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Character Creation Post
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 20 Aug 2002
Posts: 20
Character Creation Post

I just figured we could use an all purpose post where anyone can post there favourite char, or someone could look for tips on creating there own. like this.

Race: Nord
Sign: Lady

major Skills: Medium Aromor, Axe, Block, Illusion, Alteration

Minor Skills: Speechcraft, Destruction, Alchemy, Restoration, Armorer

ANy tips? hints? Post your own!
The books of history are written by the victor.
Post Sat Sep 14, 2002 7:12 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Katakk the Orcish Mercenary

Race: Orc
Sign: The Lady
Class: Mercenary (CUSTOM)
Specialism: Combat Arts
Prime Attributes: END and STR

Major skills:
    Long Blade - never leave home without it!
    Short Blade - good for low level Jinkblades.
    Heavy Armour - Mmmmm, Ebony...
    Light Armour - ...or Glass!
    Marksman - long range disease prevention

Minor Skills:
    Security - very useful.
    Mercantile - seemingly utterly pointless
    Armourer - excellent - well recommended.
    2 magical skills - future expansion.

This character was designed to be a plain warrior, as I've never been too impressed with magic systems in games. I did want to allow myself the option of participating in magic in the future though, so have two minor skill slots devoted to magical arts.

Due to my race, sign and prime attributes, I started the game with 75 END, which gives me a massive health gain per level. I can carry a lot of loot due to high STR. I can operate in HA with big swords, or switch to LA and SB for faster movement.

Misc skills of note:
    Medium Armour - I love Orcish, so this stat has got pretty high
    Alchemy - maxed out at level 10 or so - I abused this a little...
    Speechcraft - I wish I'd made this Minor at least!
    Block - very useful, and well worth training up
    Athletics - excellent, but don't make it Major/Minor!
    Acrobatics - or this! They go up too fast. Misc works fine
    Sneak - I don't do a lot of sneaking, I'm not the subtle sort...

Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sun Sep 15, 2002 11:59 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 20 Aug 2002
Posts: 20

i totally agree that speechcraft should be a minor (at least) skill. It's so much easier to kill someone or get info using speechcraft. Also, i think that alteration is WAY better than security, it costs less in the long run, and you can do more with it. I abuse alchemy too , lots of money right off the bat. but i dont think there's a point in having 2 weapons, 2 armour, or something like that.
The books of history are written by the victor.
Post Sun Sep 15, 2002 5:05 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

Joined: 16 Jul 2002
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Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Race: Nord
Sign: The Lady
Class: Dark Knight (Custom)

Heavy Armor

Light Armor

I find he is a nice character to play. A tough Knight, with some kick ass magic to boot! Destruction to cause some chaos! Conjuration to summon up bound weapons etc. And restoration to keep healed. I find he has been good in most situations so far. Just not good with sneaking aroun with thats all!
Donwald the Gully Dwarf peers over the mound and sees the massive army bearing down on them.
"How many brother?" asked Willbe excitedly.
Donwald thought for a moment then shouted..."Two!"

Quote the Gully Dwarf, Nevermore!
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Post Tue Sep 17, 2002 1:34 pm
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Joined: 21 Mar 2002
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Female Wood Elf
Sign: Lady
custom class with stealth, strength, and willpower

Major: marksman, light armor, long blade (for the Lilarcor mod), restore, enchant

Minor: armorer, security, merchant, speech, mysticism

exploiting alchemy (my previous character had alch as a major skill, and boy, did that turn into a mess)
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:03 pm
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Guards Lieutenant
Guards Lieutenant

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the lady

I have a question, Whats so good about "the lady" ??
Never argue with a nOOb, First they take you down to their level and then they kill you with their skills
Post Sun Nov 10, 2002 3:00 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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The Lady - An Explanation

Let me explain:

Those born under the sign of The Lady have bonuses to Personality and Endurance - they get +25 to each, permanent.

It's a rather overpowered sign that outdos all the other signs mainly because once a character gets high enough, any of the other abilities can be replicated by scrolls, spells or enchantments. The benefits of The Lady are long lasting, as no matter how high a level you get, your PER and END will always be 25 more than they would have been if you hadn't taken The Lady.

A bonus to PER early on helps you with bribes, taunts etc, means you probably never have to put level points into you PER for guild-rank reasons and generally makes the natives behave a little nicer towards you. Your PER will probably be at the level that you don't need to put any points into it at all until you've maxed out all you interesting stats.

A bonus to END helps with level-up hit point adjustments. This is something you can't get later, as getting +25 to END at level 20 means you've missed out on 2.5*20 hit points that you could have got. My Orc, Katakk, started the game with 85 END and is a veritable tank.

The two bonuses together are essentially 50 free level up points. If you for instance usually get 8 points on level up (a pretty reasonable x2, x3 and x3), The Lady has essentially given you 6.25 levels of bonuses free. (Even if you manage things to always give you x5, x5, x5, The Lady still gives you 3.3 levels free.)

