d20 Magazine Rack, a fansite for d20 RPGs, has reviewed The Temple of Elemental Evil. The rating is 'A-' and here's a snip:If you’re looking for a D&D 3.5 Rules primer, Temple of Elemental Evil is it – the game is that faithful to the rules system. In my opinion, this is by far the best and most accurate implementation of the D&D Rules in a computerized format to date – and I’ve played the Gold Box games, the Baldur’s Gate series, and Neverwinter Nights. The level of rules detail is amazing -- down to skill synergy effects, accurate poison effects, incubation periods for diseases, full multiclassing, and so on. The level of detail can be frustrating to the novice, since some things will look like bugs, but are in reality accurate representations of the rules. For example, consider an archer consistently failing to hit a target – turns out the character didn’t have precise shot, and was shooting past an ally, gaining a net –8 “to hit”. The dice roll tracker allows the player to look under the hood and see exactly what is going on, and find that the rules are implemented faithfully. As a hardcore D&D player, I really appreciate this level of attention to the rules. |