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how far do you roleplay?
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RPGDot Forums > Morrowind - General

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some guy

how far do you roleplay?

I was wondering if anyone would not use a piece of equipment just because it's not the "style" of your character? Like a thief not putting on a shield or helm or a mage using only staves (even though most of them are no good). I mean, what effect do shoulder pads have for a thief? I guess you'd always want to have a helm though cuz all the faces except for the argonians look pretty bad

Along the same lines, what weapon do you use and why is it your favorite weapon? This question sort of stems from the 1hander/2hander thread; style or effectiveness? which one would you choose? I have to admit I go for effectiveness, otherwise I'd be using a short blade of some sort with no shield.
Post Wed May 22, 2002 7:27 am
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My assasin will have 2 weapons. 1 dagger with paralyse, the 2nd a dagger with poison. No shields or stuff.
Post Wed May 22, 2002 8:01 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Im a spellsword been using a dweomer two handed sword now using dragonscale shield and glass longsword..I tend to prefer longhsword/shield combo for the defence but went with the two handed weapon as it was the best id found till i got some ebony heavy armour and traded it for the glass sword...
Post Wed May 22, 2002 8:05 am
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If a piece of armor doesn't look good, I chuck it. The Dreugh stuff is ugly in addition to being bugged so I wear my imperial steel cuirass. I still wear my imperial shoulder pads and boots because the orcish stuff looks ugly. I wear a nice legally bought ebony bracer on my right arm and an orc bracer on my left (yes I have both medium and heavy armor tagged as major). I wear imperial chain greaves because they look the best.

I chucked that helm of claviticus vile because damn... it looks stupid. I don't wear a helm because I haven't found one I liked (yes I have unarmored too because I know how finicky I am). I wear the Lords Mail because it looks really, really nice. I beat up the duke for his full set of ebony which looks great... but then reloaded because he seemed like such a nice guy. I just have an unsatiable curiousity for 'what's in his pocketses'.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Wed May 22, 2002 12:58 pm
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in order for one to roleplay one would have to be a dork.
Post Wed May 22, 2002 1:33 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Originally posted by Anonymous
in order for one to roleplay one would have to be a dork.

Golly gee wiz, that is SUCH a witty reply. How long did it take you to think that one up? I bet you had to scrunch your face up and think REAL hard for a couple of hours to come up with that one.
Post Wed May 22, 2002 2:08 pm
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Then a dork I shall be. Dont know why you think I care about the silly remarks. Ah well, if you like making these remarks, be my guest.
Post Wed May 22, 2002 2:47 pm
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Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Wed May 22, 2002 3:19 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Well, for this game I believe the best way to role play is to stick completely to your skill set. What I mean is you never, ever use your miscellaneous skills. If you are really set in doing this, you have to forgoe even quite useful skills if they are miscellaneous. For instance, if Athletics is a miscellaneous skill, you never run anywhere, you just have to walk and use transportation. If Mercantilism is a misc skill, you just accept the price a seller gives you, never haggle.

Of course, this makes the game more challenging, as you have to adjust your strategy to the skills you have. The forces you to role-play by understanding just how your character would make his/her way in the world. You find out just how useful a skill really is that way.
Post Wed May 22, 2002 3:36 pm
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The Pun-Slayer
The Pun-Slayer

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As a pure warrior, the most difficult part is not utilizing any magic except those enchanted items received in questing/combat. Many's the time that Kaitlin the Darkeyed cursed her maker (me) for not allowing her to use spells or scrolls....particularly when she had to leave behind her armor when she had forgotten to bring along restore strength potions and was encumbered beyond belief. Dragging her battered, nearly naked body back to Balmora was humiliating to say the least, but far worse was that she had to hide or run instead of fight during the long trek home.

But it was one of the most fun evenings I've spend in Morrowind!
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Post Wed May 22, 2002 3:43 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I`m going to roleplay till I`m 60, that`s for sure.

Mr. Witty Guest, can shove it...
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Post Wed May 22, 2002 3:47 pm
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High Emperor
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When I finally made the character that I liked the most I decided to be very noble and never kill just because I fealt like it. It kinda sucked being a assasin because I could not use backstab. Of course I use backstab on monsters but people that I am paid to kill or told to kill I would talk to them and let them know (if possible) that I am going to kill them and give them the opprotunity to attack first (again, if possible) this ran into problems when I was told to kill people and they pleaded with me to live (I had to go to the temple and pray for awhile on that one) since I had to kill them to advance. I also turned down lots of nice heavy armor just because I would only use light. Kinda sucked when wraithguard came into play.

Roleplaying is really the only good thing for this game since I beat the game very very very easy so was disappointed in that department. I blame the robe that gives you 15 health and fatigue constant effect. I now made a Paladin that will not get that robe (I don't like robes anyways...damn casters shoudl all die...hehe)
Post Wed May 22, 2002 6:09 pm
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7th Guest
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I don't see any sense in doing roleplay in a single player computer game anyway.

And for the guys thinking the game is too easy: Sure you can make it easy for you by setting the 'right' skills at major/minor, knowing where to find what and 'exploiting' the given features/bugs.

But for me: I have really some very interesting ( ) RL stuff to do. Doing roleplay, making the game harder as it is will just lead into spending 1000h on Morrowind instead of 500h and thats pretty much time for summer still, isn't it ?
Post Thu May 23, 2002 8:08 am
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Leader of the Senate
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No point in RP? The point is having FUN. If I like to jump up and down I'll do that, and if I like to RP I'll do that too. There is no 'point' in computer games, video's, reading books or whatever. And as to that 'RL' remark, what do you mean?

Going to a movie wtih friends is real life? Playing MW with friends at home is no real life? Everything you do is RL. Thats the whole basic idea of living. you decicde what you do with it, and noone else. I wish I coul dhave fun counting trees. It would be a very cheap hobby.
Post Thu May 23, 2002 12:33 pm
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7th Guest
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Mephisto
Playing MW with friends at home is no real life?

With friends ? You play and others watch you doing 'roleplay' ?


IMHO, roleplay is nice when you do it with other, actually living people, like in MUDs, Pen&Paper RPGs -> Communication.

Besides, its just my very own point of view, which isn't matter of discussion here, I have been just answering to the topic of this thread. I am seperating my free time in time i`d like to spent alone and time i`d like to spent with others, you see -> Communication.

And my point of fun is much more dealing with others than 'convincing' the sorry, stupid, computer how great I am.

Monsters don't care. NPCs don't care. Living people do. Like me
Post Thu May 23, 2002 1:07 pm
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