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Grimoire: New Site Launched
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

Joined: 20 May 2002
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Location: Sydney, Australia
Grimoire: New Site Launched

As promised, Cleve Blakemore has relaunched the <a href="http://www.grimoiresystems.com/" target="_blank">Grimoire</a> site. I can't really see any new content, however, regular updates are promised this time round. A release date for Grimoire has been posted: October 2004. Here's a bit from the News panel:<blockquote><em>Cleve's colossal deep rock blast shelter has been drawing a lot of precious time away from completion of Grimoire. It looks as if it is nearly finished.</em></blockquote>Thanks to Vid, Sandy and others.
Post Sun May 09, 2004 9:04 am
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Cleve' shelter

I wonder whether Cleve finally went crazy ... I looked on the Grimoire site on the photographs of his shelter and I wonder what does he expect:
- alien attack
- world war 3
- Usama's nuclear attack on Australia
- invasion of dissapointed Grimoire supporters
According to the description, the sheler should be usable for long time (with some nearby supplies perhaps up to 30 years even in very bad conditions - which is IMHO too optimistic). It looks like Cleve expects a really big disaster.
Fallout 3 is uncertain, but seeing Cleve's preparation, it looks like Fallout 3 will be reality game...

Post Sun May 09, 2004 9:21 am
Cleve Blakemore

Re: Cleve' shelter

Originally posted by Anonymous
I wonder whether Cleve finally went crazy ... I looked on the Grimoire site on the photographs of his shelter and I wonder what does he expect:
- alien attack
- world war 3
- Usama's nuclear attack on Australia
- invasion of dissapointed Grimoire supporters
According to the description, the sheler should be usable for long time (with some nearby supplies perhaps up to 30 years even in very bad conditions - which is IMHO too optimistic). It looks like Cleve expects a really big disaster.
Fallout 3 is uncertain, but seeing Cleve's preparation, it looks like Fallout 3 will be reality game...



This blast shelter is part of a hive of underground structures all over my land. I've been building steadily with few breaks since 2001. This shelter will link to both an underground power plant and a food silo once completed. This shelter is one of my strongest yet, but I have several concrete based rooms the size of parking garages which are also intended to survive close-in blast effects.

Quote your sources for 30 years being too optimistic. Don't use ON THE BEACH, either. The longest lived potent and practical radioisotopes are relatively harmless at a maximum of 2 years. The most commonly referred to like Iron-55, Americium-241 or Cobalt-60 are subject to the same weathering effects as any other environmental pollutant and eventually wash out to sea like all other fallout. I expect people to use Cerium variants (141-144) to dirty their weapons in an all-out nuclear free-for-all but they are only a threat out to 30-245 days and can only really affect agricultural production for a few years before becoming harmless. All of this assumes no clean-up or decon efforts by survivors, hardly a practical outlook.
Post Sun May 09, 2004 11:12 am


@Cleve: I hope that the above mentioned message is really from you and from some joker.
> Quote your sources for 30 years being too optimistic
I am not expert, it just seems to me a bit improbable that small shelter for 4 people would be able to keep up so long (there was written something about 10, 20 or even 30 years). But it does not matter.
I do not believe much in such dooms.It reminds me the case which I saw in television before year 2000 (you remember the scare about year 2000 bug). There was interviewed an "American expert" who seriously said that he is moving out of city with his family, preparing weapons and food supplies in order to be prepared for the following anarchy... I am programmer, so I knew immediately incredible stupidity of that "expert". And we all know how it went in reality.
Being from a former communistic country, I am highly sceptical about such scares (we used to train with gas masks etc. in school during communism). But it is of course my personal opinion. If you think that what you are doing is necessary in order to protect you family, then just do it. Time will decide who was right.
But back to Grimoire: I am waiting years for this game. I hope it will be really finished this year.

Good Luck

Post Sun May 09, 2004 3:21 pm


Originally posted by Anonymous
@Cleve: I hope that the above mentioned message is really from you and from some joker.
> Quote your sources for 30 years being too optimistic
I do not believe much in such dooms.

