeskills go, I didn't touch on them much that's true. But at least I was honest enough to actually say so in the text, and didn't comment negatively on them at all.

Now, as I already told someone else who commented by email, my view of the dragon character might be skewed, but I would have expected it to be at least different even early on. The problem I have is that from the get go there is no apparent difference between races (including dragons!!) other than esthetic and statistic-wise. Yes, these races could develop into being very different later on in their lives, but why make them so generic and alike in the first few levels? The beginning of a game (the first dozens of hours) is where the player will be hooked by the gameplay, so why make everything so alike at that point?

That is my criticism. I didn't comment on the high-level play, and I didn't comment on the later levels. I felt as if the developers think that it's best to have everyone start from the same point and then branch off depending on the race/class combination they chose, and I'm saying that's a little questionable. You might disagree with me, and that's fine. But it's still my own "impression" of it.
=Proud Father of a new gamer GIRL!=
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Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:48 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Hey i beta test horizons and while i will not say anything about the game right now i have to ask a few questions.

Are you playing on the same server the beta testers are playing on?
And are you able to read the beta testers boards on tazoon?

Anyway good job on article
Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:04 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by Rhayven
Hey i beta test horizons and while i will not say anything about the game right now i have to ask a few questions.

Are you playing on the same server the beta testers are playing on?
And are you able to read the beta testers boards on tazoon?

Anyway good job on article


Unfortunately I have stopped playing as of right now, but when I tested it I did play on the same server as everyone else as far as I know. There were no special previledges given to me, and I wasn't babysat through the gameplay by a dev, if that's what you are asking.

Also, I have not browsed through the beta testers boards at any time, but I'm pretty sure that I did have access to them.
=Proud Father of a new gamer GIRL!=
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Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:29 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Unfortunately I have stopped playing as of right now, but when I tested it I did play on the same server as everyone else as far as I know. There were no special previledges given to me, and I wasn't babysat through the gameplay by a dev, if that's what you are asking

Very kewl. That was all i needed to know.

understand what you are trying to say Ekim.

but it is not even an accurate impression, it is a misleading impression.
The amount he played can't give a good impression of the game.
He only played a tiny part of it (some kind of fighter char).

How do you know its not accurate? Are you in beta? He stated when he played the game and how long. 12 hours is a long time to get a FIRST IMPRESSION of the game. And let me say this This is the first review I have read anywhere that didnt just throw FLUFF out that AI has on their FAQ sheet. Most reviews done just resummerize what the FAQ says or they say hey Bowman showed us around. Due to the fact that he got to play for himself without someone only showing him what they want him to see speaks volumes for what he writes.

But in the end it is only his impressions from 12 hours of play. It has always been my philosophy to wait until NDA's are lifted so you can get a good feel for what is in the game.
Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:50 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by Rhayven
And let me say this This is the first review I have read anywhere that didnt just throw FLUFF out that AI has on their FAQ sheet.

Thanks for taking my defense, but I just want to stress that this was not a review, it's a preview, beta impressions.
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Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:04 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I am testing Horizons also, so i can not go into details since i am also under NDA, BUT....i must admitt, although Ekim made it only to level 5 with most chars, i made it higher and i agree with him. This will not be my game. Ekim made his review from HIS point of view as a beginner in Horizons. As a beginner you should be attracted to the game from minute 1.......
To me, well..i am just testing the game, not playing.....
Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:14 pm
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Village Leader
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As a beta participant also, i can agree with alot of Ekim's impressions about the game, but since i've been playing it fairly actively and have had the chance to advanced the characters and classes some, i have to disagree with some of it as well. I think the game offers plenty of complexity for all types of gamers and will probably have more depth as far as content when it's released.
Post Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:53 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

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Actually think again...All the reviewers were on the Dev shard, NOT Spirit. And if you failed to test it beyond at least lvl 20 and get an advanced school, your review is scewed. Fact is when the NDA falls look for reviews from people like myself that have played chars beyond lvl 30, and though I wont say anything about the game yet due to NDA, I will NOT be buying it at retail.
Post Mon Nov 24, 2003 8:09 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by Farseer
Actually think again...All the reviewers were on the Dev shard, NOT Spirit.

Regardless of which shard I played on (I can't remember the name, but Spirit does sound pretty familiar, and I didn't have access to the second one), I was not taken by the hand by a dev that showed me what they wanted me to see.

Originally posted by Farseer
And if you failed to test it beyond at least lvl 20 and get an advanced school, your review is scewed.

Please, once more, this was NOT intended to be a review, nor was it labeled as such at any time. It was a preview, or an impressions article at best, and was not meant to be taken as a review at all (hence the many interrogations contained within). My impressions are not skewed since I was honest enough to mention that it was based on 12 hours of play. You can take what you will from it, but it doesn't change the fact that these were my honest impressions of the game that I was given to preview.
=Proud Father of a new gamer GIRL!=
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Post Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:57 pm
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