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Which features would you like to see in Gothic 3?
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic 2 General

What would you rather see in gothic 3
Better controls/interface
 5%  [ 2 ]
Better graphics
 10%  [ 4 ]
More customization (make your own armor and weapons ect)
 10%  [ 4 ]
More means of transportation (horses camels boats ect)
 10%  [ 4 ]
More guild/jobs
 17%  [ 7 ]
More items and npcs
 7%  [ 3 ]
Big cities
 10%  [ 4 ]
Small cities
 0%  [ 0 ]
more cities
 23%  [ 9 ]
Interactive siege Engines
 2%  [ 1 ]
To find out the heros name and history (thought i would add this for fun)
 2%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 39

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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I've been playing gothic 1 and 2 for a very long time now. For gothic 3 i would very much like to see more interesting cities and camps and also (of course) more means of transportation. Making food an issue in gothic 3 is also interesting and same with the new weapon system. One thing i would be very interested in is to sail in a boat to mini islands full of treasures and monsters and maybe a few quests. Since they will have castles in gothic 3 i want them to be HUGE as in 4 or even 5 levels.

Multiplayer would be a first in gothic 3 and that would make it exciting (except what would you do in multiplayer anyway? maybe dual...play single player together...thats about it...)

I hope they dont end the story because they would be killing a great game.
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Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:25 am
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Kiwi Boy
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Welcome, GoliathZer0! Enjoy your stay here.

Yes, rumours say the world will be a few times bigger. However, I've also heard that the engine will not load the entire land at once, but rather a part of a land. This will be similar to that in Morrowind, i.e. those nasty "Loading Exterior" dialogues, if you know what I mean.

That will be really bad, in my opinion.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the conversation here.
Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:17 am
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High Emperor
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I would like to see children.
After GothicI we wanted to see more women in some more important roles in GothicII. The thing I really missed in GothicII are children. Khorines is a big city with everything in it, but it's strange there aren't any childeren.

Having children also opens interesting options for quests.
Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:03 am
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Survivor of Hell
Survivor of Hell

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children would be interesting, like save that child from the orcs that took it away
multiplayer? not possible with this game, it would be fun anyway
And be able to leave yoiur guild for an other one? BAD IDEA what owuld be the point of chosing one at all than I see you go from a mercenary to a paladin that owuld only be possible if they do it like they did it with G1 because of the story
Want to become a vampire? a warrior in the battle between vampires and werewolves?
Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:22 am
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Village Leader
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I don't know if somebody has entered this:
hero get exhausted.
-you can carry heavy weapon with low stregth but you can do with it only few swings and you're exhausted, more strength keeps you in top shape while fighting
-if you run fast you get exhausted and you have to rest/sleep. in G2 I missed that part.. you can sleep but there were no meaning to do it, well it was healing but more meaning...
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Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:46 am
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Survivor of Hell
Survivor of Hell

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Oh never realy liked that in a game, but maye they can balance the difference between fully energised and exhausted cause if someone could it is the devs of Gothic. If they cant do it noone can
edit: sorry for the typos but keyboard is jamming
Want to become a vampire? a warrior in the battle between vampires and werewolves?
Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:08 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Thank you kiwi boy and hello to you too.

They should definately put children in gothic 3. Maybe they could add siege weapons in the game, since it's about the war with the orcs they should put things like battering rams, catapults, and ballistas.

Weapons they could add to the game are staffs (specially made for mages), scimitars since there will be a desert, maybe special arrows and bolts (Fire arrows etc.), weapons with special abilities like draining life per hit or doing lightning damage, more range weapons like throwing axes and knives, and of course more spells.

For the areas they could make ropes for climbing and elevators (like some places in gothic 1) instead of ladders and also more secret areas like a cavern under a rock. Maybe more buildings as in a house up in a tree or better tents for the desert.
The power of GOLIATH will incinerate you all...and I will control it!!!
Post Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:58 am
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Solid as a Rock
Solid as a Rock

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I want all of it!!

