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Whats average lvl need to enter Valley of Mines as milita?
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 10 Apr 2003
Posts: 32
Whats average lvl need to enter Valley of Mines as milita?

I've been wandering around this game as a militia man struggling to figure just what to do next. The best armor I can find is what Light Militia Armor. Some of the "Current Quests" I think I've already solved but they remain current. I'm in Chap 2 and getting frustrated (and killed way too often).

I guess I'm in need of a walkthru - anyone got one yet???
Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:18 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I think dying is a way of life in this game.

I've only beene playing this game about a week and a half so I'm no expert by any means.

I was level 7 when I entered the Valley of the mines. I wished I was a few levels higher. Be warned: It's a whole 'nother game when you come back out.

There are a few things you can do level up. Have you been to Onar's farm yet? Explore the country side killing everything you can and avoid everything you can't. And save a lot until you know the difference.
Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 6:48 pm
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Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless

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You should gain a few levels more. Make sure you do understand your objectives before you start exploring the valley.
Webmaster GothicDot
Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:49 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Gorath
You should gain a few levels more. Make sure you do understand your objectives before you start exploring the valley.

The best I can tell is that most of the orcs are contained/restrained in the valley by the paladins, who are not appreciated by the farmers due to demands exceeding their goal of making a living as farmers; many people fear that the orcs will soon attack the mainland; the paladins are probably not as noble as the name might imply; and there are multiple levels of deception going on. The only dude that I can tell about the threat of Dragons demands I go to the valley and bring him back proof. I think these paladins are arrogant, deceptive and/or stupid!

I saved my game at a spot where I was around 9-10th level militia. I had light militia armor, strenght/dex around 25, and "fighter" status in single-handed combat (30 I think). I had some 120-160hp I think.

At that point I got tired of roaming the countryside killing mostly wolves and scavengers (as long as they didn't gang up on me). I was getting impatient. I ran into a few tougher beasts & people who killed me with a single blow. So I worked the farms clearing out local Field Raiders and such, solved a fairly long list of minor quests, but was still poor, in many ways.


I went into Marvin Mode and gradually buffed up my hero, improving strength, dex and level mostly, while continually working thru the quests, but found that even at 16th level, STR/DEX of 50, 200+hp and all too frequent use of TAKI, I was STILL being squashed almost instantly by orcs, (lighthouse) bandits and worgs, etc.

So I figured, even with cheating, I was being pulverized by moderate monsters at 16th level, what chance did I have in the Valley?

I'm still ready to go back to my old save position before I started using marvinmode, but i just don't know what I have to do to get where I want to go. If a buffed up 16th level fighter can't survive a single orc or a couple of worgs, just how high must I go to have any confidence? And WHY can't I find and better armor as a militiaman?

I screwed up the Thieves Guild quest by turning on them. I solved lots of minor quests, and a lot of quests that seem finished still show up in the unfinished quests log.

I may just start over in another profession, but not until I hear how other's are doing, working along my line. I'd do a search but I don't quite know what to search for. Any hints or advice are appreciated!
Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:49 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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i went in at level 6 militia and had no problems what so ever, ive learnt to kill orcs with eaze heres a hint. Enter the valley through the old mine as usual, jump into the river and swim downstream and sneak up through the forest untill you see the giant battering ram up the side of the castle. Run as fast as u can before the orcs realise whats happening and stop on the edge of the battering ram, lead the orcs down to and stand on the edge, you will notice there is a point where they stop running and cant hit you, i learnt you can kill them all off at this point and they wont hit you back. Takes practice but it makes it easier gettting in and out of the castle and you should also gain quite a bit experience. When you return to kill the dragons i ended up killing the whole orc army by leading them to this point. Hope it helps
Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:11 am
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Head Merchant
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16th level fighter can't survive a single orc

your not meant to your meant to avoid the orcs, but try my method above to kill off a few
Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:14 am
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High Emperor
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I don't know about real orcs, but...

I'm still chapter 1 (intentionally). Having played the first Gothic, I know that one should clear out as much of the explorable land as possible before advancing to the next chapter. I'm guessing I'm about 2/3 to 3/4 done by now. I'm currently level 11 soon to ding 12. I'm an alchemist's apprentice so I can make my own potions. With that in mind I brewed 5 potions of strength by now (I ingested 4 of those). My strength is at 55, my dex at 15 (found one potion of dex while exploring). My HP are around 171 or so. I have around 4k in gold and generally have everything I need to have. I failed to do several quests, but have explored majority of the map by now. My skill with swords is at 30% (bows 15%). My last weapon was a long sword (str 27) and my current weapon is a Mace (str 45 dmg 55). The moment I get back into town and can train my str to 60, I'll drink my last str potion and will be able to wield my Orc Slayer sword (str 65 dmg 65). Even with the Mace, I can beat Shadowbeasts, Snappers, Skeletons and Orc Scouts without too much trouble. By the time I'm done with chapter 1 I expect to be around level 15 or so, with 65 str and about 45-50% in sword skill. That should be enough to take care of most of the things that the game may throw my way.

