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Icewind Dale 2 has been rated 88 times so far, average score: 7.85/10 points


Garrett has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Garrett)

A rock-solid RPG...but I think I can't take more Infinity Engine games...except for an IWD2 expansion maybe :)

Rafallo has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Rafallo)

It is only a not very improved version of ID. To late to be good while Morrowind or NWN are out.

Storamin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Storamin)

Wow! This is even better than the original, either baldur's gate, or even PS:T! This is my favourite game since SC!

kelendil has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from kelendil)

Linearity in RPGs can be good, just look at the Icewind Dale series. Very fun game, lots of battles, requires more strategy than most RPGs. The art team on IW2 is extremely talented. Lots of action!

Halfdane has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Halfdane)

Good game overall. Good implementation of 3E rules. Interseting battle. The graphics are dated though that's the only thing keeping it from getting 10/10

Md has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Md)

it's just what i expected :)

rr has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from rr)

This game ownz!

Zendor has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Zendor)

Best IE game yet. Great gameplay and the single player is the best out of the RPGs this year.

Shadowstrider has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Shadowstrider)

Solid plot developent, great character customability, thanks to 3e. Only downfall is the game is the ending movie, which some may like, but I found it dull . . . shoot me.

Elin Nordegren has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Elin Nordegren)

Great, Great game. the 3E rules, game size, and sheer artistry of it put it as one of the best in my books.

Nate has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nate)

It has infinite replay value! Just install it and delete it again.

Super Dude has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Super Dude)

Cool game lots of fun, gotta love a good tactical hack and slash

Volourn has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Volourn)

A good dungeon crawl with fun combat, and some nice oppurtunities for fine interaction.I'm playing it as I type this, and am loving the experience.

Lord John has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Lord John)

Great Game Love the new item icons new backgrounds everything actually :D

purka has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from purka)

cool new game

Sammael has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sammael)

A very solid and fun game, if you are into "intelligent dungeon crawling." Much better single-player campaign than NWN.

Darren Whitehead has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Darren Whitehead)

For a hack n slasher this game delivers bigtime.

David has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from David)

Nice polished game, good 3e implementation, Would have like AOO though.

Zhen Dil Oloth has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Zhen Dil Oloth)

Love the music. Love the subclasses and subraces (at last I AM DROW). Love the humour. The story starts out great but you kind of forget that there is one after a while because of the very heavy battles that awaits you. Hate the challenge rating crap. I hate 3rd edition.

Bryan Blaire has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Bryan Blaire)

Hopefully at some point, they will stop producing games that cater to those with the 12 year old mind. 3e implementation not perfect, but so far, none have had it. Hybrid 2e/3e rules set is more annoying that either PoR2 or NWN though.

Sam Happy has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sam Happy)

Yet another uninspired dungeon hack with little to no freedom who's only selling point is the popular D&D license. Thirteen months for this?

Sony666 has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sony666)

Yeah that's one hardcore single-player AD&D dinosaur, unfortunately I had enough of those and the story tends to be tedious and somewhat boring. Not to forget a lot of frustating and unfair parts of the game... Neverwinter Nights revealed the future of CRPGs, although NWN's single player campaign is somewhat leightweighted :)

CGV has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from CGV)

Tactical combat meets RPG gaming at its finest. Great game.

Ultimate Thief has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ultimate Thief)

great improvements, cool interface restructuring, fun to play

Dave Woods has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Dave Woods)

While not perfect IWD2 is definately a contender for the best RPG of the year. Made with a heavily modified version of the venerable IE, IWD2 is an old but familiar friend, even if the interface and rules were overhauled. Speaking of rules, the implementation of the 3E D&D rules is the best so far (who needs AoO anyway). The story is good and the gameplay a good mix between combat, puzzles and dialog, though with an acknowledged slant towards larger combats (very little one on one stuff). The game is linear, but that isn't a bad thing. The main path is focused, though there are sidequests with some that have more than one way to solve them. In the end its still Point A to B to C... but your stay at point C can include alot of things... The sound and music are superb, though the music is sparse (a bit of a complaint). It does add to the barreness of the cold north. The area art is amazing, it has a "rugged" feeling to it (which fits the area). The portraits have a similar feel. though there are a few portraits that don't fit the mood. The spell effects are top notch once again, more pronounced than BG2/ToB but not showstopping like PST. Alas the graphics engine itself is 2D only and is getting old. The avatar animations can't match Morrowind or NWN. Still they get the job done. Combining everything this is one great game.

vad has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from vad)

PS: T had much better graphics. But god... forget graphics. Look at AI. The AI in the game is completely retarded. I've never played a game with such crapy AI, and I've played a lot of games, trust me. The sometimes annoying AI in Vampire or Arcanum doesn't even BEGIN to compare to this retardness. My opinion so far: Get Arcanum, Planescape or Gothic.

