GameSpy's Allen Rausch unveils his exclusive preview of Irrational's upcoming epic, Freedom Force vs The Third Reich...
Once upon a time, comic books used to be fun. Before they went all socially relevant in the '70s, filled with existential angst in the '80s, and became a collectable soap opera in the '90s, comic books were a four-color window into a world where the good guys were virtuous, bad guys always lost, and fighting for "Truth, Justice and the American Way" was considered a good thing. Nowadays, though, comic-book fans who don't want to pony up the hundreds of dollars needed to pick up rare collectables from the Golden and Silver Age of comic books have an alternative -- Irrational Games' incredibly enjoyable (though often criminally overlooked) Freedom Force series. When the intrepid adventurers here at GameSpy recently got their hands on a preview build of the sequel, Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich, I schemed and clawed in a manner befitting Doctor Doom to get my hands on it.