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Ad Personam: Jessica Urquhart, Black Isle Studios
Sia 'Garrett' Manzari, 2003-07-03

Ad Personam is dedicated to the people behind the games: programmers, artists, musicians, directors, producers and many other professions involved in creating the stuff that fills our harddisks, lets us sleep less and eat more junk food. In each Ad Personam, we want to introduce one of these fine folks to you - and this time it is Jessica Urquhart, Black Isle Studios' lovely PR Manager.

RPGDot: Please tell us who you are, what you do and about your career history.

Jessica Urquhart: My name is Jessica Urquhart (aka: PR Manager/Webgeek of the Isles). I started here at Black Isle in December of 2000 as a part-time "web chick". I previously had an internship which turned into a full time position also as a webgeek at one of LA's largest record labels (hint: the offices are located in a landmark Hollywood circular building)! Eventually my part time job here at la Isla Negra became a full time position and I was drawn into the fun and exciting world of all things PR to boot! It's been a great experience thus far, I mean where else can you show up to work with a giant "flamehead" of hair and be taken almost seriously? And I can't say enough about my new favorite hobby "harassing producers to give me PR stuff" I highly recommend it! Fun for the whole family almost!

RPGDot: Your favourite game, both electronical and board?

Jessica Urquhart: I must confess my favorite games all find their home in those fabulous childhood years circa 1982-1986. I will always hold an extremely fond place in my heart for my main lady Ms.Packman (I mean just the fact that she goes by Ms. And not Mrs.or Miss is reason enough to think she's the coolest ain't it?). Other old-school favorites include Tetris (I'll never get over my love for this game) as well as Super Mario Brothers (I mean it came with Duck Hunt, what's not to love?), and of course the totally hi-fi Road Blasters.

Of course my recent video game loves have been fueled by various multiplayer first person shooters. Mind you, I can't name a particular favorite *Return to Castle Wolfenstien* as I enjoy wasting my co-workers here at the office in almost any gaming world *especially Return to Castle Wolfenstein.* However, a few particulars come to mind. Did I remember to say that I was a big fan of Return to Castle Wolfenstein? I also really enjoyed Battlefield 1942 and am eager to play the expansion as soon as we all get a regular game night going again here at the Isle (insert not so subtle hint to any and all coworkers reading this to set up a server so we can once again hurl obscenities through the halls of BIS as we gleefully waste each other with both style and finesse)!

Board games; I hate to say I haven't really played that many in the past few years so I'll just have to choose the totally cheesy and generic answer of Monopoly as that's about the last one I can recall playing! Mind you I did have a mighty fine Smurf board game as a child that I loved to pieces…aaaah those were the days!

RPGDot: Your favourite movie and favourite actor & actress?

Jessica Urquhart: My favorite movie, ooooh that's a tough one. I have so many it's hard to choose, however the ones that seem to get the most replay in La Casa de la Webgeek are not only lovely cult classics like Girl on a Motorcycle and Russ Meyers "Return to the Valley of the Dolls" but also tried and true 60's hits like Easy Rider, Harold and Maude, and the like. However, my life as I know it could not continue without my Absolutely Fabulous box sets! Losing those would be a fate worse than death I assure you!

Favorite Actor numero uno…Gary Oldman. Need I say more? Okay well maybe Clive Owen and Robert Carlyle too. Darn it..throw a little Jude Law and Jonathan Rhys Meyers in there for their pure acting prowess alone *wink wink nod nod* and we're halfway home! Actress wise I'd have to say probably Miranda Richardson, Jennifer Jason Leigh (because she plays a lot of nutters) and Angelina Jolie (because she is such a nutter in everyday life)! I also can't give enough praise to the dynamic duo of pure comedy gold that is Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley of Absolutely Fabulous fame (again it all comes back to Ab-Fab my friends)!

RPGDot: Your favourite singer/band and record?

Jessica Urquhart: Another super tough one as I am an absolute music fiend. So again I must turn to those bands/albums that are never too far away from my CD player. Most notably The Dandy Warhols "Come Down" album, most albums by the Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Jesus and Mary Chain, The Warlocks, and of course the oldies but goodies like my Stones singles box set and my "Nuggets" collection of all the 60's garage rock one could possibly handle. However, I also love the old classics like our man Sinatra, Dean Martin, and LOVE to listen to "The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny" most mornings. Me, musically opinionated? Surely not! Yes ladies and gentlemen I LIVE for music! Sabbath, did I remember to mention Sabbath? Insert any other modern Sabbathy bands to this list and that just about covers it! :

RPGDot: If you could do any game, regardless of money and developing time, what would it be?

Jessica Urquhart: Oh this is an easy one…do I hear ANYTHING involving Wonder Woman?!?!? Going once, going twice…any takers?

RPGDot: If you'd be able to choose anyone from within the game industry to work on your dream project, who'd you put in your team?

Jessica Urquhart: This is kind of hard for me to answer as I'm not a developer, but I'm sure I'd choose a gaggle of my awesome co-workers here at the Isle as it would be hard to choose just one…oh and anyone that worked on Return to Castle Wolfenstein, I remembered to mention that I maybe kind of sort of possibly liked that game now didn't I?

RPGDot: What character from a game or role-playing setting best describes you?

Jessica Urquhart: Here's the part where I have to hang my head in shame as one does not instantly come to mind, so I'll just have to leave it at ANY crazy red-headed chick with a giant sword who likes to cause chaos and runamok wasting anything and everything…works for me!

RPGDot: Your non-gaming hobbies?

Jessica Urquhart: Actively seeking out Orange County and LA's finest (and cheapest) drinking establishments, oh and music, let us not forget the music! In my free time I enjoy making extremely loud rockandroll noise with my crazy friends (some might call this a band, some might not). We'll be bringing our awesome sounds to a town near you soon so be warned! Muahahaha!

RPGDot: Your favourite author and favourite book?

Jessica Urquhart: Hmmm, again another tough one to give one answer to. Of course I'd like to sound totally bohemian and totally intellectual as I toss off names like Ayn Rand, Keroac, and Dostoyevsky…but at the end of the day lately I've been reading a LOT of fluffy things like autobiographies of rockandrollers. Marianne Faithfull, Grace Slick, Up and Down with the Rolling Stones, that sort of light (but highly entertaining) reading as of late. I also enjoy my fine Scottish brothers Iain Banks and Irvine Welsh for their purely wholesome and moralistic tales of upstanding ladies and gentlemen…are you with me?

RPGDot: What historical person would you like to meet and why?

Jessica Urquhart: Lordy lordy lordy, you guys have tough questions here…I honesty can't think of anyone at the moment but probably somebody who is thankfully alive and well and supercool like Marianne Faithfull because I think she'd be great to go knock back a few drinks with and would have some mighty neat things to say! Fuhgettabout those serious, no fun, uptight kids who while they may have done something really cool probably wouldn't be all that much fun to hang out with! Not that I have no respect for their accomplishments I just don't necessarily think they'd be up for the groovy happening shindigs! :

RPGDot: Thanks for your time!

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