A preview of Star Wars: Galaxies has been posted at Games Domain. Here's an interesting part of it:
Much like Dark Age of Camelot and Anarchy Online, Galaxies creates missions on the fly. They seem to suit your character's skill levels as well. We were never offered one that was out of our league, for example. There are some set quests that tell a story as well, like Jabba's trials to prove yourself to him, but overall you're hunting various monsters, and stepping and fetching. Entertainer characters might get a quest to entertain a noble or some other visitor, and there's one funny mission that has you do the chores of some farmboy who dreams of joining the academy, so he can practice his flying skills. Unlike EverQuest, spawns are dynamic, rather than fixed. This was done to avoid people camping the Wampa (or whatever) and introduce some unpredictability to how and where monsters and aliens appear. |