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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion has been rated 271 times so far, average score: 8.55/10 points


Hellbishop has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hellbishop)

A worthy sequel to MORROWIND.Bethesda delievered everthing they promised. The support for different levels of computers is incredible.Am playing it on my 2.4ghz with a Radeon9550 with no problems at all and looking gorgeous. The dungeons are the most well designed terrifying gruesome desolate places i have had the morbid pleasure of visiting.Finally dungeon design has evolved to a new highly detailed intricate level thanks to OBLIVION. Plenty of grisly effects aswell.I remember once looting a decomposing body and hearing the squishy sound of putrid flesh as i began looting it. Npcs really have alot of character and i found myself quite drawn to them from the old begger woman on the street asking for money to some shady Merchant whose so nice one wonders what the other Merchants have against him. A true winner that will keep me happy for as long as i play it which will be many many years. Thanks Bethesda!

AZUA has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from AZUA)

Best RPG ever!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Zing has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Zing)

Dear lord I can't stop playing.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Foss has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Foss)

Incredible game, and a worthy sequel to Morrowind. Looks alot like Morrowind but has improved on almost every point. So much to do, so many choices, but not quantity over quality. Quests has improved alot. The combat is not as much an enternal clicking nightmare anymore. But involves tactic aswell. With active blocking and different power attacks. Aswell as damage rolls instead of Morrowinds to hit rolls. Which means if your enemy is in front of you and you slash him with your sword, then you will hit him. The damage is then the factor that will be calculated from skills and stats. Where in Morrowind, it was the hit that was calculated, so you could stand in front of an enemy and keep slashing with your sword without hitting him. Sound and grafic are amazing. And the complete voice over makes it even more compelling and the feeling of being there much stronger. A must have for all gamers. Just be aware of the high system requirements.

Elders has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Elders)

Best ever made..

SharpBlue has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from SharpBlue)

On my first day of playing the game, I would have given it a perfect 10/10 score. There are a few bugs, but the overall experience is more polished than Morrowind. After a while, though, some annoying details started to emerge. First of all, the whole game scales with your level. That means that, no matter what you do or where you go, the enemies have similar skill and equipment to your character. Basically, it doesn't matter where you go, if you're low level, you're going to get awful equipment as loot. Inversely, when you get very high level, even random hobos are wearing daedric armor and powerful weapons. The end result is that the sense of accomplishment that one found in Morrowind isn't there anymore. No more strategic kiting of a Daedra with a paralyzing dagger or flight spell to get an early piece of glass armor, etc. The game's difficulty is always scaled so that every encounter is relatively easy. Also, since all the dialog is now spoken, there's a lot less of it. No more long conversations and background lore. I know most people didn't enjoy this part, but I for one certainly did. Now most of the npc interaction is down to a single spoken phrase or so, even for quests. All in all, still a fun game, but the scaling system removed a big part of what made Morrowind fun for me.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Xaj has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Xaj)


Brandon has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Brandon)

This is the game of a life time. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion gives something to everyone. Currently I have been looking for a good RPG to get lost into. Oblivion gives me the taste of an excellent RPG, a fast pace FPS and a adventure/mystery game in one. The Graphic are out of this world also. The view is amazing. If your on top of a hill, you can see miles and miles of beautiful forests/ cities. The story unfolds wonderful, never before have I been so addicted to a game. Also, it ended my need for a new MMORPG. I feel like I get more freedom in this game than any MMO on the market right now. If you havn't yet checked this game out or played it, let me tell you something. Your missing out. Bethesda did an outstanding job. Long live the Elder Scrolls. I can't stop playing!

Hogea has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hogea)


Paladin Vova has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Paladin Vova)

Nevr played anything better. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

ZC. has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ZC.)

Very very Good.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Christopher Harper has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Christopher Harper)


MBruce has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from MBruce)

David has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from David)


toon has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from toon)

i thought morrowind was as good as it wil ever get but oblivion is even better, i've been waiting for years to get the game and it was worth it.

Blah has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Blah)


Nathan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nathan)

Best game ever

Salzherz has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Salzherz)

Nothing new since Morrowind. I played the Elder Scrolls series since Arena and i am more than disappointed. Graphics are great, Sound is fantastic, but.... Where ist the RPG ? Sure, you can talk with the NPCs, but there is no real alignment factor like in Fallout. The fighting system is improved, but as an pure fighter you are underpowered in the late game. And the easy scaling of the enemies is more than boring, thats the real killer for me to play the game. I WANT to be A HERO, i want to be a REAL SUPERPOWERED HERO in the later stages, but this game is scaling the oponents to my level. There is no challenge. Sure, i love to play it for 2 games, but now i play again, again, again, Fallout 2. It has more deep, more fun, better fight system (tb) , the better story..... Ah, Arena AND the buggy Daggerfall are great for the time there was released, but this one ? I WANT a turn based RPG with a great Story, NPCs which act like real and not like puppets, i want a skill system like GURPS, and no skill system like Oblivion... (you jump, great, your skill in Athletics raise 9999, boah...) NO, i wished i would love Oblivion...... but in real its only a hyped medicore RPG with NO SOUL. HIT ME.....

Zuzy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Zuzy)

comment Awesome!

Norman Ahpper has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Norman Ahpper)


Heavil has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Heavil)

One of the best games ever.. Almost at the Baldur's Gate level at that point. Brilliant! But still.. There are stuff to be done. The real RPG stuff needs to be patched, or something else.. For example: You could kill about a whole town, and earn a lot of goods.. Then go to prison, and still have your stuff.. Doesn't make real sense.. The levelling system is a hell too.. I don't understand why it has to be that way..

MY names has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from MY names)

i really really dislike this games graphics...

Your name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Your name)

I really really like this games graphics.

Fatan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Fatan)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


djd has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from djd)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

As RPG == 1

Junmin Park has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Junmin Park)

Bethesda has done really nice this time. Gorgeous graphics, improved battle, fascinating unique environment, Pretty nice AI(not perfect but I understand making an ideal AI is really tough.), and most importantly.. it is just fun. As the package of this game says, I feel like I am in another world. Even though the system requirement is really steep, it is really worth spending money to upgrade PC to play this game. It is one of the best RPG ever. By the way, the official mod posted on their official web is really expensive. They should sell it for Large-mods (like premium modules for NWN) not just simple horse armor. Except for that issue.. Bethesda really did a good work this time!

John has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from John)

comment suck downvoters!

Huna has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Huna)

My favorite game.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Sara boncoi has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sara boncoi)

The Top of the all RPGs ever made!

Genti has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Genti)

Woooo... Amazing, its amazing...