All in all, The Lady is a friend to almost all: powergamers, those who want an easier ride or to concentrate on other stats, those who like diplomacy or just LOTS of hit points. If you want a slightly harder game, or want to spice things up with The Shadow, The Tower or The Atronach for example, The Lady just isn't your choice.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... The Lady!
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
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Post Sun Nov 10, 2002 1:18 pm
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

Joined: 28 Nov 2002
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Race: Redguard
Sign: The Ritual (had the lady on my first char, a bit boring)

Major skills: Alteration, Alchemy, Blunt weapons, Heavy armor, Light armor
Minor skills: Conjuration, Long blade, Speechcraft, Destruction, Sneak

gotta love those critical hits with the Chrysamere, kills almost everything with one hit \o/


Post Fri Nov 29, 2002 12:56 am
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Guards Lieutenant
Guards Lieutenant

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damn if only i had known.. my sign is the tower now
(my char is a true fighter and a fast runner )
race: dark elf
major skills: longsword, block, heavy armor, acrobatics, athletics.. the rest i forgot.. (so long time ago )

i found a helm that does +30 personality anyway .. i believe some guy you have to kill for the imperial legion wears it..
Never argue with a nOOb, First they take you down to their level and then they kill you with their skills
Post Sat Dec 14, 2002 12:42 pm
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Village Leader
Village Leader

Joined: 06 Apr 2002
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Location: Slovenia

Wood Elf, Thief


Major skills:
Light Armor
Short Blade

Minor skills:

Favorite Attributes:

Didn`t actually discover the magic of Alchemy yet.
Post Mon Dec 30, 2002 10:25 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Venrath, the Dark Elf Hunter

Just thought I'd post my current character (Katakk has been retired - decided to start a new character for Tribunal)

Name: Venrath
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Hunter (custom)
Sign: The Lady

    Long Blade (gotta love those long swords!)
    Light Armour (more room to carry loot)
    Marksman (so much fun, very good for avoiding Blight )
    Conjuration (for Bound weapons)
    Mysticism (*only* for Soul Trap)

    Armourer (useful in the field)
    Security (pretty vital, I'd say)
    Speechcraft (too useful for words )
    Enchant (for using Soul Gems)
    Restoration (Restore Health and attributes)

    Notable Misc:
    Block and Sneak (useful, but already got two AGI skills in Major)
    Alchemy (NEVER let this be Major/Minor!)

The Hunter class is intended to operate in the field for extended periods, collecting Souls for sale back in town. Intended use is obvious from the above - wear Light Armour so you can carry more, kill creatures mainly with arrows (avoid catching diseases) or sword if necessary. Mysticism for Soul Trap. Conjuration for a Daedric Long Bow or Longsword if a little more power is needed. Enchant to allow for using, rather than selling, Soul Gems. A bit of Alchemy for Restore Health at the moment, Levitate, Water Walking and Water Breathing in the future. Speechcraft for convincing people to give me more money for my wares (better would be Mercantile, but I couldn't work out whether it had been fixed or not?)

Currently level 11, Venrath is doing quite well. He polished off the Dark Brotherhood assassin very early on, and started using his armour. He's made enough money from selling Soul Gems (recently trapping Bonelords in Common Soul Gems for 4000gp each) to purchase Glass Gauntlets and Pauldrons from Mournhold, Cuirass, Greaves and Boots from Ghostgate. Not quite enough money to buy a Helm or a Shield yet, but that will come.

He hasn't had the courage to go near any Daedric shrines yet - indeed he's stayed mainly in the South West of Vvardenfell. Frequent trips to Mournhold have been pleasant, with Venrath pleased to help out a barbarian friend who'd lost his teacher, some Dwemer fabricants requiring fixing, and has begun to clear the sewers of Goblins. Marksman skills have improved to the point that while hand-to-hand battle results in many nasty woulds, just two well-placed Silver Arrows will take down a Goblin. A reliable source of enchanted arrows must be found, and quickly, if more of the Goblins' war-beasts are to be encountered.

While Venrath's Long Blade skills are improving nicely, he is let down by his pitiful Steel Spark Sword. After noting the Goblin's impressive Short Swords, he's beginning to hope that some of the carry Long Swords.

Pursuing the quest to become Nereverine is not a priority for Venrath, he's having too much fun to worry about small concerns like that. However, he's done enough for the Blademaster General to keep him happy for now. He'll get back on the case when he's good and ready.
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sat Jan 18, 2003 2:40 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 12 Jan 2003
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why is alchemy so popular? i experimented with it once but i kept making poisonous potions that did nothing. i just couldn't understand it (but then again i was a dumb warrior who wanted nothing to do with magic). What's this about it getting you loads of money? and how do you know which ingredients do what? (without downloading the spreadsheet)
I may be green now, but i will rise to become the nest!...best!
Post Sat Jan 18, 2003 8:42 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Keep trying

If you just try combinations you'll eventually find some that produce good effects. At first it's a big waste of time, as you tend to fail to produce any potions, and when you do produce one it's worth very little.

However, as your skill grows you get more sucecssful at making potions, and they're worth a lot more, to the point where you can produce 10,000gp of potions in one sitting.

As your skill grows you can also see more about what the ingredients do, so can pick the right combinations. Also, there are some books lying around that give you potion recipes.
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sun Jan 19, 2003 12:29 pm
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Tremere Vampire

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
Posts: 651

i currently have a lvl 4 wood elve as a thief.....and a spellsword dark elf..and a lvl 2 nord martial artist(Custom) and a level 1 orc class: orc chieftain(Custom) and braids lvl 1 drk elf class: dementia summoner(Custom)..ummm thaz it i think
We are what mortals fear and wish to be...
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Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 3:01 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 03 Feb 2003
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Re: Character Creation Post

Race: redguard
Sign: the lord

major Skills: Heavy Aromor, Armorer, Block, Illusion, Alteration

Minor Skills: longblade, Destruction, Alchemy, Restoration, speechcraft

Well people. i'm just a newcomer to morrowind . a recruit. i've been playing for the last few months and only getting into the game now. i've done quite a few quests for the other less inportant guilds. could anyone please tell me where the blades guild can be found??? also when i enter a "chaet" in the console almost all of them don't work. i have the id's. just want to increase my magicka.... [/list][/code]
Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:39 pm
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