The Entertainment Depot has posted a review of the Morrowind expansion, Bloodmoon. It received a pretty positive response with a final score of 8.5/10. Here's an excerpt: Those who chose to dive into Morrowind's first expansion, Tribunal, will almost immediately find Bloodmoon to be a completely different experience. Where Tribunal essentially forced you to seek out the added city of Mournhold by constantly threatening you with murderous assassins, Bloodmoon is happy to just let you discover it at your own pace. No pressing, world-altering issues are breathing down your neck this time around; in fact, you have to learn of these newer developments via rumors, leaving you to go out of your way to seek out its additions, which this time around consists of the arctic island of Solstheim. Located off the western coast of Vvardenfell, Solstheim is a surprisingly expansive stretch of terrain that roughly measures a sixth of the game's primary landmass. Unlike Tribunal, however, Solstheim isn't about a densely packed, almost claustrophobic population jammed into cramped living quarters; rather, the sprawling, frozen wasteland features but a few scattered groups of civilized people, and even they are often no warmer to you than the tempestuous arctic weather. The face of the land itself is rather varied and diverse, and thankfully offers a drastically different environment than the ash-blasted plains of Morrowind. Being able to explore this wide-open landscape, complete with powdery hills, thick forests of sky-high coniferous trees, icy lakes and mystical rock formations is a real treat, especially with the snowy winds at your back. |