If you need locations of the formentioned weapons, please ask. Additionally, how are your fighting skills? I don't mean your character's skills, but actually yours--player's skill. Combat can be very twitchy in this game. Make sure you master the backstep. As in, swing twice in quick succession, then backstep at least once to avoid counter attack. Then wait for their assault and hit them before they can land a hit; twice in quick succession; rinse and repeat.
Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:30 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by yeberion
i went in at level 6 militia and had no problems what so ever, ive learnt to kill orcs with eaze heres a hint. Enter the valley through the old mine as usual, jump into the river and swim downstream and sneak up through the forest untill you see the giant battering ram up the side of the castle. Run as fast as u can before the orcs realise whats happening and stop on the edge of the battering ram, lead the orcs down to and stand on the edge, you will notice there is a point where they stop running and cant hit you, i learnt you can kill them all off at this point and they wont hit you back. Takes practice but it makes it easier gettting in and out of the castle and you should also gain quite a bit experience. When you return to kill the dragons i ended up killing the whole orc army by leading them to this point. Hope it helps

You could not possibly do this at 6th level without cheating. I tried the same thing using the "GUARDIAN" cheat, and a Speed potion, and while the orcs are slow and clumsy, one hit would take you down. I dispute your claim. It may work at some level but not at 6th.
Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:16 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I went at around level 10. I think a big desiding factor is how well you have adapted to fighing, can you parry blows 80% of the time, can you dodge some attacks, how's your health replenishing stock, etc... Save up as much money as possible and buy all the potions you can find. It's best to avoid Orc's and other strong creatures on your first visit there. The tactic of leading the nearby orc's to the ram at the castle is great for reaching level 12-13 once you get there. Some times you will need to make big loops around bands of orc's and other nasties.

And yes once you return to the mainland after your first visit to the old prision colony, the chapter will progress, and things can and will start to get a little tougher. By the time you head back to the prison colony to search out the dragons, I would suggest you are around level 15 or higher. I beat the dragon on top the firery mountian at level 18, at let me tell you, it wasn't a walk in the park, and at times down right upsetting.

If I might make a suggestion, If your going to be meleeing you way through your foes, focus on your strength, the more you have the harder you hit. Your dex may aid you in surviving, but not as much as well developed str, and fighting skills. If you going to use a ranged skill as a secondary skill, that should priority number 2 on your list of what to spend skill points on. Everything else comes after. I went through most of the game with out any lockpicking skills, alchemey, or smithing. I went back later and trained thoughs once I was confedent I could kick ass now and ask questions later.

I can't even begin to tell you how hard it starts get once you are sent after the dragons. You will recieve no mercey and be prepared to have your ass handed to you on a silver plater. Expect the worst and try to prepare for it as best you can.
Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 5:12 am
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Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless

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If your cheated level 16 char canīt beat a single Orc warrior (Elite are a different story) then youīre doing something wrong. Of course you always need to have the best weapon and armour you can find or buy, and of course you have to train Str until you can wield it. An alround character is no good idea. You have to specialize.
Orcs are vulnerable when they lift their arm to attack. In this very moment you can hit them 1-2 times with a side swing.

Chapter 2 can be solved without killing a single Orc. Even sneaking is unnecessary. Examine your inventory, maybe you get an idea.

I found the dragon hunt rather easy.

Please do not spoil so much. The topic was a simple chapter 2 problem. Exetor didnīt ask to be told half the game. Revealing something he will find out for himself is unnecessary.
Webmaster GothicDot
Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:33 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Its doable to make the run to the castle at lvl 6. As long as you know exactly where the battering ram is, and keep an eye on which side of the orc you're moving in at. Dont run a straight line, ziz-zag a little and you be able to get in only attracting 2 at the least.
Post Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:14 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Average level on completing chapter 1 would be around 10-15. It's quite possible to enter chapter 2 at a very low level, but that will only complicate your progress further (of course, if you want to kill some orcs). My highest level when entering chapter 2 as a militia is 15, very close to 16 with 69% master 2H, 91 STR and the Dragon Slicer (80 STR 80 DMG from the tomb near the Sun Circle ::: imagine how i blow away an orc group looooool).
Post Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:35 am
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Old Fogey
Old Fogey

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This is going to sound stupid but first time I went in to valley as a fourth level militia. Survived though and finished game as level 30 or 32. Didn't have to kill a single orc, but snappers were a b----.
Just watch out you don't stress yourself out.

REMEMBER... Many saves, many slots!!!
Post Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:15 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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You could not possibly do this at 6th level without cheating. I tried the same thing using the "GUARDIAN" cheat, and a Speed potion, and while the orcs are slow and clumsy, one hit would take you down. I dispute your claim. It may work at some level but not at 6th.

i recently just entered the valley of mines as level 5 and came out as level 11, i have now just returned to kill the dragons and im level 14, have 10 str 15 dex and 130 mana. You dont need to be a high level or even have high strength, i dont even know how to wield a one handed weapon im still using wolfs tooth yet ive been killing orcs no problem and im not cheating.
Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:43 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by yeberion
You could not possibly do this at 6th level without cheating. I tried the same thing using the "GUARDIAN" cheat, and a Speed potion, and while the orcs are slow and clumsy, one hit would take you down. I dispute your claim. It may work at some level but not at 6th.

i recently just entered the valley of mines as level 5 and came out as level 11, i have now just returned to kill the dragons and im level 14, have 10 str 15 dex and 130 mana. You dont need to be a high level or even have high strength, i dont even know how to wield a one handed weapon im still using wolfs tooth yet ive been killing orcs no problem and im not cheating.

I wonder how?! Spells only???
When my work is finished I'm coming back for you!
Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:17 pm
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