If I lived my life based on beliefs, they definitely would not be secular humanist beliefs founded on the ability of the human race to preserve my civilization from war for any reasonable length of time. Nor would they be beliefs invested in the reliability of the State to provide peace to me as a consumer good.

A lot of people around the planet think we're in the preliminary phase to World War III. The one thing they have in common is that they tend to be all really smart people.

My philosophy is don't worry, be happy. Besides, I'm sure it will all just "blow over" at some point.
Post Mon May 10, 2004 12:33 am


It's amazing how many "smart people" said the same thing about Y2K as well. Of course people tend to focus on the small number of smart people who say it and ignore the large number of stupid people.
Post Mon May 10, 2004 6:00 am


Originally posted by niteshade
It's amazing how many "smart people" said the same thing about Y2K as well. Of course people tend to focus on the small number of smart people who say it and ignore the large number of stupid people.

Personally, I never for an instant worried about Y2K and went on the record in advance saying it was ridiculous fluff. The reason I was upping my prep status at the turn of the millennium was in fear of Islamic terrorism directed at New Year's eve celebrations.

I think you may be confusing yourself with your inability to distinguish between real and imaginary threats in the environment. To the extent you overreact to social engineer warnings, you underreact in the absence thereof. You've heard no consensus on Ice Age II or anything but conflicting info in the mass media so you have associated this with other fake threats.

I recommend you buy the book offered below.


Long before climatic changes pose a direct immediate physical threat to you, the world will have long since descended into global thermonuclear war. The world is going pear-shaped even as we speak.


Forget about the marxists whining about global warming, it's all rubbish. There is always a heat peak at the end of the 11,500 year fertile cycle. None of this has anything at all to do with human industrial emissions of any kind. There are presently some 40 major indicators scientifically observable in the world which point to the immediate onset of rapid, irreversible cooling worldwide in less than ten years.

I've known about this since 1999.

P.S. There weren't many smart people predicting Y2K would be catastrophic. At least not in the circles in which I travel, but we tend to have a much higher standard than the vox populi.
Post Mon May 10, 2004 6:30 am
Tempered Warlord
Tempered Warlord

Joined: 06 Jun 2003
Posts: 281
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I'm really looking forward to "Ice Age 2" as I thought "Ice Age 1" a great movie.
Post Mon May 10, 2004 7:07 am
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Ah yes, nothing like secret reports with no evidence backing them up or any proof whatsoever that they are real. I remember seeing several for Y2k as well. It's amazing how people think that the people with doomsday theories they agree with are very smart, and that the ones they don't agree with aren't.
Post Mon May 10, 2004 7:48 pm
Cleve Blakemore


Originally posted by niteshade
Ah yes, nothing like secret reports with no evidence backing them up or any proof whatsoever that they are real. I remember seeing several for Y2k as well. It's amazing how people think that the people with doomsday theories they agree with are very smart, and that the ones they don't agree with aren't.

The Pentagon had already tried to alleviate the leak by self-publishing the article in Time Magazine the week before. They tried to play it off tongue-in-cheek as though it was only speculation. They were scared of setting off a panic. It was never meant for the sheeple to see.

It turned out there was no need. The report dropped down the memory hole like a stone. It never really registered on people what was being talked about in the report, they just didn't "get" it. Back to Puff Daddy's latest music video.

Satellite recon shows that the North Atlantic current is slowing to a halt and will come to a complete stop in the near future. This has also been verified by sensors in three oceans at Woods Hole Oceanographic.
Post Tue May 11, 2004 12:23 am


Ah yes once again I remember the doomsday people saying similar things about reports released in speculation about Y2K, saying that they were really secretly released government documents that people were trying to cover up. As always they had no proof of this. As if we were supposed to believe that they alone had some secret knowledge.

So if there is a going to be a doomsday very soon, why even bother going to all the trouble to release Grimoire anyway? At this rate it's not even going to be out before the ice age, global collapse and nuclear war.
Post Tue May 11, 2004 5:06 am


Originally posted by niteshade
Ah yes once again I remember the doomsday people saying similar things about reports released in speculation about Y2K, saying that they were really secretly released government documents that people were trying to cover up. As always they had no proof of this. As if we were supposed to believe that they alone had some secret knowledge.

