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disapointing review :(
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - General

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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

Joined: 04 Nov 2001
Posts: 226

"my comp specs... 1.2 gig p4 sony vaio with a vodoo 4. 256mb ram and 80 gig hard drive."

You have a p4 and the game doesnt run smooth? You're either a fuckin stupid liar or just a jerkoff that doesnt know how to set up a computer properly. I don't appreciate you coming on this board and talkin shit about one of the greatest games ever made. I wish I could meet you face to face and smash your fuckin ugly head in! Leave this forum and go play your fuckin stupid no thought required, 3d shooters.
Man I hate jerkoff people like you.
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 9:06 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 24 Nov 2001
Posts: 26

First off I must let you know I am not a fanboy. As a matter of fact, I am probably older than most of the people posting in this forum. Also, I work part time, play in a metal band, go to college and try to play soccer at least twice a week. I also have a girlfriend and if you have one as well you know how time consuming that can be:)
I am not the type of person who has so much time in his hands that he would spend his full day eating junk food and masturbating.

Getting that out of the way, because that is the impression I think you had of me and perhaps of others in this forum, I'd like to let you know that I also tend to be very analytical when it comes to fully accepting a game. Throughout my years of gaming I have come to many disapointments when playing over-hyped games. Perhaps what made me really like Gothic was that I bought it without having heard too much about it. I started playing with an open mind and so far many things have caught me by surprise. Altogether, flaws included, I strongly believe this is an outstanding game, but I don't think it suits casual/action oriented gamers. I think it is better suited for hardcore gamers.
Now, what I really don't understand is how come you've played 6 hours and haven't even figured out the combat system. I'm not bashing, just curious. Because if this is true, then dude, believe me you are missing a lot of stuff in the game that might even end up appealing to you. I mean if it has taken you that long to figure out this stuff(and there's nothing wrong with that by the way. It took me a while to fully grasp the game's mechanics at first) then I believe it will take you even longer to get to the deeper, more rewarding stuff the game has to offer. Remember I am not bashing, just trying to make sense of your post. Anyway, if once you've really come to terms with all there is to know about the game then I would think it is safe to have a go at giving review such as yours.

On the other hand I am sorry man, but that analogy you brought up with the End of Days thing was weak. I mean, I am sure you know that. There is no way you can compare interactive entertainment and movies under the basis you brought up. There are absolutely no similarities between watching a movie and figuring out a game.
Just to end this thing though, dude, if you don't like the game then cool. But remember that if you come here to post, you are talking to people who have invested many hours into understanding and playing Gothic. We know the game and its ins and outs. Therefore when somebody like you makes a post where he puts down the game out of pure ignorance because he hasn't even scratched the games' surface, then it tends to get annoying. People flame you not because they think you're stupid, but because they know that there is no way in hell you can give a game of this nature such a premature review where you focus on the the initial drawbacks and ignore the other more positive qualities.

"let my courage be measured by the strength of my steel"
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 9:47 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28

wow.. you are the coolest person i have met on this board yet.

did i sleep with your sister or something? why get pissed of and make threats when i just dont like a video game? i think you need to get out more.

besides.. telling me your gonna smash my face only makes you sound like one of those acne infested 14 year olds that everyone at school hates. its not my fault you dont have friends and your life is this game.

maybe its the lack of sunshine.. or fresh air.

if this is the "greatest game ever" i would hate to be you. maybe some day youll realise what makes great game great.

and shooters? how many times do i have to say i dont play them much at all. maybe 5 hours a year. RPG's are like a weekly routine for me.

greatest game ever? bhwa haha... thats funny.
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 9:49 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28

my last post was for mc_renzy... not for you leander.

okay.. thats kool. i am going to work out my system problems and give it another go.

actaully.. im married. i work full time.. and hehe.. i TOO play in a metal band totally serious.

