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Does Age Really Matter?
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SBR Belfry Bat
SBR Belfry Bat

Joined: 20 Jan 2002
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I'm 20 and I remember, just barely, playing centipede on my father's VIC 20, which I think was made by commodore and was just briefly before the commodore 64. So, I've been into video games as long as I can remember. But my parents never let me have a nintendo. Luckily by the time the SNES came out I was old enough to mow lawns and by it myself.
I'd never given RPGs or D&D a chance until I played Baldur's gate. Since then I play almost nothing but RPGs.
Post Sat Jun 29, 2002 7:28 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

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I'm 26 & the first RPG's i played were Eye of the beholder(s) - Dang i loved them, and played them last year just for kicks
- Of all the worlds there must be - why was i born on this one? -
- Idiocy. A rare encounter or a way of life? -
Post Sun Jun 30, 2002 1:17 am
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The Elder Spy
The Elder Spy

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The old games are fun, i re-played Dungeon Master this year and it still rocks.
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Post Sun Jun 30, 2002 9:28 am
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Village Leader
Village Leader

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oh yes Dungeon Master
It was my first RPG and I played it for the first time when I was about 11!
DM1 works on my WinME (without sound) but DM2 doesn't work
Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:50 am
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Guybrush Threepwood
High Emperor
High Emperor

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My first rpg was Zork on an Atari 800....was a console/computer hybrid. I still love that game even though its all text.
"What are you gonna do? Release the dogs?! Or the bees?! Or dogs with bees in their mouth so that when they bark they shoot bees at you?" - Homer Simpson
Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 2:09 am
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Max Killen
Exalted Potentate
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I'm 57 and have 10 grandkids. I like RPG's and FPS, (but not necessarily in that order)
Post Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:33 pm
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Southern Spirit
Southern Spirit

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I just turned 24 last month, I'm single but recently began a very promising (although not what I expected) relationship. My first computer game was Lemmings, which was ancient when I played it. I didn't really play another computer game until Blade of Darkness which I really loved.

Just under a year ago I moved from Miami to central Florida and started renting a room from a couple in their home. My landlord is an avid gamer and plays every game under the sun--I saw him playing Gothic and it reminded of Blade of Darkness. When my LL finished the game I asked him if I could play it and he gave me the cd. Gothic was what hooked me, it was so alive that it just captivated me.

My landlord was a great source for games at first--his "grip it and rip it" style of gameplay means that he tears through games very quickly. This guy can finish 3 or 4 games in the time it takes me to finish one. My landlord never replays games so the cds just go on a book case that would make EB cry with envy! I just find the cd I want and installed it. Morrowind was the first computer game that I bought "for me" because I wanted to play it and my LL hasn't gotten around to buying it yet. I just bought my second "for me" game--Neverwinter Nights. It's funny too... a year ago I would never have considered buying a computer game for anything other than a gift for someone.
''Perhaps I'm old and tired but I always think that the chances of finding out what really is going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and just keep yourself occupied. Look at me: I design coastlines. I got an award for Norway.''--Slartibartfast
Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 4:36 pm
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Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

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I'm 25, single and I've been playing games since around 84. Very recently (in 2000) I get addicted to iceskating. If you live in Warsaw (pl), you can easily meet me on torwar or stegny

If I only could earn money by playing games....
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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 5:08 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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I'm 28, married, and have been playing games in general for... the longest time I remember that my very first gaming system was an Atari 2600, although there weren't anything remotely close to being CRPGs on that platform at that time.

I got into roleplaying in the late 80's, early 90's with the Ultima series. I think the first one I played was Ultima 4. I never looked back since then. I've been addicted to Ad&D since I was 16 or so, and played with my highschool friends until we all left for College.

I won't list the games I played because they were too many, and I'm sure I would forget some of the best... But the major ones, those that left the biggest impression on me were Ultima 4 through 7, Darklands, Elder Scrolls: Arena, Baldur's Gate, to name a few. I enjoyed a few console RPGs as well, like the Dragon Warrior series, the Final Fantasy series, and the Phantasy Star series.
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Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 6:25 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I'm 13, and my first game was probably around 1993-5. Day of the Tentacle at my mates house. Then it was Monkey Island (still play the 2nd one now). After that theres along gap of Gameboy Zeldar-ing (fairy boys ahoy!) before playing Baldur's Gate in.... 2000, in expectance of BG2. I *want* to play the old Ultimas. Getting them shipped over from the US with command and conquer gold bundle.

Although I think myself as an RPGer (albeit an inexperianced one) I do enjoy Age of Empires, GTA3 (yes, naughty me) and a few others. So far my MMOG experiances have been addictive... not really inspiring or thrilling. Everquest was a drag, and Ultima Online had its charms for a year or two, I'd really enjoy an MMOG... but one needs an environment that accomadates it.

Getting in to PnP... saving up for a system that can run Morrowind and wondering if ye olde picture maker TNT can run Neverwinter Nights.

=Fixed your post. -Val=
Post Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:43 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I'm 49. First computer game was Battlezone in 1980 (that was actually an arcade game in a bar -- does that count?) Got my first PC in 1983 (8088 CPU with 64K of RAM). First game on that machine was Zork. The first RPG I played was Ultima VI. The Ultimas are still my all-time favorite games because they had the most interesting game worlds and the most developed stories. They came the closest to being novels of any games I've seen.