Neowind has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Neowind)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Peter has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Peter)

Gorgeous! This game truely deserves a 10 out of 10 in every aspect.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Jason has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jason)

Oblivion has awesome implementations that makes this a great game. so i give it a perfect score.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


VINA has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from VINA)

This game is the best RPG of the year!

Kurt Vessler has rated 3/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kurt Vessler)

Doesn't bring anything new at all.

Hassans has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hassans)


Lofeneas de ganshe has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Lofeneas de ganshe)


Nana has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nana)


Chris has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Chris)


name has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

well i'll re-rate it after some more patches and mods. I really fell for morrowind but this time... I tried a stealth/mage character, but what's the fun of thieving? only trash loot you can't sell. Morrowind wasn't too great at offering you intelligent things to express yourself, but this is quite a joke from what i've seen. I like it to be a whimp at the start and a real hero at the end, the level scaling destroys this totaly. A RPG you can complete at level 1? A joke, isn't it. I think I'll wait half a year and then it'll have become perfect - hopefully :)

Dr. A has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Dr. A)

Good Points ---------- Graphics are very good. Great variety of side quests. MUCH better combat/pace than Morrowind. Extremely moddable with contruction kit. Immersive gameplay. Bad Points ------------ Scaled levelling - nuff said. Radiant AI is goofy at times - eg, pathfinding and conversation. User Interface. Dialogue system is simplified too much to the point of being dumbed down. Some graphical quirks - Muddy distant landscape textures, blotchy NPC faces. Game is not as scaleable as it should be - HL2 had better physics and water and works excellently with older PCs. Of course, Oblivion's outdoor levels are very graphic intensive. Bottom line ------------- Oblivion is a good game. Almost great if it wasn't for its shortcomings. IMO, Bethesda is also guilty of pandering to the XBOX360 (i've nothing against it) more than the PC scene. For eg. the clumsy UI, dumbing down (streamlining?) several gameplay aspects, disabling the graphical aspects that high-end gfx cards can use (ATI had to release a hack to enable HDR+AA ). Oh yeah, and the Radiant AI was overhyped. Remember the shopkeeper+dog scene? Fat chance of seeing something like that in the game. ES community is AMAZING. These guys should work in Bethesda. Mods which improve/add interface, water, textures, levelling, enemies, etc... If the game wasn't moddable the game would rate a 6 on my scale.

fluffy bunny has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from fluffy bunny)

Probably the most enjoyable RPG experience ever. There are weaknesses, but for me, they just don't detract from the joy I'm experiencing when I play this game.

Slith has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Slith)

Far too many corners cut in game development. Arbitrary removal of certain things, and downright shoddy implementation of others. The 'Radiant AI' is more a PR marketing tool than an actual reflection of the game's AI-which is pretty shoddy in of itself. NPC interactions with the player suck; dialogue is limited, and comes in a wiki format, thus removing any semblance of actual interesting conversations. The voice acting while adequate, is done by a small handful of people, [5 or so] and it shows, with beggers talking to you in one tone and voice, and then seconds later in another. Fights between mages are reminiscient of an FPS shooter. Rather than trying to outwit spells cast by your opponent, you just run around and fling fireballs at each other. Not what I'm looking for in an 'rpg'. The official mods Bethesda is charging for seem more like neat little cheats or trinkets. You can likely expect better, free, mods from the community. The construction set has been toned down from Morrowind. Supposedly for Legal issues. Though one has to wonder why that wasn't brought up during the multiple times it was mentioned that the CS was going to be better and improved. A lack of any roleplaying depth. The game lacks any decent consequences for what you do. Every character you create, regardless of being a Thief, Warrior, or Mage is able to join every guild. Even when philosophically those guilds oppose each other. You can be a goody two shoes mage, yet remain guild leader of the Dark Brotherhood. The skills don't allow enough customization of your character. You're typical mage will still be able to lock picks and swing a sword effectively. Every character you create will, in the long run, be the same. Except for cosmetic differences. The quest compass and instant travel, combined with the levelled system pretty much squash the exploration side of Oblivion that was so enjoyable in Morrowind. Why walk anywhere when you can instantly fast travel there? Why search for a dungeon when the quest compass points it out to you? Why bother going in dungeons when all the loot and creatures in each one is exactly the same as any other? The graphics are decent, but it's not much better than what you'd see in Half-Life2:Lost Coast. The FaceGen tool is utter tripe, with any randomly generated faces looking stunningly ugly. Character anatomy generally sucks. Female characters use the same mesh as male characters, and it shows. The UI is a direct port from the xbox to the PC, as expected, it sucks too. Also, FaceGen makes everyone look fat. Overall Recommendation: Don't buy this game. Maybe rent it. Future mods might make it a viable purchase from the bargain bin a year or two down the road.

TheMadGamer has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from TheMadGamer)

Great game!

crimsonfilms has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from crimsonfilms)

This is just poor writing with so many grammatical mistakes. Your writing syle is as confusing as your points. Intelligence does not necessitate complexity.

Ken has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ken)

I LIKE the level and loot scaling versus Morrowind where you could sneak into a dungeon and walk out with uber-loot at early levels. That was dumb. Oblivion is very not the "best RPG ever" as some claim. Gothic 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 offer more RPG depth in every possible way. Oblivion is a fun game and the melee combat is especially fun. More an "action fighting game with exploring" than an RPG though.

Grumpi has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Grumpi)

Too easy to level up, downgraded roleplaying, but overall great game!

Kamazs has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kamazs)

Great geographical world to travel, but poor social aspects, realism and game-mechanics. Levelling monsters and NPC just was too much, so I lost interest in this title -- I would love to travel around this well-designed world and doing great side-quests, unless that levelling system that just spoils everything. I tried some level-mods, but they won't help -- it's in the game's design roots. I really hope Fallout will not be like this.

Andrej has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Andrej)

Lol, you're using all the mods I'm using, too.

vedder456 has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from vedder456)

Andrej can you tell me what site you got your mods from? Been looking all over and can't find the mods the review talked about.

NeVeRLiFt has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from NeVeRLiFt)

Why no mention about dialog and the terrible mini-game that goes with it?

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Cameron has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Cameron)

Hello, Good article. I was wondering if I could get the name sof the mods that were beign used though?

