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The Never-Ending List of Things that Must Go
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
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The Never-Ending List of Things that Must Go

These are things that people do, or that you may be doing (and if so, please stop!), that really anger everyone around then. This is a public service to stamp out stupidity. So feel free to participate. If you need to get something off your chest, then here's the place.

I'll start:
People who do not flush toilets in public restrooms. A toilet can easily be flushed with your foot. Or use a piece of toilet paper. You aren't going be sucked in if you flush it!

Telephone solicitors who use an automated system. A recorded voice says, "all of our operators are busy, but please stay on the line for an unbelievable offer."
What the-?! People, if the offer was that good, then you should be able to afford to pay a human to tell me about it!

People who say, "I am no one to complain" or "I hate to be a pest". People should not introduce their complaints. If you call me up at the post office to complain, just make the complaint. I don't care if you do it often or not.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:34 pm
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Elf Friend
Elf Friend

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Smokers who feel that dropping their used butts on the street is acceptable. And you wonder why people don't like your habit!??!

Also, by extension, litterbugs. Grrrr. There are millions of public trash cans in US alone, USE THEM!

In the same vein, those jerks that toss bottles, coffee cups etc out of the windows of their car. Come on folks ... hang onto them until you get where you are going. I am sure that one of the millions of public trash cans (if not your own) will be near where you park!!
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=Just plain clueless=
Post Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:40 pm
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High Emperor
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Bouncers who ask you for ID - I haven't been ID-ed in almost a year, why the hell are they starting agai now?? NUS cards aren't good enough for them anymore and i dont drive!
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Post Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:40 pm
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High Emperor
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Oh yeah, the old "passport or driving licence" problem. I don't drive either, and really resent having to carry my passport around with me.

I'll see your smokers-dropping-fag-ends bit, and raise you the kind of person I encountered this very morning - the smoker at a railway station who continues to smoke after entering the only shelter on the platform, forcing the rest of the happy commuters to either stand outside in the cold, or stink of smoke all day.

I'd also like to comment on disillusioned service-industry workers: not liking your job doesn't excuse your being rude to your customers! If you don't like it, quit. If you need the job, bite back those sarcastic remarks and keep your amusing repertoire of insults for the break-room. As my usual comment goes, "work like you're paid for it".

And finally (for now): I accept that teenagers like to swear, and I also know that they pay little attention to their surroundings. But for goodness sake - if you're on a bus with a three-year-old child, be more sensitive over your range of vocabulary. I enjoy the show when an annoyed father demands that you quiet down, and watch with glee when an O.A.P. has the guts to speak up. But it really riles me when people turn their heads and politely ignore your inappropiate and unwelcome cussing.

It does often seem that learning when to use bad language will gain the respect of your peers, but learning when not to use it is the key to climbing the social ladder, and thereby becoming a useful human being. Welcome to the human race.
Charlie Dobbie
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Post Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:32 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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Drivers who feel they not only have the right to completely ignore all traffic laws, but that everyone around them is obligated to enable and support them in their effort. Their actions are dangerous in general, but the even greater sin of literally stopping traffic for a complete traffic light cycle because of their ignorance puts them up on public display as a foolish nuisance of a person. It's a very effective way to become instantly hated by pretty much everyone around them, myself included. You know, that type of driver that feels that they have some supreme right to just pull out anywhere, in any direction, at any time, and we are all supposed to just smile and let them do it. You may think I'm totally shallow or petty for getting a flash of hatred for something so trivial as a traffic mishap, but I think that you can tell alot about people by the way they drive and the way they treat others on the road. I know a jerk or an idiot when I see one driving, and I know that alot of people are not only inconvenienced by such brazen disregard for the law and other drivers, they are also seriously injured or killed by them. I hate inconsiderate or foolish drivers, and I totally understand road rage. Tho I dont condone road rage induced violence, I sure do understand it.='.'=

Yes, we should all just sit there in our vehicles and watch the light go from green to yellow, then finally to an angry red while the supreme driver await their big chance to illegally pull out, pull in, pull sideways, whatever. After all, we'd expect the same thing for ourselves, right? Wrong, rowlll..

It often happens at the corner of a busy traffic-lighted intersection, all 4 ways are packed on a busy time of day. Then here comes the genius, out of the parking lot of some corner gas station, weaseling their way thru 3 lanes of red-lighted people who of course gladly back up a little or skoot forward a bit to accomodate their highly illegal manuever. You know, being good fellow citizens and all, doing their good deed for the day I guess. "Do a good turn, and get a good turn later" or something . Unfortunately, the traffic on the other side of the street rushing by apparently feels no such obligation whatsoever to the illegal driver, and quite frankly they have no reason to. After all, what kinda' senseless, selfish, childish person would actually have the nerve to cut thru 3 lanes of standing traffic, across double yellow lines, heading in the wrong direction, and into busy traffic on the other side? Who wouldnt just head up the street a half a block or so and U-turn, or go out the other side of the parking lot and get in the turn lane heading the direction they want to go?

Well, as that red light changes to green, and everyone is treated to a nice side view of the now-stuck numskull's vehicle as they literally block all traffic on one side of the road, all the good little skooting samaritans get a front row view of that very type of person. Even if the supreme driver isnt stuck, hell they've come this far, they arent about to turn back now. Sitting there awaiting some miraculous break in the wall of traffic on the other side, all the skooting samaritans suddenly realize why we have those dumb traffic laws in the first place. They now realize why that Tiger in the truck behind them was noticeably scowling and muttering something in Tigernese, as they look in their rear view mirror at the mounting vehicular log jam growing behind them.

