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Newbie question about creating a new character.
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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You can level indefintiely in the game. . .all my attributes are at 100, most of my skills are to, only need to find three or four more of those people that can train you to the highest levels, because doing it yourself redefines tedious.
Once your intelligence is at 100, all you have to do is use Hecerinde in Balmora, he can train your security to one hundred. . .then find the Mentor's Ring, which I believe I found on the Bitter Coast in a tomb. It would be easiest to find it by travelling to sea via the Odai River, once you hit the coast start to travel south, just enter any tombs you find, one of them has an urn marke L. Brinne I think, it's trapped, which is unusually for an urn, in it lies the ring.
With intelligence at 110 because of the Mentor's Ring and security at 100, go to Hecerinde, and train security. The game won't let you train a skill above 100, but since your intelligence is 110, the game "thinks" that you can still train your security, even though it never raises above 100, it just stays there, but you still get the level up every 10 training sessions. . . .

which is why i'm level 205 right now, with 2100 hitpoints. . . .it may be cheap, but if you've got the money from the endless Daedric weapons in the game, I think it's worth it.

Post Sat Jan 24, 2004 2:07 pm
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Magister of the Light
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Wow! That sounds like overkill. I think the developers should have made it harder to be able to do that. I hate it when you can grow so powerful in a game that you can kill everything with no effort and walk around like a god. It really takes away from the enjoyment of the game.
Post Sun Jan 25, 2004 3:23 am
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High Emperor
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I personally don't believe the developers ever intended characters to go much further than level 20-30 or so. There are too many indications that they expected people to move on after that point - fights becoming easier, running out of level-up messages, running out of levelled creatures, lack of a good way of disposing of high-valued items etc.

I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you, JDR13. If you ever feel like you're not enjoying the game any more you can just start a new game and play a totally different character. There will always be something you haven't tried yet.
Charlie Dobbie
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Post Mon Jan 26, 2004 2:41 am
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Magister of the Light
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So I should choose at least one weapon and one armor to be major skills then? Doesn't Armor level fast since you're wearing it all the time?
Post Wed Jan 28, 2004 8:20 am
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by JDR13
So I should choose at least one weapon and one armor to be major skills then?

That's what I'd recommend, yes. If you're going for a less combat-oriented character, you might want to make them Minor, but being core skills I think Major is more appropiate.

Doesn't Armor level fast since you're wearing it all the time?

Your armour skill only improves when you get hit - not just for wearing it. As you will get hit a lot during the game, this skill will go up reasonably fast. But again, as a core skill that's probably a good thing.
Charlie Dobbie
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Post Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:50 pm
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The One And Only
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If you're playing a beast race, your unarmored skill will go up very quickly, so if you want to level-up quickly, choose it as minor.
Post Wed Jan 28, 2004 6:44 pm
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Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

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There are a few skills that I'm still not sure about as far as worth, what do you guys think about...

1. Block (Worth it? How often does it make a difference?)

2. Athletics (Being able to move and swim a little faster in a game as huge as Morrowind appeals to me, but is it worth a Major\Minor spot?)

3. Sneak (With all the spells and magic items in this game that you can use to hide yourself, is this skill really useful?)

4. Acrobatics (Worth concentrating on? Does it actually let you do things you otherwise could not? like reach new places.)

5. Security (How often do you need this in general? I might be choosing the Tower as my sign anyways)

6. Speechcraft (I like a good choice of dialog options. How important is this skill in general? Worth making a Minor or Major?)

7. Marksman ( How good are the ranged weapons later in the game? Is this skill worth a Major or Minor spot? Is it easy to develope even if I just keep it a Misc?

Thanks for your input guys.
Post Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:15 am
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The One And Only
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1-Block: If you're planning on using one-handed weapons, or not stopping to play after finishing the main quest, then yes, it's worth a minor.

2-Athletics: Minor would do as it will lvl up very quickly.

3-Yes! This is a must. It will help you get a fortune in the beginning of the game.

