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Notable Morrowind Moments
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my had a memorable moment when I got infected with corprus while on a quest for caius cossades. i rushed back to him with the boots of blinding speed on, and it was nighttime. he was already prepared for the worst. he sent me to a telvanni tower in the eastern coast of vvardenfell. that would be my first trip to the eastern side, and so far it has been very impressive. the telvanni architecture is awesome, and the location of the tower is also pretty cool. its totally surrounded by little islands everywhere. i had a fun little swim here
Post Mon May 06, 2002 5:28 pm
Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

Joined: 17 Oct 2001
Posts: 187

Ok I take the quest in Hla Ora or Hla Ord or whatever it is to deliver a Khajiit slave who is being used as a drug mule to smuggle moon sugar. Anyway there is an obvious quest to deliver the slave to a safe house which I turn down because what do I care about some slave, I'm trying to be a cold hearted thief here. Anyway so I go to the guys house who I'm supposed to deliver the slave too in Balmora. It's locked so I pick the lock. As soon as I enter the house the guy starts attacking the slave trying to kill it for the moon sugar that's inside the slave. The funny thing is that the slave is a Khajiit and pretty good at unarmed combat and ends up killing the guy. So I go what the hell and take all his stuff(magical amulet and 500 gold) then I talk to the slave. Well since the guy is dead the taking the Khajitt slave to the Argonian Mission quest is still active. So I deliver the slave to the Mission and get another 400 gold. Hehe I managed to get paid twice pretty much for this quest.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 5:56 pm
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Sagen Smith
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Well I was thieving around some ruins near hla Oad. After swimming through a cavern I saw a pedestal with a cool statue over it. There were two orcs milling about, but with my awesome sneak ability they didn't see me(anyone else love how they'll move for thier swords and say things like "I know someone watches me" when you sneak near them?) Anyway I snuck up, took some ebony(first time seein it!) a ruby and a diamond. Then I saw a Daedra's heart. Cool!. I pick it up an gawk at the statue. When I turn around I'm facing...a daedra...Just before he knocked me on my ass(literally) I yelped loud enough to bring my wife in the room.

Get some confidence stupid!- Troy Mclure.
Post Tue May 07, 2002 5:33 am
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Since its in spoilers now... I was looking for a council member (redoran, I think) and so, I walked into her house. I noticed that the lights were dim, and i was like, whoa, weird.

I walk down the stairs to find a dead body. I examine it.. and then I start to take a look around. all of a sudden, one of those hideous lame corpus things jumps at me from the shadows.

Honest to say, I was scared shitless. Morrowind must be one of the scariest games I have played in a while... Especially the places where you have to fight Corpus, and other 6th House baddies. Those things are grotesque.
Post Tue May 07, 2002 6:03 am


sorry for the double post...

Edit: I cleared that out for ya... Incindium
Post Tue May 07, 2002 6:04 am


A few things...

Looking up and seeing the two moons in the sky for the very first time, with the smaller moon positioned in front of the larger one. My jaw dropped when I saw that... and here I thought Wizardry 8's moon was cool looking.

Entering the Ghostgate on an escort mission. I snuck in and saw an Ash Slave standing around. A sand storm started up almost immediately and the Ash Slave dropped to his knees and bowed down, worshipping the storm.

Getting lost and listening for the sound of the Silt Striders to guide my way back to the city.

Finding out that the game plays just as smoothly at 1920x1440 as it does at 1280x960. (Okay, smoothly may be the wrong word to use here... it was still playable though ) Unfortunately I needed a microscope to be able to handle the interface, but it looked absolutely stunning.

The Boots of Blinding Speed... Tease me with something it looks like I desperately need and make it so obviously cursed I kicked myself afterwards. I was so impressed by it that I let her live.

Finding out that many quests have an almost Deus-Ex-like number of solutions. Can't break into something? Find a scroll with an unlocking spell. Need an item form someone? Ask him nicely for it (::cough::bribethem::cough:: ).