I've spent a huge amount of time playing two online RPGs, Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot. Like somebody said, it's hard keeping up with younger players because at age 49, reflexes have slowed down quite a bit. But I do it anyway.

As time goes on, I expect we'll see more and more old players, because there is no reason to expect people to stop playing games as they age. People don't stop going to movies when they get old.

The thing that makes us older gamers different isn't that we're old. It's that we tried something new (computer games) when we were in our 30s or above, when computer games got invented. Most people are reluctant to do that.
Post Mon Nov 18, 2002 8:23 am
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

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Old?? pah....


Well you have beat me agewise...im 48 and love RPG's.

Been playing computer games for 22 years. Been through various machines/consoles and now live with a 1.4Ghz Athlon and a PS2.

Like yourself, my lads mates (hes 15), love the fact that his dad is into computer games...mainly because they beat me on the arcady types (FIFA 2003, NHL, etc)

We are lucky enough to have a dedicated "playroom".....used to be used for my boys lego and toys, but now it is REALLY utilised.

I keep pondering on what games I will be playing after I have retired...you know..looking back 5-10 years and then trying to look forward......no conclusions yet but it can only get better...not that it is bad now, you understand.

Keep gaming.


If the universe is everything, what is it expanding into ??!!
Post Mon Nov 18, 2002 3:03 pm
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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I often ask myself that very question, and it kinda makes me uneasy. As a young child, i once thought "wow these action figures are great! I could NEVER tire of playing with them! When i get older ill have all kinds of money to buy all the glorious toys i want!". I saw myself forsaking humanity and playing with my heaps of glorious toys for all time. Now, If I saw some 30 year old down in the dirt playing with his action figures, making the battle sounds and action effects, Id prolly have to contemplate calling the men in the white coats. If I found that very person to be me, I would prolly have enough dignity to slice my own wrist.

Well you know, time moves on. As much as yes, I would like to have a few of the old Star Wars action figures to have posed on a shelf or otherwise, i dont think I would be down in the dirt having Stormtrooper raids on Hoth anymore. Ive simply grown out of that sort of thing, whoever has matured has, its part of growing up. Now look at old games like pac-man and such that i once felt the same way as i did about the action figures. "When I grow up, I can spend whole paychecks on quarters at the arcade!" I can play those games for maybe 3 minutes max before im ready to go play a real game like UT or AOM or something...

Which in itself, suddenly smacks me full-on in the face. Wait a second here, Im 30 now, and in a way I *am* playing games still. Maybe not a quarter at a time, but I buy them for alot of quarters... If I am playing Age of Kings, Im setting up a small Empire in a virtual "sandbox", the standard random map RTS map game is even now commonly called "Sandbox Mode".... All hell breaks loose if a RTS does not have it.But its justified, the "new games" of today have a whole new level of involvement and possibility, right? A thing of stunning beauty, shocking horror, bloodcurdling action or unbelievable violence. I guess. Now I see myself an old man, 50 years from now, in my chair at the Old Folks Home with a couple of my 80 year old gaming buddies fragging each other at Unreal 2052. Things change, but in a way they dont I guess. Game on.
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:12 am
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Well said, xSamhainx. At 34 (feel older, though), I hope I'm a gamer forever. I have friends who think I'm insane, but why is my hobby less valid than their pastime?
Post Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:51 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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Games have progressed to the point now to where they can literally appeal to all ages, no matter who, im convinced there are title that can work for you. Mama Samhain is a purrfect example. She loathes computers, she hates them with all her heart. "I work on one all day, the last thing I want to see when I get off work is a computer." So, i set up her old 2nd hand computer with a Mah Johnng game. That entire week, every time I came over there she was playing it, she loved it! Now when Im at Wal Mart I'll look at the bargain rack for some old card game, or one of the old "twitch games' like Frogger. She loves Frogger too. Papa Samhain was more of a Sim City type of gamer. It is quite possible now that you can literally have game enjoyment til you die, there is no age limit. It is by no means just for kids anymore, in fact Id say a majority of titles are aimed at late teens/early 20's players. I think adults are also becoming a bit more laid back and open to things simply because how we were brought up as opposed to earlier, simpler generations who grew up on board games and not-so-wacked-out music. Alot of people like that automatically write off pc games as Super-Mario-esque kiddie games. They think games are still back in the Atari joystick era. My generation now reaching middle age grew up on heavy metal and arcade games. My "oldies" are bands like Twisted Sister and Motley Crue,lol. Therefore it's not that far off to assume that when we are older we will be a whole lot diffrent than previous generations, we are wired totally diffrent.Think of the NEXT generation that grew up on Marilyn Manson and stuff like that. Spooky. I can truly see a bunch of old geezers whooping it up on nursing home LAN's fragging the heck out of each other on 30 years, or playing Rpgs to help pass the time. Im definitely going to be looking for a retirement home with DSL access.Nothing much else to do, keeps the brain active and fights off senility, right? Of course, it just might increase the blood pressure a bit at times...
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Tue Nov 19, 2002 7:57 am
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