4-Very useful because you can jump much faster with acrobatics 100, than run with athletics 100.

5-Security: No, you will find a lot of spells & scrolls to help you with this.

6-Speechcraft: Good for getting info off some people, without paying them tons of money. Note: There're NO dialog choices in Morrowind.

7-Marksman: I'm not a pro here, but as there're just 10 or so ranged weapons in the game, it's not worth it IMHO.

Good luck!
Post Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:44 am
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Originally posted by JDR13
There are a few skills that I'm still not sure about as far as worth, what do you guys think about...

1. Block (Worth it? How often does it make a difference?)

2. Athletics (Being able to move and swim a little faster in a game as huge as Morrowind appeals to me, but is it worth a Major\Minor spot?)

3. Sneak (With all the spells and magic items in this game that you can use to hide yourself, is this skill really useful?)

4. Acrobatics (Worth concentrating on? Does it actually let you do things you otherwise could not? like reach new places.)

5. Security (How often do you need this in general? I might be choosing the Tower as my sign anyways)

6. Speechcraft (I like a good choice of dialog options. How important is this skill in general? Worth making a Minor or Major?)

7. Marksman ( How good are the ranged weapons later in the game? Is this skill worth a Major or Minor spot? Is it easy to develope even if I just keep it a Misc?

Thanks for your input guys.
In most cases I agree with NOBODY on these.
1) Block- A good skill as long as you have enough strength to always carry a shield, and use a one-handed weapon
2) Athletics- I thought this leveled very nicely even as a misc skill. Since I hardly ever walked, I got lots of "passive practice"
3) Sneak- I never could get this to work reliably, but my playing style doesn't really lend itself to stealth. Pretty sure NOBODY likes sneaky types, so he'd know better.
4) Acrobatics- Similar to athletics, if I wasn't running I was hopping. "Passive practice" on a misc skill yielded enough skill increases for me.
5) Security- I'd either take this or alteration as a skill. Either one will do the same job. It really depends on your character which one is the better choice.
6) Speech- I usually took this as a major. The extra dialog options it makes available, combined with improved taunting, made this a "must have" for me.
7) Marksman- Once again, NOBODY has hit the key. There are some REALLY good mods out there that add equipment for "snipers", but the basic game is pretty thin. I'd say you could pick between this and destruction. Both serve much the same purpose.
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Post Thu Jan 29, 2004 2:25 am
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High Emperor
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Disclaimer: I'm not a fan of magic in Morrowind, so appreciate Marksman's ranged attacks more than those with Destruction, have to tackle locks without the benefit of Alteration, etc.

Originally posted by JDR13
There are a few skills that I'm still not sure about as far as worth, what do you guys think about...

1. Block (Worth it? How often does it make a difference?)

I personally like it. Carrying a shield is another item that improves your armour rating (10% of the whole), and there are some niftily-enchanted shields out there for cheap. If you're going to carry one, might as well be good at using it, hey?

However, there are three big disadvantages. Firstly, the weight - it's yet another item to carry. Maybe you'd be better off using that weight for something more useful and just taking hits? Secondly, you can't use a shield while using a two-handed melee weapon, any ranged weapon, or magic. If you're mainly going to be using one-handed melee you'll benefit most.

The third drawback is a little more subtle - Block is controlled by Agility. If you want to keep one skill for each attribute Misc (Charlie's first rule of character creation), Agility is the tricky one with certain character types. The Agility-controlled skills are: Block, Light Armour, Sneak and Marksman. If you're making a thief/rogue/bard/ranger/assassin/archer-type character you're going to have to keep Block as a Misc, as you'll probably want the rest as Major/Minor.

2. Athletics (Being able to move and swim a little faster in a game as huge as Morrowind appeals to me, but is it worth a Major\Minor spot?)

No - you'll find it levels plenty fast as a Misc skill. (This is probably Charlie's second rule! )

3. Sneak (With all the spells and magic items in this game that you can use to hide yourself, is this skill really useful?)

