Contestant: Daniel Dee Stott (Ammon777)
Description: Hamsters like to store food (nuts and stuff) in a burrow underground. The Phoda (and hamsters) know that the deeper down into the earth one can dig, the safer it will be against adverse weather conditions and surface predators. So the deepness designates that there is safety deeper within the burrow.
Contestant:Andrew Peters
Description: It's a good city name. I had a pet hamster named that once, but he died because my brother left him outside in his cage, in the sun one day.
Contestant: Dave Popp
Description: The Great Shrew saved the Phoda race from extinction. It would be fitting that the town be named after the Great Shrew. A synonym for Shrew is Herridan.
Glimmer's End
Contestant: Shawn Williams
Description: When the last of your glimmer has been spent, there's always one treasure that cannot be lost - home. Above all else, treasure this.
Contestant: Antoine TERTOIS
Description: It is the name of a Phoda that died long ago. Phrundoor was a foolish and wreckless ; he didn't care what could be the consequences of his acts. He died bragging he could buy the tavern he was having lunch at that time.
But now, it's up to our readers to decide which of these 5 city names should be the definitive winner. So now it's time to head over to the Voting Poll and decide who to vote for as the name of the Phoda city in the upcoming Ultima X: Online!