Three oce has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Three oce)

Graphic 10 Interface 9 Gameplay10 value 10 overall 10

yonder has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from yonder)

From an earlier comment: "That means that, no matter what you do or where you go, the enemies have similar skill and equipment to your character. Basically, it doesn't matter where you go, if you're low level, you're going to get awful equipment as loot. Inversely, when you get very high level, even random hobos are wearing daedric armor and powerful weapons." This (and many of the levelling up complaints of the reviewer) are simply... well... lies. I've put nearly 200 (saved game) hours into the game. Let me tell you guys the *truth*. The *ENTIRE* game does not level up with you. NPC's, monsters, animals, etc. all have min and max levels. You will *NEVER* run into a level 47 rat, nor will you run into a level 2 Daedroth. There is simply a 0% chance that this will happen. Yes... the loot levels up, some. The "random hobos" that the guy was complaining about have never had anything more than glass in my game. It is true that if you go into deep, dank dungeons and old, haunted ruins at level 50 you WILL get a lot of high level equipment. Guess what... I consider this a good thing. I hated being an uber-god at the end of Morrowind. Also... "Also, since all the dialog is now spoken, there's a lot less of it. No more long conversations and background lore." Again... this is absurd. There's over 50 hours of recorded dialogue. There are at least 450 books, many of them dozens and dozens of pages. There is more lore than any previous TES game. I think that the fact that just as many people are whining that it's "too easy" as there are whining that it's "too hard" is a great endorsement of the balance in the game. Perfect? Nope. Incredible? Sure!

Daneic has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Daneic)

With mods 9/10, without mods 5/10

Hally has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hally)


MAMA has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from MAMA)

Incredible! Thats all.

Mark has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mark)


sksk has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from sksk)


Aanz has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Aanz)


Kail has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kail)

comment Incredible, great, outstanding, amazing, perfect, awesome and what not.

Dan Cline has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Dan Cline)

best RPG for both the XBOX 360 and the computer.

Hellbishop has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hellbishop)

After playing for a few weeks now the rush of the hype has faded and been replaced by alot of disappointment. OBLIVION feels like a slipshod slapped together unfinished game. Item prices for most objects is 0 unless its a weapon or armor.So now all the clutter in the world laying around is not worth stealing since my character cant sell it at the store. Item placement such as books is also a pain since one can no longer pick up something and just set it down.Now when you set something down it goes flying a few feet in random directions or just falling to the ground as if the character is suffering from broken wrists.The environment that looked so full of life in the preview shots is almost totally barren with only like two Deers prancing about most times and lakes with no fish in them except for like four scattered slaughter fish swimming here and there. Graphics are nice but already they have a behind the times look to them aswell as ugly flaws like Npc townsfolk whose faces glow brightly as if they have lightbulbs in their heads.The much talked about lip synching goes out of synch alot of times with words not matching up to lip movements or closed mouths while the person is still talking.Treasure in dungeons is downright ridiculous! I cleared out a dungeon of bandits and for all my trouble all i got were locked chests that only had 5 gold and a carrot in them.My kindom for a carrot! Level scaling was used which means whenever my character levels up all of a sudden that super unique rare Daedric weapon and or armor is being worn by everyone in the world including the local begger and every farmer across Tamriel. Which makes it very unrewarding to improve and level up my character when everyone in the world magically gets the same items i fought my tail off for in some deep dank dark dangerous dungeon.Its also not great to at level one to kill a rat then at level 20 have the same rat type kill my high level character with ease because it leveled up with me. Wow you mean theres a unseen RAT WORLD out there full of dungeon explorers that levels up just like i do? As for choices alot of conversations are just click on this SINGLE choice hear the character respond then click on the next SINGLE choice to hear another reply which all end up with the same path being taken.I was hoping for a great game but instead ended up with a half done job.Why does bankrupt 3DO and the now dead used to be great MIGHT AND MAGIC franchise come to mind?

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


HiddenX has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from HiddenX)

Oblivion is a good adventure game, but it's not a great rpg game. why ? 1. rule for a rpg -> I start as an unperfect nobody -> through training and questing I can raise my skills -> in the end I am the hero ... the Oblivion level scaling ruins this. 2. rule for a rpg -> you have to make choices and have to live with restrictions ... with the exception - live as a vampire - there are absolutly no restrictions in Oblivion - I am grandmaster in all guilds - I can wear all clothes - I can go everywhere, evertytime -> no challenge at all. 3. rule for a rpg -> a good dialog system is essential -> look at Planescape Torment ... Oblivion dialoges are stripped down, combined with a silly mini game. 4. rule for a rpg -> make challenges: you want to go into the woods as a level 1 caracter, try it, but you will be beaten up (look at Gothic) in a good rpg you have to train and equip yourself to be ready for the next great quest. ... In Oblivion you can be grandmaster of the arena with level 1, close the Oblivion gate at level 1, beat Daedras up at Level 1 ...

master has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from master)

one of the best rpgs ive ever played

Nick has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nick)

This game is flat out awesome. Of course, with an RPG of this scale, not every single tiny aspect is perfect but this game is as close as it gets. Great combat, interesting quests, lots of world to explore.

Orion has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Orion)


eye has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from eye)

best rpg ever..

Foss has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Foss)

A good game and several points have been improved over Morrowind. But I also think there has been some drawbacks. I don't get the same feeling of epic and lore filled world that made Morrowind great. And I feel I am getting guided to much through quests. It has clearly been dumped down from Morrowind so more casual players will enjoy it. Unfortunately that means that more hardcore RPG players won't enjoy it as much as they would have if they haden't made it more simple.

usy has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from usy)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Albatross has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Albatross)

Most boring game I have ever played.

Loka has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Loka)

Best Game.

the avatar has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from the avatar)

the avatar says : very nice game ! thx bethesda !

Travis has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Travis)

As evidenced by his careful articulartion in his "Optimising Oblivion" follow-up article, Rendelius is the most valuable reviewer in any community anywhere online in Oblivion world. He really writes from the player's perspective and makes the game so much more accessible by his generosity.

Michael has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Michael)

Good job. I'd love to see more "practical" mod reviews and instructions in the future.

dm has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from dm)


Henu has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Henu)

The best rpg on the market. The only downside is that the requirements are so high.

Magus has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Magus)

Good graphics, awful interface, awful controls, no configurable keys, XBox interface on PC. Level scaling defeats character development, more FPS than RPG. Quests are good, but many bugs and crashes. Cannot be compared to Morrowind, because Oblivion was dumbed down badly in comparison. Quest arrows and quest hints treat player like an idiot - only an idiot can have designed this part. Skills and items missing. Radiant AI was overhyped by marketing and seems to have bad bugs. Havok badly implemented, sometimes items from places far from any NPC and from the player start to fly around. Cannot access one thing on a table without disturbing all things on the entire table surface. NPCs throw things around simply by moving near them. Combat mode better than Morrowind, but badly documented and suffers from missing key assigment possibilty. Bad crash bugs, especially later in the game. Game ran stable for the first days of play. Quest bugs. No patch yet. Game manual leaves out vital information, even the handling of the combat mode and NPC interaction is not filly explained, skill description is missing. One of the most sloppiest manuals I have seen. Cheap. For me Oblivion was a disappointment, despite great graphics and beautiful world.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Windy Boy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Windy Boy)


233kay has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from 233kay)


Nathaz has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nathaz)

Best quests since BG2 release.