Pass. I rarely use it, but then again I'm really not a subtle player!

4. Acrobatics (Worth concentrating on? Does it actually let you do things you otherwise could not? like reach new places.)

See Athletics.

5. Security (How often do you need this in general? I might be choosing the Tower as my sign anyways)

I tend to make it Minor - at the low levels I can open the simpler locks directly, and later on when the locks get trickier I'll probably have enough scrolls to take care of things. If you're taking The Tower you might be okay, as long as you don't need to open more than one lock per day.

You'll find a few locks in dungeons and smugglers' lairs, and some way of opening locks is essential for many quests. If you're going to be good at the Open spell you might be able to do away with a lockpick, but Security is also used for disarming traps - I don't think there's a magical solution to that problem?

6. Speechcraft (I like a good choice of dialog options. How important is this skill in general? Worth making a Minor or Major?)

Speechcraft won't affect the dialogue options available to you, or affect the results of your dialogue choices. It will, however, improve people's disposition towards you and make it easier to persuade them to like you even more. I think it's a good addition to any character, but you don't necessarily have to take it.

7. Marksman ( How good are the ranged weapons later in the game? Is this skill worth a Major or Minor spot? Is it easy to develope even if I just keep it a Misc?

Thanks for your input guys.

Bows can be very powerful in Morrowind, but arrows can be a significant drain on your funds at first. After a few levels you'll have enough money to not care, however.

I like Marksman. Learning how to best aim each arrow is an interesting part of the game, and it's very useful to be able to hurt someone from far away or who's charging towards you. Besides, sometimes I'll just pick up my bow and go hunting in the swamps - it's a good way of unwinding.
Charlie Dobbie
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Post Thu Jan 29, 2004 2:32 am
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City Guard
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Opinions are like as*holes, everybody has one and they all stink. I kid, I kid...seriously my opinion differs a bit from the other guys on most of this stuff, but that doesn't mean I am right, just different ways of playing and thinking.

1. Block (Worth it? How often does it make a difference?)

It makes a huge difference, but as cfmdobbie said, only while you are holding a one-handed melee weapon. If you've ever battled a skeleton champion with a shield you know how much it can help to have a high block rating. Works great for my thief, I took it as a major.

2. Athletics (Being able to move and swim a little faster in a game as huge as Morrowind appeals to me, but is it worth a Major\Minor spot?)

I took it as a minor instead of misc simply because in the beginning of the game - the part of the game I've played many times while trying different kinds of characters - I can't stand to be running at a snail's pace through that same old stuff. But if you can stand the slow rate of movement early in the game, it probably is better to take as a misc because as several others have said it does raise fast in a passive manner on its own.

3. Sneak (With all the spells and magic items in this game that you can use to hide yourself, is this skill really useful?)

Undoubtedly. Yes, yes, yes! Invisibility cancels itself as soon as you perform any action (like opening a chest or picking a lock), making it completely useless for anything other than having a look around without being seen. Chameleon helps your ability to sneak undetected but alone chameleon is not very useful because it wears off in a short amount of time and never hides you 100% (even at 100% chameleon). For chameleon to work for much of anything you must combine it with sneaking...There is nothing better than getting an NPC to turn their back on their goodies and then snatching them right out from under their nose without having to worry about killing someone that might be useful to you later. Well, maybe there is one thing that is better, picking their pockets after you rob their strong-box! Even later in the game when I am filthy stinking rich, it is still fun to check out what people have and know that it is as good as mine if I want it. I also get incredible critical hit damage when sneaking, and that is fun too, breaks up the sometimes monotonous "see an enemy, run in and attack" method of dispaching of foes. This is just an opinion based on my play style, sneaking is not for everyone, it sometimes requires patience.

4. Acrobatics (Worth concentrating on? Does it actually let you do things you otherwise could not? like reach new places.)