And I want a fixed releasedate, so we really know when it is coming and I want the G3 website to be launched, so we can finally stop speculating about this game.

It's all taking way too long. I received a mail from KaiRo on May 4th and he replied in it that the G3 website would be launched "soon". We've waited almost four months and there's still no sign of the new website.
"Who are we to call this planet Earth, when it's clearly Ocean."
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Post Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:41 pm
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Kiwi Boy
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Hey, hey, hey, Sem! Give them some time. Do you want a good quality game or a rushed game?

I think KaiRo is busy with his schooling as well.
Post Sat Aug 28, 2004 9:20 pm
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Solid as a Rock
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Originally posted by Kiwi Boy
Hey, hey, hey, Sem! Give them some time. Do you want a good quality game or a rushed game?

I think KaiRo is busy with his schooling as well.

Of course I want G3 to be the best game ever, but I don't want the same things to happen that happened with G2. A very late released, buggy, English version for example or a never appearing addon. Of course this is something that isn't in the hands of the developers.
"Who are we to call this planet Earth, when it's clearly Ocean."
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Post Sun Aug 29, 2004 2:33 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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These are some of the features I'd like to see in Gothic 3:

A 'Quick-Item' Belt Feature:
Belts should allow you to store a certain number off objects on them to allow for quick access via a hotkey. Many of you are liable to scream in abject terror, as it is akin to the feature from the Diablo series, but hear me out first: Dying and reloading repeatedly is annoying. It frustrates the player and removes them from the atmosphere the game experience is attempting to provide. Given the tedium and time-consuming nature of the current inventory, opening it to drink a potion or eat an herb is a futile effort. On the other hand, being able to simply tap a button repeatedly to instantly regenerate health in the midst of battle takes away from the challenge of the game, and along with it, feelings of victory, a heroic struggle in battle, and ...effort. I feel that storing items on the belt is the best compromise, as it allows for a healthy balance, and opens up new strategies. Will you pick the belt that will allow you to carry more potions for quick access, at the expense of the defence it could've provided, or will you go for the one with a higher attribute/attribute bonus, but can only carry two items?

A better interface:
Let's face it. The current inventory system in the Gothic series sucks. Thankfully, the rest of the game more than makes up for it, but that's no reason the devs should get lazy and think they can get away with it. For one - allow us to use the mouse to navigate the inventory. When it's open in the current games, we're unable to move or perform any action anyways, so it's not like it matters. Secondly, it needs much better organization. Sure, the items are ordered in groups, but it takes a while to scroll up and down a large inventory to find a certain item. I suggest tabbed browsing of the inventory. Picture a row of buttons along the top of the inventory screen. Let's label them: Weapons, Armour, Magic, Food, Miscellaneous, & All. Normally we see all the items in our inventory, but if we click, say, the weapons tab, we'll be shown only the weapons in our inventory. If we click armour, we see only the armour, and so on and so forth. I've designed a mock-up image of how I think it should look. Click here to see it.

An Intelligence stat:
This is, of course, assuming they follow the same stat system as the previous games. To go along with the Strength and Dexterity attributes, I think they should introduce an Intelligence stat. Am I the only one who thinks it weird that a level 30 Fire Mage does the SAME damage with fireball as a level 0 guildless would? Just like any other attribute, you use the learning points to train your magic skills with a teacher. A higher intelligence stat allows for spells to do more damage, quicker MANA RECHARGE, and a higher mana rating. It would erase the need to increase the mana stat through learning, as it was in the previous games. Just a little something to add some depth and character to magic...characters.