GrinderX9 has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GrinderX9)

good but not great.

soares has rated 3/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from soares)

apart from the graphics, no good

Paure has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Paure)

Best ever.

Peters has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Peters)


Jangzivai has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jangzivai)

名不虛傳, 名不虛傳!

Gurer has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gurer)

Top of the all games.

megle has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from megle)

just one word : great !

JanerkaPyrka has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from JanerkaPyrka)

Oblivion disappoints. The game is PRIMITIVE (vide – banal plot, limited dialogues…in general – hopeless simplifications every step on the way), BORING and PREDICTABLE…not to even mention about terrible engine and abundance of bugs of every description. Sad but truth – Oblivion does not come up to expectations. BOYS FROM BETHESDA CASTRATE THE GREAT RPG TRADITION ;-(((.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


ankh has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ankh)

very very nice game !

Matthew Collins has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Matthew Collins)


megawavez has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from megawavez)

Superb graphics - plot is just average, and gameplay gets drab after awhile...

tw3aked has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from tw3aked)

My biggest complaints are the UI (somewhat fixed with a mod), leveled world (also fixed with a mod), quest markers & travel system. MW's travel system did it's job admirably. Of course the silt striders don't match the settings but they could've come up with something else. Being a mage is not that fun anymore with 8 quick slots and cluttered spell book. Yes! You can't remove any spells you might've purchased or made. Graphics are quite good, but don't expect any advanced geometry since Morrowind's "land mass" -look still shines through. In addition, the game is quite barren of life. I guess it would've been too stressful for the lower-end machines. Quests on the other hand are mostly much better and deeper, mainly because of the voice acting. It's not exellent or varied (at all actually), but it's there and that makes the difference. Most of the bugs I've encountered are quest related etc. NPCs forgetting quests after boot. I think it is worth playing with few mods, but I'd expect some major changes with the patch. At least I'm hopeful...

Ultinate has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ultinate)


Mozo boy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mozo boy)

Funny game. So so cool!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Trav has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Trav)

Another great game from Bethesda. Only real complaint as of yet is the scaled levels.

dule gagic has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from dule gagic)


Vince has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Vince )

Heya! Incredible RPG to me. I give this game 10/10.

Tommy MK has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Tommy MK)


Northwind has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Northwind)

In the Oblivion, You can do what you want, You can go where you want.

How wonderful! has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from How wonderful!)

Blades has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Blades)

Not perfect but great

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


sve has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from sve)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Akina has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Akina)


Gerom has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gerom)

If RPGs are your thing, Oblivion is your thing. If they aren't, Oblivion may well make them your thing.

Nokaya has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nokaya)


Gosun has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gosun)

There is no denying the truth! It is a great game ever!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Linska has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Linska)


James Von has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from James Von)

Simply one of the best games in history.

Franco de Juber has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Franco de Juber)

Time flies when you're having fun!

Sinder Velvin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sinder Velvin)

The best in the series.

Thanks has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Thanks)

Helped me greatly, but still I need to buy whole new computer to enjoy oblivion more :(

Matin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Matin )

This game is very exciting. I'm having the time of my life!

mutko_dr has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from mutko_dr)

The game is the best:)

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Uh has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Uh)

I enjoyed it much more then I expected. I wanted just another Morrowind, yet got more. Bravo.

Furious Dad! has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Furious Dad!)

Disgusting piece of junk showing mutilated sexual organs.A decaptitated mothers head. I just found out about nude art files that are included with the file for people to add in perverted subject matter.I dont need my children playing this trash! No more Bethesda games in this house! M rating? It should have gotten an X!

Pavian has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Pavian)

Do what your heart tells you! It is one of the best games ever.

Hasine has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hasine)


Jack the Shadow has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jack the Shadow)

Great! It would be hard to top it...

Veronis has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Veronis)

Unfinished and very very unpolished. Who beta tested this? A bunch of pre-schoolers?

Gash has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gash)


gagarin has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from gagarin)


hour has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from hour)


kar has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from kar)

Why not?

#1 Fan!!! has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from #1 Fan!!!)

Necrophilia.Ability to undress dead enemies. References to black magic the occult.Everything revolves around violence with no peaceful options.Most items in the world have zero value so there is no real economy except for selling/buying weapons and armor.Retarded morality where you can massacre huge groups of people get caught surrounded by victims corpses by the city guards without getting a instant death sentence if you PAY A FINE but if you steal a spoon and resist arrest they kill you on the spot.Lazy game development in many areas such as cold climate towns where a blizzard is happening yet all the townsfolk are walking around in short sleeve shirts and barefoot!

minx the cat has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from minx the cat)

gawd awfulest game i have played in 16 years of playing pc rpgs! am so glad for Neverwinter Nights Gothic 3 and the upcoming Realms Of Arkania sequel to look forward too after this let down.

Jeff has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jeff)

Broken, flawed, and buggy.

Tropico has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Tropico)

So much for thinking this was going to be the game to bring back the feature rich greatness of Daggerfall to the elder scroll series. I cant even sell most of the treasure I found in dungeons because they all cost zero. After 30 minutes clearing a dungeon of crazed homicidal bandits what do I get? A treasure chest with one sandal and a carrot! Real funny NOT! totally unbalanced gameplay with no satisfying sense of reward. Everytime one levels up all the weapons and armor one just struggled for in a dungeon end up instantly being worn by everyone in the game including the local farmers who arent warriors! Here I am level 30 tough guy getting my butt kicked by the local farmer with the same gear as me.So much for feeling powerful and unique! So much for all that money spent on training when the local begger seems to get training to kill an army for free.Worst overused unbalanced levelscaling system ever! I thought all this instant land generating technology was supposed to give the game developers more time to work on the game mechanics and fine tuning balance.Seems this company just lets the hardware carry the load while they try to do as little work as possible at the cost of quality.

mia has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from mia)


Gava has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gava)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Creef has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Creef)

Wow, fucking downvoters!

Goodguy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Goodguy)

Hahahaha, Downvoters attack the Oblivion! Blast it...

