The stand-alone character editor that NCSoft released last week to entice Asian audiences to the superhero game City of Hero [Note: dropped plural intentional; this is the overseas title of the game] has effectively been closed to audiences outside the target region, since the tool now requires registration on a Korean language web site. Also, the company has apparently bristled at public posts by players who described how to get the free tool to run in English. While no official explanation of these events has (or will) be provided, it's safe to assume that it has to do with a few litigious North American comic book publishers.
Last week we reported on the Asian release of City of Hero and the stand alone character editor appearing for download as part of a promotion. Well, no free toy. NCSoft has taken it down. Or rather, they've moved it to a page that requires registration, which kind of excludes anyone who can't read Korean. Also, they sort of vaguely, but very politely, threatened the kid who put up the English language conversion guide until he took that down, also. Because editing the regional settings in your own registry, or telling anyone how, is bad. Or not. It's easy to see why he wouldn't want to try to argue about it, though.
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