You're talking about people, personalities, your internal subjective states, who said, how they said it. As a survivalist, I deal in objective facts and don't care too much about the 'who' - I',m interested in the 'what.'

I'm talking about reality.

I don't think you have read any of the materials at the links I provided. In fact, I'm certain you never even clicked through to any of them.

You keep talking about there "being no proof." Are you saying satellite feeds from Nasa and Woods Hole Oceanographic data don't constitute proof of anything?

The biggest shortcoming of the average human is that like herding or grazing animals, they only detect threats in the environment by watching the emotional states of the other members of the herd. Honestly, given the intellectual mediocrity of mankind, I don't think this is a very reliable way to detect real danger in the environment around you. The masses were completely unaware of the rising tide of Islamic resentment in the world against America on 9-11. It took them completely by surprise and to this day the majority of them don't understand in the least why these people are so angry at them. The bulk of Americans believe that Iraq actually was implicated in some way in 9-11. Not exactly rocket scientists.

So if there is a going to be a doomsday very soon, why even bother going to all the trouble to release Grimoire anyway? At this rate it's not even going to be out before the ice age, global collapse and nuclear war.

There's no such thing as doomsday, partner. That's your internal bias again. There's just another climate shift, another war, another famine, another pandemic. Happens all the time, regular as rain in history. The only thing that has changed significantly is the technology increasing the sheer scale involved. Although it would be fair to say you have the misfortune to have been born during the end of a particularly severe climate shift, right on the 11,500 year fertile cycle margin in fact. It's nothing our ancestors have not licked before, however. Better cultures and nations have weathered worse in the past with barely a scratch on them - our own civilization is in sharp decline already unfortunately and probably will not come through this intact or even remotely stable. With America facing a second Ice Age carrying a multicultural load of strangers forced to be civil to one another at the point of a gun, it is likely such a fragile and contrived nation will be utterly shattered at the outset.
Post Tue May 11, 2004 5:49 am
Lucky Day


One doesn't need to be a secular humanist to recognize paranoia when they see it. Some of us Fundamentalist Christians can spot it just fine. Some of us who have hope to be raptured to heaven don't worry about that sort of thing.

On that note, if the game is any good I'll probably buy it.
Post Tue May 11, 2004 6:33 am


Originally posted by Lucky Day
One doesn't need to be a secular humanist to recognize paranoia when they see it. Some of us Fundamentalist Christians can spot it just fine. Some of us who have hope to be raptured to heaven don't worry about that sort of thing.

On that note, if the game is any good I'll probably buy it.

Yes, thats what it is - paranoia. Magical Jesus will save us at the last moment if we forget our umbrella, drive over the speed limit or eat a pizza which has broken glass in it. Magic Jesus is my friend, he protects me from my own foolishness.

Magic Jesus wants us to give money to Israel, he'll pay us back in Magic Jesus brownie points. Don't worry about the ethical implications of dropping cluster bombs on poor towelheads, it is the will of Magic Jesus. Hey, I work on the top floor of the World Trade Center on September 11th. A plane just hit the building. I'll sit here and finish my McValue breakfast, no need to rush down the fire escape with all those godless pagans, Magic Jesus has my back covered. Oh no, the building is collapsing beneath me. Save me, Magic Jesus! I expect better service than this from Magic Jesus! Oh no, my empty head is being crushed by tons of rubble! Magic Jesus, you have failed me!! Why didn't you protect me from the consequences of my own actions!

[Heb 11:7] By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

[Phil 2:12] Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

[Heb 12:28] Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:

[2Tim 1:7] For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

[Mat 24:45] Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due

[Mat 24:46] Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

[Mat 24:47] Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.

[Mat 25:8] And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

[Mat 25:9] But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy
for yourselves.

[Mat 25:10] And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the
door was shut.
Post Tue May 11, 2004 7:18 am
Cleve Blakemore

The Bible On Survivalists

[1Tim 5:8.6] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Post Tue May 11, 2004 7:28 am

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