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Joining the Orcs or Humans , any one gonna join the Orcs?
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Leader of the Senate
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Joining the Orcs or Humans , any one gonna join the Orcs?

Is any one here gonna seriously join the Orcs? or are you gonna join the Humans?

There have been a few games i cant remember where you could join the humans or some evil race and always the evil race ended up being really dull and boring im afraid this will happen if i join the Orcs.

Because the humans will have alot of interesting people to meet and they can talk , the orcs are strong but like they said there not very smart so i think joining the Orcs would be boring dont you think?

But im curious to see what happens cause dont know who im going to join , Probably humans because it will be more interesting and its alot more fun fighting Orcs because there though.

What are you gonna do? I wonder how much this will affect the game if you join the orcs or the humans how will it end

I can picture joining the humans and you're talking to some fancy Diego type character at the bar with a group of ppl and i can picture talking to a big strong orc that sounds like a caveman with 3 other orcs standing beside a big pile of orc crap

So what are you gonna do?
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:15 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Huh, personally I think the whole joining the orcs thing is a little weird. The way I see it there'd be little to gain in joining with a race that is essentially trying to wipe out your own. And I don't see why the orcs would even consider accepting the help of a Hume who they probably wont have any reason to trust. Unless you specifically have something they want.

Plus imho it doesn't really fit in with the theme of Gothic. You spend the first 2 games defeating the forces of evil...only to join them in the 3rd act? Doesn't make sense to me, but we'll see how PB tried to pull it off.
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:15 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I don't remember where I read it (maybe when I traducted one of the latest german article with bablefish?), but I read the orcs would little by littl consider you as a semi-god. Hey, you defeated their "Sacrifice-demanding" god the sleeper. I bet you could try to fix things up with the orcs and Ur-Shak cos'
At chapter 4-5 in gothic 2, after killing Hosh pack and Ur-Shak finding out you write in your journal something like:"I should wait I've settle things with orcs before coming back to Ur-Shak"
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:17 am
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

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yeah thats true its very wierd and no idea how its all gonna fit well , but yeah that sounds interesting about the god thing because the hero has killed tons of orcs and hes just human and the sleeper and all the dragons , so the orcs maybe praise him for his strength and ask him to join.

Cant wait to see but i'll probably side with the humans but will see what happens with the orcs.

I wish the orcs werent stupid though and were smart , like Thrall for example in Warcraft 3.
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 10:18 am
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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First off just remember it is a game. Joining the orcs gives you another play thru the game.......that is a good thing.

Second, the orcs are not stupid or evil. They have their own language and culture. A culture older than human culture. You are told this by Xardas, don't ya remember?

We don't know what storyline will come about in G3 yet, but one plausible reason to join forces with the orcs is that ALL humans and ALL orcs need to join forces to defeat some ultimate evil.....an evil that can't be defeated by only one nation. Or maybe the storyline is as simple as joining them to kill all humans. Who knows, but PB has not done a simple thing like that in the past.

Here are some thoughts I had and posted them on JoWood in this thread http://forum.jowood.de/showthread.php?p=1247513#post1247513

Most of Gothic series is about one simple thing. Good god vs. Evil god....with another god keeping the balance. If any of the three are weakened, then we lose balance.That makes it easy to have 3 ending, and make way for G4. I'll try to explain, but I have soooo much in my mind it is hard to stay on track lol.

Let's say you are "good" and weakened Evil too much. Balance could not be maintained and the world would be butterflies, candy, and everything good all the time....no thanks. If you were "evil" and weakened Good to much, the world would be death and chaos. So to me, that means we can NOT kill the "good" nor the "evil" gods....the balance could not be maintained in either case. We also can not kill the god keeping the balance because all out war between good and evil would begin. If you follow that so far, please read on.

PB has said we will have 3 endings, and I think it is possible that with each of the 3 ending you can import your character into G4......where you must repair the damage and regain balance.....possibly even going back in time to do so.

Imagine you are about to destroy either the good or evil(after a nice battle), and the god keeping the balance teleports you to another land just before you complete the deed.....He MUST maintain the balance you are about to end.....you get a nice cutscene explaining it all.....he is pissed at you and that you must find a way to fix it(in G4 of course), because he can only keep the balance for a short time now that one side is weakened. That is 2 endings right there.

Now imagine you are tricked by good or evil, or both, into destroying the god of balance. (both good and evil think they will prevail if the god of balance stops interferring) Just before you are able to complete the deed, someone, maybe Xardas realizes what is really happening, and teleports you away....cutscene....on to G4.

This gives us 3 plausible endings and makes way for G4....WITH 3 IMPORTABLE CHARACTERS!!!
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:22 pm
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High Emperor
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Orcs want to kill the followers of Innos, not the humans in general. The human Necromancers etc are all high ranking with the orcs(such as the Seekers, and the dude guarding the chamber to the undead dragon). If you turn evil and start worshipping Beliar, you will become a hero of the orcs too.

I will definetly try it once, but I do believe I'll prefer the regular save-the-day way of doing it.
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:24 pm
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

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I wonder how tough and hard the orcs will be in Gothic 3 the elites in gothic 2 were crazy i had to lure one at a time then when i got stronger i could take on about 3 at a time any more i would die.

Cant wait to just run at one and start fighting
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:53 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Originally posted by Uriziel
Let's say you are "good" and weakened Evil too much. Balance could not be maintained and the world would be butterflies, candy, and everything good all the time....no thanks. If you were "evil" and weakened Good to much, the world would be death and chaos. So to me, that means we can NOT kill the "good" nor the "evil" gods....the balance could not be maintained in either case. We also can not kill the god keeping the balance because all out war between good and evil would begin.

