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Wouldn't it be awesome if...
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - General

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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Yupp, agree Hoyp; they suck - take the console version of BG and compare it to BG1-2....

MP isn't a "WOW" experience, and Gothic wouldn't feel like Gothic with real people because they wouldn't be as real! Sounds strange? Well, let me explain:

PB designed a world where people work, talk, walk and do normal things - things we do not want to do, but makes the world feel real! If all those people were human players, none of'em would want to be a "map maker", a "digger" or a "chef".. ahh, so why not have both the NPCs, AND a lot of human players? Well, what if one of the most experienced ones decide to kill every NPC? A lot of the players do that, and a lot of the players whack the traders to steal their equipment..

Sure, you could insert heavy NPC guards, but in Gothic guards aren't a problem(later in the game), and besides - the New Camp would be pointless if you had guards to protect the NPCs - the New Camp is based on the policy "every man for himself"..

Sorry, but I do not think Gothic is much of a MP game, but if a MP version suddenly arrived as a hidden project which was now completed without taking any of PBs' current resources - sure thing! I'd buy it!

Unfortunately, that's not the situation..
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:01 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Maylander
If all those people were human players, none of'em would want to be a "map maker", a "digger" or a "chef"..

I would actually... what's wrong with that? If diggers could actually obtain ore, and map makers and chefs could sell their goods... then why the hell not? Realizing that no one playing these roles would probably cause players like me... you know... nice honest people who like helping people, to take these sorts of roles... but it would be nice if there was some type of reward for it... like ore... By the sound of what you're saying and how you're saying it... you probably would do the same...

And to solve the NPC killing thing... why not just make them invunerable? Wouldn't that solve the problem?

Oh, and I didn't say console versions of PC games were good... so don't use that kind of comparison. Alls I meant was that on the whole consoles are for single player gaming, and PCs are for online gaming... not primarily of course, but that's what it boils down too.

Also you saying that the NPCs are real further proves my point that the Gothic world already seems multiplayer... and that it is one of the major elements of the game that makes it fun. If I have a really slow friend (as in slow in the mind), and I told him it was an online game... he'd probably believe me... that's just how the NPCs were designed to act... like real people.

And if the word console SP RPGs makes you think of Baldur's gate... then somethings wrong... there are lots of good console rpgs... mostly for the playstation... but even some older ones are really good (my fav RPG for quite a long time was PS4... that game was soo frickin awesome and suprisingly long for a sega genesis game...)
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:48 am
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

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Multi-player games have to have a completely different kind of game design and narrative structure; in particular they can't have a main protagonist, and quests have to be designed completely differently to accomodate the possibility that more than one person could undertake them. If Gothic had been designed as a multiplayer game, it would bear very little resemblance to Gothic as we know it.

No, put me squarely in the "no multiplayer ever!" camp. I play computer games to get away from all the real people I interact with in my job -- and prefer my time with friends face-to-face, unmediated by a computer screen. I'll join with those who feel that the multiplayer community has plenty of other games to choose from, and should leave us single-players our fun.
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 2:17 am
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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The moment someone says "D00d u suxx0r!" all realism in the game would fly out the window.
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Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:28 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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This is what I don't understand... if the AI is made in such a way that everyone seems real, and they act in that way, then how could a multiplayer Gothic not be "Gothic as we know it".

And if you prefer single player games, then that's good for you. I didn't say everyone on the face of the earth would think that an online version of Gothic would be good... there are quite a few people who "don't do multiplayer"... and I guess I sorta respect that. But for actual multiplayer players an online version of Gothic would be one of the best game ever.

Also, as for the "D00d you suxor" thing... I guess PB kinda screwed up because if you run from a fight then half the time you hear "Come back here you pussy!!!" From behind you... I know it's not exactly the same... but it's still kinda an insult... I think I also once heard someone say, "Run back to your momma!" or something like that... but I mean we're in the barrier... so that would be impossible... lol

If you want to hear it for yourself (if you don't believe me or something) then I found most oftenly if you run from the three diggers that ambush you when you don't pay Bloodwyn, they will say these phrases...

Yep... next argument please...
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:21 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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"Run back to your momma!" can be used because such insults could conceivably have been used back in medieval times. However, l33t speak wasn't. Thus, I stand by my statement.

