Quandary's delightful Rosemary Young reveals her rather rave review for Kheops Studios/The Adventure Company's Voyage (aka Journey to the Center of the Moon)...
Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne is a twist on the well known Jules Verne tale, From the Earth to the Moon. As such the storybook characters of Barbicane, President of the Baltimore Gun Club, Nicholl, the armourer, and Michel Ardan, make an appearance - even if momentarily in the case of the first two. In the spirit of the novel they have been propelled moonward in an armoured space capsule, or shell, courtesy of a giant cannon.
The immediate background to this story is for you to uncover as you begin playing Voyage, suffice it to say that it's 1865, and Michel Ardan finds himself the sole survivor, circling the moon. You step (and sometimes float) into Mr Ardan's shoes and your first challenges are to keep on breathing and facilitate a smooth landing. On the moon you'll meet the Selenite inhabitants and, if you prove yourself worthy, you may return home once again.
Rosemary ends up awarding Voyage an overall 4 out of 5 star rating!! |