Kamil has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kamil)

Infinity Engine rulez!! seriously this game has an awesome atmosphere, engrousing story, and fun gameplay. Just goes to show that 3D is not always enough (cough... NWN). Way to go BlackIsle (hope they make Planescape 2)

Sembiance has rated 3/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sembiance)

You've got to be joking, this game is not anywhere close to the calibur that the other games on this list have achieved. The graphics, sounds and voices are almost the same as those in IWD 1, the storyline is practically the same, although I know it's a combat based game, the few quests that were in the game gave FAR too less experience for completion. Sorry to say, but they didn't even come close to doing what they should have with this game.

Storamin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Storamin)

Wow, this is the best game I've played in a long time. This game shows that 2d graphics are not dead!

Mattias Kreku has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mattias Kreku)

I've never really fallen for the Black Isle Studios style of games.. Until I tried Icewind Dale 2. It is easy to get into, it feels rewarding and challenging, you have lots of stuff to do (although it's a bit linear) and there are plenty of different npc's around to entertain you. The d&d 3E rules may feel a bit.. contraining at times but the overall gameplay far outweighs that little quirk. Too bad it's isometric though..

fisher has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from fisher)

please, no more Infinity Games... dear god. The only interesting thing about this title are the uber-cool goth portraits.

ariana has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ariana)

Yes some of us have won every fight. It helps to forget the roleplaying aspects and go for sheer power - cheese, if you will. This is as about as good as the very dated engine can get.

Ashkar has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ashkar)

Great game!! who cares if the graphics may be a little out of date?? morrowind was beautiful but so fucking easy and boring after 5H of game and NWN; well played 2H and uninstalled, didnt manage to get into it... maybe i should try the multiplayer part...

ass has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ass)


Carlos Ribeiro has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Carlos Ribeiro)

This game offers all you need

playaz has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from playaz)

very buggy

vins has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from vins)

Gameplay-wise this is a step up from neverwinter and baldurs gate 2 since you are given the option create all six characters and all of which are extremely costumizable to the extent where you determine their personalty (not alignment but personality) already. but it does have a downside to it... namely the endless dungeon crawling and not enough story to it. It also lacks the overwhelming number of quests found in baldurs gate 2 mind you (which I enjoyed thoroughly).

İlker Kaan DEMİREL has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from İlker Kaan DEMİREL)

A fully well-desinged and entertaining game to play, also a good implementation of 3E rules. Easy to control with successful interface...

knight37 has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from knight37)

Superbly crafted hack-n-slash. If you don't like a lot of combat then don't bother with this, but if you like it and you like it done right, this is your game.

Woodwyrm has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Woodwyrm)

The game is just what i've expected, although a linear experience. Though huge improvements have been made (like a customisable interface), the 3rd ed. rulez own! Other titles like NwN and Morrowind can't keep up with this installment, because of the many options newbies may find it to be a little to hard... Those familiar with the first title will love it, the many options, the graphics, the... Everything!!!

Artillery has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Artillery)

It's difficulty(AI), Graphic, music, and interface is way better than its sister, IWD 1. Good job!

Milen has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Milen)

Great Game

'13' has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from '13')

Since my computer is rather low-tech (PII 450) this title has been the highlight of the year, not only does it run smoothly, it runs problem-free! I am aware of the fact that this title is the last (excluding a ID2-expansion) to be built with the infinity engine, for me that is a sad thing. I live in the hope for a ID2-expansion but it's unrealistic..

nidal has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from nidal)

i must keep an eye on you guys..

nidal has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from nidal)

sorry guys ,my previous rating was for the music of Icewind Dale 2 not for the game..

goat_meat has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from goat_meat)

great game

stormlord has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from stormlord )

a great game - more than I expected (a BG2 clone). Only the Infinity sux (hard), but I got over it!

Wydewut has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Wydewut)

Below average. Linear and very week in storyline (what good is RPG without story?). Besides, excuse my ignorance, I don't understand the meaning of the 'game' in icy place, where one has to fight over 200 duels to see what worthless prizes are! Bah, Black Isle starts to loose its creativity... We'll see about Lionheart.