Also, many players would not actually "roleplay". They would break character and thus the realism is again destroyed. Programmed NPCs can't break character.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
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Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:35 pm
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Average Fanatic
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Originally posted by Val
Also, many players would not actually "roleplay". They would break character and thus the realism is again destroyed. Programmed NPCs can't break character.

What exactly do you mean by "break"?
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 1:15 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Val
"Run back to your momma!" can be used because such insults could conceivably have been used back in medieval times. However, l33t speak wasn't. Thus, I stand by my statement.

I highly doubt that in medieval times people went around going your momma this and your momma that... but sure whatever you say... and who's to say "l33t speak" wasn't around in medival times? Are you 800 years old or something? Also in medival times I don't think that people use the word "pussy" And besides who says the game takes place in medival times? I don't think we had found magical ore in medival times... or even now for that matter... my theory was that the game took place after civilization had been completely destroyed and human kind had to start all over again without all our technologies and etc. Hence the over sized mutated birds, flies and etc. You never know... it could be.

Also, many players would not actually "roleplay". They would break character and thus the realism is again destroyed. Programmed NPCs can't break character.

That's why they put NPCs in MMORPGs... yeah... so I don't know what you're complaining about. I would roleplay and I'm sure many others would do the same... so really this isn't very valid.

And I never said an online Gothic would have to incorperate the EXACT same feel or anything... I'm just saying it would be FUN. Everyone who's bringing up arguments is... or should be... proving why an online GOTHIC game wouldn't be FUN. I think a gothic game with a teletubby as the main character would still be fun... because that's just how well made the game actually is... I'm not sure why so many people think that changing the slightest thing about the game would make it less entertaining... change is good... embrace it!
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 1:40 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 2:25 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Srchbayne

He brings up a good and spamalicious point. Good thing this thread is "Wouldn't it be awesome if..." and not "Won't it be awesome when..." eh?

It's a shame that they most likely won't make a Gothic MMORPG... a damn shame... it would be such an amazing game...
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 2:28 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
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Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 2:37 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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I have to agree with Val - NPCs don't break, while real characters would - I've played a lot of multiplayer, and you often meet people who are only out to mess up for everybody else..

Also, the point about "getting away from everyday people" or something like that is also good - when playing Gothic I can get away from stress.. Gothic does the same for me as a good book(like Wheel of Time), and I wouldn't want people to interfere..
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 2:59 pm
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Srchbayne, writing caps only is considered to be shouting and thus impolite.
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 3:01 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Maylander
I have to agree with Val - NPCs don't break, while real characters would - I've played a lot of multiplayer, and you often meet people who are only out to mess up for everybody else..

Did we not already establish the fact that NPCs are ALSO found in MMORPGs and therefore important roles, and even some not so important roles could be played by NPCs.

Originally posted by Maylander
Also, the point about "getting away from everyday people" or something like that is also good - when playing Gothic I can get away from stress.. Gothic does the same for me as a good book(like Wheel of Time), and I wouldn't want people to interfere..

Fine then. If that's the way you feel then go play some SP games... but for people who would rather spend time with their friends, having fun and sharing laughs to relieve stress... people like me.... I think they would LOVE an MMORPG of Gothic. It's just that good of a game... and sharing it with others, as well as talking with others is just part of the fun of MMORPGs.

Originally posted by Srchbayne

I agree otherwise I wouldn't even be at this forum. Now just think of how amazing Gothic is, and now think of how awesome it would be if you and your friends were all playing it. You'd all be hunting, drinking, smoking, and all sorts of other things together! You could actually hold a realistic looking party! People can drink beer and talk and etc. You could even have someone playing a lute! How's that for realism.

As a final thought I just wanted to say that... I don't see how everyone can downplay MMORPGs, when it is sooo obvious that they are a hit. Do you have any idea how many people play MMORPGs? Millions to say the least. Speaking of which, FFXI a new MMORPG is coming out in the US soon... I already know (as in have talked to and can even show proof of there existence) over 200 gamers greatly anticipating this game. Also in Japan there are currently over 200,000 people playing this game... [sarcasm]yeah MMORPGs aren't good... you're right... what could be more boring then playing a game that is a realistic as life itself and has unending gameplay (similar to SP Gothic)? [/sarcasm]
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 3:22 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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It would be good to have a multiplayer feature like NWN's for gothic.
Post Sun Jan 26, 2003 9:04 pm
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