my problem isnt figuring out the game.. its that the game really didnt open up a big "BAM your here!" it kind of drifted into a story that was not that interesting. it didnt grab my attention and give me a sense of duty.. so i wondered off.. running around. getting a feel for the world. trying to kill and find stuff. if it was non-linear i should be able to be a one man army and slowly kill off everyone. i have done that in true non-linear games and its far more rewarding than following a weak plot. hehe..

what can i say? games that allow you to use YOUR imagination are better. im the guy that plays racing games not to win, but to see how jacked i can wreck my car. or push people off the road. thats how i am. and games that allow you to do obscure things are wonderful.

so when i came into this game reading "non-linear" and all of a sudden i could not survive without going to a town, paying people ore for protection, buying stuff for other people.. tyring to win the hearts of men, and all to get some one a damn letter.. it was irritating.

anyway. yes.. i know lots of you put hours and hours into this game. i didnt mean to come off slapping anyone in the face. and you know what? you are probably right. i dont think i put enough hours into the game to really post a good review. i know i get frustrated to when i get on the diablo II board and newb post "this game sucks". because most of them just go there to be stupid. they dont even say why they think the game sucks.

anyway.. im going to take another stab at it.. although after reading some posts about how much the ending sucks.. i kind of dont even want to try. especially since thus far it hasnt proven to be as open play as it seemed it would.

well see.

off the subject.. what kind of metal band? and what are you guys called? where from?

we are from colorado.. im actually in 2 metal bands.. one is straight up black metal and the other is more hardcore-dancie/metal.
im the screamer
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 10:03 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 24 Nov 2001
Posts: 26

I am glad to hear you are a metalhead as well. Understand that I am not trying to make you like this game at all, but go with me for a sec. You know how dragons, vikings, swords, sorcery and all these crazy things that usually appeal to metalheads and gamers alike demand a certain level of imagination. You either love this shit or you don't. Right? OK, so just picture yourself being this newborn warrior in a hostile land, dude, you're going to get your ass kicked a lot at first. Believe me man, this game is in fact very nonlinear. It's just that as a weakling little swordsman you can't think that you'll be able to take on just anyone. If you like to go out exploring do what I did. I learned the sneak skill and cautiously explored the lands, I just killed the easy stuff. Bottom line is you CAN wander off in a nonlinear fashion if you so desire, but if you do it at the beginning of the game you'll have to deal with the fact that you are a weakling. Just wait until you reach the higher levels and can pretty much go anywhere.
I hope this helps. If not, then man, just play something else.

PS: What bands are you into?

"let my courage be measured by the strength of my steel"
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 10:24 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28


i completely understand.

as far as bands go... darkest hour, disembodied, in flames, malevolent creation, soulembraced, undying, zao, living sacrafice, aftershock, creation is crusifixion.. stuff like that.. kind of a wide range.. i just love really really heavy stuff.

p.s. is that a conan quote?

[ This Message was edited by: the-skull-king on 2001-11-30 16:42 ]
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 10:36 pm
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

Joined: 04 Nov 2001
Posts: 226

Man I wish you could say that to my face right after I kick your fuckin teeth in. You think your the man behind that 14inch montior of yours but you wouldn't last two fucking seconds with me in person. By the way, why are you still here fuck face? If you don't like the game then why are you wasting your precious time(ya right)posting shit here? Just leave this forum and go give your wife some lovin instead of posting how much you hate a video game. Anyways, I truly believe you don't even have a wife. Your probably some four eyed faggot that jerks off to gay porn and does nothing but talk shit about video games. Maybe you should step out of your cave and see the world. Please don't reply, just fuckin go somewhere else where people actually care about what you have to say. Good luck in your search though, you'll need it. Later fucko.
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 11:02 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 24 Nov 2001
Posts: 26

No freakin'shit man. i am lead singer and guitar in a death metal band that plays gothenburg style stuff and Norwegian influenced black metal!
Where do you live?
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 11:39 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28

lol... thats pretty incredible.. i think i near soiled myself. you sure sound like a tough one.. i bet all your friends are scared of you becuase you are so tough. and i bet you got really really tough from playing video games all day too.