Having to pay 2 drakes to a guard for accidentally hitting him while we both fought a cliff razor. Damn corrupt guards.
Post Tue May 07, 2002 6:08 am
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 07 May 2002
Posts: 3

So many things, and I've only scratched the surface...

- if you're close enough you can actually see the Icarian scroll guy fall and hit the ground
- watching an occultation of a bright star by one of the moons
- watching the moons faaade out as the sun comes up
- taking my clothes off in a shop to try on some fancy new dresses, and hearing the shopkeep say 'I've never seen that before'
- the text in the Pillow Book
- the underwater visuals of the (sewer?) outlets in Vivec. Looks just right
Post Tue May 07, 2002 1:24 pm
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I think I was on the same escort mission that someone else mentioned... First, I had never seen the Ghostgate, and only ended up near it by accident (travelled between mage guilds to see which one had the easier first quest; stopped once I reached Ald'Ruhn). Anyway, I just happened to have read a book in a Vivec bookseller's shop about ancestor worship or something and they mentioned how they built the Ghostgate (basically it's made up of the spirits of thousands of people that died fighting watever lives behind it). So this woman wants an escort to the Ghost shrine, which I had no idea how to find (despite the fact that she puts a marker on my map; I didn't notice). With some creative guessing and consulting the big paper map that comes with the game, I manage to find it in time.

Anyway, the place she has you go is so inhospitable and just plain evil feeling (and the dust/ash/wind storm that seems to go on constantly there adds to that). You take her to her destination and she basically says to leave her there. Now, for all I know, it's just a silly quest and that's the end of it, but I was left with the feeling that either a) she's evil and is going to do some evil nefarious thing that will end up weakening the wall somehow (she mentions she only has 2 days to get there; why? Is it a solstice or something occult-related?), or b) she's going to kill herself and her spirit will join the thousands of other spirits strengthening the wall. Regardless of the result, I felt really creeped out by the experience.
Post Tue May 07, 2002 3:10 pm


Here's a funny story:

First off, I am playing a female wood elf thief.

I was fighting in one of the caves near the ebony mines with a bunch of slaves. The head guy there was a mage with a summoned creature *bone something* After I finished off the bonething, I found I was unable to move. I pulled out my trusty chitin shortbow and killed the mage using about 60 arrows (he was stuck running towards me with a table in the way). So there I was, unable to move since my strength was drained to 0, and haven't save for hours.

All I had was 1 potion of fortify 50 str and 2 fortify 30 str. I drank the fortify 50 and I ended up with 17 str! I drank all 3 potions and that made it enough for me to move for 60 seconds. I moved to the nearest chest in the room where I killed the mage and dropped ALL of my stuff into the chest. There I am, nekkid as a jaybird, with nothing but my bare fists to defend myself, but I was able to run (with 0 str, your run is just a bit faster than your normal walking speed).

I started running to the only temple I remembered, which was in Balmora. Lemme tell you it was quite a trek for a naked female wood elf thief to run from the ebony mines to Balmora with 0 str. I was able to avoid all confrontations and finally cured myself in the temple.

Some notes while being naked:
* talk to people when you are naked, they say some really funny stuff
* I heard catcalls and whistles when I ran past people (hehe).
* naked is FUN!
Post Tue May 07, 2002 4:08 pm


MY best moment was when i had stolen a but load of cool stuff, including glass armor, for my thief. I had not gottne any bounty at all untill i was looking in a crate and accidently hit take all instead of the cancel button.

The gaurds run up and ask if i wanna pay the fine or go to jail or resists etc. the fine was like 10 so i paid. Then i kept running around and decided to jump a shop keeper who kicked my A$$ in.

I was like wtf. so i look and i saw all my armor and cool stuff which aws stolen was taken my the gaurd. So i go and use the few items i had stored in my "hut" to make some gold and get some equptment.

I bought all sortsa of nifty little things and slept till 3am.

I walk outside and use my acrobatics to jump on on the rooves and leap from one to another right to the gaurd tower. then soem gaurd saw me and came running over. I should have known i did nothing wrong but i panicked.

I blasted him with a paralyze scroll and ran into the tower. I found my chest of items labeled evidence. the thing was, it was gaurded. So i pic it as fast as i can, steal whats inside and jump over the gaurd who came to beat my head in.

