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Gamespy talked to Peter Molnyeux about Fable in an interview they conducted at E3. Here's an excerpt:
GameSpy: So the way your character develops -- I get the impression it's all sort of seamless. It's never just like "you've gained a level."
Molyneux: Leveling up -- there has to be leveling up. I mean, I have played RPGs and I have said "I'm not going to go to the toilet until I level up." Leveling up is a very important part. Leveling up, and weapons, and skills, and abilities, and aiming for something. So although the character morphs and changes visually, inside the interface there's also a bar. It's broken up into chunks -- level 1 is represented by the first line, level two the next, etc. You're slowly changing as you get to the next point, but when you get to that point you'll see your muscles pop if you're doing strength -- he'll actually go through a strength morph. So these are the high points of the morphs going on. Of course they posted some screenshots with the interview as well. |