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The excellent Kieron Gillen has penned a preview of 'Auto Assault' for Eurogamer. Here's a clip:First things first: it's not the Mad Max game of our dreams (and if you don't have Mad Max dreams because you haven't seen it, don't read the last line of this preview, because we're going to totally spoil it. Go see it, have Mad Max game-dreams, then come back and appreciate that this isn't one). Yes, it's set in a post-apocalypse world and involves driving kitted-out vehicles. Yes, it's an action-lead thing rather than the more sedentary stat-based system of lore. And, yes, you can be a character in a ludicrous leather costume. However, in terms of actual setting it's a lot more high-tech science-fiction that pure post-apocalypse. The level of technology on display is well above what you'd expect by the phrase "Mad Max", including cars in the Biomek faction being able to transform into a robot mode for added stomping. It's also worth noting that while the pace is much faster than other MMOs, there's still a still a firm statistical underlay to everything. While you select the cone where your weapons fire, whether you draw a bead or not depends on the abilities you've managed to amass. In other words, while having a strong action element, it's not a pure-action MMO like PlanetSide. |