As i left the tower it was thundering it. it was all dark and i was running away when lighting struck and illuminated the area. I saw all these gaurd running to my locatin.

I start running for the silt strider but there were garuds waiting up on is platform for me, so i keep going, running off into the ashlands

Those persistant bastards kept following me, i must have had like 6 gaurds running after me, for a bounty of like 250 gold !

anyway i hide in a tomb, try to camp and gain my fatigue back but it said ememies near.

I figured a skeleton or two would be what i had to kill. No, vampires, a room of em. They hurt me real bad but i managed to run out of the tomb. I figured the gaurds would ask if i wanted to go to jail which is waht i planned to do but thye just yelled something like WALKING DEAD and kicked my ass in cause i got infected

That was the best freaggin experience ive ever had in a game ever
Post Wed May 08, 2002 1:59 am

Leaving Vivec

I have two major memories from this game (so far) out of countless others.

The first one is on my non-main character now, who was an axe user. I don't know if any of you have used 'bound axe' before, but it is basically a life-saver. I had block as a major skill, and so I didn't use it much, but I would often find myself running away from fights (that i was losing with my steel war axe) and hitting '3' to bring up Bound Axe. Cast Hearth Heal first, that is, then '3', but then I would turn around at whatever the hell it was that had hurt me, and hold down the mouse button. The axe goes back behind my head and I run at the monster/NPC/whatever. Thing is, most of the time...in real life I find myself yelling out a big warcry- AAHAHAHAHhhhhhh *WHACK* "Die, Sucker!" Big fun. Too bad axes have low enchant.

My other big memory is getting lost in Vivec, trying to find my damn way back to the ground so I could go somewhere new (this is also with one of my first chars). I was in Hlaalu, I think, somewhere at least where you can see the ground, and I realized that I could see the ground. I thought about it for a minute, and remembered that bargain rising force potion that I had found in the Dwemer ruins. Popped the potion (ctrl click selects just one, in case you didn't know) and jumped off the roof! 3D games always set my stomach churning when I jump long distances, and this was no exception. That rising force potion sure is a bargain, but it got me down to the ground floor with more than half my health

NOTE: I later discovered you can just jump in the water, but I like the way I solved it.
Post Wed May 08, 2002 11:42 am
Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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This isn't especially exciting, but while exploring one of the canton prisons in Vivec, I wanted to grab the cell key that was sitting on the table next to the guard (no reason - I just wanted it). Mind you, I'm not much of a thief.

I went over to the other side of the room and faced him. After he said the usual "Go on about your business", I then sneaked back over towards the table, but he continued to look the other direction. I stood there in sneak mode behind him for a good ten minutes, but couldn't get the sneak indicator to "stick". Every time I thought I had it, he'd turn his head towards me, lower his head as if checking that the key was still there, then turn away and shake his head! As if to say "Don't EVEN think about it, moron".

Meanwhile another guard came along and just stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me. A couple of times, he started to go for his sword, then would put it away and continue to give me the evil eye. Since he was much bigger than me, I finally gave up and went on about my business...

It's these subtle things that make this game such a great experience.

The most startling experience I had was down in the underworks of another Vivec canton. It's kind of a long story. There are a couple of them that have Daedric shrines in the middle of them. The first one I stumbled onto by accident. There was a female warrior-type guarding it, but I thought she was a friendly, so I didn't draw my weapon. Amazingly, she didn't attack me, so we exchanged a few words, and I headed towards the door. I figured I'd better draw my sword before I went in, so I did. Man, that set her off big-time! She went into full attack mode. Because I wasn't really prepared yet, I did the only thing I could think of and jumped in the water.

Well, a little water wasn't gonna stop her. She dived right in after me, and proceeded to slash and hack. Apparently, she wasn't a very good swimmer, because I was able to outrun(swim) her and get to a ramp and back on dry land. It was pretty funny watching her flop around in the water trying to get to me. Luckily, I had my trusty Graveyard Amulet on me, so I let loose with my skeleton. He dove straight for her. It was great to just stand there and watch my skeleton go at it with her. It took about twelve of them to finally take her out, but she finally succumbed. My amulet ran out of juice twice, but it actually let me rest, so I could charge it back up again! Suprising, because she was definitely an enemy, and she was definitely nearby.

