XboxAddict was actually the the first site to review Fallout:BoS. The score is an underwhelming 2.5/5 and here's a clip:Fallout BOS is an Action/RPG using the exact same game play as one of Interplays other titles, Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance. You can work your way through this adventure as one of three characters, Nadia, Cyrus and Cain. Utilizing the 3rd person overhead view and directional map to guide you, you are set on basic quests that branch out in many directions, from the mundane like finding the local hookers cat, to taking on a warehouse full of mutant rats and scorpions. Unfortunately the quests are all too familiar, fans of Baldur’s Gate will notice the uncanny similarity right from the get go, so much for originality. Your choices dictate were and what you will find and how your character will benefit from it, ala point system for upgrades ranging from bartering powers to melee boosts, again, the interface for all of this is all to familiar. |