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

Can you get this straight? 10/10!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Kargain has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kargain)


Johnadanial has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Johnadanial)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

It’s not for You but ME!

Skatciopawer has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Skatciopawer)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Uriel has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Uriel)


Shususubes has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Shususubes)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

Best CRPG!

Nathial the black has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nathial the black)


GpTJS has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GpTJS)

It must be given a 10 score.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Moelita has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Moelita)


Killer has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Killer)


Hushy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hushy)


Marsinthehell has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Marsinthehell)

Better than other rpgs!

Malcom has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Malcom)


Ultimabest has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ultimabest)

The best crpg since Ultima!

Jimmer has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jimmer)

it's really cool.

Tome has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Tome)

More realistic than Morrowind.

Peter adams has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Peter adams)

Very addictive!

Precolly has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Precolly)

It is worth while to play this game!

Kingsthiamas has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kingsthiamas)


Smithwell has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Smithwell)

It goes without saying that It is the best RPG ever!

Crapman has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Crapman)

Cool stuff!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


avin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from avin)

not pefect game yet but the best rpg of 2006!

GothicGothicness has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GothicGothicness)

This game is one of the worst roleplaying games ever made. Many people disagreed with me at first, but after having played it for a couple of hours, they agreed. There's nothing good about this game except for some pretty graphics as certain places. And even that you get tired of fairly quikcly since so many places look the same.

Joshua has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Joshua)

comment It is one of the best RPG ever!

Reon has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Reon)

After having played it for a couple of hours, still I disagreed with you. Oblivion is very funny game. It's best rpg!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


John Bollands has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from John Bollands)

Hate the levelling system. Makes everything seem a waste of time, no reward for effort when everything else in the game levels up for free.

Malavon has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Malavon)


kihgiver has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from kihgiver)

Well designed quest line. Very impressive!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

One of the best games I think.

Champion has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Champion)


Hassd has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hassd)

It's a great joy to play this rpg.

Zaxman has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Zaxman)

I think Oblivion can be a good RPG for real gamer!

Vivec has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Vivec)

Best game. Real surprise!

Goblin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Goblin)

Incredible! Bethesda got the reputation for being a great RPG maker with the Morrowind. Now Bethesda is going to get much publicity with the Oblivion!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Ronaldo has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ronaldo)


Reymond has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Reymond)

In short I take the Oblivion as a great RPG.

Varacusha has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Varacusha)


Elder Fan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Elder Fan)


shaol has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from shaol)

one of the best games I've played so far

David has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from David)

Outstanding! There was nothing more I could say.

Robert has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Robert)

good but not great

Bharl has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Bharl)

i shall have play the Oblivion 5 times if i again. Very Very addictive^^

Grizpin has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Grizpin)

Where's part 2 of the optimization article?!?! I've been waiting for a month now. Please finish it.

name has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

Well it gets a 2 for the graphics. Thats the only good thing I can say about the game.

Marshmallow has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Marshmallow)

I give 10. Why? Hmm, because I think this game will involve and evolve a lot more as time passes. Nowadays most PC Enthusiasts dont have the appropriate PC System at home. But in 2 years hardware will catch up, and I think Oblivion will reveal very much more than on average systems today. Bethesda must be glad that their RPG has proven so much at first glance. Just everybody was expecting the biggest RPG-Super-Burger-allyoucaneat-Game ever. Its natural that some do disagree with Oblivion now. But really, Oblivion seems to be very ahead of what most PC Gamers Hardware is capable today. Does it make sense to talk about gfx, if not all switches are max, res is at least 1280x? Does it make sense to talk about KI, if not enough cycles are available at a reasonable price? But what i have seen so far with around 50 hours of playing at 15 fps, 800x, .... yes, so far it is top of CRPG. To say is wouldnt be addictive because of automatic balancing, or balance in whatever aspect, seems very weird to me. Oblivion has proven to be expandable due to plug ins, in every aspect. More than Morrowind. What else could you say?? For me, I know that I will come back to Oblivion some days when I have the appropriate hardware on my desk, and I am sure this game will impress me much more than its predecessor. CYA, all ya Gothic slimballs, as long as you have to scrub your balls for a non existent Gothic3-programmerstodojob, you can piss and root in Oblivions dungeons, they are numberless and deep enough.

Sorvian has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sorvian)


Đani has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Đani)


Morgan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Morgan)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


dragon quest has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from dragon quest)

remarkable gameplay

Roger has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Roger)

The greatest RPG game I've ever played.

Master_ZDR has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Master_ZDR)

best rpg of the year !

Gotiger has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gotiger)


Krendel has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Krendel)

The worst disapointment I ever had. The NPC's are just a bunch of ragdolls doing nothing but pointless actions. The whole setting is castrated like Disney and can not amyse me any longer (I last watched sexfree lovin' them all kill the bad guy cartoons at the age of 12) The story is tupide and boring, the beauty of the world becomes boring as far as you run without any reasonable aim around )the story and the quests are not reasonable( and kill weak monsters on your way )thanks, offset-leveling( All in one, I'm sorry for having bought this game with all the bugs (european versions suck terribly with their choppes textes and time after time missing spoken parts) for almost 60€. I will never buy anything from bethesda again.

Morison has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Morison)

Best RPG of all time, in my opinion.

Magus77 has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Magus77)