Anyway, the next one of these shrines I came across in Vivec was guarded by another bad-ass, but this guy wasn't in the mood to talk, and immediately came at me with sword held high. I thought "hey, I've got this all figured out", so I jump in the water again and head for the ramp. Well, this guy was a MUCH better swimmer, and gave me a thorough beating on the way, but I did manage to get out of the water and leave him behind. I prepared my amulet, but I was having a hard time locating him in the water. As I'm standing there gazing into the murky water trying to locate him, I heard a sickening SHWINGGG to my left. I turn, and there's Gigantor barrelling down on me like a crazed grizzly bear! I literally let out a loud "Whoa!!!" and almost tossed my keyboard across the room! Talk about a shock!

The story had a happy ending though, but I had to actually WORK to get there! That'll teach me to take the easy way out.
Post Thu May 16, 2002 7:29 am
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One time i had ot pay a fine for stealing(all of my equip was stolen) so after the guard aws done i had no clothes! then the same guard had the nerve to demand that i put clothes on and give my yet another fine (much smaller only 5 i think it was) but still

Or once i sold a Ordinator mask to a guy in a pawnshop(u know the helmets taht look like aface with the red hair stuff ontop) and he put it on! he looked hilarious
Post Thu May 16, 2002 8:24 am

Re: Notable Morrowind Moments

Originally posted by Rendelius
Let's try to share some notable moments in Morrowind (without spoiling, please) . Here's one I really enjoyed:

On my way from Peliagad to Balmura I discovered a cave I wanted to inspect. I entered and found a guy rushing at me. It was a hard fight, but I was able to kill him. I decided to journey deeper into the cave, and soon I spotted another guy from a distance. I slwly closed in, always ready to run away if he would chase me. But to my astonishement, he stood just there, looking at me as I came closer. So I tried to initiate a conversation, but all I got as a reply was: I would talk to you if I would like you better. So, seeing that this was useless and that he was well equipped and armored, I turned my back and walked away.
Being about 20 meters away from him, I heard a sound in my back I wasn't able to identify at first. It was something metallic, reminding me of... of... - as I realized that it was the sound of a weapon drawn, I quickly turned around, just to see the guy running the last meters owards me, preparing for a mighty blow. Apparenty, he had changed his mind and thought he disliked me enough to go after me and kill me. It took only three blows of his hammer to leave me dead, because I was so astonished and stunned that I was completely unable to react.

My latest savegame was two hours old, but I really didn't mind - this damned computer AI was able to scare the s**** out of me and I really enjoyed it

Actually this is a bug, not the excellent AI. This always happen when you talk to a KOS NPC before he had the chance to come to you, such as guards who run to you when you have a bounty on your head. I had this happen to make many times, you can do this by sneaking and unsneak/talk to the NPC, or when the NPC was unable to notice your present for unknown reasons(bugs)
Post Thu May 16, 2002 3:15 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 09 May 2002
Posts: 21

I just had a cool experience recently. After killing off some bad guy for our thief friend Ahnassi, he rewarded me with information on a the Redoran Compound in Vivec. He says to snag the key to the Redoran treasury from some lady and have at it.

Well, I find the key and I walk right into the treasury room! However, it is guarded by 3 Ordinators and the treasurer. I manage to look suspicious and I get lucky. All 3 guards and the treasurer walk out of the room and I am ALL ALONE!! I close the door and the ENTIRE treasure room is mine for the taking! I snag ebony items, magic items, chests, LOADS of gold sitting on a table. I felt...well...bad almost...NOT!! I walked away with over 5k gold when I walked in with 2k. Of course, I roleplayed my way in with a story that I was spraying for termites and the room needed fumigated. LOL I gotta make this believable somehow ya know.
Post Thu May 16, 2002 5:33 pm
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