Scar has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Scar)

A far better game than NWN or Morrowind could ever hope to be. Writing is far better, 3E implementation is better than either NWN or PoR2. Very fun. Only shortcoming is that the main plot feels disjointed at times...

firestorm has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from firestorm)

daniel wright has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from daniel wright)

best rpg on the pc

Jon W has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jon W)

It's a great game. It actually showed how that part of Faerun had changed in 50 years since the original game. The only thing that keeps it from getting a 10 is that the narrator wasn't David Ogden Steers. Besides that I loved it.

Pinny has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Pinny)

Hack Slash and Rest then repeat 500 times. Good selection of classes/races to create your party from and plenty of interesting items. Story start off well but suffers later on in the mindless dungeon crawl towards the end.

merchito has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from merchito)

Infinite engine is dated. But it is still the best medium for carying an RPG exprience into your computer. You loved it once, you will love it for ever. Icewind dale II is more than an hack and slash RPG like Icewind dale was. It is a perfect compromise between baldur's gate and Icewind dale I. I love it.

george31 has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from george31)

I liked it more than IWD1. Dated engine, though.

someone has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from someone)

Very good game only problem with it is the lack of any conversation between your party they fight together through out many battles and talk to many different people though never talking to each other. Which creates more of a hack and slash gameplay through out dungeons.

stonedben has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from stonedben)

Its ok, but its no baldurs gate. Way too much hack n slash for my liking

Yaya has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Yaya)

Great game. took me a long time to beat it (even on my 3rd time doing so). npcs react well with whoever you talk to them with n crap. I actually liked it better the 2nd and 3rd time I beat it then the first

Arctos has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Arctos)


GreenOne has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GreenOne)


RoCkYX has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from RoCkYX)

million of bugs all over the game... even in the 2.01 patch... no patch better than 2.01... SUX

Imagica has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Imagica)


name10070 has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name10070)


sidpolo has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from sidpolo)

Though it lacks the depth and story of both BGs, it has the best edition of infinity engine which remains the best engine for RPGs.

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Shaka has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Shaka)


zxcv has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from zxcv)

totalgridlock has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from totalgridlock)

if this had been released a couple of years earlier it would have been an instant classic... shame such a good game came too late

Steeltears has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Steeltears)

One of the best isometric dated engines and gameplay. The 3rd Edition Rules really allow you to make any type of character instead of restricting all the fun like in earlier rules editions. A must have for all Forgotten Realms fans.

Eric has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Eric)

Excellent, well worth playing.

karlos has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from karlos)


RaveAir has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from RaveAir)

It's a great game!

Dr. Hoads has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Dr. Hoads)

I was hoping for more story and same gameplay of IWD. Well... It had more story, but the story was uninteresting and did not flow well at all. I have to say that I actually enjoyed the story in IWD1 MUCH more than this. Combat was just as fun as the original, but the locations did not feel as "magical". It is a shame, because I was really looking forward to this game. I finished it, but I had to force myself.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


MindBlank has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from MindBlank)

Best 3E AD&D Infinity game ;) Seriously, it's a great game that no RPG fan should miss it. It's BIS after all!

Rpgplaya2 has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Rpgplaya2)


Fun. has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Fun.)

I love this game for reasons I do not know. I like PS:T and BG1&2 more, but not by a large degree. I think one of the things I love so much about this game is the interaction with NPCs, which is better then most other games imo.

Phil has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Phil)

Good gameplay, engaging story line that brings you to many atmospheres. Beats the shit out of Neverwinter Nights because it sticks to the classic artwork and elements of Baldur's Gate series, which are by far the best.

Crash1912 has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Crash1912)

A very good game. Nice Story, nice graphics and many good tactical fights. You have full control about every member of your party. Active pause allows you to give orders to your characters during combat. I could play hundreds of such RPGs. What a pitty that Black Isle closed it doors. ;(

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


hithere has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from hithere)

solid tactical d&d combat with rpg elements

name has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

No-nonsense tactically-based action RPG - great fun.

YaMattO has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from YaMattO)

My favourite RPG! IDII still in my hdd since 2002. I won't delete. I like 2 play it again n again with different party member. :D

Eliousinc has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Eliousinc)

It will be 4 years, since I first played and I still like very much. For me it is one the greatest RPG's created. It's a real shame that there will not be an IWD3 (it's really sad). Anyway this game surely deserves a 10/10 points!
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