Hallo, The good side: - Visually very beautiful. I have a high end computer, so it runs well. There is potential for improvments, true. But it looked great out of the box - Sound - good, but a bit repetetive in dungeons. - Some issues which were criticised in Morrowind were adressed: ++ Combat - much better ++ Sneaking - much better ++ Casting and fighting at the same time ++ Mana regeneration - Havok physics are nice, but badly implemented IMHO - see below. - Scheduled NPCs, RAI, nice touch, but not really thought through The bad side: While playing Morrowind I did not think about mods. The first mods out were mostly houses for the player. I did not download any mods, not even all the Bethesda mods. I played. With Oblivion I thought of mods from the first hour of play on, because some things are really bad. There are that many Bad Ideas in the game. - User interface. Will not say anything about this awful thing. There was a mod out in the first days. Beth should be ashamed. - German translation: I got to see some examples on the Web. I always buy the english version of games - and Oblivion gave me one reason more to do so. - Level scaling. It was always in ES games, but never this bad. But with this one could live - see below. But one side effect of level scaling is, that the main quest can be solved very fast, and the character could be a very low level. This does not fit, and it does not really fit if a level 3 character is arena champion. - Level scaling during the Kvatch quest: Everywhere they level the NPCs, but your team of helpers in Kvatch is not leveled. I entered Kvatch at level 16, they were whiped out in seconds. The only essential NPC (the captain) is more unconcious than on his feet. His armor degrades in minutes, so he is standing in his clothes, which does not exactly help him. But he is unconcious and probably more comfortable in clothes anyway - Item scaling. This is the most awful, sloppy and lazy solution they could find. It absolutly kills a large part of ES games. They were too lazy to think about dungeon design (or they did not have the time - see below), and with the automatic marking of dungeons there are no secret dungeons, where you could hide something. So what you will find is always the same. Awful. And I do use a mod which mods the equipment of NPCs, or I would have bandits with daedric gaer around every corner. Awful. - Some of the parameters: Armor is degrading _much_ too fast. After Kvatch I changed this in the CS. It is neither fun nor role playing if you have to hammer your armor and weapon after every enemy. I had 30 hammers with me an was journeyman armorer, and still run out of hammers half the way through. - The idiotic enchanting/reloading is really bad. Enchanting was badly dumbed down. Soul gems come now mostly filled. But htis is rather bad, you find grand soul gems with petty souls in it, so they are unusable for better things. I think they should be modded out and the reload cycles should be longer instead. (Enchanting was unbalancing in Morrowind, but no one was forced to ruin his game this way. Oblivion is unbalanced in other ways). And constant effect has lost all of its mystery if it can be done with even a petty soul gem. - The spellmaker is dumbed down and 'balanced', even as a master I cannot make spells lasting more than 120 seconds, but I can buy journeyman level spells which last 240 seconds. - There are things which are taken from FPS games: Torches around every corner, millions of heal and mana potions (of a quality the character cannot make himself) and so on. Reminds me of Farcry with its ammunition and heal packets. - The main quest, and some other quests: The main quest starts with a console 'tutorial' game, and is rather boring. Worse, it is unbelievable from the start. Emperor flees through dungeon, well I can believe this. Emperor sees a prisoner and connects him to his visions. Ok. Emperor has only three guards with him. Hmm. Emperor and guards do not mind prisoner following them and breaking out. Well. Emperor dies - a catastrophe! And then, they let the prisoner disappear with the most important artefact of the empire? Please. This is awful, the person who wrote this should be whipped. Normally the Blades would have killed the prisoner out of sheer frustration. And it goes on. The silly gates, where nothing happens but some assorted (leveled) daedras coming out. A town destroyed, and then nothing. The entire main quest does not fit the ES games style. It is much too urgent. They wanted to build up pressure fast, so new gamers would not become bored and would know always what to do next. The sacrificed the freedom, because role playing the character cannot ignore the events. In Morrowind there were no urgent events at the start, and the pressure built slowly. So you could do other things. - The choices in quests - non existant. - The quest arrows - ugh. No exploring, no descriptions where to go. No subquests to find a location. Run along the quest arrow. Thanks to Todd Howard. He knows how to make fun games. - Worse, the idiot hint windows. 'I have found the cave X, I should now go in'. Wahhh. Cannot be disabled and absolutely ruins the fun for me. As an old computer hand I heard a saying years before: "Build an interface every idiot can use, and only an idiot will want to use it". This could be rewritten to Oblivions quest structure and the quest helpers, including fast travel: "Make a game every idiot can play, and only an idiot will want to play it". No offense - I did play it myself - The minigames: They defeat RP, because RP is about the abilites and disablilites of the character, not the player. It is possible to open very hard locks with low skill, if one takes the time to learn the mini game. I could not be bothered, I hate such things. So I used the automatic option - and this thing is sloppy implemented, because despite skill around 50 it still breaks some lockpicks even with very easy locks. The other minigame is just silly, I do not use it, I bribe the NPCs. - All the things left out: Enchanting, skills, medium armor, weapon skills, and so on. It seems they always used the easy way out: Somebody complained, so we leave it out. The game is badly dumbed down. Fast travel in itself is not that bad, but they left out _all_ the typical ES travel methods, and this sucks. Not being able to levitate in a world that beautiful also is a dumb decsion Bugs: Some of the bugs are really annoying. The game is unstable. Havok seems to have to do with this, and other processes with the AI. If one sleeps for 4-5 days (4-5 times 24 hours game time), the stability of the game is much better. If I leave a room with havok sims still running, crash probability is higher, I think. Sometimes havok runs wild, one time I had a dead goblin cought in a door, it rattled around, could be heard in the entire cell, and never came to a standstill. No damping. Some creatures, when killed, continue to twitch indefinitely. No damping. Not only is this unnatural, it also costs CPU time and slows down the game. I have a dual core AMD 4800 X2, I do not notice much, but there are complaints about sudden unexplained slow downs of the game. If I drop an item, it is not put down. No, this would have been uncool, it is thrown about, so it upsets other things. If I log in in my house, things one floor below (in the same cell) are disturbed. If I pick something from a table, the entire table surface is disturbed. This should work better. Quest bugs, which show that the game was either tested sloppily or not tested at all. RAI bugs, I saw two Imperial forresters fighting each other to the dead. Something happend to the horse of the countess of Leyawiin, and now she walks, while her escort rides. Really funny, because she is much faster on foot and miles before her escort. So she is unconsicous most of the time, when the bad critters appear in hgiher levels. This could easily solved in the program. There are no corrections built in if a NPC falls under the floor, which happens sometimes. Summary and conclusions: The game is obviously not ready. It seems to be more ready for the console, but there are still bugs, which is worse on XBox because people can do nothing - no console. I can only speculate, but besides bad design decisions they seem to have been under an enormous pressure. Many of the bad things, from the PC user interface to bugs galore could have been ironed out, if they had more time. I suspect, that M$ had to do with it: The XBox needs games, and Oblivion was one of the main applications which would push the XBox 360. So they needed it and they needed it now. I think Beth had no choice in this matter. The game should have been released 3 months later, then many things would have been corrected in QA. The project manager (Todd Howard) is surely to blame for many of the things. He defended some of the more awful design decisions on the boards before release. I will not buy another game when this guy is in charge. He always selected the easy way out, either leave something out, or dumb it down. He set out to 'balance' the game, always saying Morrowind was unbalanced. Yes it was unbalanced, but who cares? It also was fun because of this, and nobody forced the player to make an uberhero. Some items I had, but never used, because they were too strong. Now they rebalanced the game, took much of the fun out of it and failed badly, because you can cheat in other ways (chameleon adds up, with 90% you are unbeatable) now. I am quite sure that the game does not look like the dev team imagined it. There are very beautiful desinged dungeons - with nothing in it. It looks as if they had to finish the game in a hurry, so in go the automated leveld monsters, in go the leveld chests, and ready. There are bugs which show this. In a quest you are asked to retrieve a family weapon from a man who left home and his wife with it. If you revist the dungeon after this quest, it is filled again with bandits. And the dead body of the bandit with the weapon stills lies there. And he has the weapon with him. If you take it, you cen never drop or sell it again, since it is a quest item. A shop keeper in Anvil asks you for help (Fighters Guild quest) against thieves. The bodies of the thieves still lie in his shop, months in game time have passed. It does not seem to disturb the shop keeper. There are a lot of unfinished things in the game. With the CS you see a lot of testing areas in the game, some of them are deleted, some are not. There are items, with no purpose. It looks, as if somebody said at some point: "Code freeze, we have to go gold, so we test now for a week and thats it". Pete Hines (the person responsible for many overhyped statements and half truths) told in an interview, the patch would be ready around mid April. It still is not ready. I can only hope the use the time to correct the game, otherwise I will not buy from Bethesda. The game still is playable, even if badly dumbed down. I have a long list of small things (stamina while running, etc) which should be corrected. The game is optimized for the players on console (and I think this was unneccesary, console players do not like dumb games, why should they). With mods the game will be quite nice, I think. But I fear it never will be a great game like Morrowind. Magus