I think that even Gothic 2 was large enough to warrant mounts. Mounts, such as horses (and possibly even camels, given that Gothic 3 is said to have a desert area), would allow you to travel from place to place quickly, a more atmospheric fulfilling of the same purpose that those speed potions and whatnot from the earlier games served. The possibility for combat while on a mount is an exciting prospect as well. Perhaps using a bow and arrow in a similar fashion as that of the N64 Zelda games, or even swinging a sword about you to bash enemies who get to close to you. And of course there's the option of simply trampling enemies under hoof . Basically, aside from quick transportation, riding a horse should give you an edge in battle. To balance this, perhaps have horses difficult to obtain - either by quest or cost. Have the option to be thrown off your mount by fierce attacks. And of course, you can't expect to bring your horse into all the dark narrow caves the hero will be exploring.

The title isn't exactly what I'm talking about, but it's closest to what I'm wanting. Just a couple small diversions in the game that that aren't a requirement for progressing and completing it, but rather just there to add a bit of variety and fun. Remember the fighting arena from the first game? How about having something like that in the game? Say there's an arena in the capital city, where you can enter into a tournament and fight your way to the top for no other reason than fun (and profit). Or how about, if they add mounts to the game, a racing mini-game? I mean things like that, the fit naturally into the game - nothing that sticks out sorely in gameplay and atmosphere.

"Restocking" Guild Quests:
The first reaction to the title is generally 'Huh?' but listen for a bit. One of Gothic's signature gameplay elements is the decision to join a guild. One thing that I think could be improved upon is the sense of belonging to a chosen guild. The chief method of doing this would be to "work" for their guild - essentially small quests. Gothic 2 had this to a small extent, such as receiving quests from Lord Andre to root out crime in the city. My suggestion is this, only on a much larger scale. For example, there is an unending amount of these 'guild' quests. It would be relatively simple: just define several guild quest archetypes, such as collecting rent, retrieving animal hides, or searching for and killing a group of criminals. Then have several variables to allow for variety within the quest - such as who is involved, which type of animal should be killed, or where they can be found. None of this would be mandatory, but it would increase the sense of belonging to a guild by having guild members send you out on quests unrelated to the story, as well as (artificially) lengthen game time and serving as a way to get the player some more experience points.

This is a wish list after all, and if we're wishing, why not go all the way? I don't honestly expect it, but I still think it would be pretty sweet if Gothic 3 had an option for small 6-8 player games, playing through the single-player game cooperatively. Think System Shock 2 or Diablo 2.

...Okay, I'm done rambling.
Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:04 am
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Small Tiger
Small Tiger

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Atleast I don't have a problem.I travel to Germany very often.

The things I want:

A better atmosphere.
Gothic 1 has an exelent atmosphere but I can't say the same about gothic2.In gothic 2 I only liked the atm in the Valley of mines.I was very good.
It is said from an interview that G3 will have a gothic1 style and the places will look dirty.
If the world will be 4-5 times bigger I would like to ride horses.The teleport spells aren't realistic.
Other things
I would like to change the armor style.I want to have the abilite to make my own armor.Alos I would like to have cases where I can put my swords/arrows and a smaller inventory.I don't like to carry 6 armors,200 arrows....It isn't realistic.
That's all.
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Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:35 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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em, I don't want to be a smartass or something, I agree with most what you said, but saying it isn't realistic isn't really well.....good. Because if we are talking about realism, throuwing Fire Balls, ice arrows and similar isn't realistic eather. And being a magician isn't realistic eather.
Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:52 pm
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Small Tiger
Small Tiger

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I agree with you.I liked the spells but I never liked being a magician.But the game must have some magic due to the gods and the guys can't change it now.
(Firefox_Mythos)(Παντος)Reaperfox(Ρουβαλης)Tezafox Katsaridoktono(Ντουσικος)Che(Ταγαρης)Crusader(nokos)shadowfox(Μηχελης)aquafox(Στελιος)thunderfox_gomos(Γιωργος)
Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:48 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I know a good way to make the inventory better. If anyone played Baldurs Gate, NWN, etc. the inventory there is more realistic as in you can only carry a certain amount of lbs judging by your strength. For example, say you have 50 strength, then you can hold something like 150 lbs. This would go well in Gothic 3 i think.
The power of GOLIATH will incinerate you all...and I will control it!!!
Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:48 pm
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