1UP has a piece from Computer Gaming World's Shawn Elliott entitled "Escort Mission" in which he looks at the proliferation of virtual call girls in Linden Lab's Second Life.Insofar as consuming and creating makes them so, Second Life citizens who're neither enrolled at state universities nor capable of persuading congresspersons to appear in virtual utopias are similarly upstanding. Because residents retain the rights to what they build and buy, Second Life's goods and service industries boom. According to Catherine Smith, director of marketing for SL owner Linden Lab, "In January of 2006, Second Life residents exchanged $1,384,752,765 in-world 'linden' dollars, or over $5 million U.S. dollars, based on the current exchange rate of 276:1." Gowns, cars, kittens, rocket packs, lunar rovers, condominiums, turntables, couches--players make or mod scads of shop and show-off opportunities in SL's unbounded buyosphere, from personal appearance to animations to architecture. SL citizens are designers, crafters, cinematographers, engineers, civic planners, real estate agents. And prostitutes. More... |