megawavez has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from megawavez)

* Terrific graphics * Good fighting * Got bored with the story and world

David has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from David)

Only one word, A masterpiece!

Garret has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Garret)

Awsome graphics, large beautiful world to explore, good music, open ended, many side quests & unique gameplay!

UC has rated 3/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from UC)

My humble opinion on Oblivion: I do not want to go on about Arena was this, Dagerfall was that Morwwind etc etc Each game was standalone..but all the prior ones completely caught me in, transporting me In a different world where I could Roleplay to the max,. Oblivion after a few hours of playing just bored me to the max or annoyed me, been trying to really pinpoint it and perhaps this post helps me a bit to clear my doubts. Your opinions would help me and I hope helps you too. As you can see I am kind of a nut case regarding elder scrolls ..but Oblivion....honestly is one Very Very Big disappointment. Reasons: many, I saw some mentioned here some not I will try to list some of them. What still keeps me playing it are the graphics, yes perhaps some other games are better but so far I like them, with limitation some of them are really poor: I have an high end PC and use HDR lighting..and at time is really horrendous, you walk on a dungeom and can see all the seems and joints off all the tiles constantly, it really takes away the feel to be in another world ( no no antiala is in HDR) I have allmost everything maxxed out , besides shadows. Who cares about shadows when 60% of the time it is or raining or it iis nightfall, took the grass away basically for game play, the bushes are so high that when I was wandering outdoors I could not see anything beyond few meters and an entire army could have been parked next to me and I could have missed it. So Far almost all maxxed out and I get 33/41 fps average outdoors. I got one great graphic improvement and added it and it really made a big change, even so the sea is so lifeless nothing in it besides a rare shell or an even rare crawfish...disappointing. Costume design...AArgh talk about bad taste, I found a full set of Elvish armor..(.well we had to expell the user from it") ,and UGLY! have you seen the boots, looks like you are wearing scuba diving fins.. swords, besides the katana ( totally underrated ) the rest of them can be put in the category..boring and lifeless. Armor. all helms are allmost of the same hybrid Greco-Roman reminiscence, have you seen the Dwarven helm? looks like someone stuck a funnel to your head. Sounds. Great you get the stereo effect when you walk by people talking etc etc Game play: insipid to infuriating. Here the list gets very very long: I bypass the lockpick minigame I think enough has been said about it, but that speech minigame....( censor) so far I found 6 quest that you must use it..that is it..use it or go nowhere...I found a way around it but still it is annoying me to the max that you get a quest, and you go ask ppl around for information, and the same ppl that a second ago talked about their lives now mistrust you and you must convince them to be nice to you..bleahhh Leveling and bestiary....ouch... First of all I never hunted higher levels. actually the opposite, I take my time I like to role play ( which I find harder and harder to do) I even added a mod that slows down your skill advancements ( i have it at x4 more) still just for crawling cautiously in caves, dungeons or whatever bad territory I got an insane 70! (at sneaking) at level 10! ( yes 10 ) and I am not RP a thief or an assassin the opposite actually I entered a cave full of Goblins and guess what? all the goblins now are armed with elvish weapons....oh my.....bandits on the roads the same... I am curious so I went exploring as soon I could dump all the junk I got from the first dungeon...oh my this region looks that has an infestation of road bandits wild beasts roaming imps etc..etc.. I cannot walk around more than 5 minutes that I am attacked, gets old after a few hours of gameplay. Combat..I find it a step backward not forward, or is it me that I lost my coordination or really is not that great, i find the usuall routine...you see me far, now I am not... I am on top of you hitting you like a machine gun, not enough, look now I am I become a jumping jack and jump behind you so I can backstab you, I use a warhammer,( a slow and tiring weapon as far as I know) no problems I am the cousin of speedy Gonzales with the stamina of an ox I keep swinging and swinging.....boring...I rarely found I a fight that was really satisfying...same old routine over and over and over. I posted time ago of how basically if you attack anything humanoid you are charged with an assault...I think I know why, perhaps I am wrong... I ended up in a place ( quest) when I soon I walked in all npc are hostile, OK...the first in front of me does not have even time to move that I cut him down running around I basically caught all other members not ready or getting ready to fight, it was one of the easiest fights ever and a 4 vs one! Went through a door and now I find one waiting ..hard..read routine above. Perhaps because I use light armor (they took away medium) and I am fastish still...took me by surprise how the first 4 where so easy, and I mean easy, the moment I started hitting they could not recover ( strange). I forgot in How many quests I have been sent to eliminate some bad NPC and think in 4 of them I had the guards waiting for me outside ready to arrest me for charges of theft murder assault etc..??what? and these are not thieves or assassin quests (the opposite actually). The protect me type quests are really unnerving in one 5 dremora and a clanfear where waiting me and my charge..in a totally dark area...pfffffff there is no continuity I think just chatting around for rumors someone told me where to meet the gray fox! uh? by chance one time I was close by went to check it , a charm spell et voila' I am in the thieves guild? what! does not make sense....total clean record still welcome welcome...sister...uh? I walk by a city and see this big marker...( Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary )..uh?....the most mysterious despised and hunted organization and there you have a big sign saying hey we are here!... Many many more incongruities as the untrappable traps..take it or leave it type ones...one quest basically I found myself being not anymore in the elder scrolls but playing prince of Persia....Spells that cannot be deleted till some saint in the comunity finds a way to bypass that and makes a mod for it. Basically I feel this game has been made for the mass (no offense to anybody, please), for a play station ( call it xbox or whatever) and made to appease everybody and in doing so does not please anyone. I do really hope some people really succeed to correct some mistakes ( I think all cannot be done) and make some mods that corrects them and perhaps Obliivion would be closer to what we expected. Regards to all

Poter has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Poter)

...tons of fun.