It seems to me that things are already out of balance. There is a war raging between the forces of Beliar and Innos and the world is filled with death and chaos. The average person can't take a stroll in the woods without getting slaughtered by some beast or orc.

I think the whole balance thing is bs. How can two peoples who are bent on the other's destruction coexist peacefully? They couldn't. Even if they stopped the war, there would still be constant tension that would undoubtedly break out into violence occasionally.

The orcs would have to go back to wherever they came from and that would imply victory on the behalf of Innos. And considering the fact that the orcs did come from somewhere (where I don't know, maybe we find out in G3), that makes them the invading army. Why did they attack? Is it just because the humans worship Innos? That sounds pretty evil to me.

Are we to believe they attacked because they got word that 2 orcs were enslaved in the ore mines? How do they communicate over long distance anyway? Orc express mail?

Wow I am such a geek.

A new day, and nothing has changed.
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:10 pm
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

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Orcs are evil , really wish (fantasy speaking of course) orcs and humans would get along and live together that would be nice like in Warcraft 3 the humans and orcs joined forces and made a base against the night elves they still were aurging but they fought together.

Its always the Humans , Elves , Dwarves would be nice of Orcs joined in have a big city and each race has its own place in the city would be cool

If the orc males had babies with the human women (i dont know if orcs have balls or anything im no expert) then it would be a warrior / intelligent that would be nice but also look wierd
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:27 pm
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Head Merchant
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well it would take more than just the force of orcs and humans to fight the Nigh elves and win. they wouldnt stand a chance against the elves, cause frankly they are the best.
O dirka dirka dirka dirka
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 10:18 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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Originally posted by muteki13
Originally posted by Uriziel
Let's say you are "good" and weakened Evil too much. Balance could not be maintained and the world would be butterflies, candy, and everything good all the time....no thanks. If you were "evil" and weakened Good to much, the world would be death and chaos. So to me, that means we can NOT kill the "good" nor the "evil" gods....the balance could not be maintained in either case. We also can not kill the god keeping the balance because all out war between good and evil would begin.

It seems to me that things are already out of balance. There is a war raging between the forces of Beliar and Innos and the world is filled with death and chaos. The average person can't take a stroll in the woods without getting slaughtered by some beast or orc.

I think the whole balance thing is bs. How can two peoples who are bent on the other's destruction coexist peacefully? They couldn't. Even if they stopped the war, there would still be constant tension that would undoubtedly break out into violence occasionally.

Ya kinda missed my point, and things explained in the game. Yes, the balance is shaky, but NO balance would exist without Adanos. He is the one thing preventing all out war between good and evil. Sure some squabbles occur, but NOTHING like the scale of war that would exist if Adanos was not interceding. Now if you understand that, try reading my post again.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 10:51 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Originally posted by Uriziel
Yes, the balance is shaky, but NO balance would exist without Adanos. He is the one thing preventing all out war between good and evil. Sure some squabbles occur, but NOTHING like the scale of war that would exist if Adanos was not interceding.

You mean like the Sleeper and orcs and wargs and lizard men and black magicians and possession and hordes of the undead and dragons? Now that you mention it, I'm starting to think that Adanos has seriously dropped the ball. Or we're being lied to.

Let's think; the Magicians of Water usurp the abilities and attention of the mercenaries for their "ore detonation plan" that is bound for failure, mercenaries who are capable of taking down the orcs and helping to take down the Sleeper.

Saturas is not happy at all about the defeat of the Sleeper.

The magicians try to detain you as long as possible on your quest to get the Eye of Innos, even sending you through a portal that loses you for a few days, and that they think might not send you back.

They also want a weapon of Beliar on their side.

Hmmm I'm not too sure about this Adanos. He may take sides after all. If he is currently at odds against Innos, it would explain the present state of anarchy. There's just nothing worse than a temperamental deity.

Bad Adanos! Very bad!
A new day, and nothing has changed.
Post Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:53 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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Imagine how bad it could be if Adanos was'nt keep the little peace the world enjoys lol.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:19 am
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High Emperor
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I do believe Uriziel has played the add-on.

/////////// Spoiler warning for those that have not played the add-on:

In the add-on, you learn that our hero is not only the Chosen of Innos, but also The Keeper of the Balance, a Chosen of Adanos. He is the one destined to create balance, much like Anakin in Star Wars. Also, how he will bring this balance, is uncertain because the future is always clouded, but he will bring an end to it all somehow.

Without Adanos there would be no world at all, the orcs and humans would have clashed together long ago. As far as we know, this is not the first time Good and Evil comes out of hiding and starts battling each other. So far, neither have been wiped out, and I do believe Adanos is to thank for that one.

In the add-on you also learn that Adanos wiped out an entire population that threatened to turn completely evil(leaving no room for good). He found that unaccaptable, and simply washed the entire civilization away with a huge tidal wave. Noone were left alive.

That was also about to happen this time(in the add-on as well), but our great hero - The Keeper of the Balance - managed to stop it(the main story of the add-on).

At some point there will be a balance again, but as always - evil/good will find a way back. Vatras says so at the end of Gothic 2(when you meet him at the boat after killing the undead dragon). Even though you may deal a heavy blow to the forces of evil, you will never kill it. It will always find its way back.

Oooooh I can't wait for G3, all the answers we have to get! THIS IS DRIVING ME INSANE!
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:16 am
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Myrtana is a pretty lousy place to live. No wonder their tourist industry is dead.
Lizard men are destroying the golf courses and orcs don't know the first thing about making a mojito.
A new day, and nothing has changed.
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:19 am
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