I also hate it when people for some reason do not understand the concept of a "turn lane". You know, traffic going both ways, and a lane in the middle to go into if youre going to turn, hence the name "turn lane". They instead feel it's time to just throw on the brakes, and stop all traffic in their lane while they await their big chance. Or just as aggravating, someone turning out from a side street onto a main road with a turn lane, has to wait for both sides to clear before they make their left turn into traffic skipping the lane entirely. They could very easily turn into that lane when the immediate direction clears, then work their way right with a turn signal and a merge. Like I said, they dont call it a "turn lane" for nothing, but some people I guess just dont grasp the complexities of it.

Whoah, lot of words there. I guess I get carried a way a bit, I just really hate annoying, ignorant drivers ='.'=
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:33 am
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Kiwi Boy
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Re: The Never-Ending List of Things that Must Go

Originally posted by Val
you may be doing (and if so, please stop!),

Perhaps I should list some of the stuff I have been doing.

- Throw your garbage beside the garbage can (exception: chewing gums... it doesn't belong to the garbage can; it belongs to the floor).
- Never show any courtesy, respect, appreciation, etc. whatsoever, as someone helped me.
- Leave dishes unwashed for two weeks, even though it's obvious that rats are having fun there
- During a conversation, never face the person you're talking to. Or, show him with eyes of indifference.
- Break someone's joke with wannabe logical statements, even though my so-called logic is full of fallacy
- In a restaurant, scream "the food sucks" loudly
- When someone wants to relieve himself from diarrhea, hijack the bathroom on purpose and have a 20-minute shower.

Driving... Well, I'm only a student driver, and have already noticed that I have these habits.

- When someone is doing his three-point-turn, pass through without showing him that you're doing so.
- Around the traffic light, abuse "the point of no return" as much as possible
- Tailgate (with no skill)
- Have a habit of turning on the left signal when cutting lane to the right. Make sure you're cutting 5 lanes at a time (Canadian highways are that huge). Always assume your blind spot is clear.
- Drive away when you hit someone.
- If the maximum speed is 100 km/h, then drive at 50 km/h

- Lastly, wasting time on the Internet even though exams are coming in two weeks.

Last edited by Kiwi Boy on Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:39 am; edited 3 times in total
Post Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:35 am
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Elf Friend
Elf Friend

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Lintra considers throwing a rotten tomato at Kiwi Boy ... but then figures it would count as littering so instead he pulls out a set of hemostats and when KB isn't looking, Lintra carefully picks up the chewing gum and places at least one peice in each of KB's shoes ... down deep where he can't see it. Lintra then sneaks outside and pours sugar into KB's gas tank. After all that he writes a quick macro that bombards KB's e-mail with a bizillion messages that all say "Boo Hiss!"

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=Just plain clueless=
Post Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:01 pm
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Darrius Cole
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Most Exalted Highlord

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List of things that tick me off.

Men who don't take care of their own children. I am especially angered by those who have a child across town that they have not seen in a year but live with someone else's child that they do everything for. Spend your money on your own children.

Women who use their children as tools and weapons.
If you hate the man now, fine, but don't use his children against him. He still has rights and privileges as a father, and you getting a new man or him getting a new woman doesn't change that. Also, I have seen women ask for handouts or unusal kindness by showcasing the fact that they have children. Your children, when they are young, should live off of you, not the other way around.

People who cash government assistance checks at casinos. If you have enough money to gamble with that check, you don't need government assistance. If that money is going to be gambled away then it should be gambled by the guy who worked so that he could give it to the government. If I were dictator for a day or even an hour, I would shut down any casino that cashes a government assistance check, as well as any business within five minutes of a casino that cashes a government assistance check. I would also cut off that person's government assistance forever.

People who don't make their children obey in public. These people are raising future criminals.

I hate when a machine calls me for any reason. No one has enough time for anything these days. I especially do not have enough time to talk to a computer over the phone, unless the computer is collecting an overdue bill. Even then, let me call the machine. In incoming call interrupts whatever a person may be doing. To interrupt a person while not even taking the time to initiate a personal interaction is the utmost in disrespect and arrogancy.
Always with you what can not be done. Hear you nothing that I say? - Master Yoda
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Post Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:58 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Thought I'd add a few more.

Girls who chew or suck their hair. Bleh.

Chain e-mails. Just. Plain. Annoying!

Dodge Neons with racing stripes. People, you are not driving a race car!
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:56 am
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Secret Agent Lawanda
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Definately people who cruise in the fast lane. God I hate those people.
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Post Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:52 pm
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Griller of Molerats

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People who take cell phone calls while driving. They're going to kill me one day! Really.
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Mediocreties, I absolve you!
Post Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:37 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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People who dont understand that the turn signal is used to tell someone that you want to turn/change lanes, and not just for when you are actualy doing it!
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:44 pm
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Overlayed musical flash ads of a three month old game that doesn't need advertising.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:44 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Yeah, that Fable ad really needs to go.

Something else that needs to go are ambiguous test questions.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:00 pm
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Hidden Character
Hidden Character

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Kids and 18-year-olds in school that smoke in the damn toilet! What the **** is wrong with you?! Why won't you join others outside the school - you have fresh air and no teacher ever bothers people there! What are you - ashamed of smoking so you have to hide in the toilet? Well then why do you smoke anyway, huh? And who the heck came up with the idea of smoking in the toilet/restrooms in the first place? That's one of the dumbest ideas I ever heard!! Sorry for that, I need... to calm... myself...
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Post Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:34 pm
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