Johnson has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Johnson)

Good game. Simply Graphics - 10/10, Sounds - 10/10, Interface - 8/10, Gameplay - 10/10, replayvalue - 9/10, Overall - 10/10.

Diego has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Diego)

I can't stop palying this rpg. Suffice to say, I suppose I am completly addicted to it.

Voleur has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Voleur)


Krondos has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Krondos)

Fantastic! Set your own goals in the Cyrodiil and play the game.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


John has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from John)

The Morrowind was a great RPG. The sequel to the Morrowind, the Oblivion is the same type of play as in the Morrowind and is more detailed. It has been improved on every aspect.

Tiffes has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Tiffes)


Darius has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Darius)

TES 4 Oblivion is the most open ended RPG and the most gorgeous game ever.

edwin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from edwin)

so good and so great

Jim has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jim)

Ooooh shit, fucking game. I can’t help playing this game. It's, it's a skooma!

Mitosion Drea-Nor has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mitosion Drea-Nor)

No matter what flawz there r. it is still da best RPG ever made and da most addictive and fun

obebir has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from obebir)

Amazing graphics, best i've ever seen, but Bethesda seems to have forgotten to write a story for this game, cliche and foolish storyline, even diablo 2 had a better scenario. I really wonder what Bethesda will do with Fallout3. Also i am quite curious if this game whether shoud be labeded as role playing or not. Where was rplaying really? Factions were also silly, my char was arch-mage of the mages guild while he was he also an errand boy in fighters guild. He was the champion of cyrodill but at the same time he was assinating imperial officers. I wish Bethesta had hired more actors for vocalization, which was also really annoying.

Charls Bernard has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Charls Bernard)

Well made

Max has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Max)

Perfect game, except ugly interface of inventory.

Gowayto has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gowayto)


Chris has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Chris)

Such an immense, massive game! I've been playing 3 days almost solid and i still havent vistied all the citeies and hardly any of the caves have been explored. Amazing graphics and i've hardly seen any slowdown etc.

Jackson has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jackson)

The deepest game I have ever played. If you have a lot of time, buy this game. You won't be sorry.

Alexander has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Alexander)

Morrowind was more good game.

Albert Crown has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Albert Crown)

Simply pick this game up and explore the vast world of Cyrodiil. You can do whatever you wish!

Me-Me has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Me-Me)

The best until now!

Jeremy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jeremy)

Definitely the best RPG of the year, or best game of the year.

Bauble has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Bauble)

Love it.

just4fun has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from just4fun)

level scaling & inventory interface & console-like design --> RUINED this game :(( Morrowind RULES, but this one really sucks :(( too bad for the beautiful graphics

Jetset has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jetset)

I had so much fun with this game, It has just so much content. Non-linear, open ended gameplay, beautiful graphics, great combat & ets.

Matt has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Matt)

Kasavin, a reviewer of the GameSpot said, "What's overwhelming about Oblivion is how good it is and how much there is to it. Literally almost everything that's ever been done well before in past role-playing games is in here--done at least as well, if not better. From the quality of the story and character interaction to the pure thrill of the combat to all the pleasure to be found in the game's little details--the lock-picking minigame, the alchemy system, the way arrows stay stuck in their victims, the ability to eventually create your own spells, the informative full-color manual, all the different books you can stop to read in the game--these things combine to make Oblivion one of the single best, longest-lasting gaming experiences to be had in a long time." I dont like him as a reviewer, but agree with him in his opinion!

perman has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from perman)

I can't explain how disappointed I am with this installation. All people I know that have experience in RPG's dislike this game. There are so many details that I won't go into, but I'm being totally serious.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Jack has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jack)

One of the best gaming experiences in my life,

Willson has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Willson)

Advanced GTA of the fantastic universe!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Eric Toad has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Eric Toad)

The amount of stuff you can do in this game is amazing. a Mighty figter or knight? a powerful Mage or stealthy assasin? a vampire or vampire hunter? It's all possible.

Miki has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Miki)


Rio Nafas has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Rio Nafas)

Absolutely stunning!

Mike has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mike)

Amazingly frustrating and amazingly rewarding.

Jim Pavrisio has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jim Pavrisio)

This game will rule, and I recommend it to everybody.

Smith has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Smith)

The Oblivion is a well open ended RPG that simulates a fantasy world, the Tamriel. There are numerous goals to achieve, but you can choose when and where.

ip has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ip)


Areyoucrazy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Areyoucrazy)


Jonadan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jonadan )

Incredible! The greatest RPG.

Graylion has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Graylion)

Well done, Bethesda! This is the deepest game I have ever played.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Tecknomage has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Tecknomage)

While recognizing Rendelius article is subjective (as he reminds us in a way) and I agree with all his points, IMHO there are no game-play faults. Even the scaling system I have no problem with. Difference is NOT bad, just different. Are there things I would prefer, of course, examples: - I wish all TES games allowed you to save your character. The best example of this is the Export/Import Character option in the RPG "Sacred" (saves your character, character stats, inventory including the World Chest, and teleportation gates you have already opened). When you start a new "Sacred" game you can Import a character, from there all enemies are scaled to your STARTING stats, then you continue building up your stats. The advantage you do get from this system is whatever high-quality weapons/armor/spells you have from the previous play and the already open gates. - The all scaling should have been adjustable (sliding-bar) as part of the Game Options.

Milton Ahashi has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Milton Ahashi)

$106M? amazing!

Kenne has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kenne)

Awesome, the best game I ever seen...

GothicGothicness has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GothicGothicness)

Awful game. ONe of the worst I've played.

Joel matin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Joel matin)

comment The best RPG ever made.

Wizzban3 has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Wizzban3)

stunning game with the best graphics i ve ever seen in a rpg. but this game has much more to offer. like a nice storyline where many unexpected things happen. lots of freedom in what you are able to do. play the good or the evil guy or combine both to get the most of the game. venture through lots of dungeons and caves meet creatures you ve never seen before and fight them in melee, ranged or magic combat. worship the gods and aquire special quests from them that give you unique items that cause weird effects. I hope there will be a major addon with a new storyline tree soon.

Derilmoonses has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Derilmoonses)

Itīs worth the money, and you donīt gonna get disappointed.
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