when are you 12 year olds gonna learn that threatening people over the internet is not scary. its pathetic. if you dont like what i have to say then dont read it. but then again..i think you have proven to most here to be a complete idiot anyway.. so by all means keep posting.

and i could give 2 shits if you believe anything i say. my life doesnt revolve around a message board and impressing people with foul language like a 3rd grade playground fight.

im posted here to have something to do while im at a boring job. nothing like getting paid for playing around on the internet all day. and my original post wasnt to be a troll. it was to point out stuff i found wrong with the game. everyone is entitled to their own opinion... unless of course.. wait.. whats that?? oh.. you want my lunch money now?

[ This Message was edited by: the-skull-king on 2001-11-30 17:40 ]
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 11:39 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28


colorado springs. we mostly play in denver though.. not much of a metal scene here in the springs.. unless you are into "slipknot metal" lol...

the world couldnt have too many sweedish metal or european metal for that matter.. hehe.. where you from?
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 11:43 pm
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

Joined: 04 Nov 2001
Posts: 226

You take your opinions and shove them up your fuckin ass cause I don't want to hear it you jerkoff. This is going to be my last post on this forum seeing as I finished the game and I have better things to do then argue with retards like you. So go ahead and post away on how much you hate this game as pathetic as you are, but Im off to get some good old pussy. You should get that dick out of your mouth and try some twat yourself, it would do your faggot ass some good. Anyways I'm out. Seeya, never wanna be ya.
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 11:52 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28

typical response from a stressed out virgin. sure.. go get some. maybe youll grow up a bit.
Post Fri Nov 30, 2001 11:57 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 7

Hey guys,
Just wanted to post my 2 cents for all this arguing going on here. Personally, i loved the game, i thought it was a true rpg masterpiece. It did have a few flaws here and there that had you wondering why this or that happened, but...all in all, this game was one of the best rpg's i've played in a LONG time, i've played some others and been dissapointed, but i felt that this one had a nice story and it was a little weak in the beginning but after playing about 6 hours, i was sucked to my computer monitor. I could not stop playing this game all the way to the end, i spent the past 2 or 3 days doing absolutely nothing but playing this game...now that means this had to be a damn good game. Not even the new wolfenstein was able to do that(since it was so short)and im a huge fan of fps's. So i feel that this game was a kick ass game and i very much hope to see a part 2 or expansion to this awesome game. Kudos to xicat and pirahana bytes for a game that had me hooked from beginning to end!! Alright, that's all for now, im out....later guys!


May the sleeper awaken. ---> HA! what a bunch of bull, they don't know what they are getting themselves into!
Post Sat Dec 01, 2001 1:23 am
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Hi guys, I want to thank you for this thread.
I don't want to flame anybody (except maybe
Mc_Rady but what's the point in getting into it with him?), and I thoroughly enjoyed skullking's sarcastic replies him. This tread has convinced me to buy the game and try it for myself and quit scouring the web for reviews that are just opinions anyway. Also I thought I knew alot about metal & hard rock but your posts have intrigued me about european rock as I haven't heard much of it and don't recognize any of the bands you both named. For now my favorite bands are Black Sabbath and Tool but maybe you guys just laugh at those bands. I am trying to get a band going here in a suburb of Dallas with my buds. I am the drummer. Just
FYI: I'm 15, no gf, haven't been laid, and I do get acne. I just want you guys to be able to judge me accordingly so it won't take lots of posts insulting each other to clear it up.

See ya later.
Post Sat Dec 01, 2001 3:17 am


HAHA...LIVING SACRIFICE RULES!!!!!!!!! I saw them live last summer at the chirstian creation festival...they were awesome....Their some altered life is the best.....dude i can believe you guys listen to them....thats great!!!If you guys like black metal check out extol.
Post Sat Dec 01, 2001 4:34 am

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