Yes it does, but I have not found it useful for much of anything other than getting to the lower levels of Vivec's cantons quickly by jumping off the ledge. Even more-so than athletics, this could be taken as a misc. I did, and just by jumping off the tops of staircases while running and stuff it has raised itself to the point where I can take some fairly long distance falls with little to no damage.

5. Security (How often do you need this in general? I might be choosing the Tower as my sign anyways)

Well, again it depends on the kind of character you want to play. I found it to be a must have skill for my thief type character. Tower won't get it done for you, it only unlocks up to a 50 skill level lock and although that seems like a high level lock in the beginning, a vast majority end up being higher than that later on. Again as cfmdobbie said, if you want to disarm a trap this is the best if not only way to do it, and all the good loot ends up being in trapped chests or behind trapped doors.

6. Speechcraft (I like a good choice of dialog options. How important is this skill in general? Worth making a Minor or Major?)

The first time I played the game I totally ignored this skill and the game was certainly fun. But after playing this latest character with Speechcraft as a minor, I realize how much speechcraft adds to the experience. It is easier to manipulate people, but certainly it is not a necessary skill. In one instance I had to convince a guy to do a certain thing, if I couldn't do that, I had to find his lover and threaten her life. First time through I had to track her down and enjoyed strong arming them, last night, I was happy he just did what I asked, because I had forgotten where his lover was and didn't feel like tracking her down. A simple example that again shows that it depends on how you want to play the game whether this or any other skill is important.

7. Marksman ( How good are the ranged weapons later in the game? Is this skill worth a Major or Minor spot? Is it easy to develope even if I just keep it a Misc?

If you decide you will be using a bow definately make it a major skill, it is next to useless at low skill levels and since you can only raise it by paying a trainer or by successfully hitting an enemy with an arrow it is not easy to develop from a misc skill level.

So ask yourself, do you care about ranged attacks at all? Most Orcs or Nords would prefer a head to head confrontation with anything in thier way and would forego any kind of ranged attack as a matter of principle. If you do want some kind of ranged attack, then it is worth deciding between magic or marksman. Since I chose to be a Dark Elf who gets +10 to destruction I chose magic as my ranged attack for a change. The bad thing about that...after I throw a few shockballs I am usually out of magic and have to charge in with my short sword. Any self respecting marksman would not have run out of arrows so early and could pincushion the enemy as the enemy charged them. The drawback there is arrows are heavy and it is possible to run out of them. Oh, and if you want your attack to be enchanted, the arrows get expensive and hard to find.

Post Thu Jan 29, 2004 7:18 pm
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Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

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Thanks everyone. I apreciate your input. I have another question. I think I'm going to choose Longblade as my weapon of choice. Are most weapons in that catagory one-handed? The reason I ask is because I'm trying do decide about taking Block as a Major or Minor. And should you always make your weapon of choice a Major, or can you get away with making it a Minor?
Post Fri Jan 30, 2004 4:50 am
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Long blades are about 50/50 for one-handed vs two-handed. I would always make your weapon of choice a major skill, even if that weapon is a ranged one (marksman) or magic (destruction).
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Post Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:06 am
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Magister of the Light
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I see... I'll be sure to make Longblades a Major. I still can't make up my mind about Block though. As far as magics go, are any of them particularly harder to develope than others?
Post Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:39 am
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Naturally, it all depends on how you play your character, but here's my opinion, for what it's worth:
alteration- VERY easy to build up
conjuration- don't think I've ever taken it, but I imagine it wouldn't be too hard
destruction- easy
enchant- extremely difficult to build up, but it's sort of a special situation
illusion- average
mysticism- average
restoration- easy

Any of them (other than enchant) can be easy to develop if you decide to invest some time intentionally practicing.

I think your decision on block is going to come down to what else you pick. You might find, once you pick the "gotta have's", that you've got a slot or two left over. If so, block will fit in nicely. Similarly, if you build a thief-type with marksman, sneak, and light armor, you wouldn't want to take block since that would give you all 4 agility skills.
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Post Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:37 pm
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