Just Adventure's charming Shannon Hall revels in revealing to us her remarkable and rather rave review re Future Games' adventure-thriller, Nibiru: Age of Secrets, which has earned itself a final grading of A-...
It began as an idea just tossed around by Martin’s uncle, and makes a final, unimpressive showing at the end. Speaking of the end, don’t get me started. I hate to beat a dead horse here, but I’m going to have to drag Black Mirror into the mix once again. I think of all the games I’ve played, none has had such an odd, abrupt, dissatisfying ending as that game. But where BM left me saying ,”Whaaaa?!!!!,” Nibiru simply left me staring blankly. It made sense… sort of. But it had the feel of someone quickly dashing to conclude a story with too many elements, and not enough time. Kind of like a reviewer who really needs to wrap things up, so she compresses her final thoughts into one small, final paragraph:
While my last few impressions of the game left me slightly sour, they didn’t override the excitement I felt throughout the rest of the game. I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery, the puzzles, and the graphics, and felt right at home with much of it. In the same spirit that caused me to love Black Mirror despite its laughable flaws, I’m going to have to give Nibiru an A-.